MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ One extra

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Xuanten Tianzong Mountain Gate, hanging on the top of Tianfeng Mountain, there are three people walking, the first two people, one man and one woman, the man is calm and heavy, the woman is quiet and beautiful, but it is the first elder of the Tiandian second generation Yang Tie, with his wife, born Fang Shaoyu in Ziwei Road.

After Yang Tie's body, it is a snow-haired youth, between the eyebrows, like frost, but under the Yang Tiemen, the first three-generation true biography of the Heavenly Temple, Ye Xinhui.

Outside the Tianfeng, the distant void suddenly broke open, and a group of people took a step from it. The person who led the head was a purple man with a strong and strong eyebrows. The embroidered tai chi, the cuffs and flames, is the same door of Yang Tie, most of the weekdays. At that time, they all stayed in Tang Jun, who burned Tianya in the ancient city of Luyan.

Everyone behind him, he is also dressed like him, but headed by Tang Jun, all people's faces are full of joy.

Ye Xinhui knows the reason, because he and Yang Tie, Fang Shaoqi and so on, are all the same.

The priests are not necessarily husband and wife, but there are also many verses of harmony.

In recent years, the vast land of Shenzhou, or the entire Tianyuan World, the most legendary and most influential pair of Taoists, no doubt, is Ye Xinhui’s own teacher, Bozu, and Xuanmen Tianzong’s second. Ren Zongzhu, the master of the sea, Yan Emperor Xiao Yan, with the ancient dynasty, a combination of Qing Yan Dao Zun Xiaozhen.

Little acquaintance, childhood, after the adulthood, the two feelings of mutual joy, and finally succeeded hand in hand.

The man is the most legendary figure from the past to the present, the great disciple of Lin Feng, the master of the Xuanmen, and the contemporary lord of the Tianzong Tianzong, who is now the Yan Emperor of the Tianyuan World.

As the owner of the sea of ​​the sea, you can control the power of the sea. It is recognized that the master of Xuanmen is the first person of Xuanten Tianzong.

The existence of Xiao Yu itself. It has already attracted the attention of the world, even after it took over the Xuanten Tianzong. There are few shots, but no one dares to despise.

This is also after Sakyamuni’s return to the Great Thousand, and after the restoration of the Tianjing Mirror to the successful return to the Baiyun Mountain, even if the main body of the Xuanmen, Lin Feng, did not succumb to the world, no one dared to dare to be a big reason for the Xiaozhao Xuanmen Tianzong.

Not to mention the looming, high-hanging sword of the horror of the world, not to mention the powerful power of the Taiji Tiantian Star Wars and the Xuanmen Lord Lin Feng’s treasures. In the Xuanhai, the blockade of the great demon king Xuanzang is Xiaoyu’s own existence. It is also negligent.

No one knows, Xiao Yu’s control over the depths of the sea, if he can handle it freely, it is also a battle for the sky mirror.

This is still the case that he is in the realm of returning to the virtual world. Over the years, Xiao Yu has lived in the sky and peaks. Now, it has become difficult to understand the outside world.

It was only when he returned to the virtual realm that year that he was comparable to others. If it is successful, it is naturally unimaginable.

As long as you think of it here, and then look at the same door of Xiao Yu, you will become more and more short-sighted.

As a partner of Xiao Yu. Although Xiao Zhener has weakened a little momentum, it is compared with Xiao Yu, and he himself is a vein of the ancient dynasty. The arrogance of the younger generation is among the generations of the entire Tianyuan University. It is also the pride of the world.

Outside the world of Xuanten Tianzong, Taixu Guan, and Oriental Liuliguang, the ancient dynasty is the most powerful force on the vast land of Shenzhou. No one can compete with the swords of the Lushan Mountain.

The combination of these two people is undoubtedly the most influential Taoist in recent years.

Previously, the two sides ordered the relatives, Lin Feng, the master of the Xuanmen, personally gave his own disciples a look, which made it more legendary.

Now, Xiao Yu and Xiao Zhener finally have to formally marry, and naturally they will become the biggest event of the vast land of China.

The news came out that the forces on the vast land of Shenzhou, regardless of whether they were kind or not with the Xuanmen Tianzong, said at the first time that they would rush to the Kunlun Mountains to hang the Tianfeng.

As the wedding season approaches, Xuanten Tianzong’s own interior is also preparing for it.

After Tang Jun arranged the proper thing for Yandi City, he and his disciples rushed back to the land of Shenzhou.

Stepping on the sky peak, Tang Jun met Yang Tie three people on the face, could not help but smile: "Yang Shixiong, Fang Shijie, don't come innocent."

Yang Tie and his wife met Tang Jun, and they all laughed together: "Tang Shidi, long time gone."

Tang Jun and they met the ceremony and said with a smile: "The days when Master and Qingyi Dao rejoices are finally here. I am a disciple and I am happy."

Yang Tie and Fang Shaoqi nodded together: "Who said that it is not? We are happy when we are younger."

Others also saw the ceremony together. Tang Jun looked at Ye Xinhui and smiled: "Immediate, I heard that you have cultivated a lot of new grass in the medicine valley? It is beautiful."

Ye Xinhui smiled and replied: "There may be varieties that Tang Shishu used in alchemy."

The Xuanmen Tianzong medicine valley was first managed by Yang Qing. Later, Yang Qing was away from the mountain. He was a niche hole in the sky, and he was not familiar with the grass road, so he turned to Zhu Yidai.

After Zhu Yi, it was Yang Tie. Later, after Ye Xinhui grew up, most of the time, he was taken care of.

Over the years, it has been officially handed over to Ye Xinhui.

Yang Tie smiled slightly: "Xin Hui is in this respect, the talent is superb, it is already blue, and stronger than me."

Tang Jun smiled and said: "Yes, together with alchemy, Duanmu has already taken us on the beach."

Everyone heard the words and laughed. Yang Tie said to Ye Xinhui: "You are going to be busy, and you are going to see you with the Tang Shishu."

Ye Xinhui immediately retire, he returned to the Valley of Medicine all the way, just arrived at Taniguchi, suddenly felt a bit, and when he turned around, he saw a gentle and kind young man marching toward Taniguchi. It was not someone else, but he was just talking about Duanmu.

Not only Ye Xinhui, but with the growth of Xuanmen Tianzong's late generations, most of the affairs inside Xuanten Tianzong have been officially handed over to them.

In the second generation of Xuanten Tianzong, Tang Jun did not repair Nanming from the fire, the road to alchemy, the first person of comprehensive strength was Lin Tong. As early as when Xiao Yu took over the position of the sovereign, Xuanmen Tianzong Danfang returned to heaven. The director of the Golden Pavilion passed to Lin Tong’s hand.

In recent years, as Ye Xinhui officially took over the medicine valley, he returned to the Golden Pavilion to take charge. It was also entrusted by Lin Tong to the disciple of Tang Jun, the first of the three generations of the Xuanmen Tianzong. The first person of the three generations of alchemy, Duanmu.

Other than that. Since Li Yuanfang’s hand has taken over the obedience of the observatory, in recent years, the burden has also been transferred to the next generation, against the immortal world where Lin Lin is the first generation of the first generation of Chen Fangge.

Huang Zhenyu, who took over the Zangjing Building from the hand of Wang Lin, passed the message to the first biography of the three generations of the true story of the river Luoju.

Han Shiyang, who took over the Hongfatang from the hand of Shi Tianyi, passed the message to the three generations of the sacred Tianyang.

The first of the eight generations, the disciple of Hanyang, practicing Huazhao, is known as the person who is the most likely to challenge Guo Zonghuang in the three generations of Xuanmen. However, all of his energy was put on the kendo, and there was no side to himself. He did not take any posts in Zongmen.

"Tang Shishu came back and went to see the sovereign with my teacher." Seeing Duanmu, Ye Xinhui greeted him.

In fact, Ye Xinhui is also quite proficient in the way of alchemy. He is also at the same time, and he often communicates with each other and is very familiar with each other.

Duanmu smiled and replied: "According to the teacher's remarks on the day. Calculating the time, it is the moment. I will go to the Taiji Pavilion later, but now I will come here to disturb you."

Ye Xinhui's frosty double eyebrows rose slightly. His face showed an expression of interest: "Have your new prescription progressed?"

Duanmu replied: "There is a new idea, ready to try."

When you say it, you will come up with your own ideas. Participate with Ye Xinhui.

The two were chatting, and suddenly there was a voice in the void: "Two brothers. And talking slowly, can you help me find a medicinal herb first?"

Ye Xinhui and Duanmu are both smiling. Then I saw a young girl descending from the sky and falling in front of them. A pair of big eyes turned and turned: "Ye Shixiong, how many roots are there in Yunjiateng?"

"Coincident, Duanmu is also here to find Yunming vine, he wants to make alchemy, what about you? Do you want to use this spirit grass?" Ye Xinhui looked at people, very interested.

In the way of refining, the wood and stone are often used in medicine, and the other party is also a frequent visitor to Yaogu.

Duanmu was asked slowly: "How much does Lu Shimei use?"

The woman in front of her eyes seems to be less than 20 years old, but the real age is long gone. Although the entry is relatively late, in today’s three generations of the mysterious Tianzong Tianzong, in the whole territory of Shenzhou, it is also the number one person. It is the pulse of Nirvana Cave, the grandson of Yang Qing, the apprentice of Zhou Yun, Lu Yilin.

Of course, if it is called Xuanmen Tianzong, such as Ye Xinhui and others, this Yuanxiao Shimei, the most famous is still like to create a variety of "surprise" for everyone without knowing.

The person with the most say in this regard is undoubtedly his teacher Zhou Yun.

However, this woman is quite talented in the refining device, and she is second to none in the three generations of the Xuanmen Tianzong.

Many of his whimsy, applied to the ritual practice, smashed a lot of scorpions, but more pioneering.

The place where the Zongmenzhong specializes in the refining of the magic weapon, the Temple of God, has been handed over to Lu Yilin from the hands of the second generation in the hands of Zhuge Qiuqiu.

Although the various movements and noises were even more exaggerated, Xuanten Tianzong also accompanied her to burn.

Lu Yilin smiled and came to Duanmu, and put a finger.

"One? That's the case..." Duanmu said halfway, Ye Xinhui waved his hand: "Duanmu, you still don't know her, she means ten!"

Duanmu sighed and saw Lu Yilin erecting a second finger. Sorryly, he smiled: "Actually, I want twenty, but if the Duanmu brothers want to use it, I have to tighten it."

The words are like this, but her eyes are swaying and her eyes are on Ye Xinhui.

Ye Xinhui licked the robes and said calmly: "You will open your mouth and have a total of six Yunming vines in the valley."

Lu Yilin's eyes widened, and he looked at Duanmu, and then looked at Ye Xinhui, and he stopped talking more. He suddenly rushed into Taniguchi.

Ye Xinhui and Duanmuyu saw the situation and could not help but be dumb.

Duanmu shook his head and shook his hand toward Ye Xinhui. He also entered the medicine valley directly.

Ye Xinhui saw it, and it was also a smile. Although it has matured a lot with years of experience, but in a certain way, Duanmu, in fact, like Lu Yilin, is quite insane in his own research.

After a long while, he shook his head and laughed, and suddenly looked up and looked at the sky: "The lord is married, and the ancestors will be heavy on this day."

Ye Xinhui stared at the void for a long while, although there was nothing in the air, but his sight seemed to reappear the former Yujing Mountain, the former Xuantian Baoshu, obscuring the sky and blocking the wind and rain.

The snow-haired youth’s face showed a gentle smile and regained his gaze. The body suddenly seemed to be quite straight, and he did not hurry to walk toward the medicine valley. (To be continued.)