MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 547 Fanwai 78's fingers squeezed into her fingers, fingers clasped together

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  Chapter 547 Fanwai 78 Fingers squeezed into her fingers, fingers clasped tightly

  Feng Xin seemed to have noticed something strange, and almost bounced away from Xu Lie.

  Xu Lie also belatedly realized that because of the height of the two of them, it seemed...she had discovered her.

  He cleared his throat and changed the subject.

   "Cough... I bought a movie ticket, shall we go to the movies later?"

  Feng Xin glanced at him and said in cooperation.

   "Oh, okay."

  It was her first date when she was nearly forty years old. Feng Xin didn't bring any other clothes, so she could only wear the one she wore yesterday. Fortunately, she carried lipstick with her, which was somewhat useful.

  When the two of them arrived at the cinema, it was still half an hour before the show started. After queuing up to get the tickets, Xu Lie bought some snacks, and it was just in time for the ticket inspection.

   After entering the venue, I watched the commercial for five minutes. The feature film started and the lights dimmed.

  It was a working day, and there were not many people in the movie theater. Including Xu Lie and the others, there were less than ten people in total.

  As the opening song sounded, Xu Lie suddenly moved his body. He put the thing on the armrest between the two of them on the empty seat next to him, and then erected the movable armrest.

   In this way, the seat between him and Feng Xin has become a double sofa.

  Feng Xin subconsciously turned her head to look over, only to hear Xu Lie mutter something.

   "This seat seems to be smaller than ordinary movie theaters."

  Feng Xin didn't think much, seeing Xu Lie sitting there with long arms and legs, he felt a little nervous, and thoughtfully put a stick to the side, letting him lean over.

   As everyone knows, this is the beginning.

   Less than ten minutes into the movie, Xu Lie grabbed Feng Xin's hand and placed it on his lap.

  Xu Lie's hands were in proportion to his height, big and wide, and could easily cover Feng Xin's hands.

  Feng Xin didn't know if he was watching the movie seriously, anyway, she couldn't watch it anymore.

  He rubbed the back of her hand for a while, and squeezed his fingers into her fingertips for a while, clasped his fingers tightly, and kneaded repeatedly.

  One hand and five fingers are almost out of his hands.

  Feng Xin was a little skeptical, he took the armrest away for intention.


  The two of them were watching a love-themed movie. Halfway through the movie, the relationship between the hero and heroine began to grow stronger, and some ambiguous behaviors occurred from time to time.

  Finally, on a thunderstorm night, the two completed the great harmony of life.

  This clip is really a bit bold. Although only the upper body of the two is shot, the voice and expression make people imagine.

  The sound quality of the movie theater was so good that it doubled Feng Xin's embarrassment.

   Fortunately, this plot is over soon, Feng Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  She glanced at Xu Lie beside her out of the corner of her eye, and found that he didn't move, as if he was very calm.

  Feng Xin picked up the milk tea and took a sip to hide his panic.

  As soon as she put down the milk tea cup, Xu Lie suddenly leaned over. At the same time, he moved his palm to her lower back, and wrapped her in his long arms, as if wrapping her in his arms.


  Xu Lie leaned close to her and asked.

  Because the cinema was too dark, Feng Xin couldn't see his face clearly, so he thought he was really asking for milk tea, so she said softly.

   "It's delicious, do you want to try it?"

   After speaking, he did not forget to pass the cup in his hand forward.

  But where is the milk tea that Xu Lie is looking for, it is clearly her!

  The evil thoughts that he had endured all night erupted at this time, Xu Lie couldn't control it, he restrained her waist with one hand, and put his hand around her head with the other, making her tilt her head to accommodate him, and said something unclear.

   "Okay, try it."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he kissed her directly.


   After the kiss was over, Xu Lie held Feng Xin in his arms, and said in a hoarse voice.

   "It's pretty sweet."

  (end of this chapter)