MTL - House Witch-Chapter 566 565. Grandmother and Meeting Ceremony

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  Chapter 566 565. Grandmother and Meeting Ceremony

  The holy sword of the king of gods is protected by an enchantment, and it is not an ordinary enchantment. It is the most advanced twelve-ring curse—Avalon, who is independent from the world.

  If you want to break this curse, there are two difficulties. One is to find the world coordinates of Avalon like a needle in a haystack in the endless world of Western Universe, and the other is to have a means that can break the world's defense barriers with one blow.

  Dorothy didn't have these two conditions before, but now she barely has a clue.

  First of all, the problem of world coordinate positioning, if there is no media, it is indeed difficult to find, but Sophilia and the sealed Lord of Radiance in Avalon are mother and daughter, and there is some blood connection between the two.

  Of course, there are only media, and there is no means of large-scale and precise search, but Sophilia has a pair of top-level magic eyes that can see through fate.

  Her eyes can directly follow the fate line connected by blood to find the position of the Lord of Radiance, and then locate Avalon.

   After finding the world coordinates, it is time to break the world defense barrier.

The defense of Avalon's world barrier is comparable to the big world. Obviously, this is not something that Dorothy and Sophilia, the two young witches, can shake. However, although the house witch is strong, she has a special attack against the world in her hand. Skill.

  The biggest achievement for her this time in Witch Night is that she has a new understanding of the final soul suppressing gun, which has improved her proficiency in this forbidden spell to a higher level.

Of course, the final soul suppressing gun is only an eleven-ring forbidden curse, and its power is not enough to completely destroy Avalon's defenses. However, with the characteristics of special attack against the world, it is theoretically feasible to dig a hole in Avalon with one shot .

   After all, the curse is dead, but people are alive. Although Avalon is powerful, the curse is just a rigid formation barrier, and no one manipulates it, which greatly reduces the difficulty of breaking it.

   It’s just that all of the above are theoretically feasible. Whether it is really feasible or not, you have to try it to know.

   Moreover, if it really doesn't work, Dorothy actually has a last resort, which is to let the Lord of Radiance inside Avalon break the seal directly.

Avalon's external defense is extremely strong, but it has almost no effect on the inside. People outside can't get in, but people inside can come out at will. As long as the Lord of Radiance is willing, she can break the effect of this forbidden spell from inside. Easily.

  Of course, the Holy Sword of the God King is what seals the Lord of Radiance, and the prophecy left by the Lord God King also said that after the Holy Son holds the sword, he even has the authority to judge and seal the Lord of Radiance again.

   Therefore, generally speaking, it is unrealistic to expect the Lord of Radiance to help you draw the sword conveniently.

   After all, you can’t expect a pig to hand the butcher the butcher’s knife.

  But Sophilia is obviously not in an ordinary situation. If the Lord of Radiance does not help others, her daughter may still help.

   It's just that Dorothy didn't have much hope for this, and this method can only be regarded as a bad idea to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor when she has no other choice.

  Back to the present, Dorothy and Sophilia looked at the dean and dean leading the way, looking at each other speechlessly, with complicated emotions.

How should I describe this feeling? It's like two thieves came to steal things. They were still worrying about how to open the safe of the owner's house on the way, but when they arrived at the place, they bumped into the owner who happened to be at home, but the owner In the face of these two thieves, not only did they not do anything or call the police, but they enthusiastically said that you need help? I can offer to help you open the safe.

  Is this reasonable?

   Obviously not reasonable at all.

  It is really hard not to make people wonder if there is any conspiracy behind this.

   However, Dorothy first glanced at the dean and dean in front of her, then turned her head to look at the roommates around her, and then secretly asked.

   "Hey, Sophilia, the dean seems to be your grandmother. Does she have a good relationship with you? How can you not even bother with us about this kind of thing?"

  The house witch thought of her roommate's life experience.

   "Miss, you think too much. I haven't even met the dean a few times. How can I have any feelings for you?"

   Sophilia also rolled her eyes at this.

Although the dean is indeed her grandmother, the two met for the first time in the year she entered school, and the two never met in private after enrolling. The only few times they met was when the student council president had something to report to the dean. , At that time, the two of them were completely business-like.

   Therefore, she and the head of the school can be said to have no personal relationship at all, and she doesn't think that this grandmother will be lenient to the two of them because of her.

   "Miss, I think it's because of you that the dean didn't pursue us."

   Angel Pure White thought for a while, and then secretly transmitted the sound channel.

   "Me? I have nothing to do with the dean, how is this possible?"

  Dorothy was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head in disbelief.

This is the second time she has met with the head of the school, except that she saw the head of the school speak at the opening ceremony. How can she let a sage treat her specially? This is impossible. , absolutely impossible.

   "It doesn't matter to you, but the teacher has a relationship with the dean. The teacher is the dean's most proud disciple, and the two are real mentors and apprentices."

   Sophilia explained through sound transmission.

  And Dorothy was taken aback when she heard this, and then suddenly realized.

There are two types of teacher-student relationships in the Witch World. One is ordinary college teachers and students. Everyone is more of a passer-by in each other's lives. They may not be in touch after graduation for eight hundred years. The other is Compared with the traditional master-student relationship, the teacher is like a father like a mother.

Teacher Spider and Dorothy are the second kind of relationship. After they become teachers, they share interests and can be treated as a family. The house witch will do her filial piety to Teacher Spider in the future, and the academic achievements of Teacher Spider will be passed on and spoken by the house witch. .

   To put it harshly, Mr. Spider suddenly turned his legs. Dorothy has the right to inherit the teacher's estate, and even the first inheritance right, which is higher than Mr. Spider's parents, spouse, and children.

  Although it is said that poor Mr. Spider's temper and personality probably would not allow her to have a partner or children in her life, she is destined to be alone.

  In short, the true master-student relationship is a very serious matter, which must be carefully chosen, and once confirmed, it is almost unbreakable.

  A witch may not get along with her family and have a bad relationship, but her relationship with her apprentices is generally not bad.

  The real relationship between master and apprentice is closer than the blood relationship between mother and daughter. It is the spiritual inheritance of like-minded people and the continuation of lifelong ideals and careers.

  If the headmaster and Long Ma have a real master-student relationship, then maybe Dorothy is actually kinder in the heart of the headmaster than Sophilia, the granddaughter.


   "Is the dean only my mother's apprentice?"

  Dorothy asked again via voice transmission.

   "Of course I am not only Yu Feilia's apprentice, but she is my best and most proud closed disciple."

   A kind voice answered the house witch.

  Dorothy: "."

  Sophia: "."

  The two were silent, and suddenly they were too frightened to transmit the voice casually.

In the past, it was always the house witch who eavesdropped on other people's sound transmissions. I didn't expect it to be her turn to be eavesdropped today. I can only say that a sage is a sage after all. It is not a little witch like her who can touch porcelain. The sage's eyes are almost completely transparent.

  But the otaku witch was still very surprised by the headmaster's answer.

Guigui, that's a closed disciple. Generally speaking, a closed disciple may not be the most powerful, but it is almost certainly the most beloved disciple of the teacher. Among the many brothers and sisters, the status is second only to the elder brother/sister .

  Then there is no need to doubt the relationship between the dean and Long Ma, it is not that mother and daughter are better than mother and daughter.

  Dorothy already felt that her knees were a little weak, and she wondered if she should be more sensible now, kneel down and kowtow and call her master or just call her grandma.

   "Hmm, I prefer you to call me grandma."

  The kind voice said again.

  The otaku witch is now autistic.

  Ma Dan, it’s not just the sound transmission, can’t you even think about it in your heart? You guys are amazing if you are so powerful, can't you give the little witch some human rights? Do you understand what it means to respect privacy?

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it's just that most people's thinking is transparent in my eyes after the spiritual faction reaches the peak. As an apology, grandma, I will give you two tips to close your own thinking. gone."

  The kind voice said with a smile.

  Then Dorothy and Sophilia had an extra piece of information about the magic spell called "Mind Sealing Curse" in their minds.

  The information is a bit awkward, it is very long, because this thing is a forbidden spell with a difficulty of learning up to ten rings.

   Lv, this is a forbidden curse, a priceless forbidden curse, whose children's meeting ceremony is so expensive.

  Even this thing is a series of spells, which is the pre-knowledge of the eleven-ring forbidden curse "Forbidden Domain" and the twelve-ring forbidden curse "Fantasy Killer".

That is the famous Wanfa nemesis "Fantasy Killer". No matter how powerful the magic is, the Faye nemesis will be shattered with a touch. It is the ultimate skill that can rank among the top ten in the entire witch magic system. .

I’m sorry, grandma, it’s true that I spoke too loudly just now, polluting your ears, it’s my fault, grandma, you can’t be wrong, who dares to have a problem with you, I, Dorothy, was the first to talk to her urgent.

  The house witch performed a wave of face-changing on the spot. For a little witch like her who loves learning, the knowledge delivered to her door is always so hard for her to refuse.

  After all, this is better than giving her money directly. Forbidden spells generally require a large amount of library points to redeem, and library points are much more precious than witch gold coins.

  Rounding up, she directly bought a golden mountain for nothing, or simply a witch collar.

So, she gnawed at multiple thoughts together, and spent ten seconds scanning the content of the "Mind Sealing Curse", and then spent thirty seconds thinking about it. After another five minutes, the head of the school was surprised to find that he It is no longer easy to see through the thoughts of this little disciple.

   So you learned it? A forbidden spell for five minutes?

   Even the well-informed angel, witch, and sage couldn't hold back anymore. She stopped, then turned to look at the disciple, and asked directly instead of sound transmission.

   "Have you learned?"

"Yeah, grandma, I really learned it. It is indeed a forbidden curse. It is really difficult to learn. Fortunately, I also know a little about the spiritual faction, so I have a little foundation, so I can get started quickly, but it took me a long time to learn." It took five minutes to barely be able to display it, which is really too difficult."

  The otaku witch said so shyly.

   Prirella: "."

  The corner of the dean's mouth twitched. How long did it take her to learn this forbidden spell for the first time? It seemed like it took her two months to get started.

  Well, when she had the qualifications of a sage, she started in two months, so what kind of qualifications should this little disciple who can use it proficiently in five minutes?

  The angel witch sage widened his eyes in shock.

  Although she has also heard a lot of news about this little disciple recently, saying that she is the second devil king and has the qualifications to become a king.

  But her eldest daughter, Agnes, was also known as the second king of the gods back then, and she also had the qualifications to become a king, but it took Agnes a month to learn this forbidden spell before getting started.

   And it seemed that the Demon King herself took a long time to succeed.

  These five minutes

  At this moment, even though the head of the academy is a sage, she was at a loss for a while, even a little scared.

   This is a creature's natural fear of the unknown. Even though she is almost omnipotent as a sage, she has never seen such a scene before.

   What is the capital to become a king, what is the second devil king, it should be said that the devil king is just little Dorothy.

   Prirella thought so offensively in her heart.

   "Well, Euphelia gave birth to a good daughter."

  Although turbulent waves had already set off in her heart, but on the surface, in order to maintain her demeanor as an elder, the head of the academy had no choice but to nod her head and said so.

  Then she turned around and walked forward. The thought of giving more pointers to this little disciple and her own granddaughter was completely extinguished.

  She can't afford to teach this grandson, she really doesn't have the ability to teach, so don't mislead her disciples.

  The teaching director at the side watched the communication between her mother and the two little guys in a daze, she had no idea what happened.

   Just like that, in the strange atmosphere where the dean was silent, the dean was confused, the house witch was nervous, and the pure white witch was tense, everyone went deep into the church and came to the altar where the Lord of Radiance was sealed.

However, in the altar that was supposed to be empty, there was already an equally pure white figure standing there with its back to the crowd, and behind this figure, those twelve pure white and flawless wings spread out. With the holy light, everyone had the illusion that they were looking directly at the sun.

   "Yo, my daughter, and you, funny little guy, we meet again."

   The Lord of Radiance, who was looking at the holy sword of the **** king, turned around and greeted Dorothy and Sophilia through the barrier of Avalon.

  The Lord of Radiance is smiling.

   Post, big post, about me only missed the last 100 words but lost full attendance, and had to sacrifice the second leave slip this month. Alas, it's so annoying to renovate and move at home recently.



  (end of this chapter)