MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 16

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The venue rented by the Undead Chuan Shusha is not large, and the workload of the security personnel is naturally not heavy. After receiving the text message from Machida Yuanzi, two people wearing security uniforms rushed over quickly.

The two security guards glanced around at the scene, their eyes locked directly on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's 195 height and sturdy figure are too prominent, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

These two security guards didn't dare to be careless. At the autograph meeting, many fanatical fans attacked the author. It is not ruled out that Chen Mo may also do the same.

They glanced at each other, put their hands on their waists and held the electric baton. As ordinary security personnel, of course, it is impossible for them to carry guns with them, but the electric baton can still be equipped.

The person in front of him is tall and big, and now there are only two security guards here. They rush directly to Hard Gang, and they are likely to be killed by him.

After holding the electric baton, the security guards are sure that although their electric baton is not as high as the baton, it can easily make an adult lose the ability to resist.

They held the electric baton and continued to move towards Chen Mo. After seeing that the distance was almost there, they said, "Sir, please leave the place immediately and keep a certain distance from Teacher Xia Shizi, otherwise we will take coercive measures. !"

Even if Chen Mo doesn't cooperate at this distance, they can subdue him immediately.

Chen Mo glanced at the two security guards, then turned his head back.

So arrogant! It seems that this person owes electrotherapy!

The two security guards no longer hesitated and rushed towards Chen Mo. Looking at Chen Mo who was getting closer, they felt stable, but they were suddenly stunned when they were about to stretch out the electric baton.

Because Chen Mo, who was already very close to them, suddenly became farther away.

Did this guy run away? Why was he so fast? I didn't see how he ran, but since he ran away, why was he still next to Teacher Xia Shizi? Could it be that he ran with Teacher Xia Shizi? ?


The two security guards re-examined the environment around Chen Mo. The positions of the reader and Xia Shizi did not change, and even Chen Mo's posture remained the same as before.

Seeing this scene, the two security guards reacted. It was not Chen Mo who ran away, but they returned to their original places.

What exactly is going on!

The two security guards couldn't understand it at all. They ran towards Chen Mo at full speed. However, no matter how fast they ran, they would return to their original positions when they were about to reach Chen Mo, and they could not get close to Chen Mo.

The authorities were fascinated by the bystanders, and the two security guards didn't know what happened to them, but the readers and Kasumigaoka Shiyu who were watching from the side could see clearly.

Every time the security guard moved towards Chen Mo, he would suddenly disappear when he was about to reach Chen Mo, and then appear at the beginning, as if moving in space, but those who knew Jotaro Kujo's ability knew that this was not a space. Move, but time stops!

An Yilun also looked at the person standing in front of him with a shocked expression, swallowed, and said in a trembling voice, "I am Jotaro Kujo!"

"Host, the arrow has appeared."

As soon as the system's voice fell, Chen Mo had a special feeling. Chen Mo knew that this was mostly the call of the arrow to the substitute messenger, but this time the target of the arrow was not him.

[Platinum Star Beyond Heaven] is already a fully grown stand-in, and it is impossible for Arrow to find him again.

Its target should be someone in the venue.

Chen Mo frowned. [Platinum Star] glanced at the surrounding environment. At this moment, an arrow shot at an extraordinary speed. He could not catch the arrow without using the dynamic vision of [Platinum Star]. shadow.

"Canteen Spicy Sauce, Smash Valudo! Time to stop!"

Chapter 34 What is An Yi?

Everything was still, and the arrow was no exception. At this time, the arrow was parked in front of Shiyu's chest, and it seemed that it was already in zero-distance contact. If it was slower, it was estimated that the arrow would shoot through her directly.

"Host, here's your old chance!"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, this is the sound of the waves and can only be the system, but this is not the first time he stopped, why the system suddenly became excited this time.

"what chance?"

"Time's Stop Series.AVI"

Hearing the system's madness, Chen Mo's face darkened: "Are you serious?"

"How could it be, I'm joking, how could a person as bright as you, host, do such a thing! I will never question your character, host!"

The tone of the system was quite righteous, it was like a fake system, but it changed back when the words were halfway through.

"Cough, of course, although you are an upright gentleman, you are also a man of temperament. It is normal to have desires. If you really have this idea, remember to say hello to me, and I will go to you. Let the wind out, and never let anyone disturb you."

Chen Mo's mouth twitched, well, this system is definitely true.

"You're quite thoughtful."

"That's necessary, to serve the host and die!"

Chen Mo was speechless.

"System, you know, I often feel out of tune with you because I'm not perverted enough."

"Host, you know, I often try to be more perverted because I don't fit in with you."

Damn, this guy is really enough!

Chen Mo will stop wrangling with the system, otherwise this will never end.

After adjusting the character, Chen Mo walked to Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu and held the arrow parked on her chest.

When he took the arrow back, Chen Mo saw blood stains on the arrow. The only one who had touched the arrow was Shiyu Xiazhiqiu. It was self-evident whose blood was on the arrow.

Chen Mo looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's chest and had to admit that she was really big.

Chen Mo couldn't help but sighed at the thought that Senior Sister would have to bear such a heavy burden at a young age, but this is not what he should focus on now.

Chen Mo looked at it, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's clothes were torn open, and even his underwear was torn open. The arrow's edge is not sharp. Chen Mo has never tried it, but at that speed, even a stone can be easily pierced. Running through the human body, one or two layers of cloth certainly can't stop it.

Through the opening of the clothes, you can see that there is an obvious scar on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's chest. The scar is close to the heart. If the arrow really pierces at that speed, the residual energy of the shock alone is enough to shock. Broken her heart and let her die on the spot.

Chen Mo put away the arrow and summoned the [Platinum Star] to punch Shiyu Xiazhiqiu's chest with a punch of speed and double A, not to flatten her, but to use the ability beyond heaven to smash her wound. and clothes mended.

At this moment, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyelids blinked, which made Chen Mo stunned, and the movement of [Platinum Star] also stopped. Her eyes seemed to blink just now?

Is it my illusion? Chen Mo stared at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and it didn't take long for her eyes to blink again.

Now it can be confirmed that Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu really moved!

what happened? He should be the only one who can move in a world where time has stopped. Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is just an ordinary person. How did he move when time stopped.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo looked at the arrow in his hand. This arrow could awaken the person who was stabbed to the power of a substitute. Although the wound was not deep, the arrow did stab Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu.

Chen Mo's expression condensed, and he glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "Can you see me?"

Without a response, Chen Mo probably knew what was going on. Even Jotaro Kujo could only act for a moment in the world where time stopped for the first time, let alone Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

The strength of the stand-in is not only due to its own panel attributes and abilities, but also affected by the user's own mental power and physique.

People with weak constitutions will die if they can't even survive the awakening of the stand-in.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's physique certainly can't be compared to the invincible man Kujo Jotaro. A blink of an eye is probably the limit of what she can do. It's a little embarrassing for her to speak, even if she still retains consciousness. is a problem.

However, the fact that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka can act in time and stop cannot be faked.

"Is that so, a stand-in of the same type as me."

Chen Mo nodded, and then [Platinum Star] suddenly appeared and punched Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu's chest, repairing her clothes and wounds.

The effect of this punch is not only that, in addition to repairing wounds and clothes, it also adds a layer of insurance to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. After all, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu will most likely die in the process of awakening as a substitute. After all, the physique of people It can't be generalized, but after this punch, she was put on a gain buff, and with this buff, she can definitely have a near-miss awakening double.

What is a good deed every day!

Chen Mo left the venue with the arrow contentedly.

Time began to flow again, and Chen Mo disappeared out of thin air from the venue.

The readers present couldn't react. Why did Chen Mo disappear after smashing Varudo? Did he leave in the process of Time Stop?

What did Jotaro Kokuji do? Could it be that the purpose of his coming to the autograph meeting was to perform a smashing Valudo?

What kind of human obfuscation is this?

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was a little stunned at this time. She didn't know why at the moment when Jotaro Kujo called out to Smash Valudo, she seemed to feel a pain in her chest, as if an arrow had stabbed her, and then everything around her disappeared. Everything stopped, both the readers and the running security were frozen, and the whole world fell into complete silence.

However, when she came back to her senses, she saw the scene of Chen Mo's sudden disappearance just like the people around her, which made her wonder if she had any illusions.

After all, this period of time is too short, even less than 1 second.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at her chest, her clothes were intact without any holes, she touched it with her hand and didn't feel any pain.

Is it really an illusion?

Seeing the strange behavior of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka touching herself, Machida Yuanzi asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "It's nothing but being shocked by what happened just now."

Machida Yuanzi didn't think much about nodding and said, "It's really shocking, who knew that Kojo Jotaro would actually appear in reality, and will the autograph session continue?"

"Well... let's continue, fans bought tickets, and there were not many people at the autograph session."

The autograph session will continue, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mind is completely out of it. She only vaguely remembers that the next fan seems to be from Toyonozaki Academy, whose name is An Yi... eh? What's up with An Yi?

Chapter 35 Big Brother, there is really no undercover in the organization

When the autograph session for "Love Metronome" was almost over, the police finally heard the news and rushed over. They immediately blocked the scene of the autograph session and searched the entire venue. Naturally, they found nothing.

In the end, only two security guards who had experienced outdated stops were taken away for questioning.

Chen Mo had returned home at this time, and he was a little excited when he saw the arrow in his hand.

He had already seen the effect of the arrow, and Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu was awakened as a stand-in after just being slapped.

And this time is different from cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals needs cultivation qualifications. He accepts the statement that the person who has passed through the three-dimensional dimension has no cultivation qualifications, but the substitute messenger does not have cultivation qualifications. If you want to become a stand-in messenger, you only need to be stabbed by an arrow. That's it, compared to cultivating immortals, this condition is too simple.

Now the arrow is in his hand, and he can give it to himself at any time!

Chen Mo took a deep breath and pointed the arrow of the arrow at himself. The pain was only for a moment. Who wouldn't want to use a momentary pain for a substitute.

Of course, it doesn't matter if someone really doesn't want to, let me bear this pain for him!

The corners of Chen Mo's mouth twitched, revealing a DIO-like face.

"I'm not a man anymore!"

After speaking, he stabbed the arrow without hesitation.

After the movement on his hand stopped, the tingling in his imagination did not come, which made Chen Mo a little puzzled and glanced down.

It was found that the arrow did not stab him, but stopped more than ten centimeters away from him.

This situation is obviously not what Chen Mo expected. Although he didn't use all his strength just now, he used a lot of strength. How could he not stab? In the end he was powerless.

Chen Mo frowned, feeling that this was not an easy matter, he raised the arrow and stabbed himself again, staring at the arrow the whole time, the arrow stabbed at him smoothly, but just as it was about to stab him, the hand uploaded There was a resistance, and the movement could not help but stop.

At this time, the arrow stayed at a distance of more than ten centimeters from him as before, and did not touch him at all.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo was stunned. I haven't even inserted it yet. Where did this resistance come from?

air resistance?

Isn't that nonsense!

If the air resistance was so great, that person would have been squeezed out long ago!

Chen Mo's face sank, the strength in his hands continued to increase, and even the blood vessels burst out, but he couldn't insert it, the resistance was too great!

He and this arrow are like the same poles of a magnet, and there is a repulsive force between each other, and they cannot make contact at all.

But he is not the earth's magnetic field, how can he have such a large magnetic field, and he also knows that this is definitely a problem with arrows.

Damn, when this arrow met Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, he was as active as a hungry ghost, and he couldn't wait to insert it, so fast that he couldn't see it without the [Platinum Star], but when it was inserted into him, it was like It is like encountering the geocentric magnetic field, and he refuses to touch himself, and this is his own initiative.

Can an arrow still pick people?

Chen Mo doesn't believe in this evil, and even if it really picks people, so what, now the initiative is in his hands, I'm a knife, you're a fish, can I get you to pick and choose?

Chen Mo chuckled and said, "I can see that you seem to have your own ideas. Since you don't want to stab me, then I won't force it, but with the principle of never wasting, I have no choice but to break you as firewood. Well, it can be regarded as making the best use of it, after all, I am not a devil."

The resistance disappeared, and Chen Mo showed disdain.

He thought that this arrow was very disciplined, but in the end, he was cowardly with just one sentence, huh, but that's it!


The arrow broke in two.

Chen Mo fell into silence.

After a period of time passed, he raised his head and sighed, filled with emotion.

"Have backbone!"

Although yesterday's "Metronome in Love" autograph session was forced to terminate, it did not have much impact on Shiyu of Kasumigaoka. After all, "Metronome in Love" was not a well-known novel in the first place.