MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 266

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"Now is the time of judgment!"

Although he didn't know what this light represented, the mayor knew that when he knew what it was, it would be too late!

"Wait! Wait a minute! I still have something to say!"

As soon as the mayor finished speaking, a group of soldiers rushed into the office.

"Mayor, are you alright!"

As soon as the leading soldier shouted this sentence, he froze in place. He had not seen any scene in the army for many years, but today's scene was beyond his expectations.

An iron man holding a shiny palm at the mayor? What is this all about!

After hearing the cry of the soldiers, the mayor not only did not show any look of salvation, but instead cast a resentful look at the leader of the soldiers.

"What are you doing! Did I tell you to come in!"

The captain of the soldiers showed a confused look, I came to support, why was he scolded instead?

"But, just now..."

"No but! Didn't you see me and... and this distinguished guest are talking about something important! Go out!"

VIP? Talk about something important?

A group of soldiers widened their eyes, when would someone who forced in like this become an honored guest! And he obviously wanted to do something to you just now! Do you call such violence an important matter?

"Mayor! If you are threatened, just blink, we will save you even if we don't want to!" the soldier captain shouted loudly, and the other soldiers raised their faces with determination gun in hand,

"The threat of fart! That eye saw that I was threatened! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! Give it all!"

"Mayor!!" the soldier captain shouted hoarsely.

"I'll say it for the last time! Get me out! Don't come in for a while, no matter what happens!"

The soldier captain clenched his fists tightly and looked at the mayor with red eyes, but under the stare of the mayor, he could only finally let go of his hands in despair.

"Yes, we understand, all retreat!"

After saying this, the soldier captain felt like he was a teenager, and his heart was broken.

The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did Your Majesty surrender first!

He now finally understands what this old saying from the East actually means!

After all the soldiers withdrew, the mayor changed his face at the speed of light, and said with a flat face: "Lord Law Enforcer, do you think there is any misunderstanding in this? You have seen it just now, if I really did something wrong. , how could there be no resistance at all!"

Although Ye Chen's words are very sci-fi, but with the high-tech armor to testify, he can't bear to believe it, you must know that it is only 1925!

"You mean we were wrong?"

The mayor trembled and quickly shook his head.

"No, of course not! How could a big man like you make such a small mistake! It's just that I really don't know what crime I committed. You also said that you are a reasonable person. Even if you let me die, you have to let me Die to understand no."

"Huh? Are you teaching me to do things?"

"Ah this... no... I'm not, I..."

The mayor was in a cold sweat and didn't know how to reply, when Ye Chen suddenly smiled.

"Just kidding, don't be so nervous, look at you, you don't have any humor at all."

"Ah? Just kidding? You... this..."

"What are you talking about?"

"...that's just too personal."

"It's a coincidence, I think so too."


"Okay, let's talk about this first. You want to know what crime you have committed, right? Then I will tell you little by little. There are countless time and space in this world. Some of these time and space are the magical world, and some are The world with highly developed technology, and some worlds where monsters have gone to the end, and above these time and space is responsible for the overall management of everything is the Time and Space Administration! Professional staff!"

Hearing these words, Zheng Zha and others fell into a sluggish moment. Why does this excuse sound so familiar? wrong! Isn't this a variant of the main **** space! This TM also works? !

Ye Chen doesn't know if it will work or not, but he really hasn't been punished by the Lord God now!

"Our main task in this time and space is to deal with a group of vicious trans-space-time criminals, and the second is to deal with the abnormal energy fluctuations in this time-space. We have noticed that near Cairo, there is an evil energy that is recovering. No matter what, it will have a considerable impact on this time and space, and the landing point of those time and space criminals happens to be near the city of Cairo."

"The recovery of evil energy is in Cairo City, and the time and space criminals are also in Cairo City. Even when we came to this time and space, we deviated from our original position and came to Cairo City. There are so many coincidences, you have to say that you are in Cairo City. The top management has nothing to do with it, which is a bit unreasonable."

The mayor was stunned, what blood mold did he have for eight lifetimes! Why did he encounter anything wicked!

Could it be that he was finally punished for his mischief in his usual days!

"I'm wronged!"

Ye Chen gave him a meaningful look: "Those who have committed crimes will say that they have been wronged, and their words are useless."

"This this…"

He was dying of anxiety, he didn't know whether he was involved in these things or not! But the problem is that he can't come up with any evidence to prove his innocence now!

Of course Ye Chen knew that the mayor had done nothing wrong, and even these crimes were improvised by him!

Not to mention whether the mayor can find an excuse to get rid of the crime, even if he does find it, he can think of other crimes.

Seeing that the bald mayor was in a hurry, Yan Xuyang sighed and walked forward: "Okay, Ye Chen, I think this mayor is well-dressed, and he looks like a sincere gentleman, so he won't lie and deceive others. "

The mayor's eyes lit up and nodded frantically: "Yes, the law enforcer is right, I really didn't lie!"

Ye Chen frowned: "But we can't listen to his side words."

"Well...that's true."

The mayor's heart sank again.

"How about this, let him help us hunt down those time-space criminals together. If he can really assist us in arresting these criminals, wouldn't that prove his innocence?"

Ye Chen clapped his hands violently.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this!"

He turned to look at the mayor and said, "Now that the opportunity has been given to you, let me ask you, are you willing to assist us in arresting those time-space criminals?"

"I, I... I will!"

Either agree or die, does he have a choice!

Chapter 480 It's Your Turn

Xiao Honglu was stunned.

OK! He understood it! One sings a red face, and the other sings a white face, right? You can really play!

Ye Chen took off his armor and put it in the storage space, stepped forward and patted the mayor on the shoulder.

"Very good! You made the right choice!"

"There, there, this is what I should do." The mayor said with a sad face.

"Oh, what are you doing with a bitter face? Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"How dare I!"

"..." O'Connor.

This sounds a little familiar.

Ye Chen sighed and shook his head: "I can tell from your tone that you must be uncomfortable, don't worry, if you can help us solve those time-space criminals and prove your innocence, then we will naturally compensate you. ."

The mayor was stunned for a moment, then his heart beat faster.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Of course that's what you think. You also know that we are a super organization that manages various time and space. Even if it is something exposed in our fingertips, it is an unimaginable benefit for ordinary people. For us, elixir to increase life expectancy It's all trivial."

The mayor's eyes widened, and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

"Lord Law Enforcer, if you have any requirements in the future, just ask me! I promise to do it properly for you!"

"..." Xiao Honglu.

Not only to sing red and white, but also to coerce and lure, right! This also does...

beautiful! Is this the means of the seniors!

Zheng Zha and the others said that they were innocently lying on the gun, this is really not the means of the seniors! They will do this!

Ye Chen shook his head: "Look at the way you look like a philistine, when you mention the benefits, you will be refreshed."

"Ah this..." The mayor showed an embarrassed smile, he was really too eager just now.

"Lord Law Enforcer, look at what you said, I am that kind of person, the benefits are secondary, the main thing is to do my part for the peace of time and space!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't explain too much, it's all necessary for my own people to hide it. It's only natural to find someone to do things and get paid. Could it be that you thought our Time and Space Administration would prostitute you for nothing?"

"How can this be!" The mayor said with an embarrassed smile.

"Okay, let's talk about things here first. Next, we want to find a place to study the next plan."

The mayor understood Ye Chen's meaning in seconds, patted his chest and said, "Please don't worry! Can I still handle this trivial matter! I will definitely arrange the best accommodation in the city for you!"

Ye Chen was not polite to him, nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble you, you have to deal with the funeral, right? Let's go outside for a walk to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, and come back later."

Saying that, Ye Chen glanced at the man in formal suit, who stayed in the office from start to finish!

The mayor also noticed this, his face changed slightly but soon returned to normal.

"Well, although Cairo is not a big city, there are also many unique attractions. I will arrange a guide to take you around!"

"I don't bother you anymore, we have already found the guide."

Ye Chen took O'Connor over as he spoke.

Looking at O'Connor's appearance, the mayor had a suspicious look on his face. Ye Chen and the others all had standard black hair, yellow skin, and oriental faces. O'Connor, a Westerner, was among them, which was really conspicuous.

"Don't know who this is?"

"The natives we met when we first came to this plane."

"oh, I see."

The enthusiasm on the mayor's face visibly decreased.

"This little brother is lucky. We still have a lot of free places in the city. As long as you take good care of these adults and make them satisfied, then the benefits will not be without you."

"Ah, um, I know." O'Connor replied absentmindedly.

The mayor frowned, but he didn't show anything strange in front of Ye Chen and the others.

"Okay, we won't disturb your work, Brother O'Connor, let's go! There are so many places of interest in Cairo, you have to show us around!"

The O'Connor Brothers? broken! Just got careless!

This kid doesn't know what kind of luck he has paid to make these law enforcers so satisfied. It seems that his attitude towards him has changed.

After sending Ye Chen and the others away, the mayor turned to look at the man in formal attire, and his face suddenly sank.

The man in formal suit swallowed, knowing that his current situation is very bad, he knows too much!

"Mayor, don't worry! I swear to Rashen! I won't say a word of what I saw and heard today! If this is violated, I swear to kill everyone!"

"Humph! If you really dare to talk nonsense, you don't have to wait for Rashen to punish you, the adults will deal with you themselves!"

The man's face changed immediately when he heard the words.

"Okay, you also heard the needs of those adults. Go and help them deal with the housing issue. You should know what to say and what not to say."

The man in suit nodded frantically: "I understand, I understand!"

"Well, let's do something."

The man in formal suit responded quickly and left the office. After he left, the mayor turned to look at the big hole in the office, full of emotion.

Life, it always has such ups and downs! People are not prepared at all, but what is this feeling of pain and happiness?

"Oh, life..."

On the street, O'Connor followed behind Ye Chen and the others, feeling like he was in a dream. He pinched himself countless times along the way, and his arms were blue, but the real pain still lingered.

After struggling for a long time, he finally summoned up the courage and stepped forward.

"Benevolent, are you really from the Time and Space Administration?"