MTL - Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace-Chapter 17 Poor and sour?

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  Chapter 17 The poor settle down?

  Chunlai glanced at the bird's nest porridge on their table, and said, "The seventh girl only came to the house, and the master agreed to withdraw the monthly payment in advance. Why are there no rules?"

   Concubine Hua's face changed, and she said, "So we still have such eloquent and unruly hooves in our house, you still haven't slapped your mouth, wait for me to do it yourself?"

   A woman came over, raised her hand and slapped Chunlai in the face.

  Jiang Yuan said: "It's not impossible to withdraw the monthly money, let her do it herself."

  Chunlai came back with half of his face red and swollen.

   At first, Jiang Ning kept it a secret from Jiang Ning, but in the end he did.

   Jiang Ning touched his chin: "A concubine, being so arrogant is a bit out of character."

   This can be a bit troublesome. The aunt who is in charge of money doesn't give money, so what can she ask her husband to do?

  Xia Qu angrily said: "If it wasn't for Madam's bad health, how could she have her share. Girl, we can't bear this tone, otherwise I'll be riding on their head more and more in the future."

   Dongxie ran in at this time, panting and said, "Girl, in the front yard, a child is said to be caught, and they are calling for you, girl."

   "Child?" Jiang Ning thought of Xiaoqian and hurriedly said, "Bring him here quickly."

   "When the slave came, the child had already been bound and sent to Aunt Hua."

   "Damn, are there all hooligans in your house, even a child is tied up?" Jiang Ning became angry, "Take me to see Aunt Hua."

   When Jiang Ning arrived in Aunt Hua's yard, he happened to hear Xiaoqian struggling and screaming.

   Her heart tightened and she hurriedly pushed the wheelchair in.

   Sure enough, it was Xiao Qian.

  Good clean child, disgraced.

   When Xiaoqian saw Jiang Ning, he opened his mouth and grabbed at his wife, ran over, pouted, tears in his eyes: "Little aunt, I finally found you."

  What the **** is auntie?

  Jiang Ning didn't care, stretched out his hand to pull him, and wiped his face: "Xiao Qian, are you alright?"

   "It's fine." Xiaoqian turned to look at Aunt Hua and the others, "Wait, I'm going to ask my grandfather to chop off your heads!"

Concubine Hua ignored him and said neither yin nor yang: "Seventh girl, you have suffered all these years, you were raised in a poor family, and all you know are poor and poor. It's not your fault. It's not good if the child is recruited to the house."

   "You bastard, dare to say that I'm not clean?" Xiao Qian was furious, "Also, who did you say just now that he is poor?"

   "Xiao Qian, she is talking about me." Jiang Ning said.

"What, the mere Jiang family, dare to say that my little aunt is poor?" Xiao Qian couldn't see that his little aunt was looked down upon, "I tell you, the little aunt can take out any thing on hand, enough for you to eat for three years! "

  The surrounding wives and maids all burst into laughter.

   Aunt Hua covered her mouth: "Oh, this child is poor, but he likes to brag."

   Jiang Yuan pouted: "People gather together."

   "Why are you smiling?" Xiao Qian's face flushed red.

   A woman smiled and said, "Child, did you know that she sent a maid to ask our aunt to ask for a few taels of silver a month."

  Xiaoqian looked back at Jiang Ning, thinking that the little aunt must be reluctant to give up the treasures that Grandpa Huang gave her, so she refused to exchange money.

   Auntie is really nice.

He thought for a while, his eyes lit up, he stretched out his small hand, took out a silver note from his arms, put it in Jiang Ning's hand, and said, "Little aunt, I'm here to tell you something. There is someone outside. I am willing to pay one thousand taels of silver to buy you a calligraphy and painting!"

   Ask for a recommendation ticket~



   (end of this chapter)