MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 428 The upper godhead, the ability of Lingling

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All the way east.

It didn't take long for Li Jing to see the evil spirit in Lingling's mouth.

At first glance.

Evil spirits are like invisible things.

But they don't have the yin qi that yin things must have in their bodies.

In their bodies, there is a high concentration of the power of faith.

There is barely a hint of evil in it.

Evil spirits have full human form.

They are like ghosts wandering aimlessly on the earth.

There are quite a few of them.

However, the whole is relatively scattered, so Li Jing did not move them.

Although the evil spirits encountered on the way are strong and weak, the most powerful of them can be in the seven realms, but there is not even a single evil spirit with a source of essence behind the blood bar.

There is no heaven and earth essence source display, the distribution is relatively scattered, killing is a waste of time, it is better to continue to follow Lingling's guidance.

this way.

Li Jing is also observing Lingling.

There is a blood bar on Lingling's head, and the value is very low, only 666.

Behind the blood bar, there is no sperm source displayed.

The 666 health bar is displayed, indicating that this little guy is not as strong as a monster who can be demonized and just entering the practice.

At first, Li Jing didn't care much.

Weak to this extent, there is nothing to pay attention to.

But the little guy was holding the lower godhead with relish, and I don't know if it was because of eating too much.

Such a vision made Li Jing a little confused for a while.

Is this little thing hiding her strength so that the health bar shows only so much, or is her growth restricted in some way.

But one thing is certain for now.

The little guy eats the godhead not just because he likes to eat, but eating the godhead should be of great benefit to her.


Li Jing took Lingling Yukong out of the way for more than ten minutes.

It was at this moment that Lingling suddenly spoke up.

"Stop here for a while!"

Li Jing froze when he heard the sound.

He just stopped, Lingling pointed to the ground and babbled.

"There are two godheads below, the quality is good, but they are buried deep."

"small issue."

Li Jing smiled, then lowered his eyes.

The Eye of True Sight enabled him to easily capture two separate godhead burials more than a hundred meters underground.

The two godheads are both median godheads.

The power contained in it is nearly fifty times that of the lower godhead that Lingling is gnawing at.

Seeing this situation, Li Jing was a little surprised.

The power contained in the godhead is so different, and the godhead that has been declining for tens of thousands of years is still left behind. How much stronger is the living median **** than the lower god?

This is probably the difference between a giant and a baby.

Without thinking much, Li Jing's mind moved slightly, and Yan Tong in his body released the simulation of holy power.

next second.

Qi Ling Qingfeng quietly appeared beside Li Jing, holding his sword lightly and slashing out a cyan sword shadow.

There is no sound.

The image of the blue sword ripped apart the earth like cutting tofu, and cut a huge gap that just arrived at the two godheads.

Li Jing took Lingling down to get two pieces of the median godhead and returned to the ground, and slapped to death a few evil spirits who saw him pounce as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Standing on the ground, Li Jing thought about manipulating the spiritual power in his body to disperse the hair dye that dyed his hair golden, and raised his hand to take off the cosmetic contact lenses used for disguise.

This way, he did not see any traces left by the large army.

There is no big force to be found, so this kind of camouflage doesn't make any sense.

The power in the body is simulated as holy power, which is quite inconvenient to tell the truth.

Moreover, he didn't know that the Supreme God had been tricked by him once, and whether he had sent down an oracle revelation in exasperation to expose him as a "liar", and his identity as a saint might not be able to be used.

Just stop pretending.

Seeing that Li Jing had taken off his disguise, Lingling was stunned for a moment.

On the surface, Li Jing did not change much.

The Eye of True Sight was working, and his eyes were still golden.

That is, the hair changed from blond to black.

But the change in the nature of the power in his body really surprised Lingling.

A second ago, someone was still the existence of the holy power in the individual.

In the blink of an eye, he changed his face, and the power in his body changed, not to mention the level is ridiculously high.

Compared with the high-purity and high-density spiritual power in his body, Shengli is simply a younger brother!

But Lingling was just surprised.

In terms of the existence she has seen, Li Jing is very weak.

Bowing his head "quack", he nibbled at the lower godhead in his arms, and Lingling gestured with a small hand.

"Then go this way, the direction is a little bit biased, there should be two upper godheads here."

Superior Godhead?

Li Jing raised his eyebrows, and took Lingling's body to transform into electric light lasing out.

What is the use of Godhead, and how to use it.

He is not clear for now.

what is has been confirmed is.

A godhead can be called a god.

Such good things must be collected.

What is the use and how to use it, and then there is time to study.

In another place, there is no ready-made godhead for him to pick up.

No longer simulating holy power, Li Jing's marching efficiency was much higher.

Not for a while.

Under the guidance of Lingling, he found a dilapidated palace.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Li Jing frowned.

Near the ruined palace, there are four powerful evil spirits wandering.

Each evil spirit bears a blood bar with a value of more than 10,500 on its head, and they are all evil spirits at the eighth level.

He had seen so many evil spirits along the way, but Li Jing had only seen seven realms at most.

Not only are there eight evil spirits here, but there are even four of them.

And one of the evil spirits with more than 11,000 health bars has sixteen pairs of wings behind it!

This guy…

I was afraid that it was not a median or upper **** of the Byzantine gods!

The four evil spirits of the eight realms were naturally nothing to Li Jing.

But they wander here.

Obviously not simply because there is a higher godhead buried here...

While examining these four evil spirits of the eight realms, the other party discovered him.

Four faint green eyes were projected over, and they, who had been wandering aimlessly, froze, and then shrieked in unison, rushing towards them.

Seeing this thought move slightly, Li Jing swept out with a whisper.

Very crisp.

The four evil spirits of the eight realms evaporated in situ, not to mention how peaceful they were.

Under the tyrannical Yuanshen offensive, they couldn't even last a second.

For Li Jing, who has stepped into the Nine Realms, the Eight Realms are like this.

Not to mention these evil spirits who have been dead and transformed into evil spirits for an unknown number of years and have lost their rationality.

After killing four evil spirits in the eight realms, Li Jing was boring.

Including the evil spirits with sixteen pairs of wings behind them, the four eight-level evil spirits are all masters with only blood bars and no essence.

Kill the white kill.

Looking down at the dilapidated palace, Li Jing locked on the two upper godheads buried in the rubble with the Eye of True Sight, and then frowned.

These two upper godheads were wrapped in bones just like the lower godheads he obtained at the beginning.

Both skeletons are well preserved.

One of them has twenty-four pairs of wings behind it.

The godhead hidden in his skull contained more than a hundred times the power of the two median godheads he had acquired before.

The other skeleton is a complete humanoid.

The power level of the upper godhead hidden in his skull is slightly inferior to the former.

But the powers in the two godheads are very different.

The skeletons with twenty-four pairs of wings had inner godheads, and the three middle and lower godheads that Li Jing had collected in succession were all golden in nature, but the godheads in the complete human form were holy white.


It is undoubtedly the power characteristic of the Byzantine pantheon.


It is the power characteristic of the supreme **** system.

A supreme god?

Li Jing squinted his eyes, smashed the two ruins of bones with a punch in the air, and then took out the flying sword Qingfeng.

Just as he was about to smash the two skeletons, Lingling babbled.

"The two **** bones are very well preserved, don't break it so wastefully. If you want to play as a god, you can absorb it together with your inner godhead, I'm not sure you can get a special power and a **** position. come out."

Li Jing was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Can the godhead still absorb it?"

"There aren't that many gods born in this world."

Lingling shrugged and said.

"At least in the Supreme God Realm, there are only a handful of main gods who are born with a godhead. Absorbing the godhead can not only achieve the status of god, but also enhance the power of the existing godhead. Like the supreme god, his godhead is to take the supreme gods to battle around and absorb achievements. , not so strong from the start.”

After all, she said again.

"This is the first time I have come here, and I don't know what's going on here. But seeing that the main **** of the supreme gods has fallen here, I think it was a battlefield where the supreme gods fought and sought to go to a higher level. If nothing else, Most of the time here is a divine domain of a certain Protoss system."

Li Jing nodded silently.

This may be the domain of the Byzantine pantheon.

He had guessed before.

In less than an hour, he picked up the second and last five godheads.

Even if it is not the **** system where the Byzantine **** system lives, it is estimated that there will be no difference.

Lingling mentioned that absorbing the godhead can not only obtain the status and power, but also enhance the power of his own godhead. It also explains why the supreme **** system should be torn apart from the Byzantine **** system.

They want to absorb Godhead to a higher level.

The godhead here is left here, and no one cares.

And the main **** of the supreme **** system has fallen here, it is easy to draw a conclusion.

In that battle that year, the supreme **** system destroyed the Byzantine **** system, but the process was not so easy.

They didn't have time to collect the godhead, and they left here early out of some scruples, not daring to come rashly.

The reason for this.

It may be that this space is broken, and to a certain extent, the Heavenly Sacred Realm has become one, which may attract the Heavenly Dao will of the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

He waved his hands to put away the two divine bones, and Li Jing asked.

"Are there any restrictions on absorbing the godhead to obtain the godhead?"

"There are naturally limitations. Your soul must be strong enough, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the power of the godhead."

Lingling babbled, said.

"One of the tricks is to get a lower godhead cushion first, and the soul will naturally become stronger, and then absorb other godheads to raise the level of the lower godhead. Of course, this is only when you have enough godheads in your hands. Row."

Without waiting for Li Jing to speak, Lingling said again.

"But if you become a god, it may not make much sense. I can feel that you have already mastered a power similar to that of power. Absorbing the godhead will not benefit you much, but will create restrictions. If your godhead is not high enough, you will encounter Going to a higher level of the godhead will be suppressed innately. In addition, you are not a person in a certain god’s domain, but an ordinary human being, and there is no benefit for an ethereal **** to be located in you.”

Hearing Lingling's words, Li Jing nodded silently again.

What is the use of the godhead, he roughly understood.

One is that you can get a **** position to play and expand your own strength.

Aside from the increase in power brought about by the godhead, the godhead is generally just a function of simply pretending to be x.

If you don't live in the realm of the gods, the **** position has no substantial use.

Then there is the absorption of the godhead to allow people to master a certain kind of power...

The so-called power, in essence, is the rule.

This effect is not small.

They practice the orthodox immortal way, and they can grasp the power of the rules when they have comprehend the realm.

But the threshold, after all, is ridiculously high.

To control the rules requires nine realms.

Whether you can comprehend and master a certain rule depends on your personal predestination.

Godhead is not so troublesome, as long as you absorb it, you can master a rule.

The disadvantage is.

The level of the godhead is not high enough, and the holder of the godhead with a higher level will be naturally suppressed.

After silently digesting it, Li Jing became more interested in collecting godheads.

Him personally.

No godhead is required.

But by collecting enough godheads, he can create several gods to raise their level.

For example, let Liu Sisi and Jiang Yini achieve a divine position and master a rule in the small universe, wouldn't it be very fragrant?

For him who has now achieved the Nine Realms.

The strength of this group of close people headed by Liu Sisi is actually lower.

Even if Liu Sisi and his dual cultivation can grow extremely fast, she is now only worthy of the peak of the five realms.

Then there is the divine position, that is the goddess of serious children, isn't it?

Wife is a goddess...

Beautiful, ah, is there wood?

Li Jing has always been a hard worker.

With an idea, he immediately looked at Lingling.

"Let's put it aside for the godhead, I'll take you to a place, please help me confirm some things."

"Ah? Where to go?"

Lingling blinked ignorantly.

"Don't resist, you'll know in a while."

Li Jing smiled mysteriously, touching his heart.

As the original spirit, Lingling is extremely special, so it belongs to the kind with a bigger heart.

For Li Jing, she also had no defenses.

Someone feeds her godhead, what's there to guard against?

Great guy!

Feeling the tearing force of the suspected space replacement all over her body, Lingling did not resist.

next second.

The two entered the small universe.

Suddenly entering the small universe world, Lingling stayed for a while.

This little guy was born in the Supreme God Realm. She didn't know where the Supreme God was when she was born. God knows how many years she has lived.

Even with a big heart, the little guy is a well-informed master.

As soon as she entered the small universe, she instantly realized that this was a world that was already on the right track and was initially evolving.

Li Jing would bring her to such a place, which she did not expect.

And she can feel it.

Here, there is a close connection with Li Jing.

Essentially he created it.

She never thought that this person who had summoned his own consciousness in a strange way would be a "creator".

Just when Lingling was stunned, there was a sudden "boom" in the sky, and a thunderous thunder ripped apart the heaven and the earth horizontally.

? ? ?

Li Jing raised his eyes with question marks all over his head.

Lingling was stunned when he came in.

This time it was his replacement.

He could really feel it.

At the moment when the thunder exploded just now, the Small Universe Realm manifested more than ten complete rules related to the evolution of living beings in one breath, and even some insects were born in the Small Universe Realm in the blink of an eye.

How could Li Jing not be surprised by such a change?

Bringing in things that do not exist in the small universe can accelerate the evolution of this world.

He had learned from Long Xu's mouth.

Bringing Lingling in, he also has a mind in it.

Maybe after Lingling comes in, the original spirit can also be born in his small universe.

Long Xu came in, didn't he just show the rules that can give birth to remnants?

However, he never thought that Lingling's "power" could be so great.

In one breath, Xiao Qiankun Realm manifested more than ten rules related to the evolution of creatures, and directly called the birth of native creatures here.

Just when he was stunned, Lingling babbled.

"I've decided, I want to live here and not leave."

? ? ?

Li Jing turned his head.

Upon entering, Lingling's size increased by about an inch.

The top of its head shows a 666 health bar, which has changed into? ? ? .

There is also a sperm source display behind the blood bar, right? ? ? .

Li Jing was stunned when he saw this.

In the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Sacred Realm, the blood bar display is also three question marks.

But its as many as 1.7 billion sperm sources have been clearly displayed.

Lingling's Essence Source shows three question marks, does it mean that her Essence Source is more outrageous than the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Sacred Realm, so that it cannot be shown?

Combined with Lingling suddenly said that she wanted to live here, Li Jing easily grasped that the little things had gained far more primitive blessings than Long Xu, so that she did not want to leave because of the great benefits.

Of course, Li Jing would not object to this.

He didn't even think about kidnapping this little thing.

But if it can be turned back, it is undoubtedly a good turn.

The mystery of Lingling is far more than the surface, and it still needs to be excavated.

And this little guy has existed for a longer time than the Supreme God, and in the future, you can learn about the Supreme God through her.

She didn't want to go back to the High God Realm, that would be better.

What makes Li Jing curious is.

The will of Heaven that has not yet been formed is how generous to Lingling, and what kind of primitive blessing it has given, so that the little thing decides to settle down without hesitation.


Lingling saw that Li Jing looked at herself without saying a word, and babbled.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Aren't we friends? I want to live here, shouldn't you object?"

Saying that, she said again.

"Don't worry, I don't live here in vain. As a primordial spirit, I have mastered all the powers related to life, but I can't use it rashly or I will be punished by the gods. You have not completed the evolution of the will of heaven here, and the restrictions are smaller, I can Help you speed up the evolution of life."


Li Jing.

He hasn't said anything yet, and Lingling has a wave of "self-destruction".

Master all life-related powers?

This one is far more capable than he imagined.

At this point, he probably understood why the Supreme God didn't dare to move and only dared to take advantage of her.

Her existence can easily affect the creatures in the supreme gods, including the main **** of the supreme gods.

Since Lingling can speed up the evolution of living beings.

If she is in a hurry, she will most likely degenerate living beings at the risk of being punished...

Who can stand this?

"You're right, we're friends."

Li Jing's eyes lit up, and he took out a very tasty spirit fruit and stuffed it in, with the expression of a kidnapped child.

"I'll live here as you like, as long as you want."

Lingling was very satisfied when she received these words.

For the spiritual fruit that Li Jing handed over, she also refused to come. She put away a small piece of the lower godhead and hugged the spiritual fruit, smacking her mouth.

"Then we make a promise, if you want to go back on it, I will not be with you."

"How can I go back on it?"

Li Jing smiled happily, and then a thought took her to Qingyuan Immortal Palace.

It's a bit unfortunate that he came here.

At this time, Jiang Yini and Liu Sisi were both in a state of meditation, and it was thought that both of them had come to an understanding.

The remnant soul Long Xu floated and floated beside the inheritance stone monument like an evil spirit.

Seeing Li Jing's arrival suddenly, Long Xu was slightly taken aback.

Immediately after.

He noticed Lingling on Li Jing's shoulders, and he almost stared out his eyes, who was originally bored.

"Original...yuan...the spirit of the beginning?"

Li Jingzheng wanted to ask Lingling whether it was possible for Lingling to absorb the godhead with the current strength of Jiang Yini and Liu Sisi.

Long Xu actually knew the original spirit?

And can you see it at a glance?

Lingling is not afraid of life, seeing Long Xu recognize what kind of existence he is, he waved his hand with a smile.


After saying hello, she looked at Li Jing.

"This remnant soul is very discerning, and the soul strength is enough to absorb the upper godhead. You can give him a pair of the two **** bones you just harvested. Let me help him, so that he can achieve a **** position and possibly reshape his body."

Li Jing was stunned when he heard the sound.

Long Xu, can you absorb Godhead?

Can you reshape your body after absorbing the godhead?

On the other side, Long Xu was also a little confused.

How the primordial spirit existed, he could not be more clear.

This is a naturally occurring alien species that is probabilistically generated before the evolution of the world. Its existence symbolizes the initial starting point of the evolution of all life. Even if God sees such existence, it must be respected by three points.

In the artificially created world, there will be no primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit will not leave the world in which it was born, unless it is attracted by something.

Li Jing this...

Where did he turn back a serious primordial spirit?

This kind of existence, he has only seen relevant records in ancient books.

And what did this guy just say?

God bone, Godhead, achievement of Godhead.

Long Xu, who was an orthodox oriental immortal practitioner during his lifetime, had no idea.

But he understood something.


There is an opportunity to reshape the body.

Very crisp!

Long Xu knelt and cracked the floor where the inheritance stone tablet was.

"Master! Please give me a chance to be resurrected!"


Li Jing.

Nothing else.

They have been with each other for a long time, he knows what kind of urine Long Xu is.

It's just that this kneeling movement was a bit big, which startled him.

Wu Yan looked at Long Xu, and Li Jing turned his head.

"Will it take a long time for you to help him?"

"As long as he goes down, the whole thing still depends on his own good fortune."

Lingling responded.


Li Jing nodded and took out the pair of divine bones with twenty-four wings.

In some respects, Lingling's disposition is quite similar to Li Jing's, both are masters who don't talk much.

Seeing someone take out the divine bone, she raised her hand and pointed it out.


The divine bone was pulled and fluttered out in the posture of kneeling on one knee to merge with Long Xu.

! !

Long Xu.

It's not that he doesn't want to be resurrected, and it's not that he doesn't want divine bones.

The moment Li Jing took out the divine bone, he recognized that the bone was the appearance of the Western deity who destroyed the Qingyuan Immortal Palace.

His memory is incomplete.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't even recognize his own enemies...

if it is possible.

He wanted Li Jing to change.

But Lingling moved too fast, and after the divine bones merged with him, he immediately felt what he should do next, how to regenerate flesh and blood.


So fragrant!

Silently closing his eyes, Long Xu's transparent remnant soul gradually transformed into paper.

Following that, a layer of light film quietly wrapped him to form a golden cocoon-like object.

Seeing this, Lingling stopped and laughed.

"It's done, he has to sleep for a while, and when he wakes up, he will be a living god."


Li Jing responded, and then pointed to Liu Sisi and Jiang Yini.

"This is my wife and the other is my friend. See if they can..."

Halfway through speaking, Lingling shook her head.

"The strength of the two of her souls is currently too weak to integrate with the godhead. If you can find me more snacks, I can help them with some energy and let them absorb the lower godhead as a start."

"Good to say."

Li Jing agreed very simply.

Liu Sisi and Jiang Yini are currently too weak, and UU reading cannot absorb the godhead.

This is not unexpected.

Lingling can help, but it's not a problem.

As for the "snacks" she wants, she can go back to the broken space to find it.

Once confirmed, Li Jing did not delay.

With a backhand, Li Jing carried Ya'er, who was not staring at Liu Sisi and was jumping all over the world in the small universe, and pressed it in front of the inheritance stone tablet. Then, he threw down a few pieces of spirit crystals as array eyes and imprisoned Ya'er in situ, telling her not to rot, and then took Lingling back to the broken space.


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