MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 286

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A, C, D are ruled out.

St. Fontaine in option B and False Sky in option E remain.

The former fits the abandoned town in the video, and the latter fits the Scarlet Sky in the video.

"Choose one of the two, let's fight for luck."

Einstein came to a conclusion.

Fu Hua selectively ignored it, and there seemed to be light in Qiyana's eyes.

With Qiyana, who deliberately believes in her own European spirit, and other players who hesitated due to punishment, where can they get the answer.

"System, I choose B."

[Qiana Kaslana submitted the answer, option B]

【correct answer】

[Congratulations to Qiyana for receiving the reward, the 10-second trial card of the Herrscher of the Last Yan (Honkai World View o Kiyana limited)]

[Final Herrscher - the ultimate weapon of the civilization screening mechanism of the collapsed tree sea universe, which holds the authority called "Hengkai", which is disaster, it is destruction, it is collapse, it is the end, and the end Stories, the existence that brings "finality" to everything. 】

[Death Herrscher 10-second experience card (Honkai world view and Kiyana limited) - a temporary power seed that can be used by individuals whose essence is Kiyana. The current characters are: 1. Kiyana Kaslana ; 2. Bianca Youlandelle Atajina.

Existence is the ultimate weapon experience card of destruction. Please keep in mind that the equivalent exchange, behind the powerful power, is the price that must be borne. Activating the experience card is equivalent to the final existence and the arrival of dead spots. 】

[Captain: "It's better to do what you can than to regret what you can't do! The price? Puzzled? Resentment? Please keep in mind that when you open your hole card, Qiyana, you are no longer able to worry about other things." time."

Otto: "Others think you are the savior of everything, including you and my Valkyries, but I understand, and you understand, we are the same type of people, clowns who deceive the world and the gods." 】

Qiyana swallowed, she didn't even dare to check the storage space, and took out the experience card.

Even if it is only 10 seconds, it is the ultimate power.

What she wants is the power to save the world from collapse, but why does she pray for the power to truly destroy...

Either the wish was crooked, or...

Qiyana turned her head to stare at the **** sky in the video.

Either after the end of the Great Crash, you will encounter enemies that cannot be solved by humans.

Otto stopped in his tracks.

The experience card of the ultimate power?

He took a deep breath, and he, who holds the Void and Myriad Zang, understands very well what the end represents?

But because of this, he knows that human beings have obtained an unprecedented double-edged sword.

Not only aimed at the enemy, but also aimed at himself.

Otto: "Qiana Kaslana, in the end, I hope that before you decide to use the experience card, through the consent of the forces of Destiny, Anti-Entropy, Saint Freya, and the world snake, even if your life is in danger .”

Otto's speech surprised Kiyana, why, it is obviously the power she got, if she wants to use it, she needs her consent.

It's not that Qiyana is ignorant of the power that finally represents.

She would never use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

But thinking about it the other way around, when she decided to use it, it was already a last resort.

At that time, she didn't have to work hard to think about other things.

Otto: "Qiana Kaslana, do you know about the Houkai dead spots? When Herrscher's Houkai energy level reaches enough to destroy the world, what happens is that when the Houkai dead spots spread, the earth All life on earth will perish."

Otto: "At the same time as the final appearance, the Houkai dead spots will also come simultaneously, and with it, the concentration of Houkai energy will increase to an unimaginable level."

Otto: "The experience card exists for a full ten seconds. In ten seconds, we can't judge how far the Houkai dead spots will spread, and what level the concentration of the Houkai energy will increase, but it must be unbearable for human beings. scope."

Otto: "In this way, the problem arises, Kiana Kaslana, when your experience card expires in ten seconds, you can be sure that the Houkai dead spots will disappear simultaneously, and the concentration of Houkai energy will also increase. Simultaneous cuts down, down to what humans can bear."

Otto: "I think you are very clear that not everyone has the same resistance to the Houkai as you do. At that time, the damage and death you caused, tens of thousands of people died, Qiyana o Kaslana, can you bear this crime?!"

Karen had a complex expression, and she felt that these words seemed familiar, almost a reprint of the previous conversation with her.

Otto didn't pay much attention to the complicated eyes coming from the front. Anyway, Karen's position in Karen's heart was almost constant as an enemy he had to commit himself to.

For example, Kallen, you don't want enemies like people's problems.

Otto can be said to let go of his mentality.

The shocking speech made Qiyana's eyes straight, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Ask yourself, she doesn't think as much as Otto, but more about whether she can use this power to save the people she hopes to save.

But in the end, after speaking, Qiyana felt that the Herrscher's experience card was not a gift, but a punishment, an invitation sent by Satan's devil.

In a trance, the girl seemed to see that in order to save the people who were about to die, she used the final experience card to solve the enemies raging the earth within ten seconds, and then found the people she wanted to save.

In front of him, he was eroded into a dead man by Honkai, and it also triggered a global Honkai outbreak. The forest disappeared, the earth did not exist, and the atmosphere disappeared.

The original intention was to save himself, but he became the chief culprit in destroying the world.


A girl who wants to make this ugly world into what she wants.

At this moment, Qiyana spoke, unable to say a word.

But at least the girl confirmed one thing, that she would not use the power of Herrscher the Last Yan even if she was dead.

I will not use the power that is called a gift but is a punishment.

"You will still use it in the end. As a descendant of Kaslana's bloodline, a descendant of my bloodline, you cannot escape this fate."

What Kevin left in the chat area left Qiyana speechless for a long time.

After a while, accompanied by the cold mechanical sound of the system, the screen slowly changed, and the next video began to play...

Chapter 556 Extremely Absurd

[In the video, I came to an abandoned residential building, with some traces of life, this should be the stronghold safe house of Mei and Adam.

Mei explained to Adam the mission information in her hands.

Fourteen days ago, at the invitation of the St. Fontaine government, Mr. Walter Young left the E·T·STUDIO where he worked. It is said that this is a business trip.

Twelve days ago, he arrived at Cairo Airport, and then took the suspension train to St. Fontaine. Destiny's satellite photographed a man suspected of him getting off at Saad Station, and then he disappeared....It was not reported to the outside world news, and no surveillance saw him.

""The task of our third team is to find Walter Yang and send him safely to the headquarters of destiny. That's the task. Is there a problem? "

"No, I understand."

Seeing Adam's answer, Mei nodded, the smile faded from her face, and she was a little worried.

When she first received this task, Raiden Mei had an optimistic attitude.

After all, Walter Yang is a famous man who is famous for sit-ups.

Used to go missing often, but always came back safe and sound. He can't be idle, and always appears on the most dangerous front line. Although he is a Herrscher, he is also a very reliable comrade-in-arms and partner.

Mei worried: "After coming to this city, I found that things might not be that simple. Apart from that big guy in the sky, there are many abnormalities in this city. What do you think?"

"The satellite images are normal, but there is no one in the city, and there is an invisible barrier blocking the way out, and electronic signals cannot be used here..."

After thinking about it, Adam narrated all the strange things he encountered after coming to Saint Fontaine.

Raiden Mei nodded in satisfaction, Adam's level satisfied her.

The **** opponent is always much friendlier than the pig team.

She gave more information.

For example, Tianming's satellites used satellites to scan almost every inch of St. Fontaine's land in advance, but found nothing.

For example, after coming here, I discovered that there is no human habitation, no life, only false digital prosperity.

For example, the invisible barriers that can enter but cannot exit, and the blocked electronic signals are all set up by someone to hide the city.

When these news were scattered, it was complicated and weird events one after another, but this time they all came together, and there was the most important point.

"The Arrival and Disappearance of Walter Young."

He who has lost the core of reason, although his strength has been greatly weakened, has extremely rich experience in front of the battle. Even if he cannot deal with a frontal battle, his mind and wisdom are enough to deal with most dangers.

Not even a little bit of news can't come out. After tentatively deciding on the steps, Mei and Adam decided to go to the city to explore clues. 】

"Something's wrong. Regardless of how Mei, the leader of the World Snake, Red Turtle or Kitchen Lion, escaped from the World Snake and returned to Destiny, at least as far as I know, Destiny and anti-entropy are incompatible."

Raven is an excellent mercenary, and he knows the proportion of intelligence in missions.

Relying on the relationship with Gray Snake, World Snake is defenseless against her except for the most confidential information.

Not to mention a lot of high-return tasks, but more importantly, her understanding of destiny and anti-entropy.

"Indeed." Einstein agreed with Raven's statement: "Mr. Walter disappeared, and it was the people from Destiny who came to find him, and wanted to send him back to the headquarters of Destiny safely... and I was the one who provided tactics in Destiny. support?!"

When did destiny and anti-entropy merge?

Impossible is right, people who know the history of destiny and anti-entropy have such thoughts.

Anti-entropy After the death of the first leader, Walter Joyce, the relationship between destiny and anti-entropy, unless Otto died, there would never be any communication.

At least, as it is now, with Saint Freya in the middle, there is a buffer room to be able to communicate reluctantly, but it is certain that the two hate each other.

【Everything they encountered in the city made them feel extremely absurd. The red Honkai crystal with a pitifully low concentration of Honkai energy, from the appearance point of view, is not so much a product of nature or science, but more like a monster made of strange things imagined by a young child in a nightmare.

The air shield that isolates the city is not a cylinder as imagined but a sphere. In the end, the two explored and came to the conclusion that all the strange phenomena of St. Fontaine are directly related to Sky Island.

According to the technology in their hands, the maximum range radius of the detectors they carry is about 80 kilometers, which is only 1/12 of the urban area, which is far from enough.

Unless you wait until the teammates gather, then you can expand the detection range to the entire God Fontaine...]

"As Mei guessed, these guys are definitely not natural monsters! There are man-made marks on their bodies!"

The adults on the technology side, Tesla and Dr. Einstein, two professionals, gave a positive answer.

"In this way, things will not be good. The collapse is over. Then these monsters that suddenly appeared, the bizarre incident with St. Fontaine, and the disappearance of Mr. Walter... Who are these people? made?"

Bronya didn't mention the unique existence, but Kevin and Raven, Gray Snake and Jackal all heard it.

Gray Snake: "Unreasonable misjudgment, suspicion without evidence, brings about a chain of stupidity."

Jackal: "Little girl, I can't use my brain. I don't mind dissecting it. The head of the Herrscher of Reason, Raven, go and bring her body back."

"You think too highly of me." The corner of Raven's mouth twitched a few times, regardless of his own strength or not, at least you don't want to be aboveboard in the chat area for your request.

In this way, Raven needs to guarantee Bronya's life instead.

If something happened to Bronya, the first suspect must be that she didn't run away.

"It won't be the means of the world snake."

Kevin gave an affirmative answer.

"The core of the snake is to defeat the Honkai. As the screen says, if the Honkai is eliminated, there is no need for the snake to exist."

That's what I said, but Kevin's eyes on the screen are very complicated.

If the video is really the future of their world, after defeating Honkai, they will have to face other enemies.

So, should the snake that has fulfilled its long-cherished wish continue to lurk in the dark abyss, or shed its last layer of skin?

Inexplicably, a sentence came to Kevin's mind - I am a remnant of the former civilization, and there is no ship in the new world that can carry me.

In an instant, in a very short moment, Kevin showed a trace of depression.

Faith is not only the driving force that drives him forward, but also the reason why he survives numbly.

Looking at the bare cherry tree with indifferent eyes, Kevin couldn't help murmuring: "Mei, I still haven't been able to see the cherry blossoms blooming..."

Chapter 557 Chapter 53 Chapter 2/2

From Kevin's answer, everyone knows that it is not the world snake that caused everything.

And next.

Everyone listened to Mei's intelligence on the city's investigation, and then heard an incredible piece of information.

[After the Great Honkai, 99% of the Honkai energy was sealed on the moon, leaving only a very thin Honkai energy scattered all over the earth]

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. The ability of the seal to collapse is beyond common sense. It is not unimaginable, but extremely difficult to achieve.