MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 658 : Big fish eat small fish

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Simon crossed his hands on the table and asked, "How many gold coins do we have now?"

Good steel should be used wisely, and the country's finances are limited, so he must first solve the most important things.

Mike thought for a while: "It's probably more than 400,000 yuan! But there are many things in it that need to be sold into gold coins at a discount. It is estimated that it will be about 400,000 yuan in the end."

A few years ago, the old king built the Dreadnought Fleet, which almost drained the financial resources of the royal family and the church. Then the Dreadnought Fleet was tragic, and more than half of it sank on its first voyage.

Immediately afterwards, there was the engagement celebration of Simon and Irina, the death of the old king, the enthronement of King Yona, and the initiative to start a war with the Red Scorpion Khanate, etc. The royal family's finances have not been able to recover.

Even King Jona's funeral and Simon's enthronement ceremony were kept simple. After buying a large amount of food reserves with the remaining reserves, the royal family had no money left.

This time, three waves of nobles were dealt with. One was the collateral nobles of the royal family who opposed the start of construction in the southern border, the second was the nobles of the royal capital who stole and sold the grain reserves, and the third was the lords of the northern border who ignored the king's decree and refused to hand over the stolen grain reserves. The royal family breathed a sigh of relief, and they had some spare money in their hands.

"Hmm... 400,000?" Simon's eyes moved, and his face showed playfulness.

Sure enough, from the corpses of these nobles, fat and fat can be extracted, and the speed at which the money came in made him want to continue killing like this.

But unfortunately, these three waves of people should be the limit, and the nobles should be more honest in the future, and they will spontaneously unite to prevent being wiped out by the royal family.

If the killing continues, it may really trigger a large-scale rebellion.

After thinking for a long time, Simon said: "The 400,000 gold coins will be divided into two parts, one half will be given to Master Clifford, and he will be responsible for building the arsenal, and the other half will be used to rebuild the royal fleet."

Although there is still a big gap in food, after all, the current reserves can still support, and a batch of additional food has been collected from the castles of those lords.

In a short time, there should be no food crisis.

Therefore, Simon feels that it is still necessary to increase military strength as soon as possible. After all, this is always a world that depends on strength. Without strength, everything will go wrong...

It is a long way to transport armaments from Xinfaling.

So after much thought, he decided to build a larger arsenal near the capital, and he had given Clifford not long ago the blueprints and production line designs.

As a veteran alchemist, Clifford, who has long known the operating principle of thermal weapons, quickly understood the blueprints and production line planning.

As long as the way of thinking is changed, the alchemists in this world can completely compare to the engineers and chemists of Blue Star.

The other is the Royal Fleet. Almost at the same time as the Battle of Yelin River, the Dreadnought Fleet, the main force, resisted the Sea Clan Fleet and was almost wiped out.

The Second Fleet on the west coast had only a few broken ships, and had to guard against orc attacks from the sea, so they couldn't move.

Abandoning the land north of the Yelin River, coupled with the rampant wolf cavalry of the Red Scorpion Khanate, the road leading to the interior of the Silver Moon Kingdom was almost cut off.

Next, shipping will be the foundation of trade with other countries, and a powerful navy is necessary, otherwise the interests of their own merchant ships cannot be guaranteed at all.

Speaking of which, Viscount Doyle died in battle, and he hasn't visited Guy and Alicia yet.

Thinking of Viscount Doyle, Simon's eyes were blank and he seemed a little silent. Another old friend left without saying goodbye. This **** war!


In the castle of the Hood family, several great lords gathered.

"What do you all think about the king's conquest of the lord?" Marquis Hood poured himself a glass of fine wine, and began to savor it on his own.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, do you really think this is a normal time?" Earl Hamilton sneered.

Now that the Silver Moon Kingdom is in crisis, how can a king who possesses absolute force be able to reason with the lords, and at such a juncture, they don't want to take the lead.

Because only the Silver Moon Kingdom can restore its strength as soon as possible to guarantee the interests of their great lords.

Dangers and opportunities coexist, a number of lords die, and a number of fiefdoms can be vacated in the northern border. This is a great time for the kingdom to reshuffle!

"Having said that, we have to be careful. Now that the royal family dominates, if we want to eat the lord to restore the vitality of the kingdom, we can't even resist." A lord sighed.

If we say that in the past, the strength comparison between the royal family and the lord was six to four.

Then after the great defeat outside the Great Wall, Simon ascended the throne and established a new army, the strength of the two sides was compared to eight to two, which is a very dangerous ratio.

Because as long as he wanted, the king could use their corpses to feed the entire Silvermoon Kingdom at any time.

"This... the king probably wouldn't do such a thing. Conquering those lords is just because they dared to buy the stolen and sold grain reserves of the royal family." Earl Hamilton said hesitantly.

"Hmph, Lord Hamilton is naturally calm. I heard that you have married your daughter to the commander of the Harris Corps of the New Legion. Why? Haven't you always looked down on him?" Some lords sneered.

"Talk to me!" Earl Hamilton's face became ugly, and Earl Mengsk and Count Santana immediately supported him.

Because of the perennial cooperation, their three major families have always advanced together and retreated together. The three great lords united together, and even the Sissoko family and the Hood family were not afraid at all.

"Stop arguing, the strength is not as good as others, and if we continue to be scattered, it will be difficult for the king not to eat us." Marquis Hood persuaded slowly.

Although it was Simon's hostile faction in the past, he is actually not too panicked now, because he married his granddaughter to one of Simon's confidant military officers.

The aristocrat's network of relationships is intertwined, isn't it just like this step by step!

"What do you think of Marquis Sissoko?" After the room became quiet, someone looked at Mikkel.

"I don't have any opinion." Mikil, who used to be quite sunny and handsome, is now a little taciturn.

The territory of the Sissoko family is divided into two parts, one part is north of the Yelin River with fifteen towns, and the other part is south of the Yelin River with five towns.

Later, in response to the king's call, the towns north of the Yelin River were replaced, leaving only five towns.

Coupled with timely reinforcements for the Battle of Yelin River, a town rewarded by the king, the Sissoko family now only has six towns and a few manors, and can only barely rank among the great lords.

The former No. 1 family of the kingdom has fallen to this point, and he, the head of the family, is under great pressure.

This is a period of danger and opportunity. As long as the opportunity is seized, the Sissoko family might not be able to become the first family again.

But it is also possible that if one wrong step is taken, it will be irreparable. Therefore, he must learn to be cautious in his words and deeds.

"In short, we should reach a closer alliance to prevent being eaten by the royal family." Seeing that Mikil has not expressed his position, some lords said unwillingly.

Although the Sissoko family is declining now, it was the first family after all, and its influence is still there.

"It's natural." Marquis Hood looked regretfully after taking a deep look at Mikkel.

Why doesn't their Hood family have such an excellent heir?

The eldest son died in the battle beyond the Great Wall, and the other sons were useless. As for the eldest grandson Lauren... because of the grievances with Simon before, he has become a little scared now.

That feeling is like a cauliflower snake turning into a poisonous snake and smiling at you.

"Agreed!" This time, even Earl Hamilton, who has always been close to the royal family, chose to nod silently with the other two earls.

The strength of the royal family and the lord is completely out of balance. No matter how close the relationship is, they will only be shocked, because it is just like what I said just now.

The king wants to eat them, they have no chance to resist...