MTL - Heroic Wife Reborn-Chapter 1510 people are different

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Li Luo is seriously ill, or liver disease, and no child. This is in the mood of Jing Mo, this is an opportunity for Jiang Zhuojun. When Li Luoru died, those of Suzaku were greatly hurt because of the dispute. At the same time, Li Luo defended the princes who could not raise a private soldier. Who can be Jiang Zhuojun’s opponent? Let the doctors go to see a doctor, Jiang Zhuojun can ask for permission, but they should not take the initiative to open up, save Jiang Zhuojun's thoughts in their hearts, they may not have to come to Taiwan.

"The army will leave early tomorrow morning," Su Zhao apparently was a thought with Jing Mo. He did not mention Li Luo’s business. He said with Jiang Zhuojun and Sejong: "We discussed it in Yanhui City. We Qinglong and Suzaku will focus on the left wing." , the next day and Fengtian attacked the right wing, the white tiger attacked the Chinese army, Shi Shu, Xiao Jiang, how do you see this?"

Yin Zong is not good at fighting. He looks at Gu Da Shao and Gu Er Shao who are sitting at the head of their own.

Gu Da Shao Chong Xianzong nodded. They joined forces with the next day. As far as the strength is concerned, it is obvious that Jing Mo took care of them.

When Yin Zong saw that there was no opinion from Da Da, he said: "No objection."

"Xiaojiang?" Jing Mo sees Jiang Zhuojun.

Jiang Zhuojun nodded: "I have no objection, just let the white tiger alone attack the road, is this OK?"

Zuoyou said: "I took the soldiers and did not love the war. After breaking through the middle road army of the Yongsheng Temple, I directly led the soldiers to copy their back roads. I hope that I can stop them before the soldiers and horses of the Yongsheng Temple flee back to the mountains."

This is the way to put in the middle of the road, the three way to copy.

"There is a bastion of the army in the middle of the road," Jing Mo explained with Xian Zong.

Gu Erxiao said: "You want to squeeze the people of the Yongsheng Temple into a battlefield, and then break through the sections?"

"The two wings are rushing to kill," Gu Dashao explained with Yin Zong, and made an action that squeezed from both sides, saying: "The number of people killed in front and back is small, and the formation of this Yongsheng Temple will become long. Similar to a long snake array."

Yin Zong looked at a few of the accounts and said: "Is not a general, but you are not a fool. You don't have to worry so much, you can't understand."

Big guy..., St. Shang now speaks directly.

“What do the believers do?” Xian Zong asked Jing Momen: “Do you kill or not?”

"It can only be killed," Jing Mo whispered.

Before the two military squads, it was foolish to let their soldiers suffer casualties because they sympathized with each other.

"You can't live without it," Xian said with a sigh.

"That's what it is," Su Zhao said with a smile: "Would we like to have some good wine and a drink?"

Jiang Zhuojun said at this time: "My family is seriously ill, and several of them have doctors in the army. Can you please ask them to visit our family?"

Jiang Zhuojun said this, except for Zuoyou did not think much, nodded and said no problem, Xianxian Junchen, and Jing Mo, Su Zhao, the two emperors are watching Jiang Zhuojun.

Gu two less to see, did not understand this is another trouble.

After a long time, Xianzong sighed: "What kind of big thing can you send a few doctors?" This is the life of my doctor who is going to see Li Luo."

Jing Mo and Su Zhao should also be responsible for sending the doctors to the past.

Jing Mo also said: "If there is no drug army to use, I will kill people and go to Yan to take medicine."

Zuo You shook his head and said: "Why does he have to follow us to the Yongsheng Temple? Is it better to go to Yan to go to the city to recover from illness?"

Jiang Zhuojun whispered: "I can't persuade him."

Yinzong stood up and took a table and said: "Let's go and persuade him. It's just to survive. What is he doing? If he hasn't played, he won't want to live?"

Jiang Zhuojun was busy with the sage of the sage, and said: "Thank you, Uncle Shi."

"Come," Yin Zong rushed out of the account: "Call the doctor to follow General Xiaojiang."

Jingmo three people also ordered Jiang Zhuojun in the face of the face, so that the military doctors to see Li Luo.

After Jiang Zhuojun thanked everyone, he first retired and prepared to take the four kingdom doctors to see his family.

After Jiang Zhuojun left, Jing Mo asked Xian Zong: "Uncle Shi, really want to persuade Li Luo to go back to Yan?"

Yin Zong sat back again.

At this time, Gu Dashao told Gu to get up with himself. He himself and Yin Zong said: "St. Shang, Chen, etc. want to see Princess and Xinglang."

"Go," said Xian Zong. "If you look at it, don't let her make trouble."

Gu Dashao took the initiative and took Gu to withdraw.

After the family brothers retired, Emperor Xianzong only followed Jingjing: "Luo Luo's illness, I heard that it is like trying to listen to the fate of the people, and persuaded him to go back to the city, not for him, but for Xiaojiang. Xiao Jiang and Li Luo were brothers before. Now there is the righteousness of the monarch and the prince. Li Luo is sick and afflicted. It is not entirely for the prevention of Xiao Jiang Gong Gao Zhen. He also has the meaning of maintaining Xiao Jiang."

Jing Mo whispered: "So no matter what the future, Xiao Jiang is not willing to bear him at this time."

Xianzong nodded and looked at Jingmo. Emperor Xianzong felt that this was the difference between people. This should be replaced by Jingmo, fearing that Lilu’s life would be dragged to the top of their battles. Asking for medicine? Don't think about it.

Jiang Zhuojun took the Tai doctor to go to Li Luo’s camp. On the way, he met Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang who were holding buns in their hands.

"Xiaojiang," Yu Xiao shouted.

Jiang Zhuojun stopped and let his own soldiers continue to move with the doctor.

Gu Xinglang looked at the doctors who had walked over from their own eyes and asked Jiang Zhuojun: "Is it necessary to see your majesty?"

Jiang Zhuojun whispered: "Yes."

Yu Xiaoxiao snorted twice and lowered his voice and said to Jiang Zhuojun: "The dead dog said that Li Luo's liver disease has reached a very serious point. Is there any way for your doctors there?"

Jiang Zhuojun’s eyes jumped.

Yu Xiao's novel: "Do you know what disease Li Luo got?"

Jiang Zhuojun said: "The doctor said that he was infected with the sky."

"Hey?" Jade Xiaoxiao did not understand.

Gu Xinglang did not read the medical book and could not understand it.

"That is to say that his liver is ill," Jiang Zhuojun whispered.

"Can that cure?" Yu Xiaoxiao cares about Luo Luodao.

Jiang Zhuojun said: "I am not a medical practitioner, so I don't know. I have been taking soup for a few days, and I have not seen any improvement."

"My family's dead dog said that it is best to cure this disease in Chinese medicine," said Yu Xiaoxiao, who is really not at work.

"Chinese medicine?" Jiang Zhuojun asked.

"It's the doctors," Yu Xiaoxiao.

"I hope," Jiang Zhuojun smiled reluctantly.

"Let's go," Yu Xiaoxiao put the buns together, and said to Jiang Zhuojun: "I and Xiao Gu went to see him."

Jiang Zhuojun looked at the young couple and said, "What about Master Jade?"

"I still have dinner in the house," Yu Xiaoxiao said. "Several chefs now want to cry when they see him, saying that they are afraid that the food in the army will not be enough."

Jiang Zhuojun...

Gu Xinglang coughed and said: "Let's go, let's go see your majesty." Master, don't say it, say more headaches.

To the reader:

The second is more.