MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 63

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Huo Ran returned to the house with a large plate of grilled skewers, and everyone cheered and took it immediately.

"It smells so good. Although I already have a lot of shabu-shabu and grilled meat in my stomach, I think it can be added with barbecue."

"I ordered the chicken wings! Give it back to me!"

"I'm bloated. I'm actually eating skewers for afternoon tea... No, it's not afternoon tea. What should I call it?"

The trouble with the two-character name is that it is not easy to call.

It seems strange to call him by his first name, and I can't think of other suitable names.

Huo Ran took the conversation and said with a smile: "Let's call it Afternoon Tea. I like this name, it's very suitable."

It is suitable for afternoon tea whether served with poached eggs, watermelon, or poached eggs.

Tao Zhiyue at the side understood his meaning very accurately, and silently glanced at him.

After Huo Ran persisted in taking care of the skewers, Tao Zhiyue not only didn't do anything, but was fed non-stop, and tasted every kind of skewers.

If you can't digest food, you will eat instead.

He rubbed his belly, looked at the steaming hot pot in front of him, thought for a moment, and carefully picked up the tender green vegetables with his chopsticks.

The others had almost finished eating, and now they started chatting and playing games, preparing to rest for a while before continuing to eat.

Fang Shiwu and Huang Jiejie were fighting against the dice cup, and the melon-eating crowd watched the excitement.

The yellow program that threw the virtual dice on the PP and suffered a losing streak, was still losing streak in reality.

Xiao Huang, who drank several glasses of beer, had a ruddy complexion: "This time it must be a big one! There have been three small ones in a row. I don't believe it. It's unscientific and doesn't conform to the law."

Guan Yudong dropped a melon seed to bet to cheer, "Indeed, this one must be big."

Fang Shiwu was also a little tangled, staring at the dark dice cup, thinking about whether to shout big or small this round, when he saw Jiang Ye who was watching silently dropped two melon seeds: "Small."

When Fang Shiwu heard the words, he was immediately refreshed, and said without hesitation: "Little!"

After buying and leaving, the referee Xiao Song opened the dice cup neatly, and the three dice that caught his eyes were dazzlingly red.

A little, a little, a little.

"...Is this reasonable!" Xiao Huang howled unwillingly, "Forget it, it's so small!"

Fang Shiwu poured wine for him with a smile: "You don't have to believe in science, but you can always trust your boss."

"Boss, can you predict before I place a bet next time, I also want to copy the answer..."

Jiang Ye was very calm: "Depend on your mood, drink it, tomorrow morning is a holiday."

"Ah, long live the boss!!"

"However, in the face of absolute metaphysics, there is no way to bet on size. Change one for another."

"Let's play cards, let's play cards, there are poker on the coffee table!"

Tao Zhi watched with great interest, and sighed: "We haven't been to the video game city for a long time, and I kind of miss the coin pusher."

Huo Ran nodded earnestly: "Next time I go, I have already studied the tricks of coin insertion, and it will definitely work."

"...As expected of you."

After learning from the past several times, Tao Zhiyue didn't drink alcohol tonight, but drank milk tea honestly.

Huo Ran didn't drink either, and Tao Zhiyue suddenly thought of a question amidst the thick atmosphere of cheating and drinking.

He had never seen Huo Ran who was drunk.

"Why don't you drink?" he asked quietly.

Huo Ran's expression remained normal and he said, "Because it doesn't taste good."

"Really? How about your drinking capacity?"

Huo Ran froze for a moment, and said decisively: "Of course it's very good!"

"...I understand." Tao Zhiyue showed a kind smile.

After discussing with each other, everyone decided to move the battlefield to the sofa and coffee table, play simple and exciting Stud, use melon seeds as chips, and participate voluntarily. The loser in the last round will be punished with alcohol, beer, fruit and wine.

So Tao Zhi reached out and pulled Huo Ran up, "Come on, let's go play too."

Today's Huo Ran sat very firmly, he said solemnly: "I am very strong at poker."

"Great, we can fight again." Tao Zhiyue raised the corner of his mouth, "I'm also very good at playing cards."

After each person received a hundred melon seeds, the poker game officially began.

The first round of contestants: two programmers, one artist, one planner, and one afternoon tea.

Guan Yudong, who missed the trip, was incompetent and furious: "Little Huang, you should be more aggressive, lose all your melon seeds and exchange them for me!"

Another planning girl besides Fang Shiwu asked curiously: "How do you play Stud? I only played Doudizhu."

Xiao Song, who doesn't drink alcohol, firmly occupies the referee's seat, and while dealing cards to the five players sitting in a circle around the coffee table, he explains the rules.

"At the beginning, each player will be dealt two cards, one bright and one dark, and then each round will be dealt one bright card, until all five cards are dealt, the person with the highest card value in each round will call, and if he does not call, he will be considered a fold."

"A straight flush is the largest, followed by four, three with two, scattered flush, straight, three of a kind, two pairs and one pair, and the smallest scattered cards. After the last round of calling, the hidden card will be turned out Big or small, the biggest person takes all the chips."

Xiao Song dealt out the cards smoothly and flew to everyone in front of them.

"Stud means betting all the chips in the last round. Because there is a card that is still invisible, everyone will bluff each other. Not only look at the size of the cards, but also play psychological warfare, which is very interesting."

"Song Song is so handsome!" The planner said decisively, "Xiao Huang, you should be more aggressive, I want to play too!"

Xiao Huang: ...

Xiao Huang, who has never lost a thousand cups, smiled happily: "The essence of poker is a mathematical game. I will prove the power of science to you."

Five minutes later, Xiao Huang lost all 100 melon seeds in the first game, and was eliminated at the speed of light.

"Brother Tao, you lied to me!" Xiao Huang, who was ruthlessly dragged away by Guan Yudong, had a look of disbelief, "You are my most trusted colleague!!"

In this round, what Tao Zhi got more and more was a neat set of broken hearts, all the way down the bets without blinking an eye, the cards of the others were already in a strange shape, and they were defeated, so they folded their cards and refused to call under his momentum.

Huo Ran, whose cards were also shapeless, made it to the penultimate round and contributed a wave of dog food flavored melon seeds.

Only Xiao Huang held two pairs, one in the dark and one in the open, so he confidently pushed the melon seeds out.

"The first hand, how could it be possible to play a card as big as a flush, and it is impossible to scatter a flush!" Xiao Huang said, "This must be cheating us, don't fold your cards so early, learn from the afternoon tea, how much Bet some melon seeds."

However, after rounds, because Tao Zhiyue's expression was too calm, Xiao Huang couldn't help feeling a little self-doubt.

After the last red heart card landed, the onlookers couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Tao Tao is so lucky, the first one is this big."

"Huang Jie, you only have one pair on the surface, don't struggle, are you hiding three?"

Xiao Huang was still not reconciled, and stared nervously at Tao Zhiyue who was facing him: "You have a big card, you bid, do you want to stud? Or just open?"

Tao Zhiyue raised his hole card slightly, glanced at it, a moment of hesitation flashed across his face, and then he raised his voice and said, "Stuha, are you following?"

Then, he slowly pushed out all the melon seeds in front of him.

Xiao Huang felt that he had captured the truth behind that hesitation, and immediately pushed with his hands: "Follow!"

He turned over his cards, revealed the two pairs that had been hidden for a long time, and said to himself: "I have two pairs, you turn over."

"Two pairs, that's not bad. No wonder you're so fierce, but Xiaotao looks a little hypocritical. Maybe it's really a fraud."

"The first hand is so big, it's all over, there will always be someone who will be out, Tao Tao quickly draw!"

Everyone present held their breath, staring at Tao Zhiyue's movements.

Tao Zhiyue smiled, and lightly pulled out the hidden card, and opened it.

Heart K.

Looking at the five uniform red hearts cards, the onlookers gasped, and Xiao Huang's pupils trembled.

Fang Shiwu concluded his speech and bid farewell to Xiao Huang: "It's really a flush, science betrayed you, goodbye."

Xiao Huang's voice faded away with tears, drowned in the beer foam: "Your cards are so good, why hesitate!"

"If you don't hesitate, you won't follow." Tao Zhiyue gathered all the melon seeds in front of him, and said calmly, "Fortunately, you took the bait."

"Excellent." Huo Ran was amazed, and looked at him sideways, "It really is very strong."

Tao Zhiyue pushed some melon seeds in front of him, and said with a smile, "Thank you for the sponsorship, your dividend."

"Referee! Ban this kind of behavior quickly, we are already strong enough!"

It's a pity that the referee was happy to see the success of this behavior of sprinkling dog food, and changed the subject: "In order to avoid another round of rounds like Xiao Huang, I think there should be an upper limit for the last round of Stud, and those who stop can freely choose How much is the shuttle, such as half of the shuttle."

"! Why did I change it after I was eliminated! I applied for another try!"

"Don't think about it, just queue up honestly, if you have nothing to do, you can go out and grill some skewers, I'm hungry again."

Under Tao Zhiyue's excellent demonstration, this night's stud play was more exciting than the TV series, and everyone showed their acting skills.

The other players changed again and again, Tao Zhiyue and Huo Ran remained motionless, and they were fined a few times in the middle, and Huo Ran took the initiative to drink.

Tao Zhiyue once thought that Huo Ran's drinking capacity was really good, his face didn't turn red, and he didn't look strange. He had a clear mind when playing cards, and he could often see through other people's tricks.

After Jiang Ye played, the situation changed dramatically.

Jiang Ye's personal style is too obvious. No matter what cards he gets, he always has the same expression of indifference. It seems that he is following the cards completely depending on his mood. There is no trace of bluffing. The patterns are fairly random.

Huo Ran, who had been repeatedly frustrated, became visibly distressed to the naked eye, and the more he drank, the more he began to show his flaws.

After he was fined drinking again, Tao Zhi leaned over and asked him in a low voice, "Are you drunk?"

"No!" Huo Ran was categorical, "It's just bad luck, the card is not good, I have a hunch, the next one will definitely work!"

As he said, the next hand was indeed a good one, a pair of Kings and a pair of Jacks on the bright side.

However, Jiang Ye's card was a pair of Aces and a pair of 9s.

The good cards were all concentrated in the hands of the two of them, and almost all of the others were scattered cards, giving up one after another.

In the last round, only Huo Ran and Jiang Ye were left to confront each other.

"Good guy, I would like to call it the pinnacle battle, it's on fire!"

"Because of metaphysics, I reasonably suspect that they are all three and two. If the boss has three aces, he wins, and the other three are afternoon tea wins."

"I remember Guagua sent an ace just now, and all four aces were sold out. Is it such a coincidence?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh the boss is quick to call! A whole shuttle! My blood is boiling!"

Jiang Ye's expression did not fluctuate: "Oh, let's take the shuttle."

He casually pushed out the melon seeds in front of him and piled them into a high pile in the center of the coffee table.

"Standard ending, the boss has randomly shuttled again!"

"What will happen to the afternoon tea next time!"

In the noisy voices of everyone, Huo Ran frowned and stared at Jiang Ye opposite, trying to read something from his expression.

"You are very similar to Xiao Huang in the first round." Tao Zhiyue said with a smile, "Think carefully, this round is Quan Shuo, if you lose, you will be out."

"I can't be out." Huo Ran said firmly, "Let me analyze it carefully."

Because his expression was very deep, everyone fell silent, looking at the two immobile people with longing eyes, wishing they could reveal the hidden cards on the spot to see what happened.

Huo Ran pondered for a few seconds, and then he opened his mouth: "Which one do you think is the best today's hot pot, barbecue or barbecue?"

Jiangye Furui's expressionless expression finally showed a crack of doubt: "... Let's grill."

"Oh, I think so too." Huo Ran pressed his cards and nodded, "Then why did you choose to start a game company?"

Jiang Ye gradually got used to his jumping: "Choose randomly by drawing lots."

"Is the business going well?"


"Do you plan to contact other industries?"

"depend on mood."

"Are you triple A's?"


Jiang Ye stopped what he was about to blurt out in time, and his expression changed.

Finally, he stared at the towering pile of melon seeds in front of him, and smiled very rarely.

"Sure enough, it's the battle of the pinnacle. This is a divine unfolding that I can't even imagine."

"Analyze carefully and draw lots of companies, hahahahaha for a while, I don't know which one to laugh first."

"Ahhhhhhhhh the boss smiled at melon seeds! Rong Zongwei! Don't, don't like sunflowers!"

The sound of laughter condensed into a heat wave in the room, Huo Ran pushed out the melon seeds in his hand, and heard Tao Zhiyue laughing at him: "You must be drunk."

Huo Ran and Jiang Ye turned over their cards almost simultaneously.

It wasn't until he saw the cards on the opposite side that he breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head to respond to Tao Zhiyue: "Well, I might be really drunk."

Huo Ran had three Kings in front of him, and Jiang Ye had three 9s in front of him.

"But I'm not out, I won."

The party was coming to an end, amidst the noise around him, he looked intently at the people around him, his eyes were hot and fluttering, and he was drunk.

"Today, you will accompany me home instead."