MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 161 Nine thousand years old (15)

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Lu Yanzhou has been preparing for his departure since a year ago.

He didn't hide it from Xie Chengze when he did this, and Xie Chengze also gave a lot of help.

Under such circumstances, they naturally discussed what to do after Lu Yanzhou left.

In the past year and a half, relying on porcelain, oil and tofu, Xie Chengze has made countless money, and also attracted the jealousy of many people. These people not only placed many people in Xie Chengze's Zhuangzi, but also kept looking for Xie Chengze's trouble.

Xie Chengze planned to take this opportunity to wipe out these people.

So, that night, Xie Chengze entered the palace crying, saying that the place where the porcelain was fired was attacked by thieves, the cave was destroyed, and Lu Yanzhou was also killed.

The emperor was furious. After all, the porcelain was a good thing to make money for him. If Xie Chengze couldn't burn the porcelain, when would his palace be finished?

He also gave Xie Chengze some military power, asked Xie Chengze to investigate carefully, and start re-firing as soon as possible.

Naturally, some people suffered from this investigation, and Xie Chengze also took the opportunity to promote some underprivileged children who came to him.

The capital was in chaos for a long time, and Xie Chengze's reputation was even worse, attracting many people to criticize him.

Xie Chengze doesn't care about that.

He was used to being attacked for a long time, and only cared about rights. Now that he is powerful, he can protest with those big families in the capital, and he is very satisfied.

At the end of the year, Wang Tingyun secretly met with Xie Chengze.

They met in the box of a restaurant opened by Xie Chengze. When Xie Chengze entered, his eyes were full of anger.

He just killed some people not long ago.

These nobles of Dayan can really find out a lot of crimes by arresting anyone and checking them!

"Chengze." Wang Tingyun called out.

Xie Chengze sat in front of Wang Tingyun and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Wang Tingyun sighed: "What exactly do you want to do?"

Xie Chengze suddenly laughed: "Be a **** who has been stinking for thousands of years and ruined Dayan. When future generations write history books and write about Dayan, they will definitely not be able to avoid me!"

Wang Tingyun was a little helpless: "Why do you bother..."

"Since it can't be famous in history, it's better to leave a legacy for thousands of years, isn't it good?" Xie Chengze raised his mouth.

Wang Tingyun knew what Xie Chengze wanted to do, so he changed the subject: "Your grandfather is dying..."

"I have nothing to do with the Wang family," Xie Chengze said. "I won't see you again in the future. I just advise restrain your clan."

Wang Tingyun said, "I already know."

Xie Chengze stopped talking and slowly began to eat the food in front of him.

This restaurant is actually not his own, it should be said that it was opened by Lu Yanzhou. Lu Yanzhou has a flexible mind and can come up with many dishes. He feels that it is too wasteful to only send it to the palace, so he opened this restaurant.

This restaurant can cook a lot of dishes that are not found elsewhere. After it opened, it was very popular. The business was very good, and it made a lot of money for them.

At this moment, Xie Chengze placed a very thin slice of roast duck in front of him. Xie Chengze took a slice and put it in his mouth with the sauce, missing Lu Yanzhou.

"The food here tastes really good." Wang Tingyun couldn't help feeling emotional.

Xie Chengze said, "Patriarch Wang can come often."

"I will." Wang Tingyun laughed. He stopped talking about important matters in the DPRK and China, and only told Xie Chengze about the restaurant's food. Xie Chengze said more.

After eating and drinking, Wang Tingyun said, "I'm leaving, you... cherish it."

Xie Chengze is from the Wang family, but it is impossible for the Wang family to recognize him. Xie Chengze himself has no feelings for the Wang family, and only wants to have contact with him.

This year, Xie Chengze gave him some convenience and gave him some things, but at the same time, Xie Chengze also alienated him.

Xie Chengze will not see him again in the future, and the relationship between the Wang family and Xie Chengze will definitely be broken.

"Wait," Xie Chengze suddenly stopped Wang Tingyun, "my little sister is getting married?"

Wang Tingyun did not expect that Xie Chengze would suddenly ask about his daughter, and immediately said: "Yes, your grandfather is not in good health recently, and her marriage has been brought forward."

Xie Chengze nodded and turned to leave.

Xie Chengze has always been very concerned about Lu Yanzhou's liking of his cousin. For the past year and a half, he strictly guarded and kept staring at Lu Yanzhou, fearing that Lu Yanzhou would find his cousin.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou didn't find anyone at all, and he never even asked.

This time, Lu Yanzhou left very quickly.

Whether it's his cousin or him, I'm afraid they're just passers-by in Lu Yanzhou's life.

What Lu Yanzhou really cares about is power.

For the sake of power, Lu Yanzhou is willing to do anything!

This year, Xie Chengze has been very busy and chaotic.

But fortunately, there are many things to do, so that he will not read Lu Yanzhou all day long.

He should have forgotten Lu Yanzhou.

Originally, Lu Yanzhou wanted no one, no money, and it was difficult to develop in Jiangnan, but after staying by his side for a year and a half, he developed vigorously with the support of the emperor... Lu Yanzhou took a lot of money with him before he left Beijing. Silver, and many others.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou went to the south, and it was not difficult to pull up a team.

In this way, Lu Yanzhou doesn't need him anymore and should not contact him again.

On New Year's Eve, Xie Chengze stayed in the palace until late at night before returning home.

On this day last year, he also came back very late, but Lu Yanzhou had been waiting for him and prepared dough and fillings to make dumplings with him.

They put a small pot on the stove and used this pot to cook dumplings, tofu, and beef to eat. The dipping sauce prepared by Lu Yanzhou at that time was extraordinarily delicious, especially delicious...

But today, his home is probably deserted.

Xie Chengze was riding in a carriage that Lu Yanzhou had modified for him, with a stove under the seat.

It was warm in the car, but he felt inexplicably cold.

The carriage stopped, Xie Chengze got out of the car and walked into the house, but after a few steps, Sheng Yuan came out: "Godfather, something is delivered from the south."

"What?" Xie Chengze was stunned.

Sheng Yuan said: "This morning, people came from the south and brought a few carts of things over, saying that it was prepared by Yan Shao... Godfather, Yan Shao has prepared gifts for you as soon as he arrived there."

When Lu Yanzhou was in the capital, although he didn't meet many people, many people knew him, and they all knew that his name was Lu Yanzhou.

This time, when Lu Yanzhou went to Jiangnan, in order not to find out his true identity, he gave himself a pseudonym called Yan Hang.

When he left, he did tell Xie Chengze that he would send news to Xie Chengze as soon as he arrived, but Xie Chengze didn't take it seriously.

As a result... Lu Yanzhou really sent something?

Lu Yanzhou really sent something, and he also sent a lot of things, including all kinds of gadgets he bought along the way, as well as special products near their stronghold in Jiangnan, and there were several cars.

It even includes a lot of dried sea fish, which emits a strong fishy smell…

Xie Chengze: "..." Lu Yanzhou probably wanted to kill him?

However, although he felt that the smell of sea fish was strong, Xie Chengze's mood after many days of gloom was still clear.

He looked at these things with a smile and let them put them in the warehouse.

"Godfather, there are still many letters here." Sheng Yuan handed another box.

In addition to sending things, Lu Yanzhou actually wrote him a letter?

Xie Chengze was in a better mood and cherished the wooden box.

Although he told himself that he should forget Lu Yanzhou, he couldn't help but think about this person... If Lu Yanzhou was willing to write to him, he would be able to think more.

Even if there were only a few words in the letter, he could lie to himself, and Lu Yanzhou had him in his heart.

The wooden box is a little heavy, Xie Chengze thinks the quality of the wooden box should be good, but when he opens the box...

Well, it's not that the wooden box is a little heavy, it's that the box is too full.

Just a few words or something, it doesn't exist.

The box was stuffed with dated letters, all with the words "I love you."

Xie Chengze glanced at it, coughed lightly, and returned to the room with the box.

He didn't eat dumplings this evening, but read the letter overnight.

Lu Yanzhou would write a paragraph to him every day, and after a few days of writing, he made up a letter.

Xie Chengze had read other people's letters, and there were only a few words in them to tell the current situation, but Lu Yanzhou's letter was different.

I wrote this letter wherever I thought of, I wrote everything, and I used very bold words. I thought of him at every turn.

Where is this family letter, it's just lewd lyrics!

There is also a crooked poem written by Lu Yanzhou, saying that he misses him very much... Well, the writing is not bad.

Xie Chengze carefully read all the letters.

After reading it, he found that there was a letter from Xie Jia underneath.

A, B, C, and Ding were originally his people, but Lu Yanzhou was very kind to these four, teaching them to read and practice martial arts.

After a long time, A, B, C, and D were a bit biased towards Lu Yanzhou.

After realizing this, Xie Chengze stopped asking A, B, C, and Ding about Lu Yanzhou's news, and arranged another person to stare at Lu Yanzhou.

This time, Lu Yanzhou went to Jiangnan and took A, B and C Ding away, which was also his expectation, and before A, B and C Ding left, he talked to these four people and told them that their future master was Lu Yanzhou, and there was no need to report to him again. what.

That being the case, how could Xie Jia write back?

Xie Chengze opened Xie Jia's letter and saw a brief description of their itinerary, and at the end he said, "Young master, keep yourself clean and never look at others."

Xie Chengze: "..." How could Xie Jia write this? Does Lu Yanzhou know the content of the letter he wrote?

Is this Lu Yanzhou's advice, or is it Xie Jia's own opinion?

Xie Jiamo didn't understand what he meant? He asked Xie Jia and the others to take Lu Yanzhou as their master, just to let them stop contacting him!

Now this... this way...

Xie Chengze knew that Lu Yanzhou would contact him, and he should be useful. Lu Yanzhou did not want to cut off his relationship with him completely.

But he was willing to take the letters seriously.

Xie Chengze turned the letter out and read it again, not even missing the ink dots on it.

Xie Jia and the others actually figured out what Xie Chengze meant, and they didn't plan to write a letter to Xie Chengze.

That letter was written by Lu Yanzhou.

At that time, Lu Yanzhou was planning to send something to send a letter by the way, so he asked them if they had written a letter. I heard that they did not. Lu Yanzhou accused them of dereliction of duty on the spot, and then forced them to write a letter, and told them to write clearly in the letter, Said that Lu Yanzhou was keeping himself clean.

Xie Jia and others: "…"

They didn't know about Lu Yanzhou and Miss Wang's family, they only knew that Lu Yanzhou was snatched home by Xie Chengze.

Although they thought that Xie Chengze was very good, they also felt that Lu Yanzhou, a big man, should be a little unwilling to be forced to "serve" a eunuch.

When they left the capital, they were very unhappy. Although they liked Lu Yanzhou, who was very good to them, Xie Chengze saved them, and they had planned to be loyal to them for the rest of their lives.

In the future, Xie Chengze will no longer be their master, and it is very likely that they will never see Xie Chengze again... They are very sad.

They even said in private that they would not do anything to hurt Xie Chengze in the future no matter what!

As a result... things were not what they thought.

They thought they would be unwilling. Lu Yanzhou, who showed his dissatisfaction with Xie Chengze after leaving the capital, missed Xie Chengze very much in his words. As long as he had something delicious, he began to think about wanting to give it to "Aze".

They were in a hurry and tired, but Lu Yanzhou still didn't forget to buy a gift for Xie Chengze.

When sending things and letters, Lu Yanzhou took out the pile of letters, which shocked them even more.

Aside from these... Lu Yanzhou actually asked them to write such a letter... This is Lu Yanzhou's letter of loyalty through their letter, right?

So they thought wrong before, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze are actually in love? Are the two still in love?

After being stunned by A, B, B, Ding, I was in a good mood.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou did not forget to remind them: "You are Xie Chengze's people, don't forget what Xie Chengze explained to you... If someone approaches me in the future, you must stand up in time and say that I have a family to help me refuse. See me beside me. Anyone with bad intentions should also remind me in time..."

The people Xie Chengze arranged by his side before would do this.

Lu Yanzhou felt that A, B, C, and D were a little stupid and unreliable, so he could only teach them himself.

A, B, C, Ding: "..." Xie Chengze actually didn't explain anything to them... But Lu Yanzhou said so, so let's do it!