MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2561 Tian Tian and Tian Xin, whoever leaves will stay! (4)

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"Little cherry, Mom told you, Mom is sick now, wait until Mom is sick, Mom will come and take you away, will you?"

Little Cherries' eyes suddenly turned red, then nodded.

Her sweetness makes Tian Tian feel more sad.

Then Little Cherry said, "Mom, let me down."

When she said that, she said again, "Dad, I will obediently. Don't hit me in the future."

In a word, Tian Tian's heart was sour again.

Then she put down the little cherry. She looked at the little cherry and walked into the room by herself, and with a small body pumped and choked.

This look makes Tian Tian feel more sad.

She bit her lip. When Little Cherry's figure disappeared at the door, she glanced at Shi Zhe, and then she said, "Shi Zhe, Li Xiaoxiao is not as good as you look, I thought she was a Good guy, but last time ... "

Shi Ye said impatiently: "Speaking badly behind people, are you because of ... jealous?"

Tian Tian was instantly angry, glaring at Shi Zhe and turning away.

After coming out of the Shi family villa, she exhaled deeply, and then saw Tian Fu Tian Mu still sitting on the bench.

She didn't know what she said and did when she first became Tian Xin, but looking at the sadness of Tian Tian and Tian Mu, she couldn't help lowering her head and walking over.

She slowly came to the two, then bit her lip and saw Meng Chen standing beside them. She was silent for a while, then she said, "Dad, mom, I know, you want sister, and now There is such an opportunity. "

She paused and immediately laughed and said, "But sorry, mom and dad, little cherry needs me more than you."

She said that she looked up at Meng Chen again, "Meng Chen, I'm sorry, I blame you. It turned out that Tian Xin has been entangled with you, but I'm sorry, Tian Xin you like, like your Tian Xin, I don't Will give her body. "

When she said that, no matter what the people behind thought, she went straight forward.

She did not listen to Tian Fu Tian Mu's voice, walked out of the villa area, took a taxi, and returned to her apartment.

Meng Chen glanced at Tian Tian and Tian Tian, ​​and followed Tian Tian behind him, always taxiing and following her.

Tian Tian came to his apartment, got out of the car, and went upstairs.

She was a little bit nervous and wanted to see a doctor, so she planned to go home to check the best psychiatrist in the country first, so she didn't notice it at all, and someone was always following her.

When she came to her door and opened the door, after entering the door, she was going to close the door, but suddenly she jumped out of her figure, pushed her hard, and then someone else came in. !!

Tian Tian's eyes widened violently, and when he looked back, he saw that the person was ...

"Zeng Zhi ?!"

There was a bitterness on Zeng Zhi's face, "Little sweetheart, I gave you everything I have, but what about you? Little sweetheart, if you are not with me today, I will kill you! Then commit suicide and make a pair of ghosts with you! "

When this remark came to an end, he jumped at him!

Tian Tian was startled and wanted to resist, but Zeng Zhi's hand held a dagger, making her afraid to move at all!

But for a hesitant time, Zeng Zhi had clamped her arm and tied her up!

PS: Ah, I have been working on a new book recently. The new book has been conceived, and I write the opening, delete, and delete. As a result, I sat in front of the computer every day and did not accompany me. Today I finally let go of these and accompany them. I played for a day, and as a result, I haven't come downstairs for more than half a month. I went out to play today and got tired after returning, so I have two less chapters today, and then it will be over in a few days ~ Everyone is willing to give this book Cast the last monthly pass?