MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 340

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However, in the original work, he would have to send it sooner or later. Anyway, he would die horizontally and vertically, so what difference would it make if it was earlier or later!

"It seems that there is no problem, but will it really not turn black after wearing this ring?"

"Huh? You don't like blackening?"

Ah this... Subaru Nayuki was at a loss for words, how could any man dislike Da♂rk!

The beast of death on the side heard the blackening, and his eyes lit up, the blackening is good! It's time to black out! The more ruthless, the more I like it!

The beast of death stared at the Supreme Lord of the Rings expectantly, wishing to rush up on the spot to grab the ring and put it on for Emilia, but unfortunately he couldn't grab it.

Caiyue Subaru was seduced by Da♂rk, but in the end he strengthened his belief and was about to sternly refuse when Chen Mo spoke.

"I know what you want to say, don't worry, this ring was taught by me personally!"

"..." Subaru Nayuki

Well, when he didn't ask that.

"Of course, if you want to test your magic resistance, it's not impossible for you to feel the temptation of the ring."

"No need!" Subaru Nayuki quickly shook his head.

Be a man to have numbers! He's not the Frodo family with full magic resistance! The temptation of the Lord of the Rings even Gandalf was afraid of being affected, and if it were him, it would not turn into Gollum in seconds!

Emilia's face was full of doubts at this time. She couldn't understand a word of what Chen Mo and the others said! What the devil, the Lord of the Rings, the Second Era, what are these things!

Roswaal is also similar to Emilia, and he can't understand why something that is not recorded in the Gospels always pops up recently! Will this script still work?

He stared at the Lord of the Rings for a while and couldn't help but said, "Teacher, the students have something to ask you for advice."

Chen Mo turned his head to look at Roswaal and said, "It is a virtue not to be ashamed to ask questions, and it is also a matter of teachers to teach and teach, what do you want to ask?"

Hearing this, Roswaal let out a sigh of relief and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Teacher, what are those things you said just now?"

"Lu, you know the origin of Subaru Nayuki."

Roswaal's body froze. He knew that most of the secrets he had hidden were not left at all, but now he had no room to resist, so he could only bite the bullet and nodded.

"I won't explain the superfluous concepts to you. You should be able to understand that some things originally did not belong to this world, and you are not a scholar."

Roswaal pondered for a while and then nodded. Chen Mo's words have already hinted very clearly. This ring comes from another world. As for its origin, as Chen Mo said, he is not a scholar, and there is nothing to study the history of another world. significance.

"I understand, that teacher, what is the use of this ring??"

"It's a little trickier to explain, so I'll keep it short, so so... so and so..."

Emilia was stunned, what is this, what is this? Who can understand that?

"Master, you..."

"What! This ring is so precious!"

Before Emilia could speak, Roswaal exclaimed in surprise.

Um? Why are you so surprised? Did you hear something? It's not magic!

"Roswaal, do you understand what the Master said?!"

Roswaal nodded.

"Master said it in great detail."

Emilia was completely dumbfounded.

In fact, Roswaal didn't understand the principle of that sentence, but he just miraculously understood what Chen Mo wanted to say.

"Don't worry about these little details, Liya, you are a woman destined to become a king, I just add a little help to your road to becoming a king, but the Lord of the Rings alone is not enough, it is a symbol of power, other than that Besides, you need force!"

Speaking of which, Chen Mo took out an elder wand with several knuckles from his arms.

Unlike the ordinary appearance of the Lord of the Rings, the shape of this wand is very iconic!

"This... won't it be the Elder Wand?!" Sanjiu couldn't help asking.

"Well." Chen Mo nodded.

Sanjiu was speechless, if she remembered correctly, it seems that two generations of Dark Lords have used this wand.

What a ferocious combination of the Dark Lord and the Demon Lord!

She imagined in her mind Emilia with the ring in her hand, followed by the Nine Ringed Spirits, and then pointed at the opponent with the elder wand and shouted Avada for his life.

This picture is so strange that she, a big time traveler, can't accept it.

If this is not the Demon Lord, then there is no Demon Lord in this world!

Chapter 610: Learn to draw first

Emilia stared at the wand in Chen Mo's hand, her face full of doubts, what a strange appearance.

"Master is this?"

"As you can see, it's a magic wand."

Emilia was speechless. Of course she was a wand. Subaru's old wand called out so clearly just now. She wasn't deaf. How could she not hear? It's the kind that's okay to hit people with a stick!

In comparison, the wand in Chen Mo's hand is very short, and there are so many knuckles at the handle, it looks very awkward. Would anyone really use this kind of thing to fight?

This goes against Emilia's common sense.

Chen Mo didn't explain much, which is more understandable than explanation or real machine demonstration.

However, the person who demonstrated this cannot be himself, Zi Buyu is eccentric!

He should lead by example as a Confucian warrior! Even if it is to be reasonable, it can be convincing! How can you use magic!

And if Chen Mo really did it himself, then Emilia would be able to tell whether Chen Mo was awesome or a magic wand.

Chen Mo turned to look at Sanjiu and Caiyue Subaru.

"Anyone of you want to demonstrate?"

Sanjiu shook her head decisively, she was a Muggle!

"This..." Seeing that the senior refused to let Nayue Subaru scratch his head a little embarrassedly: "Let me demonstrate, but I don't know wizard spells."

"It's okay, I can teach you." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"OK then."

Caiyue Subaru responded and took the Elder Wand from Chen Mo's hand, but as soon as he got it, he felt that his whole person was different!

The magic power that could not be completely controlled, under the guidance of the Elder Wand, became orderly in an instant, and it continued to gather towards the magic wand. Is this the power of the Elder Wand? It is so powerful!

Looking at Caiyue Subaru's eagerness to try, Chen Mo smiled and said, "It seems that you are ready, so let's use this as a test."

Speaking of which, Chen Mo took out a rabbit and placed it in front of Subaru Caiyue.

Nayuki Subaru was stunned, why did he use a rabbit as a demonstration, obviously the rabbit is so cute.

Before he could think about Chen Mo, he said, "Don't be in a daze and aim at this rabbit with your wand."

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Nayue Subaru came back to his senses and pointed his wand at the rabbit in front of him.

"Okay, read it with me... Arvada eats a big melon!"

"..." Subaru Nayuki.

This is Avada Sombra! How did it come up with such an unforgivable curse! Have you ever seen a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher use Avada Soloming as a demonstration in class!

Looking at Caiyue Subaru's expression as if he was holding back something, Chen Mo kindly asked, "What's wrong, isn't it the spell I taught?"

Nayuki Subaru opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything, so he could only shake his head.


"Then let's demonstrate, so many people are waiting for you."


Subaru Nayuki was silent for a while and then shouted the spell as if he had given up on something.

"Avada eats a big melon!"

As his voice fell, a green light shot straight out, and the rabbit died violently on the spot before he could bark!


Adhering to the principle of never wasting, Chen Mo picked up the rabbit and handed it over to Rem.

"This rabbit will be handed over to you."

It's a pity not to use the bunny to make spicy bunny heads!

Although Chen Mo's behavior of making the most of everything makes people complain, but now Amelia and the others have been attracted by the Elder Wand.

Although Avada Suoming didn't seem to be very powerful, they really felt the powerful magic power contained in the spell!

Compared with the mysterious things like the Lord of the Rings, the impression of the Elder Wand on Emilia is more intuitive. Even if she only uses perception, she knows how powerful a magic tool it is! Once in hand, her strength can immediately take a qualitative leap!

Of course, this is not to say that the Lord of the Rings is not strong, but its function is very special. Neither Bilbo nor Gollum have obtained a very intuitive power improvement because of the Lord of the Rings. It does not mean that wearing this ring can instantly increase the combat power. To the level of Demon Lord Sauron.

Although it also has a series of auxiliary functions such as prolonging lifespan, invisibility, and enhancing understanding, other than extending lifespan, it is very attractive to ordinary people, but it has no practical significance for Sauron, because He himself is Maya with an almost infinite lifespan.

The additional function of the Lord of the Rings is a pity for him to eat and discard. Its greatest effect on Sauron is to expand his dominance as a ruler! It is an important prop for him to dominate the world!

However, Emilia cannot understand this kind of mysterious ability. Compared with the Lord of the Rings, the role of the Elder Wand is very simple and rude. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is used to improve combat effectiveness! Make an already awesome person even more awesome!

Although Emilia is not a fighting maniac, she is also an elf warlock. If she really doesn't care about her strength, she will not insist on meditating every day. She deeply knows that having a sword in her hand and having a sword are two different things!

Whether it is to protect yourself or to protect others, you need to have strength!

Faced with such a powerful weapon, she certainly would not remain indifferent.

"Master, can you really give me this wand and ring?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Of course, but if you want to inherit these two things, you have to pass a test."

Emilia's expression became solemn when she heard the words, it really wasn't that simple.

"Tell me, Master, what exactly is the test!"

"It's very simple, you go to learn painting first, and then go to the court exam after you graduate."

Emilia was stunned, why did she want to learn to draw? Are you going to take the court exam? Does this have anything to do with the throne?

Emilia shook her head vigorously, Master must have his deep meaning for me to do this!

By the way, most of these two things are too powerful. The Master was afraid that I would not be able to grasp it, so he asked me to learn to paint and cultivate my mind!

"I understand, I can only inherit these two things when I successfully pass the court exam, right?"

"Wrong! It's not to pass the exam, but to fail! When you can go all out and fail the exam, then you can inherit the ring and wand to open the Demon King line!"


Emilia was dumbfounded, what logic is this! Why the premise of inheriting these two things is to fail the exam! I have absolutely no idea what the connection is!

Emilia didn't understand, but Miku and Subaru Natsuki understood.

Who can't understand such obvious nonsense!

good guy! It's not enough to have the Lord of the Rings and the Elder Wand, do you also need to stack up the buff of a failed artist! This is going against the sky!

Chapter 611 As long as the **** is good

A few days after the official start of the election, various notices were plastered all over the notice boards of the royal capital. Once the state machinery was in operation, the efficiency was beyond imagination!

The Re0 world is a standard fantasy world. The background of the era is similar to that of the Middle Ages in Europe. Although the level of productivity cannot be compared with that of modern society, there is a plug-in such as magic, and its information transmission efficiency is naturally not comparable to the real ancient society. .

Take the dragon cart as an example. All the earth dragons of the earth dragon have their own protection from the wind, so they can run without being affected or resisted by any wind. In addition to the strong foot strength and endurance, the only thing is the speed of transportation. Just dumped a lot of ancient carriages!

If the messengers in the Re0 world were like the ancient times in the real world, going back and forth for a month or two, then the Witch Cult wouldn't have gotten the news shortly after Emilia attended the meeting, and began to prepare to attack the Mezas territory. !

A few days have been enough time for news of the candidate to spread throughout Lugnica! Even spread abroad!

This is the significance of that meeting. Who would believe you if you say you are a candidate for the throne before it is officially recognized!

But it's different now. Having the status of a candidate for the throne endorsed by the state has political validity! Even if you go abroad, other countries have to treat you as a crown prince on the bright side, otherwise it will be a diplomatic issue.

Of course, if you want foreign countries to respect your identity, the premise is that your country is strong enough. After all, does a weak country have no diplomacy?

And at this point, the strength of Lugnica with Reinhardt can be said to have reached the most prosperous period in nearly a hundred years!

The power ceiling is no joke! Didn't you see how the law was written, Reinhardt was prohibited from crossing the Luganica border without permission!