MTL - House Witch-Chapter 24 24. Tired Dorothy

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  Chapter 24 24. Tired Dorothy

   "Well, Dorothy, you're getting old now, and it's time to tell you everything."

   Facing his daughter's serious gaze, the middle-aged man on the sofa finally couldn't bear the pressure and spoke up.

   "Things have to start more than twenty years ago. Well, that's about it, Dorothy, you are about to come of age, you can make your own choices, no matter what you choose, I respect you."

  Adam finished everything in one breath, then looked at his daughter expectantly, waiting for her choice.

  At this time, Dorothy frowned, and she was a Muggle.

   What kind of magical plot is this Nima, I should say that you two really know how to play?

My father’s narration just now was very long, but to sum it up, it is "The Poor Boy in the Countryside, the Genius Mage Meets the Bai Fumei Witch Lord, and Asks for a Child", "I Have a Deal with the Domineering Female Island Owner", "Choices, Family Affection and Benefits, Wanting a Daughter" I still want a future", "Because I didn't want my daughter to become a war madman, so I refused the soft rice", "I was chased by the domineering female island owner, and it was difficult for me to be my dad".

The Kingdom of the Dragon Witch is a huge alliance composed of countless big and small witch leaders of the same race. In this alliance, there are big lords, and naturally there are also small lords. To decline.

Dorothy's mother Euphelia's family is such a family that has already declined. Even if the history of their branch can be traced back to the Dragon King, they are indeed descendants of the Dragon King, with noble blood, and their ancestors were once prominent , is one of the oldest and most powerful branches of Dragon Kingdom.

But there is no such thing as everlasting. Over the long period of time, this branch has declined due to various reasons. When it was passed down to Yuphelia's generation, it was even passed down as a single branch, but the family But he never gave up hope of reviving the family.

Euphilia grew up amidst the expectations of the whole family, and she did live up to her family's expectations. She is a very rare atavistic witch, who was already so thin that she couldn't live up to it in the thin Dragon King. The blood was revived in her body, and she had awakened ten powerful dragon talents since she was born, and her innate magic power was even more powerful, belonging to the kind of evildoer with tens of thousands of magic power at birth.

Moreover, she herself is quite competitive and capable, not the kind of theorist who has no talent but is free for practice. As soon as she became an adult, she directly took over the position of Patriarch from her mother, and in just a few years, she raised the family's ranking in the Kingdom of Dragons. Pulled from the bottom to the middle level.

However, seeing the family gradually revived and the lost territories gradually regained, Euphelia's parents began to feel uneasy. Well, I can't say that, they just did what most parents like to do The thing is to urge marriage.

Such as "Daughter, your bloodline is so good, it would be a waste if you don't pass it on." "A king must have no heirs. If the family has no descendants to inherit, it will be detrimental to the future development." Do you want to have more babies?"

The high-intensity urging of marriage by her parents really made it difficult for the genius witch Uphelia. She has been educated since she was a child to be a tool for family revival. She has never considered getting married and having children. .

But she didn't resist such urging in the end. After all, in her opinion, the interests of the family are the top priority, she really should give birth to some descendants, especially since the revival of the family has reached a certain bottleneck. If the flow goes up, she will have to go to the battlefield to develop.

The battlefield is ruthless, even a genius witch like her dare not be 100% sure that she can come back intact, and once she falls, if the family has no new heir, then her life's efforts will be in vain. Yet?

But even so, Yu Fei Liya did not have the idea of ​​falling in love. After all, the family is busy, and she does not have enough time to deal with official duties every day. How can she have this time to fall in love? Of course However, if she simply proceeded from the interests of the family, her best choice at that time was actually to marry with other families in the Dragon Kingdom.

  It's just that the proud genius dragon witch disdains to make such a choice. Her belief is that her family will be revived by herself, just like the ancestor Dragon King.

So, she naturally had the idea that she should have a daughter who is better than me, but this is not an easy task. The same can be said for the daughter, otherwise the kingdom of dragons will be full of monsters.

  Fortunately, this is a magical world, don’t panic if you are in doubt, just do divination, listen to the guidance of fate, maybe you can find the answer.

  In the end, Yuphelia finally got the answer she wanted from the strongest fortune-teller in the Kingdom of Dragons after paying a huge price.

   "After you go back, go to inspect your territory. The most handsome man you meet on the way is the one who is most compatible with your blood. The offspring born with him will have talents beyond yours."

   This was the guidance given to her by the fortune teller.

  Eupilia did as well, and finally she found Adam, a genius human mage who was traveling in the witch's world.

  And here is the difference from Dorothy's memory.

When her father Adam told her about this past, he said that his good looks fascinated his mother at that time, and the two fell in love quickly, and finally he was born. He was a standard and kingly poor boy and Bai Fumei. love story.

  But the fact revealed now is that the two had no relationship from the beginning, only a cold deal.

That's right, just like mother Euphelia, a cold and majestic queen, she doesn't look like the **** girl in her father's story. Dorothy wanted to complain about this before, but she never thought about it. Now it seems that everything is really a lie from my father.

  The real situation is actually that Yuphelia found Adam, and then said quite directly that you gave me your seed, and I made you the big steward of my territory.

  A mortal sorcerer can become the steward of a powerful witch's territory. This is an incredible temptation, and ordinary people simply cannot resist it.

  As a mage and scholar, Adam felt that he had been insulted by the dignity of a scholar. He got up angrily, and wanted to reprimand Uphelia for being too bullying. Don’t think that a witch is nothing special.

   But without waiting for him to refute, Yu Fei Liya directly increased the money.

   "My family library will be open to you, too."

  So, Adam nodded immediately.

No way, she gave too much. At that time, as a young man, Adam had only two pursuits, being outstanding and pursuing knowledge. Now the Bai Fumei Witch in front of him directly puts everything he dreamed of in front of him. And what he needs to pay is just a few essence seeds, which are insignificant to a man, and no fool will do this kind of blood-earned business.

  Of course, the more important thing is that he is completely powerless to resist. After all, the firm and domineering eyes of the dragon witch clearly stated that her decision is unquestionable, even if Adam disagrees, she can only be voluntary in the end.

   Then why bother, since you are powerless to resist, then enjoy it. Anyway, Euphilia is a rare beauty, and Adam is not bad anyway.

   It's just that what happened later was not as beautiful as Adam imagined.

Amorous encounters do not exist. The hit rate of human **** is too low and the effect is not good. Naturally, this low-efficiency form will not be accepted by Euphylia. Therefore, the moment Adam nodded in agreement, a body The feeling of being hollowed out swept over the young human mage.

  Ghost knows what kind of ghost magic this is, anyway, with a snap, Adam was drained dry in less than a second.

Then the indifferent witch left ruthlessly with a test tube full of seeds, leaving only the human mage who was almost turned into a human being lying on the ground weakly with his waist supported, and then rested for several months before recovering. over here.

  Being treated like a tool man, Adam was very angry, but before he had time to get angry with Uphelia, the agreed transaction content had arrived.

This humble human mage has suddenly become a powerful butler with a witch leader under one person and over ten thousand people. The vast collection of books in the ancient witch family makes the mage who pursues knowledge even more reluctant to leave. What dignity, what insult, what beauty? What, he forgot all about it at the time, he only knew to spend every day in the library studying academics and magic.

  Until one day, he followed Uphelia to the battlefield as the butler. The young human mage witnessed the madness and cruelty of the witch race for the first time.

  It was originally a quiet and peaceful plane, the people lived in peace and contentment, and the country was peaceful and prosperous, but on that day, the witches set their eyes on this beautiful and rich country, and natural disasters came.

The human mage who was only devoted to study and research before had never seen such a cruel picture. All the books he came into contact with were the power and glory of the singer witch. He also thought that witches were as peaceful and peaceful as their beautiful appearance. grace.

  But when he witnessed those beautiful humanoid creatures ruthlessly riding a broom to sprinkle death and fear on all equals in that world, his previous beliefs collapsed.

This human mage, who has always held romantic ideas, deeply understood at this moment how terrifying creatures witches are. They are more indifferent than angels, more cunning than demons, and crueler than giant dragons. Whitewashing, no matter how beautified the legends are, none of these can change the fact that they are a cruel aggressive race.

Indeed, they are more gentle than the other three natural disaster races, and they will not really kill them all, but I am a little more kind than the perverted murderer. I don't like dismembered corpses. If I leave you a whole corpse, you will think I am a good person ?

   No, I'm still a big villain.

   No matter whether other people can accept such a cruel reality, Adam vomited at that time anyway, and the young mage with the romantic fantasy of equality and beauty in his heart could not accept all this.

  Because of this, he even began to hate and hate the witch who he once admired so much.

It's just that something even more unacceptable to him happened soon. Euphelia was pregnant, and the child belonged to Adam. Those seeds he had traded that he thought were insignificant would soon become living creatures, and If nothing else happens, she will be cultivated by her cruel mother into a new war madness, a ruthless executioner on the battlefield.

Adam couldn't accept all this no matter what. When he thought of his own blood, his daughter would become those terrifying creatures that sowed destruction and death while laughing wildly on the battlefield. woke up.

   And thinking of that future, Adam realized that the power that once made him fanatical, the knowledge that fascinated him, etc. are all gone. If possible, he would rather travel back to the past than agree to the original deal.

But the reality is cruel, the power of time is beyond the reach of a human mage like him, and facing the more powerful dragon witch Uphelia, Adam has no choice, he knows that it is impossible for him to persuade that terrible Dragon Witch, let her give up raising her daughter into that kind of war madness.

  Because dragon witches are born to be the best armed witches, the cruelty of dragons is engraved in their genes, and their instinct calls guide them to the battlefield.

Fortunately, when Adam was almost desperate, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the terrible witch Euphelia didn't seem to care about his weakness, nor did she want to expel him who was so weak. The witch seemed to want to give her daughter a complete life. family, so he didn't want Adam's father to disappear, but unexpectedly trusted him.

Even Euphilia told him bluntly that in the future the child would need his father's care after it was born, because she might go to the battlefield herself and would not have so much time to accompany her child. She might not be a qualified mother, so she hoped that the child would There can be enough fatherly love.

  At that moment, Adam found out that this horrible witch who was as cruel as death on the battlefield and as powerful as a **** in his heart probably had a bit of a low EQ unexpectedly, and she was such a fool who didn't understand people's hearts at all.

   This is the weakness of this terrible witch, and it is also the only opportunity that the weak self can take advantage of.

So, Adam agreed, and he deliberately told Euphylia all kinds of child-rearing skills that he had learned just now, and fooled this powerful but innocent witch into thinking that he was an incredible parenting master .

Adam's plan finally succeeded. After five years of pregnancy, Euphelia gave birth to a healthy daughter. The first-time mother, the Dragon Witch, was very excited and shouted that Adam, the father, came to welcome the arrival of her daughter. , and generously allowed Adam to participate in the naming ceremony of his daughter.

At that time, the Witch Leader was actually facing a crucial battle. If they won this battle, the family would be able to successfully rank among the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Dragons, and Uphelia, who was already weak after giving birth, would soon die. Went to the battlefield.

  However, the excited Dragon Witch still spent a lot of magic power to give her daughter her real name at the first time, and then gave her daughter to the care of Adam, the "master of parenting", before going to the battlefield with peace of mind.

  Before she left, this dragon witch, who had always been emotionally indifferent, was very happy and teased the sleeping daughter in Adam's arms.

   "Be obedient and wait for me at home. After this battle is over, I will come back and grow up with you."

  Dragon Witch who became a mother for the first time promised so.


   Then there is no more.

   After Euphylia came back from the victory, she found out that her home had been stolen, and her newborn baby daughter disappeared together with that despicable human mage, and no one knew where they went.

  Even that damned human took one of the top anti-divination secret treasures from her treasury on purpose, which made it impossible for Yuphelia to find someone through omnipotent divination.

  The angry dragon witch had no choice but to turn her grief into strength, and began to crazily expand the scale of her territory, so that she could have enough people to search for her daughter's whereabouts all over the world.

  But the witch world is really too big, and the probability of success of this method of finding a needle in a haystack is theoretically almost zero.

   It's just who made this a world of idealism. The heart of belief is the greatest magic. Sometimes the obsession of a powerful witch will always turn into a miracle.

  Only sixteen years later, after tracking down countless suspects in a carpet-like manner, Euphylia finally sensed the similar magical power that came from the same source as her in this small eighteenth-line town in this remote area.

   To this, Dorothy: "."

  She rolled her eyes like a dead fish. She is really numb to her strange life experience now.

  Life is not easy, the witch sighed.

  Hey, I didn't do anything wrong in my previous life, so how can I get involved with you two parents.

  Don’t ask, it’s tiring to ask.

  (end of this chapter)