MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 671 : Legendary Special Training (2)

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The **** crystal shattered, the dissipated energy was absorbed by the spirit body, and Eswald, who was sleeping, slowly woke up.

Opening his eyes, the goddess of moonlight stood in front of him: "Eswald, my child, I need you to teach this mortal king."

The long period of deep sleep made Eswald's brain a little numb, and it took him a while to recover, and he respectfully replied: "I will follow your orders, Your Majesty the Goddess!"

The Moonlight Goddess nodded, and sat back on her divine seat again. There was no movement, leaving Simon alone to face the Holy Spirit who had been sleeping since ancient times.

After a while again, Eswald's brain was completely awake. He looked at Simon, a little surprised: "The mortal king of Her Majesty the Goddess? A human?"

"Hehe." Simon laughed awkwardly.

He should have thought earlier that in ancient times, the goddess of moonlight was still the three main gods of elves, and the legendary holy spirits born in that period were naturally elves.

That's right, Eswald is a legendary powerhouse of the elves, or a pinnacle legend, and he is only one step away from becoming a demigod.

It is not that there are no human legends under the Moonlight Goddess, but human beings have shallow foundations after all. Even if they are both legends, their understanding of this rank is not as good as these ancient holy spirits.

Therefore, after much deliberation, the Moonlight Goddess decided to awaken a legendary powerhouse of the elves.

Seeing Simon's embarrassment, Eswald was silent for a moment, and said with emotion: "It seems that while I was sleeping, too many changes have taken place in this world."

As the Holy Spirit under the command of the Moonlight Goddess, he knew exactly what it meant for a human being to become the mortal king of the Goddess.

Either the elves have declined, or the goddess of moonlight has abandoned the elves, of course, it may be both.

Although he sighed in his heart, Eswald's reaction was not intense, because at the moment they became legends, they no longer belonged to the original race.

The reason why they still retain the appearance and living habits of the original race is purely because of habit.

Moreover, Eswald's holy body has died, and he has made sufficient contributions to the elves during his lifetime. He is now only the Holy Spirit under the command of the Moonlight Goddess.

Therefore, in addition to emotion in his heart, there is only regret, the once powerful elf...

"Human king, what do you want to learn from me?" Eswald looked at Simon indifferently.

In ancient times, the demise of giant dragons and titans made the whole world flourish, and hundreds of races appeared one after another.

Although the elves at that time were powerful, they did not establish an elf empire, and human beings were only a small tribe in a remote area, not ruled by the elves.

Therefore, although the elves in this period were proud, they did not have the arrogance of the sad and mad.

In the Middle Ages, when the elves dominated the mainland and established the elves empire, they were gradually corrupted by power and became hopeless.

"Well, I have a battle in the sanctuary in the mortal world. Her Majesty asked me to ask you, how should the legendary strong fight?" Simon said embarrassingly.

Eswald fell silent, how should the legendary powerhouse fight? You still need to ask others about this thing, isn't it the instinct of every legend?

"Usually, what we call a battle is nothing more than a competition of martial arts and spellcasting skills. The same is true for legendary powerhouses, but this is not the key to the battle in the sanctuary."

After clearing his mind, Eswald said slowly: "The battle between legendary powerhouses, the competition of martial arts and magic is just a surface, and the deeper battle is about the law."

"All you have to do is to use the martial arts and magic that contain the power of law to constantly wear down the opponent's law, and the opponent is the same."

"Unless the law is worn down to a certain extent, no one can hurt anyone. This is also the key to the battle in the sanctuary, which is so difficult to tell."

"Oh oh oh!"

Simon was suddenly enlightened, and quickly took out a small notebook to write it down, and asked, "Can I ask a question? What is a law?"

Eswedeton felt a little overwhelmed. He didn't know what the law was. Is this human king really a legendary powerhouse?

Or is human talent so inferior? Even the innate instincts of legendary powerhouses cannot be mastered.

Eswald patiently explained: "The so-called law, you can roughly understand it as the authority of the world, the higher the authority, the heavier the right to speak, just like you say that one plus one equals two, but I say one plus one equals three. "

"From the perspective of pure mathematical knowledge, it is obvious that you are right and I am wrong, but as long as my world authority is higher and the power of laws is stronger, you will be the one who is wrong, and you will be the one who gets hurt because of this." only you"

Simon nodded knowingly: "Understood, the law version refers to a stag as a horse, and compares this world to a kingdom. The legend with stronger law power is a high official, and the legend with weak law power is a small official. As long as the power is formed Repression, even if a deer is in front of you, it can still be a horse."

Eswald glanced at him unexpectedly. It seems that humans are not too stupid. Although they are not as talented as the noble elves, they are not bad in understanding.

Simon asked another idiot question: "Then how do I mobilize the power of the law?"

Eswald was a little tired: "Can you expand the sanctuary? The sanctuary is every legendary powerhouse, a highly cohesive collection of laws. After opening the sanctuary, you can feel a special power, and then it is like mobilizing mana Like battle qi, you can use the power of law freely."

Simon stared at him with big innocent eyes: "Then how do I open the Sanctuary?"

Eswald fell into a deep silence, how did he know how to start the sanctuary? Isn't this thing as natural as breathing for legendary powerhouses?

If you continue to ask, this stupid human will not ask why the legendary powerhouse can open the sanctuary, right?

If you continue to ask the bottom line like this, no legend, no matter how profound the knowledge, can answer...

Seeing Eswald's eyes gradually become sharper, Simon was a little worried. This elf from the ancient times would not feel too annoying, so he wanted to kill him!

Suddenly, a sense of suffocation choked Simon's breath, as if being tightly strangled by his neck with both hands, and then pushed his head into the water again.

He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but he didn't know how to resist.

As the suffocation became stronger and stronger, Simon knelt down on one knee, his face flushed red, desperately trying to break free under the crisis of life and death.

"Ah!" Finally, it seemed as if some kind of shackles had been A halo spread from his body, and he was finally able to breathe normally and got rid of that suffocating feeling.

Simon's body exuded a halo, breathing heavily, Eswald withdrew his own halo, and said indifferently: "Look, haven't you learned it, it's very simple!"

In the main hall of the Kingdom of God, the Moonlight Goddess who has been paying attention to the two of them shook her head, "Sure enough, you are a bitch, you have to use this method!"


Since learning to master the sanctuary, Simon has also naturally learned how to mobilize the power of law, which is a power completely different from matter, spirit, and energy.

It is completely impossible to study it, but this power does exist.

He speculated that either his race could not recognize this power at all, or it was a power from a higher dimension used to regulate matter, spirit, and energy.

The two speculations have similarities, but are quite different in essence. If it is the first type, then only some races such as humans cannot understand it.

The second is that all races cannot understand it, and can only rely on experience to use it

Just like Newtonian mechanics and the theory of relativity, people can easily and widely use Newtonian mechanics, but only a very small part of the theory of relativity, which deeply analyzes its essence, can understand it.

Legendary powerhouses can use the power of law only by virtue of experience and instinct, and cannot understand its essence.

Goddesses like the Moonlight Goddess might know, but she obviously wouldn't explain it to Simon. After all, you can't expect elementary school students who have just graduated from kindergarten to understand why one plus one equals two.

If you want to know why one plus one equals two, let’s wait until you become a doctor of mathematics. If you convert it to Simon, you will know when you become a god...