MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 9

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After finishing the equipment, an older man spoke up. He was the captain of the team.

"This rescue operation must be aimed at ensuring the safety of the hostages. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison.

The captain nodded, and then said solemnly: "You should know that this time is not an act. Those pirates have been committing crimes at sea for many years.

The post-event work that the captain mentioned refers to the arrangement of things after sacrifice. This rescue operation requires covert infiltration, so it can only be attended by a small number of personnel, and the equipment cannot be carried too much. There are real guns and live ammunition, and the level of danger is extremely high. If they fail to sneak in, they are likely to die.

After talking about this topic, the atmosphere in the cabin became depressed. They knew the danger of this operation, but even if it was dangerous, they still participated in this operation without hesitation, because the people on the cruise ship were waiting for the motherland. rescue.

In order to ease the atmosphere in the cabin, a young soldier who seemed to be a young man said, "Captain, don't worry, we have written the will, but unfortunately this action is urgent, and we can't be with the two at home. The old man is different, but the state's death pension is quite large, if I really die, then the second old man will not have to worry about food and clothing in the future."

"Shut up! What the **** are you talking about! Do you really want your family to use this money! I hope your family never needs to use this money!"

"How many times have I warned you, it's not your turn for a recruit like you to take part in this kind of action, why are you not obedient!"

Being scolded by the captain like this, the young soldier shrank his neck on the spot and whispered, "I've been in the army for six years, why am I still a recruit, and am I not the best student in the class?"

Although the voice of the young soldier is very small, the space in the helicopter cabin is small and the captain's hearing is very keen, so it is easy to hear the young soldier's words, with a black face on his face: "You still have opinions!"

The young soldier thought in his heart that he was broken, and quickly shook his head: "No!"

"Don't pretend to me, do you think I'm deaf? Do you have an opinion? Okay! After I go back, let me run 10 kilometers with weights and then talk about it!"

Hearing the captain's words, the young soldier's face suddenly fell, and it seemed that he had suffered after returning this time.

After this batch of depressed atmosphere in the cabin has eased a lot, although the situation has not improved, but at least their tense spirit has been eased.

drop! drop! drop! drop! drop!

Suddenly there was an emergency alarm from the helicopter cockpit, which shocked everyone in the cabin. The captain quickly asked the driver, "What's wrong, what happened."

This sudden alarm also made the pilot a little stunned. The plane suddenly issued an emergency alarm without any warning. It was the first time he encountered it in his driving career for so many years. Everything happened so suddenly, he quickly took a look The instrument panel on the plane immediately found the problem.

"A UFO is approaching at a high speed, the speed is close to Mach 1, it has not exceeded Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3, and it is still accelerating, how is this possible!" The helicopter pilot made an unbelievable voice.

In this world, aircraft that can reach Mach 3 are not non-existent. Now China's most advanced fighter jets can achieve this kind of flight speed. If there are only flying objects with a flight speed of Mach 3, then he will not be so surprised, but The problem is that the UFO that appears now is accelerating too fast!

Its acceleration has exceeded 300 meters per square second, and the speed will increase by Mach almost every second. Even a rocket cannot have such a fast acceleration!

The captain's professional knowledge is not as rich as that of the driver, and he is not very clear about this abnormal acceleration, but he knows that their current situation is very bad!

The flying object of Mach 3, that is the speed that China's top fighter aircraft can achieve. To be able to achieve such a super high-speed flying object, it is simply impossible to destroy their helicopter.

"Are you sure you didn't read it wrong? How could the pirates come up with this kind of equipment?"

"I've been driving for more than ten years, how could I misread this kind of thing, and it's impossible for this kind of equipment to appear in reality now, you know, the acceleration of this UFO has exceeded 300M/S ^2 This is almost ten times the acceleration of the rocket." The pilot said in a collapsed voice.

This time, even if the captain and the others lacked the knowledge, they realized the seriousness of the problem. Everyone who has gone to high school knows about the acceleration. It is more than ten times the acceleration of the rocket. Needless to say, the captain and they all understand this. It can be confirmed that this thing is definitely not taken out by a pirate.

How can someone who can come up with such a thing be a pirate, then he is an alien!

"How long will it take for that thing to get here!" The captain asked hurriedly, and at this time he could no longer care about maintaining his image.

The driver looked at the dial and replied blankly: "It's already here."


As soon as the captain's voice landed on an object, it stopped beside them with a negative acceleration that would make Newton **** off, and achieved relative stillness after reaching the same speed as the helicopter he was sitting on.

Now everyone in the cabin can see the true body of the UFO.

It was a huge flying sword!

And there is still a person standing on this flying sword!

It was a young man, dressed in a green shirt, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a face like a crown of jade. He revealed a sense of transcendence and refinement on his body. Several dimensions higher.

The young man stepped on the flying sword and stopped beside the helicopter. He didn't say anything, just silently gave them a thumbs up, and then stomped his foot, and stepped on the flying sword and pulled out a burst of clouds at a super high speed. gone.

The people in the cabin stared blankly at the flying sword, and everyone was stunned.

The young soldier said blankly: "Captain, is our China really a scientific society?"

The captain was speechless. If a young soldier usually asked this kind of question, the ten-kilometer load-bearing run would definitely be inevitable, but now he has absolutely no idea how to answer it.

Chapter Nineteen: Fast Forward to Heaven to Bring Justice

A cruise ship in the Pacific Ocean stopped running and was parked on the sea, surrounded by some yachts. This was the Huaxia cruise ship that was hijacked by pirates.

Now that the cruise ship has been hijacked, the pirates can no longer let it go to its destination. The biggest advantage of doing this is the location. After all, there is no way to go to the village or store in the sea. Even if you want to support it, there is no way to do it. to, because there is no foothold at sea.

If you want to send a large army to support, you can only come by boat, but the pirates are not blind. You open the boat to come over, do you really think they won't tear up the ticket? These pirates are doing the work of licking blood, who is in the hands? There are not many lives left, and there is absolutely no hesitation in tearing up the ticket.

It is impossible for the Chinese military to kill the hostages first like some countries.

They are the People's Army!

Therefore, in most cases, the military has nothing to do with them, but if the pirates are not at sea but on land, the situation will be different. On land, the military has a way to clean up these pirates. Not to mention, just arranging a long-range sniper is enough for them to drink a pot.

The pirates are naturally very clear, so of course they won't drive a cruise ship to land, isn't that self-defeating! No pirates do that!

So they controlled the cockpit the first time they got on the ship. Those who can do this are all veteran sailors who have drifted at sea all their lives. They don't know how many cruise ships like this have been in contact with them, and they will drive them themselves. And if it is just berthing, there are not many people needed, so there is no need to worry that the captain and other staff will not be able to control it if they are not there.

So both tourists and staff are controlled by them.

In order to facilitate control, all tourists are gathered in the cruise ship lobby.

One of the scar-faced pirates looked at the tourists under control and said with a smile: "Many of the hostages this time are good ones, and they look very greedy."

Hearing the Scarface Pirate's words, the rest of the Pirates knew that the Scarface Pirate's old problem had been done again.

A pirate said: "These people are all used to exchange money. If you break it, the boss will definitely cut you down."

"I'm just playing a little bit, it won't be too rude." The scar-faced pirate glanced at the hostages, looking for a target.

After finding that his persuasion was useless, the pirate shook his head. Who do not know the hobby of the scar-faced pirate, this guy is a complete pervert, and his favorite is those little girls who haven't grown up yet.

There is nothing wrong with copper smelting, but if you plan to actually get started, it is another matter.

Although he always said that it was just for fun, he didn't think about it. After he played with the little girls whose bodies were not yet mature, wouldn't they just be abolished.

Although the pirate knew this very well, he didn't intend to stop the Scarface pirate. He just opened his mouth and reminded: "If you want to do it, you need to hurry up. If the boss finds out, we will all have to walk around."

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I've done it. I'll treat myself when I finish this ticket. Let's go play together."

"No, I'm not good with you." The pirate shook his head and refused without thinking about it. He doesn't have such a hobby.

The scar-faced pirate smiled and glanced at the hostages, but did not find too young, but found a cute little girl wearing a princess dress, about seven or eight years old, and her eyes suddenly widened. Liang, licking his lips, walked towards the little girl.


With a loud bang, a huge flying sword fell from the sky, cut through the ceiling and fell, directly smashing the Scarface Pirate into pieces.

This flying sword is about ten feet long, with a dark red body and a sharp blade. Standing on the hilt is a handsome and handsome man, dressed in ancient clothes, with his hands on his back, as if he was standing there with his eyes closed.

The rest of the pirates were frightened by this sudden scene, and under the stress reaction, without saying a word, they fired at the people on the flying sword with their AKs in their hands.

But Chen Mo's role now is a genuine immortal cultivator. How could ordinary firearms hurt him.

Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes and all the bullets shot at him stopped more than three feet in front of him.

"FUNK! What's going on!" Looking at the bullets parked in mid-air, the pirates shouted in disbelief.

magic? superpower? The Force?

Who can tell them what the **** happened!

Chen Mo naturally wouldn't explain what happened to them. He waved his hand and all the bullets flew back in an instant, hitting the pirates.


The screams came one after another, and most of the pirates were smashed into sieves on the spot by the bullets they fired.

Only a few pirates at the back of the station survived.

The remaining pirates looked at Chen Mo's expression of extreme horror, and shouted: "Devil, this must be the devil in hell, God, save us!"

Chen Mo sneered, and wanted to see God, right? I'll help you. He jumped to the ground, and the flying sword stuck on the ground rose from the ground, and quickly shrank into a three-foot azure sword. On top of Chen Mo's head.

Seeing this scene, a pirate immediately aimed a gun at the little loli wearing a princess dress and shouted, "Don't come here!"

"Beyond one's own strength!" Chen Mo snorted coldly, and waved his sword gently, the three-foot green front above his head disappeared instantly, a stream of light flashed by the time the pirate reacted, and his arms had disappeared.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Chen Mo ignored the screams of the pirates, and jumped lightly to the side of Little Loli and said, "Little sister, are you alright."

Little Loli looked at Chen Mo's eyes with adoring eyes and shook her head: "I'm fine, big brother, are you a god?"

Chen Mo replied with a solemn expression: "Little sister, you have to believe in science, there are no gods in this world, I'm just an ordinary person."

After speaking, he slapped the screaming pirate with a backhand. Under a burst of lightning and flint, the pirate's screams stopped, and the whole person was instantly carbonized and turned into fly ash.

After the pirate was rescued to heaven, Chen Mo flipped his palm, and a small sword less than two inches appeared in his palm.

The shape of this small sword is exquisite, the whole body is ice blue, and it seems to exude bursts of dazzling light. I won't say whether it is practical or not, but the appearance is absolutely nothing to say.

Chen Mo handed the little sword to Little Loli and said, "Take this toy and play with it, hurry back to your parents."

Girls really like beautiful things, even little Loli is no exception. Looking at the little sword in her hand, Little Loli's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Thank you, big brother."

Looking at the little loli who was so happy that she jumped away, Chen Mo sighed in his heart, if this is in the world of immortality, it is estimated that it will take a few years.

Chapter 20 Not Enough Spirit

While Chen Mo settled down on Little Loli, the surviving pirates had already escaped from the hall, ran to the deck in horror, and then prepared to jump down without saying a word.

The other pirates were startled when they saw the actions of these companions, and hurried up to grab them and said, "You guys are crazy!"

The blocked pirate struggled frantically, screaming while struggling, "Don't stop me, let me jump!"

At this time, the pirate chief was on the deck, and the noise here naturally alarmed him.

The pirate leader came over and frowned at the few pirates who wanted to jump into the sea and said, "What happened, what happened."

Hearing the question from the pirate leader, a pirate quickly stepped forward and said, "Boss, we don't know what's going on, these guys are like crazy, if they weren't stopped by others, they would have jumped off. ."

The pirate leader took a closer look at these people and found that those who wanted to jump into the sea were the group of people who had been sent to guard the hostages by himself. He suddenly became alert. Those hostages were not only their capital in exchange for chips, but also their safety. guarantee.

The reason why the Huaxia military did not dare to attack them was because there were hostages in their hands. If there was no threat of hostages, then their group of pirates would not be the opponents of the military at all.

Seeing the people guarding the hostages were so frightened, if the pirate leader couldn't guess that something happened to the hostages, he would have died at sea long ago. How could he still sit in this position today.

Did a military commando sneak in?

The pirate chief looked solemn, and it was within his expectation that the military would send someone to sneak in, so he arranged a large number of people in the hall.

I didn't expect so many people to take care of the hostages, but they still missed.

The pirate leader came to the front of the few pirates who wanted to jump into the sea, raised his hand and slapped a pirate: "Trash, how many people are there!"

After being slapped by the pirate chief, the pirate was a little confused, and he replied in a daze: "One."

Hearing this answer, the pirate leader's face darkened, and he slapped his backhand again, "You can't even count, how many people are there!"

"I counted correctly, there is indeed only one person."

What the hell, can one person take out all the pirates in the entire hall!

The pirate chief decisively slapped again: "Tell me again, how many people are there!"

After being slapped twice in a row, the pirate's face was completely swollen, and his gums were stained with blood. One can imagine how hard the pirate's leader was.

He was very aggrieved, and what he said was the truth.

"Boss, I'm really not wrong, it's really just one person."

The pirate leader took a deep breath, laughed angrily, shook his head, then took out his gun and put it on the pirate's head and shouted loudly, "I'm going to ask you one last time, **** it! In the end! Yes! More! Less !people!"

The pirate's voice was filled with tears and replied, "I...I don't know."


After a gunshot, the pirate leader put the gun on another pirate's head and said, "Tell me, how many people there are."

After seeing the fate of his companion, the pirate no longer dared to tell the truth. When he was about to report a false number, one rang on the deck.

"Don't force them, they really didn't lie, it's just me."

Hearing this voice, the pirates who escaped from the hall immediately changed their expressions and shouted in horror.

"The devil is here!"

The pirate leader raised his brows, the expressions of his subordinates did not seem to be pretending.

The pirate chief looked cold and turned to look at the place where the voice came from. He wanted to see what kind of beast could scare these murderous pirates into this.