MTL - Heroic Wife Reborn-Chapter 1192 This life will not have a big day of marriage

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"What if I have a drug person?" Yu Xiaoxiao finished with Jingmo, and thought of the drug.

"I know how to deal with pharmacists," Jing Mo said with confidence.

"No, what do you do when you set fire to normal humans?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

"When the palace gate is closed, the drug person can't enter," Jing Mo looked down and said to Xiao Xiaoxiao: "After all, it is not a drug person, you can see it."

"Is it a good thing to close the palace gate?" Jade Xiaoxiao feels that this method is not reliable.

"Closed the palace door and set fire again," Jing Mo said with a smile: "It's okay, I have arranged it. Princess, we went to the Yongsheng Temple, but we still have to face the drug person. You have to let us exercise first." ”

"Not afraid?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Not afraid," Jing Mo affirmed.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Jing Mo's eyes, and the medicine was awkward. Yu Xiaoxiao was confident in his own skills. He had a little distrust of the ordinary human beings in this world. If anyone had been bitten, what should I do? ? There are so many people in this city!

Jing Mou looked at Yu Xiaoxiao standing still, knowing that this is a drug man, not too afraid to leave, he simply took the jade little sitting on the railing by the pool, whispered: "I am with you Big Brother, they have discussed the drug person, and Mo asked that the drug person can't deal with the princess, so he is unlikely to send a drug person."

“Is it?” Jade’s novel: “It’s not very likely, that’s possible.”

"Mo asked now to lie to the believers to go to the Yongsheng Temple to protect the Buddha," Jing Mo patiently said: "He sent a drug person at this time, turning Jiuyan City into a human hell, then his reputation will be destroyed."

"If it succeeds, does this mean that he won't win?" Yu Xiaoxiao still didn't want to understand.

"If we are dead, Su Zhao is still in the army of their hands, and your father is also there," Jing Mo said. "This is still to fight, the emperor was killed, and the subjects did not report this **** hatred. What kind of subject is it? It is silly to push your enemy to the point where you can fight back to the water. Princess, do you think Mo is such a fool?"

"Oh, I know that he is a pervert," Yu Xiaoxiao scratched his bag, it seems that she is stupid, screaming back to the water?

"Do you understand my words?" Jing Mo asked.

"To tell the truth, I don't know much," said Jade Xiao, honestly. "But my cliff is not a fool."

Jing Mo laughed again.

"Well," Yu Xiaoxiao stood up. "You don't think there will be a drug person. If I believe in you, then I will leave. Also, I am not a fool. I am at most reading less."

Jing Mo smiled and nodded. He was so troubled by this, his mood seemed to be getting better again.

"Then don't laugh," Yu Xiaoxiao said with a sullen face. "Don't think I didn't see you laughing at me."

“No,” Jing Mo also stood up and whispered: “I will not laugh at the princess in my life.”

Will not laugh at this life?

What is this guarantee? Yu Xiaoxiao licked his nose and decided to go. He said more to Jingmo, and she was tired.

"Princess," Jing Mo met Jade Xiaoxiao to go, the smile on his face suddenly caught, and Yu Xiaoxiao: "What happens in the day of the wedding, no one can guarantee, but no matter what I do, I am all Win this battle, for the sake of most people."

Yu Xiaoxiao did not hear the words of Jing Mo, and said: "You are careful anyway, don't be killed by the people of Yongsheng Temple."

Jingmo nodded.

Yu Xiaoxiao was a flash and disappeared in front of Jing Mo.

Jing Mo stood in front of the pool. At this moment, the thick clouds left, the moonlight poured down again, and the water surface swaying by the wind reflected the moonlight and sparkling. Jing Mo’s face was pale by the moon, and there was no cloaking gaze that was colder than the moonlight. There would be a killing on his wedding day, or it could be said that he could not have a big wedding day in his life because Hate does not meet when not married.

Yu Xiaoxiao and Su Zhao, Xiao Jiang, Zuo You both said goodbye, with the fruit of Su Zhao, the big bag of maltose given by Jiang Zhuojun, and the toll sponsored by Zuo Youyou. His Royal Highness was very satisfied with the road.

Jiang Zhuojun sent Yu Xiaoxiao’s imperial palace. After standing in the night, there was no pedestrian street. General Xiao Jiang and Yu Xiaoxiao’s novel: “Don’t worry about us, you will go to Yongsheng Temple. If you hear any bad news on the road, Don't come back, then, where the Yongsheng Temple is the place where we will fight."

Yu Xiaoxiao was ready to go. After listening to Jiang Zhuojun’s words, he did not dare to go. He said, “Is it bad news? What will it be?”

"For example, a lot of people died," Jiang Zhuojun whispered.

Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said: "No, ah, Jing Mo said that it is unlikely that he will send a drug person."

"There will be no drug people coming," Jiang Zhuojun and Yu Xiaoxiao affirmed.

"How can you die a lot of people?" Jade Xiaoxiao did not understand.

"How can you not kill people with a knife?" Jiang Zhuojun pulled Yu Xiaoxiao to stand under an eaves, avoiding the hits that hit them here. "In short, if you listen to me, go directly to Yongsheng Temple. Do not care about the things here in Jiuyan City," General Xiao Jiang and the Princess Hall.

"I put the medicine box in my big brother," Yu Xiaoxiao thought about it. He touched a small medical bag and stuffed it into Jiang Zhuojun’s hand. He said: "There are bandages and anti-inflammatory drugs inside, and suffered trauma. Stop bleeding first, then reduce inflammation."

"Okay," Jiang Zhuojun said with a medical kit: "I know."

"I went to see a doctor when I was injured," said Yu Xiaoxiao. "You don't have to go to the Yongsheng Temple. It doesn't matter if you can't go there."

“Reassured,” Jiang Zhuojun laughed. He raised his hand and took a bag of jade little back. “We will see you in Yongsheng Temple.”

Yu Xiaoxiao patted Xiaojiang’s shoulder and said goodbye. He turned and quickly ran away.

Jiang Zhuojun stood on the street of no one, looked up at the night sky, and the moon and the stars were blocked by the clouds. The clouds were very low. This is a snowy night sky.

Yu Xiaoxiao was out of Jiuyan City, but the Princess of the Princess, who was not at ease, began to run around the square of Jiuyan City. Now it’s not when Mo’s men enter the city, but this group should also go to Nine. Yancheng, Yu Xiaoxiao thought that she would find all the suburbs of Jiuyan City. How could the drug person have the opportunity to hide under her eyelids?

When Yu Xiaoxiao was busy investigating the whereabouts of the drug dealers outside the city, Xiao Wei was shocked by Gu Dao in the other palace: "Is the princess left first?"

The look of Dadang’s family was a little panic, saying: “What about the drug people who killed it that day? Will we burn ourselves to the people? Oh no, what if we don’t have time to set fire?”

The former pirates listened to the big master and said that the frying pan is gone. Yes, the princess is not there. What should they do if they encounter a drug?

Gu Dashao smiled softly and said, "Are you afraid?"

Former pirates... Who is not afraid of the drug?

To the reader:

The second is more.