MTL - House Witch-Chapter 3 young ambition

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  Chapter 3 3. Young ambitions

  The broomstick, the most commonly used means of transportation for the supernatural beings in this world, has the same status as the electric bicycle in Dorothy's previous life.

  Inexpensive, easy to use, save money, easy to learn, only need a little magic power and a simple flying spell to go straight to Wuhu.

  The low-level spells of the Flying Apsaras are taught in the elementary schools of mage academies in this world, and they are one of the most common entry-level enlightenment spells for mages.

Although Dorothy has not been able to pass the entry standard of the Witch Academy these years, she has graduated from the Ordinary Wizard Academy early, and she is also an outstanding graduate. There's no reason why the spell wouldn't work, of course.

She sat astride the handle of the broom according to the most standard broom riding posture, her two slender and round legs tightly clamped the wooden pole, and her hands were also clenched to maintain the balance of her body , and finally a trace of magical power burst out from his hand, which was transmitted into the flying magic circle inside the broom.


  Singing her own exclusive take-off order, the loose broom under her crotch suddenly pushed up with strength, and her feet that were originally standing on the ground were slightly off the ground.

  The girl has already floated into the air.

Since ancient times, human beings have never ceased to yearn for the sky. People in the world in their previous lives have tried various methods to conquer the sky, but the sky is always far away from ordinary people. Even though airplanes have long been popularized, many people actually Still have never been on a plane in my life.

  But now, in this world, people can easily conquer the sky and fly freely just by relying on their own strength.

  No matter how many times she had flown by, Dorothy always kept that touch in her heart. She smiled and slowly drove the broom under her crotch forward.

It's just that she's not the kind of person who likes racing cars. She has a gentler personality and always does things slowly, even flying. Her flying speed is not even as fast as the grandmother who just passed by. , a phantom rushed forward from her side.

   "Sister, you are so slow."

Alice, who started the catapult, looked even more tired when she saw her sister who was leisurely flying at the standard speed limit like a middle-aged uncle. She was obviously only sixteen years old, but she always felt that her sister sometimes seemed to be in her heart. Like a middle-aged uncle living here.

Oh oh oh, sister, she took out her wolfberry tea thermos again, this is even more uncle, and isn't this thing the way of health preservation that Dongtu's gang of immortals like, sister, why are you so proficient as a witch? what.

   "Flying is not standardized, and the family is crying. Sister, you should slow down. My toddler-level broom can't fly fast. This is already the highest speed."

After the Flying Curse is activated, the invisible magic power will firmly fix the knight and the broomstick together. At this time, there is no need to hold on to the broomstick. Dorothy calmly took out her beloved from the satchel beside her. He took a sip of the hot tea from his thermos cup, with a happy expression on his face.

She glanced at her sister in front of her. At this time, Alice was sitting obliquely on her latest version of the flying wing 6000 Terminator linkage broom. The most common sitting position for witches. After all, girls always like to wear all kinds of beautiful skirts. There are not many girls like her who wear pants every day.

"It's my sister, you should change your broom. Let's buy it together later today. This broom of yours is still a children's broom. The magical power of the witch level did not explode it."

  Alice in front of her rolled her eyes.

   "I don't go out often, this one is enough, okay, but it's really time to change it."

  Dorothy gently stroked her crotch, her old buddy who had been with her for so many years, feeling a little bit reluctant in her heart.

But just like what my sister said, this beginner's broom is really not enough now. If she goes to Witch Academia from tomorrow, she will have to go out often. A good broom is a necessity .

Moreover, this old fellow is indeed too fragile, and it is difficult for her to withstand her current witch-level magic power. It is like a plastic sword from a children's toy that can be easily broken when adults swing it hard. Such a little bit of talent, otherwise, this old guy would have been spoiled by her long ago.

   "Then Alice, please help me choose one later, I don't know what brand of broom is better now."

  Dorothy nodded and said so.

   "Okay, sister, I will help you choose the latest model later, and it will be fast and stable."

Alice nodded excitedly. From the latest high-end broom under her buttocks, it can be seen that she has a lot of research on it. She is a frequent visitor to broom racing, and now her old antique sister is rarely going to replace that old broom. She began to figure out how to compete with her sister Amway and love the thrill of broom racing.

   "Yes, yes, but it's fine if it's not too expensive. We have a limited budget, but we can't afford a professional racing class like yours."

   Knowing what kind of virtue her sister is, Dorothy saw this guy's plan at a glance.

  The two sisters chatted like this, while flying towards the huge floating city in the distance.

   Witches, as the ruling race of this world, born noble class, naturally even have different living areas and living conditions. They generally live in the sky.

Sky island is the most common residential structure for witches. This kind of floating island made of floating stones was still a rare thing in the distant past. The treasures of the past are now rotten and have become very common building materials in this world. Not only witches love to use them, but also some richer spellcasters of foreign races.

   After all, the fashion of witches as rulers is the fashion of other races in this world.

  The house where Dorothy lives now is a typical Witch Sky Island building. This is the wedding room purchased by her white, rich and beautiful witch stepmother to marry her little white-faced father.

A standard small sky island with a built-in space expansion structure. It looks like a small sky island with an area of ​​less than a kilometer on the outside, but its internal space is actually almost as large as a giant human estate on the ground, except for the living space of a family. In addition, there are a series of functional divisions such as planting area, breeding area, experimental area, etc. These are the necessary configurations for witch families in this era.

  Each sky island is actually equivalent to a high-end version of the mage tower for spellcasters of other races. Except that the price is a little bit more expensive, there are no other problems.

   "Tsk, I didn't expect to be a house slave in another world. I feel tired."

According to the tradition of witch families, little witches usually leave their parents' home and build their own home when they become adults. Dorothy is 16 years old this year, and her birthday is only a few days away. According to the regulations, wait for her birthday After the coming-of-age ceremony, she had to move out of the house and work **** her own. At that time, it was necessary to buy her own empty island, and thinking of the sky-high price of the empty island, Dorothy only felt tired.

   Fortunately, she still needs to go to Witch Academy in the future, and she can spend at least 20 years squatting in the school dormitory. This time can be used to buffer the pressure, save more savings, and strive to buy a house after graduation and become a winner in life.

In addition to the monthly pocket money given by her stepmother over the years plus the scholarship she got in the mage school, Dorothy actually has a little savings, and she can be regarded as a little rich woman among her peers. The ultimate goal of buying a house is still a little bit away from the universe at your fingertips.

   "Tsk, every now and then I'm a little envious of my cheap dad. You can really do whatever you want if you rely on your face to eat."

  When she thought of her human father who was a rich woman, Dorothy couldn't help feeling a burst of respect.

   It’s just that she is her girlfriend now, and as the God of War, she absolutely cannot tolerate things like tauren happening to her, even if the target is a witch of the same sex.

  Well, it’s not easy, I’m not that kind of casual person, I’m not a gold digger, I have to rely on my own hard work and hard work to get to the pinnacle of life, and I won’t do anything like eating soft food with a rich woman.

  Dorothy silently made up her mind in her heart. In order to stabilize this belief, she turned her gaze to the huge empty island that was getting closer and closer.

   "Successful witches should be like this. One day, I will establish my own witch association and build a sky island city that is even more magnificent than this."

  The young half-witch made a vow in her heart at this moment.

  The big witch should be like this, and one day, I can replace her.

   "Sister, why are you in a daze, you should hurry up, you won't have time to go back for dinner if you drag on like this."

  A cry from Alice ahead interrupts Dorothy's ambition.

   "Come on, come on, I'm really at the fastest speed."

  The young half-witch sighed, and urged the old man on her crotch to speed up and catch up.

  (end of this chapter)