MTL - Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace-Chapter 977 self-comfort

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   Chapter 977 Self-comfort

The Queen    did not expect her questions to be more tricky and direct than the other.

   She was silent for a while before she said: "The emperor is old and experienced the tragic death of Concubine Jin Gui, and now he is weak. Just find a sustenance. There is nothing wrong with cultivating the Tao."

   "Cultivation is nothing, but what if he eats those elixir? Do you know that those things can eat dead people?"

   Concubine Yu was shocked: "What, the emperor is eating elixir? Where did the elixir come from?"

   It was the first time she heard about it.

  Yun Dai raised her chin at the Queen: "Of course I have to ask the Queen."

   "Why is the Queen Mother so vicious and harming the Emperor?" Concubine Yu looked at the Queen's eyes, almost spitting fire.

"Joke!" The Queen sneered, "Bengong and the emperor have been married for decades, how can their relationship be comparable? Igong relies on the emperor to make megong what it is today. But you guys tell me, what reason does Igong have? Harming the emperor, what is the benefit to this palace?"

   Concubine Yu looked at Jiang Ning subconsciously.

   Indeed, she could not think of any reason for the queen to harm the emperor.

   Murder must not have a motive?

  Jiang Ning said calmly, "Of course the Empress has a motive."

   "What is it?" Concubine Yu asked.

   "For herself and her family."

   "Huh?" Concubine Yu seemed to understand, but she didn't seem to understand.

  The emperor has feelings for the queen. As long as the emperor lives well, the queen and her family will naturally stand tall.

   So, why did she kill the emperor.

  Gu Feng brought a chair over, Jiang Ning sat down, and said, "The Empress is really a good daughter who did everything for her family and died."

  The Queen's face changed slightly: "Princess, be presumptuous!"

  Jiang Ning said slowly: "The Queen Mother provided elixir for the emperor, so she may not know that eating too much elixir is bad for your health?"

"Who said elixir is bad for the body? It's all made of the most precious medicinal materials, and it's very beneficial to the body!" The Queen defended hoarsely, "What do you know? Hanging, he has long been…”

   Concubine Yu stepped forward in three or two steps: "Why does the emperor do this?"

   "Hehe, Concubine Yu, it looks like you haven't been in bed for a long time, haven't you?"

   "Speak quickly!" Concubine Yu ignored her sarcasm and hurriedly asked.

"Do you think that with the emperor's age, why can he still favor those new concubines every night?" The empress mocked, "Since the birth of the sixth prince, have you served in bed? Do you know the emperor's physical condition? "

   Concubine Yu was speechless and said after a while, "If the elixir is really good for your body, why don't you use it yourself?"

  Jiang Ning said, "Concubine Yu, don't be misled by her words. The queen said so much, it's nothing more than an excuse to comfort herself for harming the emperor."

   "This palace did not harm the emperor!"

"Let me tell you, why the emperor refuses to punish you. It turns out that you are using the Taoist elixir to fool the emperor." Jiang Ning pressed closer, "Let me speculate. Empress, you know that the emperor is getting worse and worse. , I worry that once the prince ascends the throne, you and your family will be completely ruined. So you use the emperor's mentality of missing Jin Guifei to encourage the emperor to cultivate Taoism and consume medicine pills..."

   "What does it have to do with the emperor's yearning for Concubine Jin and cultivating Taoism!"

   "The Empress really doesn't cry without seeing the coffin." Jiang Ning glanced at Gufeng, Gufeng nodded, and greeted the outside, "Bring people in."

   (end of this chapter)