MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2153 Medicine Valley

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"This is really a magical place!" Qin Feng could not help but sigh.

In fact, it is said that the aura concentration of this **** medicine valley is only comparable to the space of the astral space, but the aura in this valley has a unique atmosphere, and the atmosphere makes Qin Feng feel a little familiar...

"Xianqi! This is the unique atmosphere inside Xianshi!" Qin Feng suddenly woke up.

But he quickly questioned this speculation. If the unique atmosphere in the Shenxian Medicine Valley is really scent, then such a large valley will be filled with immortality. How many celestial stones do you need to do?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng dispelled the idea of ​​Xianshi, but here is the continent of comprehension, there are few rare stones, and that kind of conjecture will not exist at all.

"The owner may wish to find the source of this breath, and maybe the problem will be solved." Xiao Xiang said.

Qin Feng also had this kind of plan, and he flew toward the depths of the valley on the Feijian.

There seems to be no limit to this fairy medicine valley. Any monk can enter and leave. Qin Feng has encountered many people on his way. From the virtual **** to the catastrophe, he also encountered a real power.

However, the monks who came to the Shenxian Medicine Valley appeared to be self-sufficient. Qin Feng did not see the fight scene along the way. Later, Qin Feng wanted to understand the reasons. The monks who came to the Shenxian Medicine Valley were divided into two types.

One is to break through the barrier; the other is to pick the Lingcao Lingzhu.

The gods of the gods are rich in aura, and the spirit grasses in the valley grow everywhere. There is no contradiction between the monks because they rob the resources.

"Young man stays!"

Just as Qin Feng’s heart was relieved, an old voice came from behind him.

He swept away with a touch of knowledge, and his mood suddenly became dignified. The other party was the one who discovered him not long ago.

In fact, this real power is just stepping into the middle of the real, with Qin Feng's current cultivation, and doing everything in his power to surely kill each other.

But after all, it is in Dongyezhou. If Qin Fengzhen and the old man fight, it will definitely attract people to watch. Even if he has changed the appearance of Qiao Feng, maybe he can be seen by the magical door of the gods. .

"I don't know what happened to the seniors?" Qin Feng stopped and showed doubts.

The real old man smiled and said: "Young man! I am the main traveler of Yunxiangge Pavilion. I have to talk about Shaoxia."

If other monks hear the truth of the tour, they will be shocked, because Yunxiangge is one of the few eight-star gates in Dongyezhou, but Qin Feng does not understand the power of Dongyezhou. Deputy calm look.

"Predecessors have something to say." Qin Feng did not want to go around with him.

"There is a mystery in this fairy medicine valley. I don't know if it is not interested in Shaoxia." Yu Zhen said.

Qin Feng did not know that Shenxian Medicine Valley had a secret situation. He did not listen to Nantian, but Qin Feng immediately thought of the unique atmosphere in the valley. Will it be related to the secret?

"If a senior can find a secret, he can go on his own. What can the younger generation do?" Qin Feng deliberately pretended to be uninterested.

You really used the voice of the gods to say: "There are some unknowns, the entrance to the secret is a nine-level big array. It is difficult for me to break through the formation alone, so I want to find a few high-level realms. The monk, with me, broke."

Seeing that Qin Feng has no expression changes, Yu Zhen continued: "There is no peace of mind. If the door is really broken, no matter what baby in the secret, I will share it with everyone."

In fact, Qin Feng does not have to team with the tour team, with his status as an eight-level singer, he can find the secret. But now Yuzhen has discovered the secret, unless the old man can't open the door of the secret world, he may leave, otherwise Qin Feng does not want to go into the secret.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Feng can wait for a few months or even a year, as long as the real old man leaves, he has a way to try to enter the secret. But now the time left for him is very small. If you want to quickly enter the secret, you can only team with Youzhen.

After some analysis, Qin Feng nodded and promised: "Good! The younger generation will follow the seniors to see."

The two left the sword.

After the two musks, Qin Feng was taken to a mountain in the depths of the Shenxian Medicine Valley. Four people have been gathered here. When Qin Feng sweeps away with the gods, the four are the power of the late robbery or the peak.

"Dear friends, today I really invite everyone to join the team to enter the secrets of Shenxian Medicine Valley. It is rumored that there is ample aura in this secret, and the spirits are infinite. If you can break through, you can collect the treasures you can collect."

The four people under the mountain peaks were also the helpers of the tour. Qin Feng found that the old man was looking for a robbery monk. He should be in charge of the moment.

Several people introduced each other. Qin Feng did not care about the identity of the four people. Moreover, he was not familiar with the power of Dongyezhou. Even if he listened to the other party's sect, he did not know what it was.

Qin Feng’s attention was placed on an open space under the mountain, where a huge array of fascias was hidden, and the whole mountain in front of him was covered. This hidden big array should be the secret gate that Yuzhen said, and it is not the power of a true monk to break open.

You Zhen said: "You are friends! Now the number is almost the same. We are in front of the entrance to the mysterious medicine valley secret, but the entrance is hidden by a nine-level big array, but don't worry, this nine-level big battle has existed for a long time. The atmosphere of the array has been weakened. I believe that all the friends can join the attack and be able to break the battle."

The crowd is talking about it.

"You are a predecessor, we don't know anyone who can understand the law here. If you want to find another master of the law, then the success rate will be greatly improved."

"The nine-level big array is the top-ranking method of Shenzun's mainland. Even if it exists for a long time, it is not so good."

"I heard that some of the great powers have entered the mystery of the Shenxian Medicine Valley, but they all have to go in and out. Let us still consider it carefully."

Knowing that there were nine levels of large-scale obstacles, several monks showed a sense of retreat.

You Zhen said quickly: "You Dao heard me say, do you know why the monks who entered the Shenxian Medicine Valley have not come out yet?"

Someone said: "Isn't it because of the crisis in the mystery of the Shenxian Medicine Valley, and those powers have fallen into it."

You really shook his head and said in a serious way: "Of course not like that, but those great powers have entered another world."

A few people look puzzled.

"Into another world? How do you talk about this?" Someone asked.

"The spirit of this fairy medicine valley is rich in spirit, even reaching the top of the whole Shenzun mainland. Some lucky people who have entered the secrets of the drug valley have closed their doors in ample aura, and finally flew into the fairy world." Said.