MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 615 Episode 146 Choking

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  Chapter 615 Fanwai 146 Choking

   Under Liu Ying's reminder, almost everyone looked at Zhong Ning.

   Ma Bochao whistled, smiled and put Gu Sheng on the shoulder.

   "Yo, Qi Xiao, hurry up and introduce."

  Another person followed suit.

   "Does this still need an introduction? It's not clear, Jinwu Zangjiao!"

  The people's probing eyes made Zhong Ning very uncomfortable. She didn't show too much enthusiasm, she just nodded at everyone, and then went downstairs.

   After Zhong Ning came to Gu Sheng's side, Gu Sheng introduced.

   "Zhong Ning, my girlfriend."

   Immediately afterwards, he introduced his group of friends to Zhong Ning.

  These people are all the children of this boss or that boss. To put it bluntly, they are the rich second generation. No matter what the family does, they are always rich.

  Liu Ying took Zhong Ning's arm familiarly, with an intimate tone.

   "Zhong Ning, your name is really nice. Which Zhong family is Zhong? Could it be the Zhong family that makes jewelry in Hong Kong, or the Zhong family that makes mobile phones on Chongming Island."

  Zhong Ning is just innocent, not stupid.

  How could she fail to see the intention of this Miss Liu.

  Gu Sheng naturally heard it too. Just as he wanted to explain, Zhong Ning preempted him.

"I don't know the two families you mentioned. Zhong is a common surname in China. There are tens of millions of people with the surname Zhong. My family is just one of them. In addition, I am a nurse, and my parents are both doctors and nurses. Nurse."

   Liu Ying pretended to be surprised.

   "Nurse, isn't that hard work?"

  She was pawing at her manicure with a coquettish look on her face.

   "I haven't worked with my hands before. I can't bear to have to do that kind of dirty work every day."

  Facing her blatant provocation, Zhong Ning smiled instead of haste.

   "It is indeed dirty and tiring, but someone has to do it. It is impossible for a person to stay in the hospital for a lifetime. If everyone thinks like you, there are no doctors and nurses. Is it possible that the patients are waiting to die in the hospital bed?"

  Zhong Ning is already blatantly retorting.

  Liu Ying's face turned dark, she is a rich young lady, where does she go without being hugged and hugged by others, when has she ever been humiliated like this.

  Just as she was about to speak, Gu Sheng interrupted impatiently.

   "Okay, don't you guys want to eat, have you figured out where to go? Let's go."

   There were two discerning people who saw that the situation was not good and followed up.

   "That's right, let's go, just go to my restaurant. Qi Xiao will come back today, and I will be the host."

   A few of them went to a Japanese food restaurant. The food was small and delicate. Zhong Ning was startled when he glanced at the menu.

   It would take more than half a year's salary to have a meal here.

  Everyone ordered a few dishes, and Zhong Ning also ordered a few, all without seafood.

  Although the car accident did not cause any serious damage to Gu Sheng's body, after all, his head was severely injured, so it is better to eat lightly.

  When he arrived at Gu Sheng, he had just ordered a sashimi, and Liu Ying claimed it.

   "Ah, brother Qi Xiao, do you still remember that this is my favorite food?"

  The best friend next to her couldn't stand it, and couldn't help tearing things down.

   "When did you like to eat this?"

   Liu Ying gave her a white look.

   "It's because you are not as careful as Brother Qi Xiao."

  Liu Ying subconsciously went to see Gu Sheng, but Gu Sheng didn't answer, as if she didn't hear him.

  She didn't give up and continued to stir up the topic.

   "The dress Miss Zhong is wearing is a new model from the V family. It seems that the nurse's salary is also good, and she can afford such a big name."

  Liu Ying kept bringing up the matter of money, just to let Zhong Ning recognize the gap between her and them.

  Of course she knew that Zhong Ning didn't buy it.

  Actually, Zhong Ning doesn't care about this kind of pediatric tricks, ridicule, exclusion, isn't this what teenagers and junior high school students do, it's really naive.

  She raised her eyes to look at Liu Ying, and said in a calm manner.

   "Aunt Zhou bought this for me. If you like it, you can also ask Aunt Zhou to buy one for you."

  Liu Ying choked after hearing this.

   What the hell, she didn't mean that!

   Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest, Zhong Ning is going to lose his temper



  (end of this chapter)