MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 19

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"Don't just kill your Adc once while you're away! Is it like urgency! Dig your family's grave ?!" By the 30th minute of the game, Yuan Yaoling couldn't stand it.

I saw that he angrily pressed down the consent surrender button in the lower right corner of the screen and looked at the blue crystal that burst in front of his spring on the screen.

This sentence is of course addressed to Gu Zixing.

Look at Yuan Yaoling's record, 3-9-4.

Gu Zixing's masterpiece.

Qiao Yanzhou, as a mass-eating crowd, looked silly on one side. After a long time after the game exited the checkout page, he issued a concluding speech: "Wow ... you are not afraid to affect the relationship between the two teams what."

"The relationship between the two teams also influenced me."

Although Qiao Yuanzhou had heard about the grudges between two veteran teams such as eg and tr before, Qiao Yuanzhou still felt a little strange when he said this from the mouth of the two team members.


After exiting the game room, Qiao Minzhou just wanted to ask Gu Zixing if he wanted to play another round. As a result, he heard that Gu Zixing was on the phone over there.

I don't know if it is because Gu Zixing's mobile phone volume is louder or the people on the phone have a louder voice. Even Qiao Yanzhou can clearly hear what Gu Zixing's phone said on the other side.

"Gu Zixing, are you dead or not? !!!"

The sound was not only irritable but familiar.

Gu Zixing didn't speak here, but just held her cell phone and laughed.

"As for you! Do you know if you look like this you will be a loser in the game! Do you know the game the day after tomorrow!"

"Hey, you say you ’ve been in the league for more than a year, why is your mentality so explosive?" Gu Zixing felt laughed on the phone, but still pretended to teach Yuan Yaoling with pretentious attitude: "You old Lu Did not talk about you. "

"Get off your yuppie! Be careful, let me tell Coach Chen that you go to the game and take the girl secretly without sleeping in the middle of the night!"

"What do you mean by the word" ... "? Gu Zixing started frowning and plucking the words. "How do you talk at a young age?"

"I don't care. Do you say that you are for the sake of your sister? You are chasing your dad's head. You see that your output is higher than the middle order. Are you a monster? Who is this sister? Ah, your girlfriend? "

"Then I can tell you, this girl I brought is awesome."

Qiao Xuzhou listened to the conversation between the two, and he was stupid. He forgot to refute.

But just listening to it, I feel that the relationship between the two teams does not sound as bad as others say.

After hearing Gu Zixing's words, Yuan Yaoling suddenly became interested. He thought that Gu Zixing, a single bachelor who had been single for many years, was really looking for a girlfriend, so he quickly asked: "How terrible?"

"This girl has a pole machine gun."

"Organization ... man!" Yuan Yaoling felt that he had been played again.

Gu Zixing's stomach hurts when he laughs on the chair.

"You're kind of proud." Yuan Yaoling snorted. "You said that you have so many female fans and male fans turning around you every day and you don't even look at it. You said that you were cold."

"You stripped and washed clean and stood in front of me to see if I was cold."

"Fuck, you are not disgusting!"

Through the distance of a screen and a phone, Qiao Yanzhou could deeply feel Yuan Yaoling's distaste for Gu Zixing's heart.

"That's why Yao Le can stand you, just make it up."

Gu Zixing laughed on the phone for a long time, and Yuan Yaoling hung up the phone disgustingly.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Xunzhou wanted to call Gu Zixing for another round, but then he heard that there seemed to be someone knocking on the door of Gu Zixing's room.

"You wait a moment."

Gu Zixing spoke to Qiao Yanzhou and then got up to open the door.

The knocker was Yao Le.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zixing's expression after opening the door did not seem much unexpected.

Yao Le's expression was a little dazed and his voice was weak: "Zi Xing, I can't sleep, I want to talk to you."

"It's too late, tomorrow."

Although Gu Zixing's face was smiling, Yao Le could clearly feel the indifference, sleepiness and impatience emanating from Gu Zixing.

Although Gu Zixing himself is not very expressive of these emotions, people who communicate with him can often feel them from the first time.

Perhaps this is also Gu Zixing's unique skills.

In fact, Yao Lei had already guessed Gu Zixing's attitude.

Once when I heard a knock at the door late at night to open the door and found that it was Yao Le, he would say nothing, and Gu Zixing who was in his arms had already been pushed away by himself.

Yao Le had to do this because he was afraid of the pressure exerted by the club's senior management, because he was afraid of criticism from the outside world, and because he was afraid that his career just entered the golden age would be ruined.

Gu Zixing did not blame him, and Gu Zixing did not blame him.

Even if Yao Le provokes himself at the beginning, even if Yao Le told Gu Zixing to be separated ten minutes before the start of the game, even if this incident happened too suddenly, Gu Zixing was in a bad state and lost the importance of a season end. game.

Since then, Gu Zixing's attitude towards Yao Le has been no different from that of others. He is polite, joking, but still feels far away from each other.

Gu Zixing doesn't seem to have any abnormalities on the surface, but only Yao Le himself can feel the difference.

"I won't delay you for too long, I just want to say that the day after tomorrow you will ..."

"Did coach Chen send you to mobilize before the game in the middle of the night?" Gu Zixing gently interrupted Yao Le's words and smiled at him. "Then he might send the wrong person."


"go to bed early."

Without waiting for Yao Leduo to say a word, Gu Zixing simply closed the door. The sound of closing the door was not big or small, but it was enough to make Yao Le clearly understand Gu Zixing's attitude.

No resentment, no blame, no anger. It was late. I was tired and wanted to sleep. The idea in Gu Zixing's mind was so simple as a white lotus flower. But in Yao Le's opinion, it was so unacceptable.

Yao Le knew that he had been spoiled by Gu Zixing.

"You're still so busy late at night."

After Gu Zixing returned, he listened to Qiao Yanzhou's question.


"Is it because of the day after tomorrow?"

"What else can be done in the game, winning and being praised, losing and being scolded."

"..." In Gu Zixing's tone, Qiao Xunzhou seemed to feel that his condition had become a bit wrong, but Qiao Xunzhou, who always knew how to look at things, did not ask any more.

"Then Gu Shen, rest early, I'll get off first."


After turning off the computer, there was no rattling of the mouse and keyboard. The room was quiet, and Gu Zixing sat on the seat and lit a cigarette.

He has n’t smoked for a long time, but how long has he not counted, half a year? It's still five and a half months ... I can't remember, anyway, he only remembers that Yao Le said at the time that he didn't like smelling smoke, so he didn't smoke.

When the smoke was half-burned, Gu Zixing's cell phone suddenly received a text message. You don't need to read it to know that it was from Yao Le.

So Gu Zixing really didn't look at it again.

After smoking, I took a bath and fell asleep in bed.

Qiao Xunzhou could not sleep in bed. Although Gu Zixing vowed to tell Yuan Yaoling to be a man today, Qiao Xunzhou who was really taught to be a man felt himself.

Although it is clear in my heart that there must be a gap between professional players, Qiao Yuzhou did not expect such a big gap.

In Qiao Chengzhou's view, it is almost an operation that can only be completed by luck. It is worthless in front of Gu Zixing. Although Gu Zixing vowed to tell himself that if he played well, Qiao Chengzhou could be carried, but in the end Gu Zixing still took 30,000 Many monster outputs won the mVp of that game.

Sad, wronged.

Obviously I have worked very hard.

Say mVp for me ...