MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 528 Ten-tailed split body

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The hand-to-hand and the big-tube-wood will not notice the transfer of the wind and water gate, so both of them were blown by the sudden explosion.

When I fell from the sky, I found the ten tails of the bruises. He teleported to the wave door and asked: "Four generations, what happened just now? The ten tails seem to be hurt."

"Ten tails were wounded by their own tail beast jade. Just ten times I wanted to attack us with the tail beast jade, and I was transferred back by the technique of flying thunder god." Wave Feng Shui smiled and replied.

"It turned out to be like this, haha, doing a good job!"

Sasuke's brow wrinkled and said: "The ten tails don't seem to have any IQ. They only act according to their own instinct. It is not a big deal to hurt him. The key is Uchiha, the big-tube-wood and the mask man.

From the beginning, the mask man has been standing there and has not moved, not knowing what to plan. There is also the ability of the reincarnation of the big-tube-wood-like style. Is it related to time and it is very interesting? In the second generation, have you ever had a chance to test the big-tube-wood-style reincarnation? ”

Shaking his head in a thousand hands: "The strength of the big-tube-wood will be above me, and I am in a state of reincarnation. I must be careful of his red aperture. The action is too passive. He also knows my condition, so He won't use his own reincarnation when I fight."

Sasuke heard a sigh: "Hey! It’s really shameful! We haven’t stopped the resurrection of the ten tails for so long, we didn’t interrupt the evolution of the ten tails, we didn’t kill the Uchiha spots, the big wooden willows, the mask men’s No one, even the enemy's ability has been clarified."

"Zhuzhu don't say this! The enemy we face is not an ordinary person. It is not necessary to be too low." Stopped the water and patted Sasuke's shoulder.

When several people exchanged information, the injuries on the ten tails have gradually recovered. The attack of the tail beast jade has failed and it has been blown up on its own. Ten instincts feel that the tail beast can not be used again, but it is against the feng shui A few people at the door were very upset, especially when they felt the nine tails of Naruto and Kasinna, making it even more uncomfortable.

Along with a groan, the ten-tailed body began to squirm after a while, then the skin on the surface of the body gradually slipped, and a small monster that looked like a wood split from the ten-tailed body.

At first, there were only a few hundred, but in the blink of an eye, it became tens of thousands, and some of them were particularly large, and the largest was almost the same as the tail.

Stop the water and slam the water, directly open the sacred energy, and smash the green hook jade into the monster pile.

What he didn't expect was that the green jade jade was easily blocked by the biggest monster.

The wind and water gates have also become serious and can catch the attack of the complete body. The largest split body is estimated to open with the general tail beast.

"Naruto, Sasuke, be careful, these guys are not simple. The second generation of adults, still trouble you to contain the big-tube willow, we have to find ways to clean these monsters."

"Well, I will hand it over to you here." The figure that disappeared after the thousand hands disappeared.

"Naruto, 玖辛奈, you are directly beasting, Sasuke and stop the water also maintain the state of being able to do it. You 4 try to solve these splits, I go to the mask man."

Stopping the water and saying it quickly: "Watergate, the mask man has been doing nothing, we still don't want to provoke him, the most urgent task is to concentrate on the ten tails and its split body!"

"I have my plans, believe me!" After the completion of the wave of water, the door was teleported to the end of the ten tails, and then thrown out the thunder and sorrow.

The bitterness of the body was passed through, and the wind and water gates were transferred to the back of the soil.

"With soil, I haven't seen it for a long time!" The wave of water and water gates closed up and thundered, and said with a smile.

With a glimpse of the soil, then turned around and took off the mask and asked nervously: "Is it far from telling you?"

"Well, he said to me about your business. Sorry to bring the soil, as your teacher, I have too many things that I have not done."

"No, the teacher should say sorry to me. Anyway, I attacked the village that night, and you and the teacher Chen Xinnai suffered a lot."

Watergate smiled and stretched out his hand and touched the head with soil: "At that time, was your memory not sealed by Uchiha? It seems to me that you have always been helpful and hope to be on fire. With soil."

The words of the water gate have been pressed down on the boulder with the earth's heart. He has been blaming himself since the day he recovered his memory. Today, the water gate forgives him to redeem.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Wave Feng Shui nodded and accepted the thank you with the soil.

After the knot was released, when I faced the wind and water, I looked a lot more natural: "The teacher, has not told you his final purpose."

"Do you mean big-bar family?"

"Well, from the beginning, I was planning to seal the Uchiha wave spot, and then forced the big-tube-wood willow to become the ten-man column force, and then used the large-tube-wood-like style to wake up the Huiyin Ji.

Although both of them are members of the big-bar family, they feel that the status of Huiyin Ji should be much higher than that of the big-tube-wood, and they know more.

But what he didn't expect was that he personally shot against Uchiha, but because of the safety of the ninja coalition and the adults, the Uchiha wave escaped.

After the Uchiha wave escaped, it reached a cooperation with the big-tube-wood willow, and the big-tube-wood will directly resurrect him. All this has actually gone out of control. I don't know what to do next, do you know the teacher? ”

The wave of water and water shook his head: "I don't know what I think. When I set off, he ordered the Ninja coalition to rush to the battlefield here. I think that after the arrival of the coalition, it should come too far. I will definitely have some action."

"In this case, then wait! Teacher, you should go back first. I am still staying here for the time being. Uchihabo is very trusting to me. Maybe I can help."

"Well! Then I will go first." After the watergate was teleported back to Naruto, they brought the mask back with the soil, and continued to observe the Uchiha spot and the large wooden willow.

At the same time, after a long journey, they came to the battlefield with their own coalition forces.

Ohno, who has been flying in the air, fell and pointed to the front and said: "The open space over there is the last battlefield. I have seen ten tails in the air. Let's go! The final battle is about to begin!" The big wild wood took the lead and flew to the battlefield, followed by the people of the Ninja Coalition.