MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 826 Secret of coagulation

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Yin Wei said: "I am going!"

"Don't go!" and screamed, then looked up and looked at the direction of the theater, dancing with both hands, a force hitting the debris, a bang, the debris exploded, and the life exploded. A road.

I was shocked, and the power of condensation was so strong.

Yin Yin and Tang Mingli are very calm. The past life of Tang Mingli is that there is no great Luo Jinxian in the mixed yuan. Yin Yin also has the memory of Donghua Emperor. Naturally, he knows how powerful this level of monk is.

But they look a little different and look at the eyes.

From Dongyang, I rushed out of the road, and several monsters were chasing after the interception.

And the condensate shot again, the powerful energy swept out, and precisely avoided the Xiangyang, directly hit the few monsters behind him.


The monsters actually exploded into a pile of flesh and blood.

Satan finally couldn't help it, and rushed out with its ghost army, but these troops rushed up madly, screaming and rushing toward Dongyang, but wearing them from his body.

They can't hurt him at all!

Even Satan shrouded Dongyang. If he changed someone else, he would have become a bone, and he could rush out of Satan's encirclement.

When he rushed to Dongyang all the way, at this time, Satan’s monsters had been killed by the coagulation, and the ghost army injured him. The other monsters were afraid of being accidentally injured and could not avoid it. This road was unimpeded and ran smoothly. And in the array of condensed cloth.

Satan wanted to chase it in, but it was blocked by an invisible wall. It hesitated a bit. It seemed very unwilling, but it was seriously hurt now. There is no way to forcibly break the line and have to stay. Outside, staring at the building we were hiding.

I rushed into the house to Dongyang, and I slammed it on the ground and grabbed my hand and said, "Master, Master, I did it! I finally got this hair!"

His tight nerves slackened, his body fell softly on the ground, and he kept breathing, and I immediately gave him a reiki, and he slowly calmed down.

And eagerly came over and said: "Come, show me the hair."

I looked at him sideways and slowly stepped back two steps. "I am not busy, I have something to ask you."

Hejing seems to be very anxious, saying: "If there is anything to ask later, give me the hair first."

I hid my hair behind me, and Yin Yin and Tang Mingli both came over and stood in front of me, staring at her with vigilance.

And condensed his eyes slightly and said: "What are you doing?"

I said, "Hey, what do you want this hair to do?"

He and his face were so heavy that he said, "What else can you do? Of course it is destroyed."

"Is it?" I hooked my mouth and said, "I can't see it? Are you willing?"

And condensed a bit, said: "If you have anything, just say, don't bend the corner."

"In this case, I will just say it." I said, "In fact, even without this hair, can you kill Satan with your strength?"

And clasped his arms and looked at me, said: "Yes, I do have this ability."

I flashed a sigh of anger in my eyes and said, "Why do you want Dongyang to steal this hair?"

I picked up the hair and looked at it. Even if it had been gone for tens of thousands of years, the hair was still as smooth as ever, smooth and incomparable.

I grabbed my hair in my hand and looked at it with gaze: "Actually, what you want is this bunch of hair."

And condensed is not denied, straightforwardly said: "Yes, I just want this hair, if I kill directly, Satan will kill, this hair will be destroyed with Satan, only the hair will be stolen first In order to preserve."

The anger in my eyes is more prosperous: "You want my apprentice to take risks for such a thing?"

"What about letting him take risks?" and staring at Dongyang, said, "Young people, shouldn't they be experienced? Besides, I am there, such an opportunity, others can't ask for it."

He reached out to me and said, "Okay, obey, give me something."

I coldly said: "Now I can't believe you, unless you tell me, what is the use of this thing?"

He calmed down and said: "Are you pushing me?"

Yin Yu’s eyes were condensed, and a black long sword appeared in his hand. Tang Mingli’s golden long sword also slowly emerged.

And a cold smile, said: "With you, I want to start with me?"

I said, "I don't want to do it with you, but now we don't know your intentions and don't dare to gamble with you."

Everyone only felt that there was a sudden flower in front of me, and Cing had already come to me, and Yin Yin and Tang Mingli did not react at all.

He grabbed my neck and another one, and dragged me out of the building. Yin Yi and two people were shocked and quickly caught up, but with their current strength, how can they compare with the cohesion, between several ups and downs, They can no longer see them.

I don't know how long it took me to walk with me. I took me into a well-preserved house and threw me on the ground.

I jumped up and sneaked into a sword in my hands, staring at him with resentment.

I was just stunned by him, and I didn’t have the power to fight back.

This makes me very angry and feels very weak.

I am angry, angry with his concealment and betrayal, and my own powerlessness.

"Don't be so glaring at me." He walked slowly around me two steps and said, "Give me your hair, I will get rid of Satan, and I will help you get rid of it."

I did not give in, said: "First tell me, what is the use of this hair? It will not be the same as Satan, the life is up, use this refining soul?"

Hearing the words, he laughed and said: "Shantou, you are really cute, actually think like this. Don't you know, we have a very long life, very infinite, and almost unlimited?"

"What do you want to do with this thing?" I asked skeptically. "And cohe, I have inherited your memory. Naturally, I know you very well. You are never a person who takes salvation as your own responsibility. You do things. I am happy, otherwise I will not give you the blood of the Light Lord."

And a smug smile, said: "My descendants know me so much, it really makes me happy."

"Don't care about him!" I said loudly. "If you don't tell me, I will destroy it now!"

Said, I wrapped a flame on my hand.

That is my fire.

And stunned, and quickly said: "Don't!"

I frowned and said, "Is this hair so important to you?"

He looked at me deeply and said: "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes." I said seriously.

He was silent for a while, looked at the sly hair and said: "You don't want to know, who is my wife?"

I was shocked and looked at the hair in my hand incredulously. "Is it... this is..."

"Yes, that's my wife's hair." And the eyes of the condensate are full of nostalgia and jealousy, my fingers are slowly rubbing on my hair, this is the hair of my other ancestors?

I don't believe it, saying, "How can your wife's hair fall into Satan's hand?"

"It’s a long story," he sighed.

"That's a long story," I said categorically.

He was silent for a moment and said: "My wife is a great power in ancient times."

I frowned and said, "Which power?"

"I don't want to say." And in the eyes of the condensate, there are things that I can't understand.

I did not continue to ask, but said: "She is flying?"

He shook his head and continued: "We gave birth to a child, but she left with her child. After many years, I found the child's offspring, but the child did not know where to go. I never found her again. ""

He said, he looked at the hair in my hand and said: "I feel her breath in Satan's body, and there will be today's things. As long as I can get this hair, I can find her with mystery, I I have to ask her personally why she left me that year, why haven’t she come to me for so many years, why... I don’t want to see me!”

There was so much helplessness and sorrow in his eyes that it made my heart sour.

He reached out to me and said: "Jun Yao, give me your hair, don't you want to see her?"

I hesitated and handed the hair over.

He held his hair in his hand and suddenly revealed a strange smile. He said, "Jun Yao, I didn't expect you to be so deceived."

I stunned and angered: "You, what you just said is fake?"

And calmly smiled: "Today I am giving you a lesson, even if it is your loved one, don't believe it easily."

I looked at the cold smile on his face and suddenly calmed down and said, "You are right, I really shouldn't believe you. So, now, I don't believe it."

The smile on the face disappeared, and I said, "Don't honed, since you want to summon your wife with mystery, hurry, we have to go back and remove Satan."

Looking at me silently, I said, "Why, you still want to drive me away? One person calls? I won't leave unless you throw me out."

And sighed, gently stroking the hair in her hand, feeling the smooth touch, remembering that she was in his arms, he gently touched the scene of her long hair, even after so many years, that The human voice and smile are still deeply imprinted on his mind, without a trace of fading.

Millions of years have passed and he still loves her. Long-term years will ruin love, and those who love each other will become tired after spending a long time together.

If she did not leave that year, perhaps they had long been eroded by the long years and broke up.