MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2138 Crazy guess

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"Why should I lie to Zhao's predecessors." Qin Feng looked a little helpless.

Zhao Ziyu couldn’t calm down for a long time. The moods of the few disciples were also choppy and swaying in Nanpingzhou. I was afraid that I couldn’t find the power of robbing. However, Qin Feng’s 30, however, has already entered the catastrophe. territory.

After calming down, Zhao Ziyu invited Qin Feng to the martial art to be a guest. When the door of Baiyimen learned the realm of Qin Feng, he immediately came out to greet him from the closed gate.

"I don't know Qin Shaoxia's arrival, there is a long way to meet!"

The head of Baiyimen is Zhao Wanqian. Just a few days ago, he stepped into the first floor. This realm is placed on Nanpingzhou, and it is already among the top.

In fact, when Zhao Wanqian got a disciple's report, he couldn't believe the news. Now he saw Qin Feng with his own eyes, and his heart was shocked. Even his current repairs could not see Qin Feng.

"Zhao Zhangmen is very polite, I just happened to pass through Nanpingzhou. I thought of the Zhaozi fish predecessor and I will come and see." Qin Feng smiled.

When Zhao Wanqian discovered that he could not see the realm of Qin Feng, his attitude changed immediately. He also called Qin Feng with ‘少侠, and now he is directly changed to a predecessor.

"Oh! Qin predecessors are too modest. In front of your cultivation, I and Zhao Ziyu can only live in the younger generation, where can dare to support."

Qin Feng was somewhat disgusted with Zhao Wanqian's sleekness. In short, he was not very kind with Zhao Ziyu. Even if Zhao Ziyu knew his current cultivation, he did not refuse to call him the word 'predecessor'.

"The son of the predecessor, I have a question when I visit you." Qin Feng went straight to the topic. If only Zhao Ziyu is alone, he can talk for a while, but now he just wants to ask questions and leave as soon as possible. .

"Qin Shaoxia has any doubts, even though I know, I must tell." Zhao Ziyu laughed.

Qin Feng nodded. "I don't know how much the squid's predecessors know about God."

Zhao Ziyu squatted, but he did not expect Qin Feng to ask God a finger: "Qin Shaoxia, God refers to the heyday of the year is comparable to the power of the nine-star sect, but because the gods are missing, the sects are gradually fading, nowadays I barely mixed a five-star sect, but I heard that the current head of the previous period has disappeared. Today’s **** has already become a four-star force."

These Qin Feng, who are said by Zhao Ziyu, know that the current head of God is being beaten by him.

And Qin Feng is certainly not the one to ask. He wants to know more about the situation of Shen Qijun. After all, I went to the Ghost City to take away the fairy sword of Shen Qijun. The big devil will definitely find the door. Come.

"Is there any understanding of the sons of the sons of the gods who are the gods of the gods?"

"Shen Qijun senior!"

Just mentioning this name, Zhaozi fish will show awe, because Shenqijun is the real predecessor of Nanpingzhou.

"I have only heard of the predecessors of Shenqijun and God's predecessors in the battle of Jianfeng's dynasty. In the end, Shenqijun won. As for other information, I am not clear."

That year, the whole battle was alarmed by the entire Nanping Island. Even after hundreds of years, it was still circulating among the monks.

Qin Feng's look is somewhat lost. Zhao Ziyu knows that it is not a secret at all. Almost all the Nanping Zhou monks know that Qin Feng heard it from Auntie very early. In fact, Qin Feng wanted to find aunt told her about the situation of Shen Qijun, but now she does not know where to look for aunt.

"Qin predecessors, I know some secrets, I don't know if I can say it?" Zhao Wanqian suddenly spoke.

"Zhao Zhangmen said nothing." Qin Feng came up with some spirit.

"This Shenqijun is a big celebrity in Nanpingzhou. When he and the gods pointed out that they almost entered the realm of the gods, and one faction could produce two true gods, it was impossible in Nanpingzhou at that time, so God pointed out The martial art became the first sect of Nanpingzhou at that time, and the martial arts prospered..."

"Then the seven princes rebelled, took away the top swordsmanship of God, and killed God on the Jianfeng. These are all well-known things, but few people know the whereabouts of Shenqijun. Rumor has it that he suddenly disappeared, not hiding and retreating, and he is not flying into the fairy world..."

Zhao Ziyu listened to God and couldn't help but ask: "Hey! Where did the Seven Gods go?"

"The secret said that he was sealed by a large group of powerful monks and had been unable to come out." Zhao Wanqian.

"This is impossible! God Qijun stepped into the true God at that time, dare to ask who is his opponent in Nanpingzhou, how could he be trapped?" Zhao Ziyu could not believe.

Qin Feng’s heart was shocked because Zhao Wanqian’s secret was basically the same as the facts.

Zhao Wanqian continued: "I didn't believe it, but then I heard another secret."

"What secret?" Zhao Ziyu looked forward.

"You should have heard of the strong respect of Dongyezhou, why should you hate your predecessors?"

Qin Feng's look changed: "What do you have to hate?"

"The predecessor has already stepped into the realm of God, and is well-known in Dongyezhou. He is in charge of the Jiuxing School, but he suddenly disappeared. There is a secret saying that he must be trapped in Beishazhou and has never appeared again. ”

Zhao Ziyu shook his head again: "This secret is even more suspicious. Why do you have to hate the predecessors' cultivation as fear that they are not under the Seven Commandments, how can they be trapped in Beishazhou?"

The implication of Zhaoziyu is that Beishazhou lacks aura, and even the power of the body is extremely scarce. How can anyone hate the realm of true God?

Qin Feng was completely shocked this time. The two secrets that Zhao Wanqian heard were all facts. Why do you want to hate and the seven gods are all released by Qin Feng.

"Zhao Zhangmen, where did you hear these secrets?" Qin Feng asked.

"I can't remember it. It was all heard earlier. I didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but then I had a guess. Maybe there is a mysterious force on the mainland, which is specially designed to block the top. Respect, it is not necessarily to prevent the development of other forces."

Qin Feng has some admiration for Zhao Wanqian. The old guy’s brain is big enough. If he is placed on the earth, he will definitely become a network writer.

"If it is as the head says, the mysterious power is too strong, and even the real gods are sleepy."

Zhao Ziyu’s words showed some doubts, and he could not agree with Zhao Wanqian’s speculation.

Qin Feng feels that this speculation is very close to the truth, because he rescued the gods and the seven sons, and both of them showed that they had a hatred with the Kobe gate of Higashino, and they should be trapped by the Kobe gate.

"Zhao Zhangmen, in addition to the two secrets you have said, what other secrets do you have?" Qin Feng came to the interest.

Zhao Wanqian tried hard for a while, and his eyes lit up: "Yes! The other real **** of Nanpingzhou was also disappeared overnight. It has not appeared again until now."