MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 44

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When the city lights first came on, the cars lined up neatly on the road could not be seen at a glance, and the red taillights flickered in the night, dragging a hazy phantom.

The airport is brightly lit, like daytime, and people with suitcases are coming and going.

Tao Zhiyue stood outside the security inspection channel, looked at Huo Ran who was always slow today, and said with a smile: "Should I return the backpack?"

When he set off yesterday, except for the heaviest glass jar, he only took the necessary things such as his ID card and mobile phone charger. He didn't bring a change of clothes and the like. Now the bag is empty.

Huo Ran came to his senses when he heard the words, and reluctantly took down the backpack that had been hanging on his shoulder for a long time, and handed it to him.

"It's so light, I even forgot."

He glanced at the security checkpoint where the team kept moving forward, and said in a low voice: "You have to go, the road is too congested, and I didn't have a good dinner."

"Time flies so fast, the day is over like this."

Tao Zhiyue also felt this way, obviously they went to many places, talked a lot, and had countless memories during this day.

But at the moment of parting, time always seems so short.

The remaining warmth of the other party still remained in the palm of his hand, Tao Zhiyue hid his melancholy, and answered him with a smile.

"I have to go to work tomorrow, so I can only rush back, and I can eat airplane meals later."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that I resigned and I will start working in a new company tomorrow. My colleagues are very nice and the working environment is very comfortable, in a villa."

Tao Zhiyue emphasized: "I seem to have told you that I used to be a programmer in a game company, and the company I switched to now should be able to make games that really make me passionate, and the salary is also very good, so I am very happy."

"I didn't say it before because I wanted to tell you this to your face."

Huo Ran looked at his uncontrollable excited expression, and laughed along with him: "That's great, you must be doing a great job. When I saw you writing the questionnaire that day, I felt that although I couldn't understand it, I could feel it." .”

No one doesn't like being complimented by a lover.

So Tao Zhiyue nodded calmly, "To be fair, it's not too bad, but it can be improved."

Hearing Tao Zhiyue mention his job, Huo Ran also felt emotional, "I will work hard when I go back. I didn't do anything in the first two months, and I just socialized with people every day. Everyone I should know has already met. Starting tomorrow, I'll pull myself together and get down to business."

"Come on." Tao Zhiyue's thoughts jumped, "Don't we look like two elementary school students who swear to each other that they will study hard in the future?"

"Like." Huo Ran seriously assured, "I will study hard, whether it is work or relationship."

A new relationship has just been established, a new phase of life has just begun, and everything needs to be learned.

"So, at this very meaningful moment, shouldn't there be a commemorative ceremony?" Huo Ran changed the subject.

Tao Zhiyue couldn't keep up with his rhythm, with a blank expression on his face: "What ceremony?"

As soon as the words fell to the ground, Huo Ran opened his arms and hugged the person in front of him very hard.

Tao Zhiyue suddenly bumped into a gentle embrace, brushing against the other's hair with his slightly warm ear, as if scratching his heart very lightly.

After a moment of daze, he raised his hand and slowly embraced the other person's back.

This hug is a long ironing post.

Outside the hot pot restaurant that day, Tao Zhiyue just hugged Huo Ran hastily, as if he was just scratching the surface of water, and he didn't even remember the sound of the other's heartbeat.

Now he heard it, rushing and powerful, so similar to his own heartbeat.

The body is surrounded by endless warmth from the outside world, as if trapped in a soft cloud, which is addictive.

After a long time, Huo Ran let go of his hand, looked at him a little embarrassedly, and said for a long time: "One to one, we are tied."

"..." Tao Zhiyue woke up from his passionate feelings, and said awkwardly, "This metaphor is so strange, are you playing ball?"

"I play basketball every week." Huo Ran said unexpectedly, "Then shouldn't I say next time that I will launch an offensive?"

" already said it."

At the entrance of the separated passage, the voices and laughter of different people filled the air.

Finally, Tao Zhiyue walked into the team with his bag on his back, looking back from time to time.

Huo Ran just stood there and waved to him.

Tao Zhiyue couldn't remember how many times he looked back, anyway, every time he looked back, he could bump into those eyes full of emotion.

He put the backpack into the security basket and watched it slowly be fed into the curtained machine.

Then he couldn't help thinking of the cute or weird nesting dolls on the display case.

Tao Zhiyue lowered his head and laughed. After passing through the security check and seeing Huo Ran completely out of sight, he took out the cell phone that he hadn't used much all day, and sent a message to the other party.

[Tao: I passed it successfully. ]

[Tao: Every time you go through the security check, do you think of the nesting dolls that were opened one by one? ]

[HR:! ! ]

[HR: Now that I think about it...]

[HR: I'm embarrassed again, ahhhh! ]

[Tao: It’s okay, every time I see the security inspection machines in the future, I will think of them. ]

[Tao: The dog ticks and rolls.gif]

There was traffic jam everywhere in Yanping on the weekend, and they almost got stuck at the airport. After Tao Zhiyue arrived at the boarding gate, he soon started to notify the boarding.

When Tao Zhiyue walked across the boarding bridge, in the deep night, he could still see the luggage handlers who were still working hard at night.

This time, he looked at the stranger's back and smiled slightly.

He knew that Huo Ran was also staring at the plane that was about to take off.

Watch it slowly across the deep night sky, to another city.

The ambiguous online dating came to an end, and the long-distance relationship began again.

Tao Zhiyue felt that the composition of his first love in his life was really rich and comprehensive, as if he wanted to make up for the lack of emotional experience in the past twenty years.

The next day, when the sun was rising, Tao Zhi went out early.

The new company is far away from home, and the commute time is almost an hour.

Fortunately, he was not taking a popular bus route, and he could find a place to stand. After getting on the bus, he held the handrail with one hand and sent a message to Huo Ran with the other.

[Tao: Good morning. ]

[Tao: Going out to work~]

Huo Ran didn't reply until half an hour later.

[HR: Good morning! I just woke up. ]

[HR: Is it so early? I didn't get home until almost twelve o'clock last night, are you sleepy? ]

[Tao: Not sleepy, very energetic, I will go out at this time in the future. ]

[Tao: I am very excited when I think that today is the first day of the new company. ]

[Tao: Little Bear Goes Around.gif]

[HR: Then I will get up earlier tomorrow! ]

[HR: I also hurried to wash up and go to the company. ]

[HR: My dad will definitely be shocked. ]

Tao Zhiyue imagined Huo Zhendong's shocked expression, and laughed involuntarily.

When searching for Huo's information on the Internet, there was no news about Huo Ran. All he could find were photos of Huo Zhendong with a serious expression. He once used these photos to speculate on Huo Ran's appearance.

Those people and things other than Huo Ran gradually had a real feeling.

Once again in front of the Sunshine Villa that Guan Yudong talked about in the past, Tao Zhiyue lowered his head and entered the password on the electronic door lock without waiting for anyone to open the door.

The creepers bathed in the morning sun are lush and green, climbing on the wall and shaking the leaves gently.

Tao Zhi arrived early, the second in the company.

The first person to come to the company turned out to be the boss Jiang Ye.

He entered and walked through the hallway, and saw the open balcony at the end of the living room. There were green weeping banyan trees on the small round table, and Jiang Ye was sitting at the round table and was reading a book.

A magical idea suddenly popped up in Tao Zhiyue's mind.

It's really loving.

Jiang Ye heard the movement, looked up at him, expressionless: "Morning."


Tao Zhiyue remembered that the banyan tree seemed to grow very big. Judging from the reactions of other employees, "Mr. Banyan" seemed to have been here for a long time, but it was just a potted plant that was not too big.

He considered his words and asked curiously: "Boss, if your tree grows, will it be inconvenient to carry it?"

Jiang Ye shook his head, "It has been raised for more than 20 years, and it has grown up many times. If it is too big, I will keep it at home and take some of it to replant."

Seeing Tao Zhiyue's surprised expression, he added: "Their genes still belong to the same tree."

It turned out to be a childhood sweetheart, but the form is a bit special.

"Boss, you are really in love..."

Tao Zhiyue was a little speechless for a while, trying to change the subject, he looked at the book in Jiang Ye's hand.

"Is this related to the game? By the way, are there any related books in the company that you recommend everyone to read?"

Since he is going to start outputting a lot, he should maintain a steady input. Tao Zhiyue plans to buy some game-related books to improve himself.

Jiang Ye continued to shake his head, "Ask Shiwu, I don't understand games, and I won't interfere with your specific work."

He casually raised the book in his hand, and Tao Zhiyue saw the title of the book.

Atomic Physics.

"...Okay boss, excuse me."

Tao Zhiyue, who was greatly shocked, immediately turned around, walked to the station arranged yesterday, sat down silently, and waited for the arrival of other colleagues.

Such a boss who concentrates on planting trees and is only responsible for paying money and not caring about other business is really commendable and a model.

Colleagues arrived one after another. Chief planner Fang Shiwu approached Tao Zhiyue and asked him if he would like to become a game producer in the future. If there is a plan in this regard, he can participate more in game design.

Some programmers will concurrently serve as or transform into producers, but they often have some similar thinking defects, such as a general view of the big picture, and they tend to pay too much attention to details.

Tao Zhi thought for a while and gave a negative answer.

"Now I can only write codes, and I don't have the ability to do other things. Although I put forward some ideas last time, I can only try to implement them in the program. I am still too unfamiliar with other aspects of a game. For example, let me Judging what kind of text plot is more attractive to players, I definitely can’t.”

"I want to break through myself in this field first, and then extend it."

Fang Shiwu was a little surprised, then nodded, and shared with you some ideas he had perfected at home on the weekend.

Sitting around the open long desk, everyone was discussing lively. Based on the idea proposed by Tao Zhiyue, the prototype of a new game gradually took shape.

When it was lunch time, other project team colleagues on the second floor also came down. After a simple greeting with the newcomer Tao Zhiyue, they actively went to the kitchen to get lunch.

The company has a special auntie who comes to cook. In response to the call of some colleagues, the auntie made cold noodles at noon today, and also prepared fried rice and fried rice for colleagues who don’t want to eat.

Tao Zhiyue carefully brought a bowl of cold noodles from the kitchen, with clear soup, spicy cabbage, cucumber shreds, eggs and beef slices, the color was beautiful.

He took a sip, it was sour and sweet, refreshing his heart and dispelling the slight heat.

With a thought on his mind, Tao Zhiyue took a photo and sent it to Huo Ran who had also worked hard all morning.

[Tao: Eat cold noodles for lunch today! ]

[Tao: So refreshing, the taste of summer. ]

[HR:! The company does not. ]

[HR: I want to eat too, I ordered a takeaway! ]

[Tao: It’s delicious ^-^]

[Tao: The cooking aunt here is very good at cooking. ]

[Tao: Everything is going well today. ]

[HR: That's great. ]

[HR: It's a pity that I can't eat it with you. ]

Soothed by the sweet and sour noodles, the afternoon passed quickly, and as soon as six o'clock came, some colleagues turned off their computers and got off work.

Every time someone got up, there would always be "See you tomorrow" in the house.

This was the life Tao Zhiyue longed for most.

Work content that can realize self-worth, bosses and colleagues who are easy to get along with, and a beautiful and comfortable office environment.

He ate delicious cold noodles at noon, and he could take a photo and post it braggingly to that person.

When he got off work in the evening, he had already completed all the tasks, so he could put aside work, go home with peace of mind, and enjoy his own time.

On the way home, Tao Zhiyue deliberately searched for a question on his mobile phone: What entertainment methods do long-distance couples have?

Most of the answers below are playing games, watching movies or dramas together.

The more Tao Zhi thought about it, he began to search for good horror movies.

In such a happy day, of course we should watch something exciting.

In the evening, he sat upright in front of the computer, turned on the playback interface, and made a voice call to Huo Ran who had just finished dinner.

"This is the first time you've called me!"

The voice of parting for a day rang on the other end of the phone.

Tao Zhiyue responded precisely: "One to one, we are tied."

"...I was wrong, it sounds really weird." Huo Ran said sincerely, "I won't use weird metaphors next time."

Tao Zhiyue smiled and asked him, "Is the movie ready?"

"Okay, do you want to count three two one and start at the same time?"

"Yes, then I counted, three, two..."

Huo Ran interrupted him suddenly.

"Wait a minute! The doorbell seems to be ringing."

His voice floated a little farther away, "Maybe my sister ran over suddenly, and she actually learned to ring the doorbell...I'll go and answer the door, and I'll be right back."

Tao Zhi Yue should be better, and there is still a little expectation in his heart.

He heard Huo Ran mention his sister many times, but he never had a direct communication with her.

After a while, Huo Ran ran back excitedly, still panting when he picked up the phone: "The rose is beautiful! It's even more beautiful than the one I ordered that day!"

Tao Zhi was a little puzzled: "What rose?"

"It's the roses you gave me. I counted them, and there are ninety-nine of them! Is it very expensive? It's a big bouquet, it was sent by someone from a nearby flower shop..."

As Huo Ran was talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and his voice gradually decreased.

Tao Zhiyue was silent for a while, and said gently: "I don't seem to know your address, so I didn't send you roses."

"If you like it, I will give it to you in the future."

"But, who did you receive the flowers from?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Huo: I'm done! !

Xiao Huo: Am I gone?