MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 618 Episode 149 Why are you crying, I bullied you?

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  Chapter 618 Fanwai 149 Why are you crying, I bullied you?

  After having a bad relationship with Ma Bochao, Gu Sheng remembered that he hadn't seen Zhong Ning for a long time.

   It won’t take so long to go to the toilet.

  He got up and went out to look for it, and suddenly stopped someone at the door of the women's toilet.

   "Hi, excuse me."

  When the woman saw that a handsome guy was approaching him, she immediately brushed her hair and said in a low voice.

"What's wrong?"

   Gu Sheng said in a steady voice.

   "That's right, can you help me go inside to see if there is someone named Zhong Ning?"

  When the woman heard that he was looking for someone else, Jiao Didi's face immediately changed, and her voice returned to normal.


   Half a minute later, the woman came out of the toilet and shook her head at Gu Sheng.

   "There is no one inside."

  Gu Sheng's expression became serious after hearing this, and he went straight in to search around.

   Sure enough, there was no one.

   Next, he looked for the bar staff and went to other women's restrooms, but couldn't find Zhong Ning.

  Gu Sheng was a little flustered, Zhong Ning didn't know the place, didn't have a mobile phone, and didn't know anyone, where could he go.

  Although this bar is fairly formal, there are no bad guys.

  He first called home, and after confirming that Zhong Ning hadn't returned, he asked the manager to adjust the monitoring. The manager asked what time the other person came out, but Gu Sheng couldn't answer.

   At this time, he realized that he didn't pay much attention to Zhong Ning, and he couldn't even describe what kind of clothes she was wearing.

  Finally, it was thanks to a girl with a good memory that she found Zhong Ning's figure from the surveillance.

  The monitoring showed that Zhong Ning walked out of the bar by himself.

   At this moment, the family called and said that Zhong Ning had gone back. After Gu Sheng found out, although he was relieved, his expression was not good.

  He drove home and went directly to Zhong Ning's room on the second floor.

  Zhong Ning had already finished washing at this time, and just changed into pajamas to get ready for bed.

  Gu Sheng stood in the room, staring at Zhong Ning with dark eyes, without saying a word.

  Zhong Ning acted as if he hadn't seen him, and ignored her, just sitting in front of the dresser and taking care of his skin.

  In the end, Gu Sheng lost his composure and walked up behind her to ask her.

   "How did you come back?"

  Zhong Ning said with a blank face.

   "Take a taxi."

  Gu Sheng laughed angrily.

   "You're amazing, so you left by yourself, but I'm still looking for you like an idiot all over the bar, what's the point? What are you kidding me about!"

   Gu Sheng's tone was a bit fierce, Zhong Ning felt uncomfortable hearing it, and tried to get up and leave, holding back tears.

   But Gu Sheng pressed the back of the chair with one hand and the dressing table with the other, trapping her in a corner with nowhere to go.

  The two looked at each other, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face in front of them, Zhong Ning's eyes quickly turned red and filled with tears at the same time.

   Gu Sheng's pupils trembled, and the calmness he had just lost when he spoke.

   "Crying... why are you crying? Did I bully you?"

  Zhong Ning looked at him with a straight neck, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Why did she follow all this way, to be angry? She had never been treated like this since she was a child.

  Zhong Ning was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he casually took a pack of face towels from the table and threw it at Gu Sheng, saying hoarsely.

   "Didn't you bully me? Gu Sheng, do you really not remember what you said?

  What am I going to do with you today, your so-called friends are sneering at me, did you hear me, why do you let me wait for you there? "

   After venting, Zhong Ning began to regret that she had never been so emotionally out of control when she grew up, and she was no longer like her.

  Zhong Ning closed his eyes, wiped away the tears from his face, and his voice had returned to calm.

   "Sorry, I forgot, you are not him anymore."

  (end of this chapter)