MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 784 Father master?

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I lowered my voice and said, "The chairman, we went back to the camp and said."

Chairman Tan’s face was suddenly covered with frost. He realized that he might never see his beloved grandson.

Into the camp, Chairman Tan and Dou Father looked at me with a blank face. I helped Yin Hao to the bed. He had already taken the healing medicine. I covered him with a quilt. When I turned back, I saw two people. Sad eyes, a sour heart, gently sighed and said: "Chairman, Mr. Dou, you should be happy."

So, I will encounter the fairy, the girl goes to the end, simply tell them again, tell them, Dou Lin and I, with the help of the hunger, found the passage to the fairyland, in order to deal with the pole, I The fairy world came back, but Dou Lin stayed in the fairy world.

The look on both faces was very exciting. Chairman Tan was fine, but Mr. Dou had a skeptical look.

After all, encountering immortal is just a legend. He can't believe it. My heart is suspicious of me. I suspect that I killed Dou Lin and grabbed his treasure.

Treasury is touching, not to mention friends, even if you are a close relative, you may kill the treasures for those peerless treasures.

I know that they don't believe it. They took out the mobile phone from their arms and said, "This is what I recorded, because the things in the fairy world can't let the mortal know that it can't record video, only audio."

I pressed the play button and it sounded like Dou Lin. I handed the phone to them. Whether they believe it or not, I can only do this for them.

On the second day, Tang Mingli was taken back to the capital by his subordinates. When he left, his injury was still not good. He was in a wheelchair and passed through my tent and looked at me deeply.

I turned my face away. He flashed a sorrow in his eyes and sighed softly. He said to the subordinates who pushed the wheelchair: "Let's go."

The helicopter took him away, and there was only a faint groan in my heart.

Why do we become like this between us?

Shaking his head, throwing all the thoughts behind his head, returned to the camp, and fed the good soup to Yin Wei.

In fact, Yin Hao had been able to move, but he refused to move, but asked me to feed him. I did not dismantle him. This feeling of caring for lovers is actually quite good.

Dou Lin’s father’s face has always been bad. Chairman Tan has completely believed in me, but he always has a trace of doubt.

After all, Dou Lin is his only son, and the only hope of the Dou family. Suddenly he lost his heart and baby, and if he changed me, he would be heartbroken.

I sighed a little, this is no way, this may not be a good thing for Dou, but for Dou Lin, it is a good thing.

He will go further in the future and there will be a brighter future.

I went back to my camp, opened the live room, and saw Master online. I couldn't help but ask: "Master... Why do you want to lie to me and say that you are a long-lived student?"

Master was silent for a moment and said: "I said that I am the Emperor, do you believe?"

I am full of black lines. At the beginning, he said that he is the Emperor, and I only think that he is a sick person.

"Not to mention, there are other immortals, I see your live broadcast in the name of the Emperor, and it is not appropriate," he said.

I nodded, but this is understandable.

"Then they know now?" I asked.

"Since I came to the world to save you, they gradually got to know." The Emperor said, "But I told them that they are still the same as before, and don't show their feet."

I asked again: "So... what is the real yin?"

"He is a cultivation madman." Heavenly Emperor said, "In addition to attending the Peach Club, there is very little appearance."

No wonder you can pretend for so long.

"What?" he said, "Shantou, is the master's anger?"


"Significantly angry," he said.

I turned my eyes helplessly and said, "Okay, I am really angry."

After a pause, I said, "Master, why... why would you watch my live broadcast?"

Is the Emperor so leisurely? I have time to watch my live broadcast and often chat with me.

The Emperor of Heaven was silent for a while and said: "The Emperor is boring that day. It is more interesting to watch your live broadcast."

I am full of black lines, Master, are you so worthy of those immortals who have risen into immortals?

"Right, Shantou." Heavenly Emperor said, "Satan is not dead."

I was amazed and said, "Did I not break him up?"

"Satan is a monk who practiced magical powers in ancient times. They cultivated deep, but because of the cultivation of magical powers, Heaven does not allow them to fly into immortals. If they don't become immortals, they will have a day of death. In order not to die, they use secret methods. His own soul, when his soul enters the **** of the Western world, can continue to cultivate, and thus the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Now, the **** of the Western world is already their world." Heavenly Emperor.

I frowned and said: "Is it true that the rules of heaven will not allow them to enter and leave the arbitrarily?"

Heavenly Emperor said: "So they used their descendants to establish a Satanism, develop believers, and use the faith and sacrifice of believers to enable them to travel to the mortal world."

"Satan finds the soul in the world and the person who fits with him, and then let the believers kill those people. After he gets the soul of the man, he uses the secret method to make them into his own body." He paused and said: "The day What you have destroyed is actually only one of his avatars. If his true body is coming, you can't stop him."

I swallowed and felt the back of my back chilling.

That Satan is so powerful!

"But you can rest assured that if its true body is to come to the mortal world, it will pay a heavy price. He does not dare, but his avatars do not know how many things can come and go in the Western **** and the world. This time you killed him. A avatar, he will never give up, you must be careful." Heavenly Emperor 谆谆 谆谆 诲.

I nodded: "Master, you can rest assured, I will be careful." I thought about it and asked: "Satan, he helped the extreme, is it because he wants to reach out to our eastern world? The gods in the Western world don't care. ?"

The Emperor of Heaven was silent for a while, sighing and said: "The paradise of the Western world and the passage of the earth have been completely cut off hundreds of years ago, and they can't manage it even if they want to manage it."

I am speechless again.

The Emperor continued to say: "That heaven has been slowly detached from the world from a long time ago. It will take a long time to form a new independent small world."

"How long does it take?" I asked a lot.

"About tens of thousands of years."

"..." I said: "Master, your concept of time is totally different from me."

Master laughed.

I pulled my mouth and said, "Master, how is Shen Wentai?"

"He? I sent him to the ground of the North for five hundred years."

“Five hundred years?” I said, “Is it going to be a bit heavy?”

"What is it for five hundred years?" The Emperor said with a cold voice, "He actually dared to frame my apprentice. I originally wanted to punish him for a thousand years. I saw that he had contributed to the heavens in the past, and everyone pleaded. I only punish him for five hundred years, and it is already open."

I am speechless again: "Master... Are you a bit of a public opinion? But I like your public opinion."

The Emperor said faintly: "I have no shortcomings, the only one is to protect the short."

He said it makes sense, I can't refute it.

Closed the group, I let Li Muzi pack up and prepare to go back to the mountain city.

On the way back, it will not be calm.

Early the next morning, we took the plane arranged by Chairman Tan. He looked like he was ten years old overnight, but he was very kind to me. He said with concern: "It is better to wait two more days and walk with us. Let's go."

I smiled and said: "It’s always coming, but I don't want to hurt you."

Chairman Tan also wanted to say something. Finally, he sighed and said, "Be careful on the road."

The plane flew up to the sky, Yin Yin was lying on the bed, I sat next to him, watching the clouds and clouds around the window.

Yin Hao suddenly took my hand and said: "Jun Yao, thank you, stay."

I looked at him sideways and rolled my eyes and said, "I didn't leave it for you."

"I know, you are for the sake of justice." He said with a happy smile on his lips. "But still thank you."