MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 427 Buried Godhead, Primordial Spirit

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After seeing the surrounding situation, Li Jing frowned.

He has a preliminary grasp of the environment of the broken space.

But looking around, there are no traces left by people from the Western Continent or the Expedition Team in this world.


This large area overlapped with the outside world because of the fragmentation of space, there is no danger and it is not the goal of the Supreme Holy See's trip.

The people who came in have all gone to the depths of the continent.

So here comes the question.

Which direction are they going?

This crop.

It's kind of embarrassing.

The land under your feet is essentially a small secret realm.

Small Rifts are not as wide as Big Rifts.

But personally, the territory is also called infinitely broad.

If he goes in the wrong direction, Li Jing will not be able to find the large army.


It is not difficult to see from the overlapping area that there is no trace of anyone coming in. The Holy See is very clear about where the goal of this trip is, and it went to the goal without landing.

Seven days have passed, and they may have been close to their target or even reached their destination.

have to say.

In the past seven days, Li Jing missed too much.

The only good thing in sight is.

The sacred relic that was crucial to this trip was on him.

Without holy relics, the purpose of the Holy See may not necessarily be impossible to achieve, but the difficulty will certainly not be low.

Li Jing still has a chance, but there may not be much time left for him.

If he can't confirm the whereabouts of the large army, I am afraid that even the most important sacred relic will be in vain in his hands.

Just as he was worried, Yan Tong's voice rang in his ear.

"Master, in this situation, imitating the guidance of the Holy Spirit may be an option."

"Holy Spirit Guidance?"

Li Jing was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows.

The guidance of the Holy Spirit is a relatively basic fetishism technique in the supreme belief system.

It's just that this magical display is not looking for ordinary things or spiritual things, but looking for things with strong beliefs within a certain range.

In the current situation, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is indeed an option.

This trip to the Holy See and the Church has brought many people, and they must have similar treasures on them.

Wella and Alicia, the angels and saints, must have unusual objects on their bodies.

The issue is…

Anyway, give it a try.

At present, only dead horses can be used as living horse doctors.

Without thinking much, Li Jing's mind moved slightly.

Yan Tong independently transformed the surging spiritual power in his body into holy power, and then simulated the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Magical generation.

A transparent little man with concave and convex wings in the shape of a goblin appeared beside him, danced up and down around him twice, and then showed a slightly confused expression.

Li Jing frowned.

The goblin is created by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

It has now been discovered.

It's just that it's found, very much.

And there are in all directions, so that it does not know which direction to guide Li Jing.

This situation is exactly the "problem" that Li Jing was worried about.

Aside from the fact that there was a prosperous intelligent civilization in this broken space, according to the history of the Western Continent, the broken space here was completely caused by the torn between the Supreme Holy See and the Court of God of War.

Only God knows how many practitioners of the belief system even descended angels and saints are buried here.

What they left behind must have a strong belief.

And most of their treasures will be much stronger than those who came in.

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, the belief in it is still strong enough.

Looking at the little goblin from left to right, it seemed that he was completely confused, Li Jing spoke.

"Point out the direction in which beliefs coalesce most strongly."

Upon hearing such a voice, the goblin blinked humanely, then closed her eyes to sense a wave, and stood on Li Jing's shoulder to point out the direction to the east.

With the little goblin's guidance, Yan Tong obediently simulates a high-level magic technique in Li Jing's body, which is used to travel in the air.

Li Jing didn't delay, and the movement of his feet turned into a golden light that shot towards the east.

Stepping into the Nine Realms, you completely master the rules of space.

Li Jing has been able to travel farther in space, but the rule of using space simply because he is on the road is completely thankless.

Using the power of rules requires the consumption of the breath of the fairy, not only the power in the body.

Now the breath of the fairy within Li Jing's body is naturally rich.

It's just that compared to having four origins as "energy reserves", it is very difficult to use up the spiritual power, the breath of the fairy is still limited.

It's better to save some if you can.

The speed of high-level divine magic is very fast.

Li Jing's body's spiritual power is transformed into holy power through Yantong's mirror, water and moon, and it is the benchmark for the nine realms.

This speed cannot be slowed down.

In no time.

Li Jing escaped a distance that was almost equivalent to two Long Yu, and then he also came to a relatively well-preserved ruins complex, and the little goblin on his shoulders danced excitedly.

Seeing Yukong hovering, Li Jing lowered his eyes in doubt.

There is no trace of the large army passing through or staying in the ruins of the building complex.

However, the goblin guided him to this place. There should be some kind of treasure with high-strength beliefs hidden here.

After all, beforehand, he asked the little goblin to point himself to the place where his beliefs were the strongest.

To be so unique, something must be unusual.

Looking down at the ground.

Entering the eye, there are ruins of ruins everywhere.

At first glance, there is nothing to be concerned about.

Just as she was about to turn her head to ask a question, the little goblin flew out on her own and landed on top of a completely collapsed palace, looking back at Li Jing's two little hands making various gestures.

It looked so cute.

It is a pity that the little goblin is condensed by magic and cannot speak, and cannot communicate through words.

Fortunately, its meaning is easy to understand.

What attracted it, was buried beneath the collapsed palace.

Li Jing stepped forward, caught the little goblin and put it back on his shoulders, then raised his legs and stomped heavily.


There was a loud bang, and the earth trembled.

Huge amounts of rubble were shaken flying.

Yan Tong simulated the spiritual power in Li Jing's body into holy power, and he could not use the orthodox fairy magic.

But his physical strength is still there.

After passing through the Nine Realms Heavenly Tribulation, how terrifying is his fleshly body?

With just this random kick, it is absolutely not a problem to trample an eight-level monster to death.

At the same time as a large amount of rubble was shaken, a skeleton like a white jade was revealed in a posture embedded in the ground.

Li Jing was a little stunned when he saw the bones.

What the goblin brought him to find was a skeleton, which he did not expect.

Examine the skeleton.

The skeleton of the skeleton is very large, about three meters in visual measurement.

Behind it, there are several wing-shaped incomplete skeletons extending asymmetrically outward.

Seeing the winged skeleton, Li Jing frowned.

The existence of a winged skeleton indicates that the skeleton should have been an angel like Weena in its lifetime.

But the number of incomplete wing-like skeleton.

If it were completed according to the degree of fragmentation of the skeleton, it would have had at least twelve wings during his lifetime.

Twelve wings.

This can never be a servant angel.

Servant of God, there will only be eight wings at most.

In the relevant records of the supreme gods, the most winged angels are eight-winged angels.

The main **** in the supreme **** system has no wings.


This skeleton should belong to other gods.


Li Jing narrowed his eyes.

While examining the skeleton, the goblin jumped from his shoulder and landed on the skeleton, jumping and jumping anxiously.

Li Jing was stunned when he saw this.

He thought that the goblin brought him here to find just such a skeleton, but the gesture in front of him told him that it was not the case.

The treasure with strong belief is not the skeleton on the surface, but something inside the skull.

Staring at the skeleton, Li Jing waved his hand to reveal the nameless Taoist tool.

This skeleton has been buried here for at least tens of thousands of years.

Except for the missing wings, it is quite well preserved and the whole body is like white jade.

It's hard to see that.

The owner of the skeleton was unusual in his lifetime, and his missing wings were not the result of the passage of time, but the great war that killed him.

Be stable, it is more reliable to use the Dao device to knock without a name.

Tear by hand, or even use Feijian Qingfeng may not cause substantial damage to it.

In order to maintain the guidance of the Holy Spirit, if he took out Feijian Qingfeng, he would not be able to use spiritual power to bless it.

To say that the little goblin has a strong desire to survive.

Seeing Li Jing figure out the nameless, the little goblin was so frightened that it hurriedly flew away, away from the skull.

Seeing the little goblin act like this, Li Jing glanced at it inadvertently.

This little thing's spirituality is a little too high.

Obviously it was generated under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and it will disappear after the magic is scattered for a while. It is a bit suspicious that the desire to survive is so strong.

Raise the stick, wave your hand.

In order to avoid breaking the contents of the skull, Li Jing waved the middle-level weapon Wuming as lightly as possible.

Although the Taoist Wuming is still damaged and has no special power, its essence is as heavy as Mount Tai.

And in fact.

As the repair rate increases, the nameless weight of the Taoist device continues to increase.

If he hadn't entered the Nine Realms, Li Jing might not have been able to control the nameless Dao Artifact whose repair rate had reached 10% unconsciously.

Fall without a name.

A "click" sound.

The bones of the skeleton shattered a little.

This hardness, nothing to say.

Even if Li Jing's hand was as light as possible, the power of this stick was no less than the one he used to smash the new **** to death.

It can still be this hard after tens of thousands of years of death.

How terrifying were the bones before they were alive?

One stick didn't break, and Li Jing waved another stick.

Another "click" sounded, and a piece of the skull shattered.


A prismatic crystal was revealed, revealing a strange aura.

Seeing the crystal, the goblin beside him straightened his eyes.

Seeing this, Li Jing opened his mouth blankly.

"You, what is it?"

Facing this question, the little goblin turned her head and showed an innocent expression.

Seeing this, Li Jing frowned.

Just now, he felt that this little goblin was not quite right. It didn't seem to be a pure being summoned out of nothingness, but it seemed to have its own consciousness.

Through the little goblin, he saw the crystals revealed in the skull and straightened his eyes, and he immediately had confirmation.

This little thing does have its own consciousness.

A certain **** in the supreme **** system?

Li Jing watched the little goblin casually gesture with his hands and feet, and then denied it.

The will of a certain **** in the supreme **** system will not be summoned by basic magic such as the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and it will not be so weak.


Following the will of the Supreme God, he summoned something strange.

Since it was the goblin who found the crystal by himself, and it was generated under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it didn't have any combat power or threat, so Li Jing put it aside for the time being, and bent over to pick up the crystal.

Starting with the crystal, it conveys a hint of coolness.

And let Li Jing feel a strange meaning that is unclear, and it seems that there is some kind of powerful force in it.


What the heck?

Holding the crystal in his hand and scrutinizing it, Li Jingxin moved the black eyes hidden under the golden color contact lenses into real gold.

The eye of true seeing, open.

Looking at this, Li Jing was stunned.

Different from the past, the bug ability of True Sight to see the essence of things did not provide him with much information, but gave him a key piece of information.


Is a godhead.

The next godhead.


Li Jing took a breath.

Due to the reason that the main **** of the supreme **** system has no wings, from beginning to end, he has preconceived not to think that the skeleton was a **** before his death.

Instead, it is believed that the skeleton should have been a relatively powerful angel in the Byzantine court.

Twelve Winged Angel.

There is no supreme god, but the Byzantine court may not be without it?

However, holding the godhead in his hand at this moment indicates that the skeleton was a lower **** in his lifetime!

Focusing on the godhead in his hand, Li Jing looked around and his expression gradually became solemn.

Originally, he did not think that the history of the sea of ​​death recorded by the church would be official history.

At this moment, it seems that there are more than tricks in it?

In this broken space, a lower **** has passed away.

Could this be caused by the torn between the Holy See and the Court of War God?

Even if the Holy See has one vote of descending angels and one vote of saints appointed by the Lord God, is it possible for them to kill a serious lower god?

The answer, without a doubt, is no.

The Byzantine court that destroyed the major ancient immortal-cultivating forces in the continent east of Qingyuan Immortal Palace would never be so cheap.

And in this ghost place, I am afraid that not only a lower **** is buried...

This is not Li Jing's guess.

With all the next godheads in his hands, he can't think of the real purpose of the Supreme Holy See's mobilization of troops to come to the sea of ​​death?

They came to reclaim Godhead!

As a result, Li Jing made a guess.

Here, it may be a battle of gods.

The main gods of the supreme **** system and the **** of war system ended up, and the expedition caused the space to be broken.

It is even possible that this is the place where the entire Byzantine Protoss lives. The supreme gods destroyed this place in order to grab the territory and slaughtered the Byzantine Protoss!

Taking a deep breath, Li Jing looked at the little goblin.

"Don't play stupid with me anymore, I know you have your own consciousness. I'm not interested and I don't want to investigate where you came from."

While speaking, he showed the godhead in his hand.

"Since you can bring me to find this godhead, you must have the ability to discover other godheads, and lead me to find them. After this is done, I can give you one."

Meeting someone's voice, the little goblin didn't pretend to have her eyes lighted and nodded vigorously, and then suddenly disappeared like a bubble.

Li Jing was stunned when he saw this.

This little thing just agreed, why did the guidance of the Holy Spirit disperse automatically?

Just stunned, Li Jingxin looked to his side with emotion.

next second.

The space beside him was distorted for a while, and a little goblin with the same appearance squeezed out a head from the distorted space, trying to squeeze out with an expression of sucking strength.

After finally squeezing her neck out, she spit out Xiaoshe's head and gasped twice, without squeezing out a pitiful look.


Li Jing.

His Eye of True Sight is still working.

The bug-like effect told him that the goblin had a certain relationship with the supreme **** system.

But she is not a servant or a master god, but a fairy born in the supreme **** realm as if her image was truly a fairy.

She has a holy power similar to the supreme faith in her body.

But it is very pure and has a taste close to nature.

However that's not the point.

The point is that the Eye of True Sight told Li Jing that behind the space distortion that trapped the goblin is the realm of the supreme gods, the territory of the supreme gods.

It is different from the extraterritorial sky where the demons are.

The Eye of True Sight does not bring the cognition that the other side is related to the Great World. The Supreme God's Domain is the Supreme God's Domain, which is independent of the Great World.

This information can be said to be an unexpected gain.


Compared with this crop, the ability of the goblin is even more surprising.

She was able to drill directly from the Supreme Divine Realm.

Although she was stuck, the little guy resigned and chose to ask him for help, but she is probably not even the supreme god. Li Jing felt a strangeness that was outside the rules but not inferior to the rules. strength.

This is the special power that belongs to small things.

As soon as he pointed out, Li Jing used the rules of space to make the space distortion stop for a moment.

The little goblin squeezed out, then slapped the still existing space with a backhand slap, and then sat down on Li Jing's shoulder with a naive attitude, not afraid of dangling her two teeth that were no different from toothpicks. The short legs opened their mouths for a while and babbled.

Seeing this, Li Jing was very interesting, and made a strange noise.

"You can understand me, but don't speak Common?"

The little goblin was stunned when she heard the sound, showing an expression of thinking about life, and then continued to babble.


Her babbling gathered in Li Jing's ears and became a voice he could understand.

"I don't know the common language you mentioned in your mouth. It's not the common language of the Supreme Divine Realm. Now you should be able to understand me?"


Li Jing nodded and asked.

"I can see that you are from the Supreme God Realm, but you are a relatively unique existence. What is your relationship with the Supreme God system?"


The goblin blinked, then tilted her head.

"There is no connection in essence. I am a primordial species. The so-called supreme **** system is just a species that evolved from some carbon-based life in later generations. Although they have evolved very successfully and are very powerful, they even often make excuses to take advantage of me, but even their boss Don't dare to force me."


Li Jing.

The little goblin's words contained a little more information.

What is the original species, Li Jing does not understand.

But carbon-based life, he knew.

Including humans, most living beings evolved from carbon-based life.

So the so-called gods are actually no different from people?

Then there is the background of the goblin...

It doesn't seem to be that hard!

Isn't the boss of the supreme **** system the supreme god?

Through the eye of true vision, Li Jing can easily judge.

The existence of the goblin is indeed unique, and her abilities are not small, but she is essentially a type without fighting power.

Even so, the Supreme God did not dare to force her.

It's not something you can do...

Silently digesting the words of the goblin, Li Jing asked.

"What should I call you?"

"They are all called Primordial Spirit, you can just call me Lingling."

The little goblin laughed.


Li Jing nodded.

The original spirit.


Sounds like a bit of a bullshit.

Thinking to himself, Li Jing asked again.

"Can you tell me why you want a godhead?"

"good to eat."

Lingling grinned harmlessly.


Li Jing.

Lingling wanted a godhead, and he originally guessed that he wanted to become a god.

This "delicious" mouth made him a little confused.

This little thing, take the godhead as a snack?

This is such a meow, no wonder the Supreme God did not dare to provoke her.

This, I am afraid that it is not the natural enemy of all gods, including the supreme gods!

Although she is weak.

But she can eat godhead...


Lingling took the godhead as a mouthpiece, and she must have no way to destroy the supreme god.

Just as there was speculation, Lingling stared at Li Jing with a small mouth, and babbled.

"You're very special. It's the first time I've met someone who can summon my consciousness to another world. We agreed in advance, I'll take you to find a godhead, and you can give me a good enough one when I'm done."

"I'll keep my word."

Li Jing smiled and thought about putting the lower godhead in his hand to her.

"There should be a lot of godheads buried in this place. Don't dislike this lower godhead. Take it as a snack first."

Seeing this, Lingling's eyes lit up, and she unceremoniously hugged a lower-ranked godhead who was a little bigger than herself, and bowed her head and sighed.

God knows how good the mouth of this little thing is.

As soon as you take a sip, you can feel that there is a missing piece of the unusually hard Godhead.

Li Jing looked at this situation, and his scalp felt numb at that time.

He felt that UU reading's own judgment that Lingling was incompetent might be wrong.

At least this little guy must be very powerful in biting people.

Just in horror, Lingling swallowed the small piece of godhead she just bit down, and gestured with her little finger to the east.

"Continue to walk this way. There are godheads everywhere in this place, and the east side has the most quality and the best quality. However, it may be a little dangerous to continue to go deeper. Some guys who have been dead for a long time and have a lot of resentment have become evil spirits."

Evil spirits?

Li Jing's eyes lit up.

What an evil spirit is, he doesn't know.

But probably, is it the existence that allows him to harvest essence?

Without hesitation, he took Lingling Yukong and continued eastward.
