MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 22 Transfiguration class? I **** off!

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  Chapter 22 Transformation class? I **** off!

  The next day, when the sun was still struggling to stay in bed on the horizon, Ted's two-month-old biological clock had already woken him up.

  The roommates were still soundly asleep, and Ted tiptoed about dressing and washing. Only Ansu, who was lying in the nest, opened his eyes and looked, but still stuck his mouth under his wings and couldn’t get up.

   After tidying up his personal hygiene, Ted briefly checked his backpack.

  Bringing all the pen and ink textbooks, he beckoned to Ansu.

  Ansu spread her wings and landed on Ted's shoulder. She was about to open her mouth to say something, but was stopped by Ted.

  Ted pointed to the roommates who were still in the dream, and Ansu tilted his head and nodded.

   About an hour later, at 7:30, Hermione walked down the stairs with her schoolbag and came to the common room.

  When they parted last night, she had made an appointment with Ted to meet in the lounge in the morning.

  She saw Ted at a desk by the wall.

  He is reading a book "Basic Magic Theory" and taking notes. Ansu quietly squatted on the window sill to look at the scenery, when he saw Hermione, he couldn't help saying hello: "Hermione, Hermione~"

  "Good morning Ansu, good morning Ted~"

   "Morning." Ted waved his hand and began to pack his things.

   As expected of Ravenclaw, besides Ted, there are three or four students who are also studying by themselves.

  Hermione couldn't help but blame herself: Why did she start to slack off on the first day of school!

  If she knew that Ted was the first to appear in the common room, and had already taken advantage of the morning to roughly read the book in her hand, she might feel even more remorse.

  It's getting late, so there's no time for Hermione to make up for it. The two went to the auditorium yesterday together. There is also a restaurant…

  Walking in the corridors of the ancient castle, the castle built of countless ancient stones seems to condense time. The surrounding murals, statues, and armors all have a feeling of time, as if walking in the stagnant time of the Middle Ages.

  The people and animals in the portrait are moving, doing their own thing.

  The armors will also slightly adjust their actions, and some will even move to another place by themselves.

  Going down the tower, they came to the stone bridge, and the two entered the main tower complex.

   Looking at the constantly moving and changing stairs overhead, Hermione couldn't help frowning slightly.

"According to the records in "A School History", there are a total of one hundred and forty-two staircases in Hogwarts. They all have different shapes, and they will continue to change. Every Friday, they will meet some strange places. It’s similar, some places are only halfway up, but halfway up the stairs suddenly disappear..."

  She looked at Ted with some headaches: "The book says that freshmen will always get lost and be late for various reasons."

  Ted nodded: "That's right, familiarizing yourself with the route is probably our main purpose in the near future. We even have to look for classrooms a long time in advance..."

   It is said that the route of Hogwarts is complicated, like a maze. And it is true.

  This castle was built a thousand years ago. At that time, there was no division between wizards and Muggles, and there were many conflicts between them.

  So this castle has a strong defensive attribute, and the complex route is good for defense.

   Fortunately, Ted's sense of direction has always been good, and since he became a psion, he has made great progress in memory.

  So he led Hermione to the auditorium without much trouble.

   At this time, there was nothing on the four long tables, and no one came. The two of them were the first and second.

  The two of them sat down casually without saying anything, and started their self-study.

  Learning this kind of thing, there is one person who urges each other with you, and the effect is more than doubled.

   After about twenty minutes, students gradually began to appear.

  Most of them are senior students. After all, the freshmen will not be able to figure out the route for a while, and no one will have to fumble for a while with their estimates.

   It was the female prefect Penello from yesterday. She couldn't help smiling when she saw Ted and Hermione studying at the long table early.

   For Raven Crawley, studious is definitely the greatest virtue.

  She came over, put a piece of parchment on the table, then stretched out her wand and clicked: "Copy to double~"

   Twice in a row, the parchment produces two "copies".

   "This is Ravenclaw's first-year class schedule. You need to copy a copy yourself. The product of the copying spell can only exist for a short time."

   "Okay, thanks," Ted thanked her.

  Hermione quickly picked up the timetable and looked at it.

   Penello nodded: "It's your duty, you're welcome."

  Ted picked up the class schedule and looked at it. Not only was there a weekly class schedule for the first grade, but there was also a time schedule.

  For example, the breakfast time is 8:00-10:00, and students who do not have classes normally sleep in and have food when they wake up.

  Of course, there is no such thing as a first-year student without class in the morning. The first class is at 9 o'clock.

  Lunch time 11:00-12:00, first class in the afternoon at 1:00.

  Dinner time 16:00-19:00, dinner is similar to a cafeteria, and the serving time is relatively long. And there are no classes for a lot of time on Friday afternoon, which is an extra half day off.

  There are formal dinners at the beginning of school, end of school and holidays, so the start time will be later, starting at 6 o'clock, lasting for 2 hours, and ending at 8 o'clock.

  The curfew time for the lower grades is 9 o'clock, and the curfew time for the upper grades can be extended to 10 p.m.

  Hogwarts does not stipulate a specific time to turn off the lights, but you cannot leave the common room after the curfew. Otherwise, it is considered a night tour, and if caught, points will be deducted and confinement will be added.

  Besides the normal schedule time and curfew time, in theory, all other time periods can be freely arranged.

  Students can participate in social activities such as clubs and Quidditch training, and teachers can also arrange to make up classes.

  Hogwarts implements a three-semester system. Christmas, Easter and summer vacation are holidays, and then the third grade and above can go to Hogsmeade without classes on weekends.

  The third grade is an elective system. You can take all 12 subjects for the king of papers, and you can easily take the required courses of transformation, spells, potions, herbs, and history of magic.

   After a while, the friends also arrived. After all, they belonged to Gryffindor, so they came together.

   It's just that they don't look very calm, they all look like deserters.

   Before the two of them could ask, Halle had already started to complain: "Damn it, I heard from Sirius that the stairs in the school are the most cunning, and almost caused us to run to the basement."

  Ron curled his lips while arranging his crooked wizard robe, "If you hadn't said you knew the way, we wouldn't have gone underground."

   "Huh? You're blaming me~" Harry narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

  Ron felt a chill down his back, so he stopped talking immediately.

  Jerry hurriedly smoothed things over: "Aren't we here? It's good to be here, it's good to be here. Speaking of which, the stairs are really naughty! Isn't it, Neville!"

  Neville nodded quickly: "Yes, naughty!"

  The stairs in the school are very dishonest, they keep moving around, and sometimes disappear suddenly. This is indeed a problem.

  Parents who have students may want to ask: What if the student falls down when the jio steps on the air?

   Don't panic, Hogwarts has complete facilities, including a school hospital, no one can die!

  When the four of them arrived, the table was already open. The cups, bowls and plates are already set on the dining table.

  Everyone is hungry, so take their seats quickly.

  Jerry: "Pass me the pie, thanks."

  Ron: "I want chicken legs, and I want another one."

  Ansu: "Give me some French fries~"

  Neville was also burying his head in eating, only Harry was looking around if he wasn't eating well.

   Soon, she got the timetable from the other Gryffindors.

  She looked at her college's, then at Ted and Hermione's, "Yo, we had our first class together!"

  Jerry asked, "What class?"

   "Transformation class, a two-hour class!"

   "Professor McGonagall's class? You have to go early." With the chicken leg stuffed in his mouth, Ron could speak so clearly, which might be a talent.

  Courses for first-year freshmen, Herbalism, Charms, Transfiguration, 3 sessions per week, each session is two hours.

  It is equivalent to the main course of foreign languages!

   Potions, Flight Lesson, History of Magic, Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, 1 class each, one to two hours each.

   It is very likely that the main courses are only in the lower grades, and after two years there will be fewer elective courses, and more of them are self-study and other added courses like Muggle studies.

   Otherwise, even if the two colleges have a class together, the professor of the main course will have 6 classes a week, 12 hours.

   Seven grades have this workload, the professor's sudden death is just around the corner!

  While everyone was still researching which classes on the timetable to study together, there was a sudden "bang" sound behind them, and Hermione, who was studying the timetable with Ted, was startled.

   Everyone looked over, only to see Neville and Ron, one of their roommates—the blasting ghost Seamus, holding a wand with a dark face and smoking from his head.

  Just now he wanted to show off the magic that he secretly learned at home, turning fruit juice into wine, but the glass burst into a big splash, and his face was blackened.

  The auditorium is full of cheerful air~

  (end of this chapter)