MTL - Heroic Death System-Chapter 264 05. Present - initial

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Yu Xun has always been making strange dreams recently. The specific content can't be remembered, but it must be related to the fair. When you wake up, there will be a wonderful sense of fullness in your heart. When he wants to catch it, it will disappear like a cloud.

Yan Xun is not an emotional person, at least he thinks so, so the experience in his dream makes him very puzzled. What is more puzzling is why he repeatedly dreams that he has only seen two or three faces. Just because he is the only person he can remember?

For this reason, he has not contacted Shangke for many days. Until that day, outside the swimming pool, he saw him flying, and he kissed me and kissed me. At that moment, his heart raised an indescribable sense of crisis and urgency, and always felt that he should do something.

Then just last night, he had a spring dream. The physical feeling clearly tells him that he wants to be fair and wants him to be completely his own. This feeling is no different from the volcanic eruption and surging for the singularity of the singularity that has no obvious impulse since the first dream of adolescence.

Even so, he did not intend to immediately shoot, but chose to use text messaging to ease his terrible desire. However, one piece of information is still not returned. This made the fire-stricken Yuxun finally decided to let him remember himself in the simplest and most direct way.

So, in the middle of the night, Yan Xun went to the residence of Shang Ke, used the skills learned by the special forces to open the door lock, found the bathroom in the bathroom, and then gave him the meticulously.

Yan Xun did not remember how many times he had done it, how much he did, and when he stopped, the room was a mess, and the sky was bright. Looking at the sleeping stillness in his arms, Yan Xun’s hand crossed his body, savouring the aftertaste of passion, and his ears seemed to echo the screams of shouting and the pleading of pleading. Yan Xun couldn't help but hold up his body and bury his head back and forth on his chest...

At this moment, the sound of the door being opened was heard outside the room.

Yan Xun’s eyes glanced, gently let go, and turned to sit up.

"My, can't get up? My brother is coming to eat again!" Yan Chen shouted at the house while changing shoes.

Stepping into the kitchen with slippers, I found that even the boiling water did not burn, and I couldn’t help but say: "Is it not at home?"

Take a bottle of drink from the fridge and turn around towards the still room. Just walked to the door, the door was opened, and Yu Chen immediately showed a bright smile. He was preparing to say hello, but he found out that it was not acceptable, but...

“Yu Xun?” Yu Chen stunned at the man in front of him. “How come you are here?”

Yan Xun only wore a pair of trousers, naked to the upper body, strong body exudes a burst of explosive power, but what really cares about Hao Chen is the trace of the traces on his body.

Yan Chen looked sinking and threw away the drink from his hand and rushed to the room. Yan Xun's footsteps crossed and blocked his way.

"Let's get out!"

"He is resting." Yan Xun stared at him coldly, meaning that he did not let him in.

"Yu Xun!" Yan Chen's eyes were angry and mad, and asked a word, "What did you do to Cocoa?"

"Isn't it obvious? I made love with him." Yan Xun replied unabashedly, "Are you crazy?" Yu Chen shouted. "Cocoa is a man. How can you do this? In your capacity, what bed? Can't find it? Why do you want to start with him?"

"Who I choose, I don't need to explain it to you."

"Bastard!" Yu Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and slammed his fist toward Yu Xun. Yan Xun is a special soldier, and how can he be his opponent? However, in a few rounds, he was easily subdued by Yan Xun.

"Xun Xun, I will not let you go!" The person who has been caring for more than ten years has been invaded by this man! Anger is not enough to describe the feelings of Hao Chen at this moment, there are more difficult complex emotions.

Yan Xun did not care about his threat. He dragged him to the door and took a key from his pocket.

"What are you doing?"

Yan Xun quickly put the key into his pocket, and then pushed hard to push the door out of the door, and then closed the door.

"Xun Xun, you bastard!" Yu Chen slammed the door outside. "Have you ever thought about how much trouble it will bring to Cocoa? Cocoa is just an ordinary person without background, playing with your high-ranking Prince." Can't afford it!"

Yan Xun stepped in a footstep and then continued to walk toward Shang Ke's room.

Yu Chen knocked on the door for a long time, and finally stopped this meaningless move in the complaints of neighbors.

Opening the door, Yan Xun found that he still didn't know when he was awake, sitting on the bed, holding a large t-shirt to his body.

Yan Xun went to the bed and sat down, silently and for a moment, and then said: "Do not call the police, or you will have trouble."

mD, the first sentence after the person QJ is not a comfort, not a true confession, nor a mad slap in the face, but a threat that sounds like "for you!"

Still looking at him with no expression.

At this time, Yan Xun did not know where to find a saber and handed it to Shang Ke.

What? I can still look at this saber and I am confused.

"You can take a knife on me, I promise not to fight back, and I won't let others know about it."

Can still: ... just sent the knife after the temperature is over, but also according to the card does not press the card? Would it be better to give a few tens of millions more than a "one knife and two breaks"?

"After a knife, we are clear?" Still calmly asked.

Yan Xun looked at him deeply: "What do you mean by "two clears"?"

"Tonely forget this thing, you go your Yang Guandao, I am crossing my wooden bridge."

"I will not forget the things I have done."

"Then pretend that nothing happened, and still be friends like before."

"Friends who can go to bed."

"...going to go to bed?"


Ah, a hair? !

Yes: "What is the meaning of my knife?"

Yan Xun: "Exit, vent your anger, whatever you think."

Still speechless.

He hasn't had time to hang up the number of his grandfather, brush his face with his parents, and have a good relationship with his brother and sister. The cause has not yet started. A perfect plan for far-sightedness was destroyed by someone. If the relationship is established now, it is estimated that within a month, it will be discovered by the family of the hand-eyed family. Then he can only develop his own career under the protection of Yuxun, and may even have no energy to develop his career. The group attack of the family is enough.

This is still assuming that the family members are more law-abiding and gentle, and if they don't agree, they will be thrown a few crit, and he will not be able to hold back.

Therefore, for the sake of long-term happiness, I still feel that I can't be blinded by short-term sexual blessings. I must find ways to return the non-mainstream physical relationship to pure and honest brotherhood.

"Yu Xun, we seem to have seen two or three sides?"


"Do you see the hobby of people on three sides?"

Yan Xun's face is black: "Of course not."

"Then you are..." Can you point back and forth between the two men, "Writing?"

Yan Xun was silent for a while and said: "I have given you a chance."

"what chance?"

"Slowly cultivate the feelings of water into a channel without the opportunity to be qj."

"Is there such an opportunity?" What did he miss something?

"Of course." Yan Xun affirmed, "I sent you a lot of text messages, but you didn't return one."

Yes: "...just like?"

"that's it."

Didn't return the text message to be qj? There is still heaven in this world!

Still able to hold his hand tightly, grieve and resent: "Yu Xun, give me another chance! I promise that the mobile phone will be carried around for 24 hours, the power is sufficient, and every text message is invisible!"

Yan Xun: "..."

"So," he was very eager to ask, "Let's be friends, if you don't give up, be a brother, don't go to bed."

"When I go to bed, are you very uncomfortable?" Yan Xun's eyes are faint.

Oh, no, dear, you are very brave, very persistent, very sexy, and you can’t go to bed too cool!

What you can still say is: "Don't you think that something wrong with our gender?"

"Nothing wrong." He has touched it carefully, it is the same.

"Men, we are all men." Shang Keyi said in a proper way, "Men are suitable to be friends, brothers or opponents."

“Is there a ‘chicken’ friend?”

"..." Still staring at him for a long while, silently lying down on the bed, weak, "I am sore now, just want to sleep."

Yu Xun did not control, and the straight lip line showed a curved curvature. His reaction was always beyond his expectations. He thought that he would either be wronged, or he would resent, or he would have to bear the courage of his identity. Unexpectedly, he chose to bargain with him in an attempt to persuade him to redefine their relationship. In fact, he is ready to be angered, punched and kicked, and destroyed by humanity.

It’s okay, smarter than he expected, and more... cute.

"Have a good rest." Yan Xun touched his hair and whispered. "I understand what you mean. If you want to be friends, then be friends first."

Really? So good to talk? It is still possible to peep out of the quilt and look at him with suspicion.

Yan Xun leaned down and kissed him on his forehead, then got up and left.

Hello, are you looking like a friend? ! Can a friend personally forehead?

Still staring at the closed door for a long time, then shyly into the bed, and rolled a few laps.

Emma, ​​I really want to go back!

After Yuchen was thrown out of the house of Shang Ke, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he sat in his car and smoked cigarettes one by one. From then on in the morning until the evening, he saw Yu Xun. From the upstairs, wearing a casual suit that doesn't fit, sit on your own car and whizz away.

Yuchen sat for a while, then threw away half of the smoke, looked up at the floor where Shang can be, and immediately started the car and left the community.

He really wants to see Shangke, but not now. As long as he thinks that he can still be the trace of the man at the moment, he can't stand it.

Even if his girlfriend was taken away, he never succumbed like this!