MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 612 Episode 143 Don't You Know Me?

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  Chapter 612 Fanwai 143 You don't know me anymore?

  Gu Sheng's voice was indifferent and alienated, something Zhong Ning had never heard before.

  She subconsciously touched Gu Sheng's forehead and murmured.

   "What's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

  Gu Sheng avoided her hand and said vigilantly.

   "I ask you, who are you?"

  Zhong Ning froze in place with a look of disbelief.

   "You don't know me anymore?"


  After a doctor's examination, it was confirmed that Gu Sheng had recovered his memory, but coincidentally, he lost his memory for nearly five years at the same time.

  Zhong Ning felt a little uncomfortable, and didn't know how to react for a while.

  Gu Sheng also sighed after hearing this. The tattoo on his waist was indeed his name, but it was the original one. After his mother remarried, he called Qi Xiao after his stepfather's surname.

  Five years ago, he had a quarrel with his mother, and in a fit of rage, he used a false name to take the ferry and went out. Whoever imagined that he happened to be in an accident, which led to the series of things he later met Zhong Ning.

  Although Zhong Ning said that they have known each other for five years and are now his girlfriends, in Gu Sheng's memory, Zhong Ning is just a strange woman.

  Gu Sheng pressed his sore forehead and said helplessly.

   "Can you lend me your cell phone, I need to call my home."


   "Hi, Mom, I'm Qi Xiao.

  Let’s not talk about the past few years. In the past five years, I have lost my memory. Now I just regained my memory after a car accident. I am now in Beijing People’s Hospital.

  Okay, I'll wait for you. "

  Gu Sheng returned the phone to Zhong Ning.

   "Thanks, my family will come over right away, and they will arrive in about four or five hours."

  Zhong Ning took the phone, feeling a little sour.

   "Gu Sheng, you..."

  As soon as Zhong Ning opened his mouth, Gu Sheng interrupted him.

   "I haven't used that name for a long time, just call me Qi Xiao."

  Zhong Ning choked, and spoke again after a few seconds.

   "Your family... isn't in Huaguo, is it?"

  Gu Sheng glanced at her and answered very concisely.

   "No, in Malaysia."

  Zhong Ning nodded.

   "No wonder, I haven't found your family for five years."

  Gu Sheng is not used to being alone with women, since his mother will not be here for several hours, he suggested.

   "Why don't you go home and rest first."

  Zhong Ning subconsciously refused.

   "I...I don't want it. You gave me it before. I'll stay here with you, okay?"

   It is said that people will be spoiled, Zhong Ning is deeply touched, when no one took care of her in the past, she just came here like that.

   But now, she is too used to Gu Sheng being by her side.

  After listening to Zhong Ning's words, Gu Sheng looked a little ugly when he saw her pitiful appearance.

  In the past, if a woman dared to cling to him, he would have left face long ago.

   But who made her his girlfriend, even though he recognized her for him in those five years.

  Although the memory is gone, politeness is still necessary.

  Thinking of this, Gu Sheng can only say.

   "Then you can go to the sofa to rest for a while. Don't worry about those who escaped. Our company's legal department is capable of working. We will definitely not let them come out again."

  When Zhong Ning heard Gu Sheng's words, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

  That tone... It's like the domineering CEO on TV, the kind who takes over an entire fish pond with one command.


  After Gu Sheng's mother came, Zhong Ning found out.

  It's not like, he is at all!

  When Zhou Hui entered the room, she brought five personal doctors with her, and a whole row of bodyguards stood outside.

  She was dressed in a famous brand and dressed in fashion. As soon as she entered the room, she hugged Gu Sheng and cried loudly.

   "Son, it's really you, where did you say you have been in the past five years, and why did you get into a car accident.

  Our family’s special plane is parked at the airport, please pack it up and go back to China. "

  (end of this chapter)