MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 92 Daru's end-of-life entrustment (seek full order, ask for monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 92 The Great Confucian's End-of-life Entrustment

  North-South Avenue.

  One of the main avenues in the capital, leading to Zhuquefang in the south and Xuanwufang in the north. During the day, there is a lot of traffic. Looking from above, a long water dragon stretches and undulates.

  At night, the shops facing the street were closed and locked, and the stalls on both sides of the street disappeared. The whole street was deserted, only the night wind was blowing the fallen leaves, and there was rustling sound.

An old figure came from the darkness, under the scattered starlight, his shadow stretched very long, his name is Zhu Zhishan, a great Confucian from Jixia Academy, he has been consulting classics and manuscripts since three years ago After three years of exploration, they have made great achievements in comprehending Haoran's righteousness experience.

  Some time ago, I accidentally got an ancient remnant book, which recorded the experience of the ancient Confucianism in comprehending the righteousness. It was like a treasure, like a strong light shining in the dark, allowing him to get stuck in the bottleneck of the master and directly enlightened.

   Grasping this rare inspiration, I have been working overtime during this period, and I have been busy working in Jixia Academy until late, and I have put in countless painstaking efforts, and finally integrated them to form a complete system for comprehending Haoran righteousness.

   You don’t need to read books and comprehend the true meaning of the book as you did in the past, and with a flash of inspiration, you will be able to comprehend the awe-inspiring righteousness.

According to the system he organized, with special secret techniques, painstaking efforts, he created it by himself to test whether a person has the grandeur bone setting (named by himself). Inject a burst of righteousness into his body and let him realize it, which can save more than half of the time to comprehend the righteousness.

   Only the last point is missing!

   How to keep the awe-inspiring righteousness in other people's bodies without dissipating? For this question, he consulted many people, including the vice president and other big bosses, but he still has no idea.

  The more he thought about it, the more chaotic he became. He had conquered all kinds of problems, but was blocked by a quick kick. This made him very angry and aggrieved.

   The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, never admit defeat, you must overcome it!

   There is no suffocation. At this point, it is not through holding back energy. What is missing is inspiration. If inspiration comes, the problem will be solved, so I left Jixia Academy and prepared to go home to rest.

  The surrounding temperature turned cold in an instant, and a huge murderous aura locked him invisibly.

  Although Zhu Zhishan is a great Confucian, he has also comprehended righteousness, but his cultivation level is not strong. He is best at learning and doing research, which is his strength.

   But the atmosphere is so obvious, not to mention him, even a pig can feel it, stop, concentrate on guard, a pair of old eyes, full of wisdom, scan in the dark.


An indifferent and emotionless voice sounded, four men in black rushed out from the darkness, and rushed towards him at a very fast speed. Push him to the core.

Zhu Zhishan's complexion was ugly, his brows were completely frowned, twisted into a "Chuan" character, they specially ambushed here, it seems that they came prepared, combined with the latest progress of his research, I am afraid that they are aiming at that thing Come, you can die, but things must not fall into their hands.

   With it, Jixia Academy will be able to continuously cultivate countless talents, surpassing the other two universities in one fell swoop, and become the first academy of the Great Xia Dynasty, a holy place in the hearts of thousands of students.

  If it falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be disastrous.

  In one thought, he thought a lot.

  The sword lights of the four men in black are already approaching. Don't give him a chance to think too much, mobilize the awe-inspiring righteousness, and the golden light will manifest.

  There is no weapon on his body, and he uses his fingers as swords to display the mighty swordsmanship, controlling the righteousness of the greatness, and condenses into dozens of swords of greatness to fight with them.

  The other party came prepared, his cultivation was higher than him, and the four of them teamed up, no matter how strong their awe-inspiring righteousness and awe-inspiring swordsmanship, they couldn't stop them!

  After only a short while, his body was covered in cuts and bruises, his body was covered with wounds, his clothes were stained red with blood, he insisted on not screaming, he gritted his teeth and forcibly supported himself, looking for an opening, trying to break through.

  But the man in black has fierce moves and rich combat experience, how can he be given a chance?

Without any choice!

  Zhu Zhishan could only use the most stupid way to ask for help, mobilizing his inner strength and shouting desperately: "Help me..."

  Although it was embarrassing and became a joke afterwards, as long as this thing can be kept, everything will be worth it.

  The man in black headed by him changed his face and cursed angrily: "Kill him quickly! Take that thing away."

   As soon as the sword's momentum changed, the four of them fought hard, holding on to Haoran's sword energy, fighting to get injured, and they wanted to kill him in an instant.

  A carriage was driven very close to here, seven sacred dragon-drawn carriages, with lanterns hanging around it, with the word "Taifu" written on it, the driver was Uncle Zhong, and Ji Xueyan was sitting in it.

  Since the assassination happened last time, Uncle Zhong will come to pick him up when it gets dark.

  The car is in the middle.

  Ji Xueyan closed her eyes, her long eyelashes twitching slightly, she was resting her mind when she closed her eyes, suddenly, a familiar voice came from her ear, it was from Zhu Zhishan.


  Beautiful eyes opened, shooting out two frightening cold lights, hurriedly opened the curtain of the car and rushed out, rushing towards the source of the sound, a word came from the front: "I'll go and see what's going on!"

   Zhongbo drove the holy heavenly dragon horse, and also rushed there.

  The other side.

  Zhang Ronghua also arrived nearby. He heard someone calling for help in front of him. He heard the voice as if he was on his way back. After thinking about it, he decided to go over and have a look. Using his body skills, he also rushed over.


   "Go to hell!" The leading man in black roared.

A sword pierced Zhu Zhishan's heart, kicked him flying again, and fell to the ground fiercely. Just as he was about to move further, a gust of fragrant wind came, a white aura flashed, and Ji Xueyan had already appeared in front of them , the jade hand slammed out, violent palm force, with endless anger, knocked them to the ground, and directly injured them seriously.

He hurried to Zhu Zhishan, helped him up from the ground, took out a healing pill and fed him, then sealed the wound on his chest to prevent the blood from flowing out, and asked with concern: "Can you hold on?" ?”

Zhu Zhishan's eyes lit up, he raised his palm with difficulty, and took out a book from his bosom. On the cover was written the four big characters "Hao Ran Bone Straightening", put it in her hand, and said with difficulty: "The old man is about to die, it condenses I have devoted my whole life to it, although it is not yet finished, only the last bit is missing, but I leave it to you, I hope you can perfect it, and when it is successful, copy a copy and burn it to the old man, and I will die in peace!"

   Zhang Ronghua and Zhong Bo arrived one after the other, stood beside her, watching quietly without disturbing her.

  Injured like this, the heart has been pierced, and there are many other injuries, it cannot be saved!

  Ji Xueyan nodded solemnly: "Don't worry! I won't let your hard work go in vain. No matter how much energy you put in, you must perfect it!"

  Hearing her promise, Zhu Zhishan closed his eyes with a smile, let go of his palm, and fell powerlessly to the ground, his life came to an end.

  Put him down.

  Ji Xueyan stood up from the ground, looked coldly at the four men in black, saw her appear, knew that the mission had failed, and committed suicide by biting her fangs.

  Looking at Zhang Ronghua again, the two of them looked at each other, they obviously had a lot to say, but they couldn't say it, even if Uncle Zhong was not there, they nodded tacitly.

  Take Zhu Zhishan's body and rush towards Jixia Academy. After such a big incident, it is Zhu Zhishan who died. Jixia Academy must find out the mastermind behind the scenes and avenge him!

  They left, and Zhang Ronghua didn't stay long. Although he was puzzled, he was also very puzzled. How could she be so angry after the death of a great Confucianist?

  Go back to the house.

  Purple Cat is not here, Shi Bo has already fallen asleep, entered the room, and sat on the bed to practice Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu. After this period of practice, Xuanhuang's true essence has been polished very strong, and in a few days, he can try to break through.

  Different from his situation, Ji Xueyan was busy until very late before returning to the mansion, and asked Yueya to prepare hot water for a bath.


The purple cat's voice sounded, it pushed open the door, walked in from the outside, raised its paw, closed the door again, came to her, jumped up, landed in her arms, and put the painting in its mouth down on her. above the arm.

  Ji Xueyan frowned and looked at it puzzled. The purple cat raised its paw and pointed at it, meaning to let her open it.

   With doubts.

  Jade hand stretched out, grabbed the back of the purple cat's head, lifted it up, put it on the side, and opened the painting to reveal the cave above.


  He was startled, his mind went blank, he stared at the familiar scene in front of him, and froze there.

  The purple cat took a look at her, and still raised its paw, waved it in front of her, and called out in a low voice: "Meow!"

  Ji Xueyan didn't have time to pay attention to it. The scene in the cave last time couldn't help but reappeared, as if it just happened yesterday, very clear.

   These days, I have been working at a high intensity, either cultivating or cultivating righteousness, numb myself, and forget everything that happened before.

   Just met in a hurry on the North-South Avenue, there was Uncle Zhong present, so it was not appropriate to say more, so I could only nod to each other to say hello, and then she rushed back to Jixia Academy to deal with Zhu Zhishan's matter.

   Haoran’s bone setting is still a little bit close to perfection, and he has been thinking about this problem since he came back.

   No matter where you start, it won't work! In other words, since her background was not enough, she also consulted Uncle Zhong, who knew nothing about Haoran Zhengqi and could not offer effective suggestions at all.

It was about the future of Jixia Academy, Ji Xueyan was very concerned, and went to the study again to ask her father to come forward. The Taifu took a look and told her that in theory, the awe-inspiring righteousness, like the aura of heaven and earth, can be stored in the body , let people understand, but it is higher than the aura of heaven and earth, if you know it, you will, if you don't, you won't.

  For those who know how, awe-inspiring righteousness is a part of themselves. For those who don’t, even if they have awe-inspiring integrity, they still don’t know how to do it!

  After hearing what she said, she was confused, so she asked Yueya to prepare hot water and soak in the bathtub to relax. Unexpectedly, the painting brought by the purple cat disturbed her mood.

   "Is that what he meant?"

  The purple cat belongs to Zhang Ronghua, and now it comes with a painting, it must have been given by him.

   Could it be that he, like himself, feels pain in his heart?

  But he has already made a marriage contract, and after a while, he will marry the prince and become the princess. He knows all this, why do he still do this?

  Ji Xueyan is suffering! It was as if countless sharp knives were cutting. Although she didn't show it on her face, the jade hand she was holding tightly had betrayed the thoughts in her heart.

  She didn't feel well, and her heart was in great pain!

  Not only did his affection for Zhang Ronghua not diminish, but it became stronger and stronger as time went by.

  Especially a few days ago.

  When I saw him and Yang Hongling together, the kind of beloved who was snatched away by others, couldn't show it yet. Watching them together helplessly, don't mention how painful it is.

  Unknowingly, her eye sockets became moist, and two crystal clear teardrops flowed out from them, wet her cheeks, footsteps sounded, and Crescent Moon hummed triumphantly.

Ji Xueyan didn't dare to let her find out that this matter was too big, and she had to rot in her heart no matter what, she must not show it, let alone let anyone know, she hurriedly wiped away her tears, cold, without any anger, and returned to normal The previous cold appearance.

   Put away the painting, looking at the purple cat, eating her black grapes, eating grapes without spitting out the grape skins, pinching one by one with her little paws, and throwing them into her mouth, not to mention how happy she is.

  The upper lip curled up, revealing a gap, exposing some of the white teeth in the mouth: "Delicious?"

  Purple Cat was puzzled, but still nodded heavily.

   "Let Crescent Moon bring you some back later."


  The purple cat's eyes lit up, and he threw the black grape in his paw into his mouth, and walked around in a circle, very happy.

   Touch its head, it is big, soft, and hot, and the fluffy feeling is really good.

   Seeing Yueya coming, he ordered: "Take some spiritual fruit from the mansion and let him take it back to eat."

  Yue Ya put down the bathtub, looked at the purple cat suspiciously: "What's the matter, miss?"

   "Do it!"


Ji Xueyan raised her jade arms in a line shape, Yueya walked over, and undressed her, revealing a perfect figure, under the illumination of the candlelight, the bright yellow light fell on her body, As the figure swayed, it became more alluring.

  The jade foot was lifted and put into the bathtub, and then the other foot also stepped in.

Taking advantage of the moment when the purple cat turned around with the black grapes, it looked at the underwear that fell on the bed, a pink apron embroidered with a white crane, and a pool of shallow water where it was fishing. The briefs were black and transparent in the middle. Like a spider's web, it spread and spread, and I felt uneasy again. I wanted to take them back to Zhang Ronghua, but the crescent moon was still there. It was only two days after the last incident. If I act again, I will inevitably expose myself. With the impulsive thought in my heart, I just endured it, and didn't let myself move.

   "Go! Take you to get the spirit fruit."

  Yueya carried it, threw it into her arms, walked outside, went out, and closed the door again.

   Follow her away.

   With arms folded, Ji Xueyan, lying on the bathtub, opened her closed eyes at this moment, turned her head, and looked at the direction behind, which was Zhang Ronghua's mansion.

  Beautiful eyes sparkle again and again, muttering to herself, with a voice that only she can hear: "Are you like me?"


  Yueya greeted the guards, opened the door, and walked in with the purple cat. The space is very large, and there are various treasures and spiritual fruits. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small treasure house.

   Just came in.

  Purple Cat's eyes straightened. Looking at these things, he drooled in disappointment, and wet Yueya's hands with a splash.

  Yueya stared at it, waved her hand and slapped its buttocks, and scolded: "Can't you be a little bit promising?"

  Purple Cat jumped out of her embrace as if not aware of it, and walked to a pile of spiritual fruits.

Two little paws turned into a hardworking gardener, moved black grapes, fire ginseng fruit and other things together, and finally took a few pots of Tianqiongyu wine, which was prepared for Zhang Ronghua. When it stopped, the spirit fruit Pile up into a hill, half a person's height.

  Yueya couldn't bear it any longer, she held her lower abdomen in her hands, and laughed exaggeratedly: "Are you going to laugh me to death?"


  The purple cat let out a cry of dissatisfaction, urging her to pack these things up.

   "Okay! Here it is, I want to see how you get it back."

  Find a bag and put all these things in it. Nuoda’s bag was full, and then tied the mouth, crossed his arms, and Crescent Moon looked at it playfully.

  She forgot that the purple cat is not an ordinary cat, it has the blood of the phoenix, and it is also a third-level master.

  Walking over, with a lift of his paw, he threw the bag up and landed on his back accurately, protecting it with his cultivation to prevent it from falling down.

   But under the cover of the bag, even it is almost invisible.

   "!!" Crescent Moon has a black line.

   Said angrily: "Hurry up!"

There was no need for her to urge, the things were already in hand, so the purple cat wanted to leave here, went out, and under the surprised eyes of the guards, he carried the sack and left gracefully. When he reached the corner, he jumped, jumped over, and disappeared .

   Back to the boudoir.

  Yueya told the story about the purple cat carrying half a sack of spiritual fruit.

  Ji Xueyan responded calmly and continued to take a bath.


  Go home.

  The purple cat arrived outside Zhang Ronghua's room as if offering a treasure, raised its little paw, and knocked on the door.

   Above the bed.

Zhang Ronghua was practicing, when he heard the sound of the door, he finished his training, looked over, saw that it was a purple cat, and was carrying a head filled with spiritual fruits, his face turned black, and he guessed subconsciously, this guy went to "shun" again "Is there something?

   It’s no wonder he thinks this way, the purple cat has a criminal record, and the ornamental fish in the artificial lake is the best proof.

  Get off the bed, walk over, open the door, put the bag aside, grab the back of its head and lift it up, asking with a sullen face, "Where did you get it?"

The purple cat is wronged, with a pair of cat eyes, looking at him pitifully, as if complaining for grievances, I spent so much effort to get a bag of spiritual fruit, and almost Tianqiongyu. Share it together, don't believe me!

   It is imperative to explain clearly first, otherwise a meal of output will be inevitable.


  Pointing in the direction of Taifu Mansion, he said that Ji Xueyan gave it to him.

  Zhang Ronghua frowned: "Why did she give you so many spiritual fruits so well?"

   I saw you in a hurry just now.

  A great Confucian died in Jixia Academy. Judging from her serious expression, the dead person was of unusual status. How could she be in the mood to give it something?

  Purple Cat was not convinced, and kept screaming "Meow", reacting fiercely.

   "Did she really give it?"

  The purple cat nodded vigorously!

   "Trust you for now."

  Open the bag, revealing a large pile of spiritual fruits inside, and four pots of Tianqiongyu Noodles. Take them out and place them on the table one by one, piled high.

  Zi Mao swiped four pots of Tianqiongyu Niang over, meaning it was for you.

  Then raised his paw again, gestured twice towards the pile of spiritual fruits, and divided it into three areas, the largest area belonged to it, the second area belonged to Zhang Ronghua, and the smallest area belonged to Shi Bo.


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped it on the head, divided them into three parts of the same size, put away one part, and stared at it seriously: "Send the other part to Uncle Shi."

  Although the purple cat was reluctant, it still responded with a "meow".

   After it leaves.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't practice anymore, washed a bunch of black grapes and ate them, squinting his eyes and thinking: "Ji Xueyan is very good, why give it so many spiritual fruits? Did it help her?"

   After eating a bunch of black grapes, I didn't bother with it, went to bed, and continued to practice.



Ding Yi came very late, and didn't come back from outside until noon. His face was excited, and his face was full of happiness. He entered the library hall, closed the door, and ran over in a hurry, saying: "Brother , guess how much money we made?"

  Zhang Ronghua put down the book, sat up from the recliner, and took a sip of the teacup leisurely: "Is it sold out?"

   "That's right! Don't you look at who I am? Don't dare to say anything else, but on this matter, who in the upper circles doesn't know my character?"

"How many?"

"you guess!"

  Holding the book, rolled it up, knocked on his head, sullenly: "Say!"

"Prices vary. Those who have a status are 1,200 taels a copy, and those who have no status are 2,000 taels a copy. The two hundred books have sold a total of about 320,000 taels. The supply is still in short supply. After reading it, everyone said Well, ask me when the next edition will come out."

  Take out the Sumeru bag and place it in front of him.

   "The money is in there."

  He has no cultivation base, it seems that someone else put money in it.

  Zhang Ronghua picked up the sumeru bag, took out the banknotes inside, a pile of them, and the visual impact brought by the pile on the ground was great.

  Ding Yi was excited: "Brother, don't you want some?"

   "You think I'm like you?"

  The latter touched his head embarrassedly and smiled, but he ordered it all night.

Dividing the money into two parts, 160,000 taels per person, put his share in the sumeru bag, and handed it together with the sumeru bag, Zhang Ronghua said: "If you want to squeeze the wool, you have to hang on to their temperament and let them They can’t stop, forming a seller’s market, let’s stop for a while, and after a while, when they are anxious to get angry, we will release the next edition. At that time, both the price increase and the initiative will be in our hands.”

  Ding Yi shook his head, he didn't understand! But it makes sense for Brother to say this: "I will listen to Brother."

   Restoring his body for him, injecting a piece of Xuanhuang Zhenyuan into his body, rhyming and nourishing the meridians, then withdrew his hand: "Let's read a book!"

   After he left, Zhang Ronghua continued to read.

   It's been a few days.

  Based on his reading speed, more than half of the content in the library hall has been read, and it is estimated that in two days, he will be able to read all the remaining books.

  As the accumulation is strong, the awe-inspiring righteousness has also increased a little, and the reserve of knowledge has also become more.

  In a hall.

  Qian Wenli was drinking tea while handling the official duties assigned by his superiors. At this time, the door rang, and Rong Qinggui's voice came from outside: "My lord, I have something urgent to report!"

"Come in!"

  Push open the door, and then close the hall door.

  Rong Qinggui bowed his body, stopped in front of him, showed flattery, and told the news he had heard.

   Finish listening.

  Qian Wenli frowned: "Ding Yi sold that kind of thing and earned about 300,000 taels?"

   "This is only approximate! There may be more."

   "This trash can't do anything other than listen to the music! Yesterday, people prepared 200 blank books. Could it be that Zhang Ronghua made this painting?"

   With a gloomy face and a livid face, a large piece of water can be squeezed out without squeezing.

The eldest prince asked him to hide Zhang Ronghua in the snow. If there is a chance, it is best to clean him up. Fortunately, they have started a business together and made so much money. If this is passed back, wouldn't it be a sign of his ability to handle affairs? no?

  Think about it, bad idea comes up.

   "We can't let them idle, send them the abandoned and dilapidated Confucian articles in Zadian, let them sort out and make a book, and then put them on the bookshelf."

With his mouth wide open, Rong Qinggui could stuff two eggs. Thinking of the Confucian books in the miscellaneous hall, there are really too many of them, and there are also some Taoist books. Bar? I also feel that it is a pity, after all, it was left by the predecessors, let people sort it out, it seems that it is not very useful, and the effort is not proportional to the harvest, so it has been delayed until now.

   "If something goes wrong with that trash of Ding Yi, the higher-ups will ask, that, that..."

Qian Wenli glared at him bitterly: "You have been with me for such a long time, and you have no awareness of this? Did I say to let Ding Yi do it? Let Zhang Ronghua tidy up alone, and I won't believe it. With all his energy, can he still be painting and selling money?"

  Rong Tsinghua thought it was right!

  Painting is a high-intensity job, which requires all energy and energy, without any distraction, otherwise the painting will not be perfect.

  If Zhang Ronghua doesn't do it, then there will be a reason to deal with him.

  Thinking about all this clearly, he gave a thumbs up and praised: "Your Excellency is tall! With a light stroke, he will be eaten to death."

  Qian Wenli proudly stroked his beard, enjoying his flattery: "Let's do it!"

  Rong Qinggui left, and asked someone to move the books in Zadian.

   Library Hall.

  Looking at the books on the ground, they almost filled up the entire space in the hall, and there was almost no place to walk.

  Ding Yi's face was ugly, his eyes were spitting fire, his fists were tightly clenched, and he gritted his teeth: "These **** are deceiving people too much! I will go to them now to ask for an explanation."

  Zhang Ronghua's face darkened, and he shouted: "Stop!"

   "Brother! Others are bullying to the top, do we have to endure it?"

  Zhang Ronghua didn't answer the call, squatted down, and picked up a book at random. This is a collection of Taoist books, some places have been damaged, and only half of the content of a book is left. The recorded things are not bad.

  He smiled, looked at the collection of books on the ground, and asked, "I heard that there are many such books in Zadian?"

  The second monk Ding Yizhang couldn't figure it out, and laughed if he wasn't angry? Unable to understand what he was thinking, he answered honestly: "Yeah!"

   "They are going to miscalculate. These things are useless in the eyes of outsiders, but they are good things to me."


   "You'll find out in a few days."

  Sit down on the reclining chair, take the books that you put down before, and continue to read, first read the books in the library hall, and then read the books in the miscellaneous hall.

   Seeing him watching with gusto, Ding Yi blinked suspiciously, could it really be a baby?

  Glancing at a book, he knew every word, what it meant when combined, and what it was talking about, he was stunned!

  Put the book down and go to sleep!

   Two days in a row.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't go anywhere. On duty, when he went home, he spent the rest of the time reading books. By now, he had read all the books in the library hall, mastered them, and made them his own.

  Sitting on the cushion, playing the Dao Zheng Qi song, he had a feeling that after reading so many books, Hao Ran Zheng Qi would definitely be improved to a higher level.

  With the movement of the Dao Zhengqi song, the golden light manifests, illuminating him, and the most masculine, majestic, holy and righteous power rushes out and bathes the palace.

  Hearing the movement, Ding Yi came out from the inside and looked at Zhang Ronghua who was practicing. Although he couldn't cultivate, he still had sharp eyesight and could recognize the awe-inspiring righteousness. He was dumbfounded: "Isn't this awe-inspiring righteousness too strong?"

  Under the light of it, the whole body was warm and comfortable, and subconsciously approached him, stopped three steps away from him, bathed in the awe-inspiring righteousness, and fell asleep.

  In the palace.

  Rong Qinggui came over again and reported the events of the past two days.

  Qian Wenli stroked his beard, showing disdain on his face: "A mere general, even if he has the support of the prince, let him jump out of this pit and go to the scholar's hall to be gilded. If you want to deal with such a person, I have a lot of methods."

   "That's right! With your methods, my lord, taking care of him is like taking care of an ant."

   "Keep staring! Don't let your guard down, and get another copy of the painting he made."

  Wait for him to leave.

  Qian Wenli's eyes flickered coldly, and he thought coldly, not only do I want to abolish you, but I also want to handle this matter quickly and neatly!

   Library Hall.

Zhang Ronghua finished training, stood up from the cushion, with a smile on his mouth, the harvest this time was even greater than expected, the grandeur of righteousness increased a lot, nearly doubled, and even the power of the soul was tempered Once again, it has been improved a little.


  Combined with my own perception, I already have a prototype, and I have created a kung fu method that makes the meridians bigger and wider, has strong toughness, and can increase lifespan.

  Looking at Ding Yi beside him, he jokingly smiled, he is the best test subject!

   But right now it’s just a prototype. Although he has a deep background, he combined all the books in the library hall, and only then did he get a little inspiration. He caught it and got a rough outline.

  But this exercise is against the sky. Unlike other exercises that increase lifespan and strengthen meridians, there is no restriction, and it can be practiced by individuals. This alone makes it unique. It is not surprising to say that it is rare in the ages.

  The effect is not bad, especially the lifespan. Although it has not been created yet, and the specific data cannot be obtained, it is not a lot.

  Looking at the collection of books on the ground, this pile is just a corner of the miscellaneous hall. If you read them all, you will be able to create this exercise.

   Without the nourishment of Haoran's righteousness, Ding Yi also woke up, stood up from the ground, saw Zhang Ronghua had a smile on his face, and asked curiously: "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

   "Let's take a guess!"

  Ding Yi's eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "Can the book be published?"

  Zhang Ronghua's face turned dark, and he glared at him angrily, saying that he didn't say: "What's in your head? This is all you do all day long?"

   "It's not shabby to make money."

   "Let you be a normal person!"


  Ding Yi rushed up excitedly, grabbed his arm, his eyes were so hot that he could spew fire, and stared at him: "Did you lie to me?"

  Zhang Ronghua withdrew his hand, took a step back, and kept a certain safe distance: "What do you have to lie to?"

   "Thank you bro!"

   "Okay! I'm hungry, get me some food."


  Ding Yi rushed out happily, Zhang Ronghua was not idle, moved the recliner over, and read these discarded books in Zadian.

  Some of the content is ancient, and there are some celebrities and everyone, but they are not complete. For him, these books are like a piece of Nuo’s big puzzle, tinkering and absorbing useful knowledge to become his own heritage.


  Ding Yi returned with two food boxes, put down his things, and took out the food inside, six dishes, two plates of spiritual fruits, and a pot of Tianqiongyu Niang.

   "Brother, it's time to eat."

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, put down the book, stood up from the reclining chair, took the bowls and chopsticks he handed over and ate, and asked casually, "Where did you get these things?"

   "Imperial dining room!" Ding Yi said.

   Seeing him frowning, he explained: "Your Majesty gave an order before that you can eat there. I thought it was troublesome, so I never went there. If you don't say it today, you will almost forget it."

  Emperor Xia is really kind to him, the emperor's kindness is grand!

   After eating, continue reading.

   reached the next value.

  Put the book down, Ding Yi has already asked Ding Yi to classify the books after reading them, put them on the shelf, and copy them again? impossible!

  Ding Yidao: "Brother, what are you going to do when you take a rest tomorrow?"

   "I haven't figured it out yet! Let's talk about it tomorrow."

   "Are you going to goulan to listen to music tonight?"


   While talking, the two left the Library Hall and separated at Zhuquemen. Seeing him leaving in a carriage, Zhang Ronghua walked towards Zhuquefang's home.

   On the way, I met Yang Hongling.

Seeing that she was in a hurry, still holding the Star Burning Sword in her hand, her clothes had also changed, a black tights, paired with oolong boots, looking like she was fighting, and asked curiously: "What are you doing?" ?”

  Yang Hongling glanced at him, saw that he was wearing an official uniform and hadn't changed it yet, and asked, "Just off duty?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

I stroked my long hair, put the fiery red hair behind my head, and said: "Grandpa is just like what you said, my foundation is not stable. I suggest that I polish it in actual combat to stabilize my cultivation. I have been looking for it for the past few days. I killed some demons and goblins, and when I was about to go back, I saw a man in black sneaking around, and I wounded him after a fight, and then tracked him all the way here."

   "Want me to come with you?"

   "Is there anything wrong?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly: "I have nothing to do except dinner."

   "Okay! After I take him down, I'll eat it for you later."

   They looked at each other and smiled.

  Turn your body, follow the blood on the ground, and track it forward.

   It took a while to talk just now, but Yang Hongling is good at tracking and has rich experience. Following the clues left by the other party, he chased to the west of the city and stopped outside a private house.

  The two of them stood at the gate of the courtyard.

   Looking inside, the night is still the same night, but the temperature here is very cold, and there is a terrible murderous aura hidden in the chill, and the surrounding is quiet, without any insects.

Zhang Ronghua took a look and used his soul power to check. A large formation was arranged in the courtyard to surround the place. There was a group of people hiding in the formation. The injured man in black was inside, looking like a head. Yang Hongling took the bait.

  Withdrawing his soul power, he explained what he had checked.

  Yang Hongling raised her willow eyebrows, and her big jewel-like eyes showed disdain: "A large formation wants to block me? They think too highly of themselves."

   Slashed open the gate of the courtyard with a sword, and walked in.

  Zhang Ronghua followed behind and supported her. If she encountered danger, she could solve it in time.

   To the backyard.

  The two of them stopped at the door, and one step further, they were within the enveloping range of the large formation.

  Yang Hongling raised the Star Burning Heaven Sword, and under the blessing of internal force, the sword body burst into a terrifying cold light, and the sharp sword energy raged, and he snorted coldly: "Break!"

   Slash with a sword!

   A destructive sword energy rushed out, slashing towards the large formation in front.

  The man in black, who was hiding in the dark, saw that the formation was discovered, and hurriedly roared: "Earth Fiend Killing Formation!"

The formation was running, and endless gray rays of light rushed out, forming a large formation. These gray lights contained strong evil spirits, forming a huge aura. Under his control and the cooperation of his subordinates, they condensed into a huge formation. The skull was five feet in size, opened its **** mouth, and brutally bit down.

  The sword qi slashed at it, but it didn't break it, it just blocked it.

  Yang Hongling frowned, and let out a little surprise, it was actually an earth-level formation, no wonder it was able to block her sword, but that was all.

   With a little bit of jade feet, with a gust of wind, he rushed up like lightning, and performed the Hao Ran Wan Jian Jue, hundreds of sword lights appeared on the sword body, and fought with it.

  Zhang Ronghua crossed his arms and stood watching from the sidelines. With Yang Hongling's cultivation, it was more than enough to solve this large formation, so he didn't need to take action.

  With the help of this opportunity, it happens to polish the cultivation base that has just broken through and make the realm more stable.

   After a quarter of an hour.

  Yang Hongling figured out its law, no longer kept it, and mobilized all internal strength, based on Hao Ran Wan Jian Jue, combined with the Star Burning Heaven Sword, the endless sword light illuminated the night sky, and snorted coldly: "It's time to end!"

  The big five-element sky-breaking sword array is displayed, with the sword as the center, hundreds of mighty giant swords form a sword array, and the sword array rotates, emitting supreme power, and with the tip of the sword, it cuts on the skull.

  (end of this chapter)