MTL - How Are You Guys Getting Boyfriends While Gaming-Chapter 60 what is indispensable

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After releasing his tenure, Yu Qinghuan asked nervously, "Will it be uncomfortable?"

Ren Jian was slightly sweating, but there seemed to be no other reaction, so he shook his head: "It's okay."

Yu Qinghuan sighed lightly: "That's good."

After a long period of time, he heard the sound of the ticket checking of the bus he was riding in the hall, and it seemed that he had to leave: "I'm leaving?"

"Yeah." Yu Qinghuan suddenly said in a very firm tone, word by word, "In my tenure, I will definitely win the regional championship."

Ren Jian always felt that Yu Qinghuan seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't find out why, so he nodded: "Well, come on, I will watch the live broadcast."

In the train station, people came and went, and Yu Qinghuan let out a long sigh as he watched the figure who had left Ren Jian disappear into the crowd.

Yu Qinghuan has never been afraid of gossip.

When he chose e-sports, his roommates opposed it, his teachers opposed it, and his friends opposed it.

There was no one around him to support him.

Everyone is questioning and doubting.

But Yu Qinghuan still resolutely walked on the road he liked.

So this time, even if there is a worldly vision, Yu Qinghuan chooses to do nothing, even if there is a cliff in front of him.

Two days later, the BOF team re-emerged on the stage of the group stage of the Central China Regional Tournament.

Surprisingly, even though they exited the first game with a defeat, the entire team did not feel decadent, and everyone in the team was doing their best to play every game well.

What is even more surprising is that they never lost the next group game.

There are also one-win-one-loss match points, but every time the mid laner QH of the BOF team turns the tide with wonderful manipulations, and leads the team to win the championship.

Because of this, the name QH has gradually entered the public eye.

Someone found his original information and found that he was the second place in the youth training competition of the TKOW team that year.

There was a lot of discussion online.

[Second in the youth training competition that year! Why didn't any club sign him? You came to play the Central China Regional Tournament? 】

[He seemed to have disappeared for a long time, and suddenly appeared again for some unknown reason. 】

[No wonder the operation is so good! 】

What everyone did not expect was that the five members of the BOF team gritted their teeth and made it to the final!

So seven days after the end of the first round of the group stage, the Central China Regional Tournament kicked off.

The commentator couldn't help but tease: "History is always surprisingly similar. In the first round of the group stage, the BOF team played against the RIS team. I didn't expect them to be in the final."

The screen pops up.

[Hahaha, I have seen this game, I know the result. 】

[Come and come to bet, which team will win, bet one loses three. 】

[It should be the RIS team. The shortcomings of the BOF team are still too obvious. The RIS team has such a strong operation. How can QH alone win. 】

[Fuck, how come Wilful is here again! 】

[As soon as he came to watch the number of viewers skyrocketed, the live broadcast room would not be able to get stuck. Douhu, you quickly debug. 】

[Look at Clever talking about cross talk. 】

[No, it seems that he only appears in the live broadcast room when the BOF team is playing. 】

At the same time, the game started and entered the BP stage.

The game is still BO3, best of three games.

first round.

The two teams are pulling each other, whether it is economics or the number of towers dropped, they are actually comparable.

However, in the last wave of teamfights, the BOF team made a major mistake in the top order, which led to the destruction of the entire team, and the crystal and base were pushed away in one wave.

In the first game, the RIS team won.

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

[Hey, looking at the front, I thought the BOF team had a chance, but it was still useless. 】

[Congratulations in advance to the RIS team for winning the championship. 】

【bo3(×), bo1(√)】

[How can QH stand up to his teammates. 】

After a five-minute break, the second game kicked off.

During the BP stage, Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but ask, "Brother Luo, are you okay?"

Luo Buyu took a deep breath: "It's okay."

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but sigh, the mistake was that Luo Buyu was actually a fortune in misfortune. After all, Luo Buyu had seen a lot of wind and waves, and he was able to withstand the huge psychological pressure. If it was replaced by the other three, his mentality would have collapsed long ago.

Yu Qinghuan said again: "This chooses me as a late-stage hero, Fei Ang, can you share some of your monster's economy with me?"

Yi Fei'ang: "Divided! It must be divided! You can eat whichever wild monster you want! Let me be a well-behaved tool man!"

Yu Qinghuan: "...that won't work either."

Then Yi Fei'ang was the tool man for the whole game.

Yi Fei'ang: "???"

However, because of this, Yu Qinghuan developed rapidly and ranked the highest in terms of economy among the ten people. During the next few waves of team play, he was very good at flying. He won double and triple kills one after another, and led the BOF team to win the second round. .

After a five-minute break, the barrage flashed again.

[One thing to say, QH is really strong. 】

[This rhythm, maybe the BOF team can win. 】

[What do you win, the next RIS must be crazy against QH, let's see. 】

[QH can't grow, BOF is finished. 】

[I feel that the probability of the BOF team winning is very small, the teammates really pulled their hips. 】

At the end of the five-minute break, the final of the Central China Regional Tournament won the last game.

The commentator got excited and shouted to Mai: "Welcome to the finals of the Central China Regional Tournament, the outcome of the game is determined!"

In the BP stage, as expected, the RIS middle and jungle all took heroes suitable for killing, and the BOF side QH chose the early dominant heroes, it seems that they knew that they would be targeted.

At 5 minutes and 27 seconds, QH of the BOF team successfully ganked the road and won a blood. The atmosphere became tense, and the team battle was about to start.

At 6 minutes and 53 seconds, QH was caught by the opposite four in the middle and died under the tower, and the RIS jungler won the head.

At 9 minutes and 12 seconds, QH was caught again, the two sides were pulled, and the middle tower was in jeopardy. At the same time, the ADC and support of the BOF team began to wander towards the middle.

Just when everyone thought Liu Manman and Qi Huai were there to support Yu Qinghuan, they just cooperated with the jungler Yi Feiang to win the first little dragon.

The two commentators at the final scene were surprised: " feels like QH was released by his teammates. If you support this wave just now, it is possible to win the team battle, but you don't even support it?"

The barrage is also brushing.

[BOF team is too lack of team spirit. 】

[QH is so miserable, I can't take it at all. 】

[Don't look at it, QH can't develop. 】

At 25 minutes and 36 seconds, the game began to enter the pulling stage. QH was targeted and his teammates did not support. Not only did he not get one head, but the opponent also won six heads. The economic development was the last among ten people.

At 36 minutes and 37 seconds, the game entered the white-hot stage, ready for a wave of team battles to determine the outcome.

RIS seized the opportunity and started a dragon in the big dragon pit. The BOF team noticed the opponent's attempt, and the five rushed to the dragon pit together.

The on-site commentary was fast and excited: "The five BOF team rushed to the dragon pit, and RIS assisted squatting in the grass to see the field of vision. The BOF team was indeed seen. In this case, are they going to grab the dragon? What! QH flashing rush Go up! Oh my god, he grabbed the baron! In this state, QH, as a mid laner, was able to capture the baron, QH is really strong!"

The scene burst into cheers like waves.

The commentator continued: "But it's useless. After QH robbed the dragon, the RIS team took over the head, and the BOF team lost one person here, and the other four were surrounded by RIS. It's gone!"

At the same time, the scene erupted in amazement again.

After Yu Qinghuan's hero died, Liu Manman, the assistant of the BOF team, rushed forward without hesitation and controlled the four members of the RIS team in Longkeng! Yi Fei'ang followed closely and took the RIS mid-single head. Luo Buyu used one block and three to give his teammates a good output position. Qi Huai stood in the back row and took out the opposite jungler. RIS team His ADC was no match for Yi Fei'ang and Qi Huai's siege, and was also taken away.

RIS only has residual blood top laner and support.

The four members of the BOF team and the big dragon BUFF are chasing them all the way, approaching the crystal and base of the RIS team!

It was only then that everyone discovered that when QH was madly targeted by the opponent, the rest of the BOF team maintained a good development and slowly pushed down the opponent's tower.

And because RIS is too concerned about targeting QH, the overall rhythm is extremely poorly grasped.

At the moment when the RIS team's base exploded, everyone understood that the honor of this victory no longer belonged to QH alone, but belonged to the five members of the BOF team.

In the pre-game promotional video of the Central China region.

Yu Qinghuan said to the camera: "The five of us are indispensable."


Five of them are indispensable.

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