MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 22

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In fact, Gu Zixing is not intentional. At least this kind of play that can live up to the opposite side of his life is personally not considered wrong.

Because of the lack of early damage, even Gu Guxing who chooses to exchange for the opposite person will choose to do so. Why is there no other available damage resources on the line if the damage is insufficient, the fool will not use it.

And the opposite is killed on either side, how to die is different ...

Well, maybe when a person is really so bad, he can't feel where he is broken, maybe he feels super cute.

Gu Zixing can be said to be a typical example.

However, as a super high-profile newcomer in the SpL arena, Lier's face has begun to hang a little, and his death is too ugly.

After returning from the spring, his vengeance almost poked directly at Gu Zixing's heart through the screen.

Gu Zixing was very happy here. He just took a head and said that he could make up one more line than Lier, and went straight to happiness and peace. The small flames of revenge can not be seen across the road, and the flat and open road of advancement is clear at a glance.

"Be careful in the middle, and the jungle is over."

Yao Le's reminder suddenly came. At the same time, Gu Zixing was moving back, and he also noticed that someone was coming in the middle.

"You steal the dragon." Gu Zixing calmly issued an order. "Xiaohai comes."


There was no more questioning. Fu Xiaohai started to move down the road after completing the last gun vehicle. As a result, after taking two steps, he found that Lier started to push the line again.

"Where are they playing?" Fu Xiaohai asked a little worriedly, watching Lier's movements, he thought that wg's playing jungle might be waiting nearby.

"Go grab the dragon."

"Then we won't go?"

"Wg did not punish the wild and could not grab it."

"How come there is no punishment?" Fu Xiaohai said.

"Because he just went on the road and snatched a blue buff from us." Gu Zixing smiled, turned his head and looked at Qi Shen beside him affectionately, pouting: "A blue buff ~"

"Ah, aren't you annoying just a blue buff! I'll pay you ten in a while!"

Qi Shen herself was quiet in her seat for a long time, so she was afraid that Gu Zixing would take it out and say, although he understood the pain when a single hero could n’t get his blue buff, but he could n’t help but lost it. Let him change one more!

"You don't have to pay me ten." Gu Zixing smiled. At this time, he seemed so sensible and brilliant. Qi Shengang wanted to say thank you and he added another sentence.

"Do you see the one stepping under one foot in wg? I just want that."

"You **** good at picking ..." Qi Shen twitched his lips twice.

Gu Zixing smiled and didn't speak.

Although Qi Shen said so on his mouth, he still obediently came to the middle of the river after hitting Xiaolong.

Even if he didn't believe how much more a blue buff would allow Lier to take advantage of Gu Zixing, but since Gu Zixing had already spoken, he wanted to do so, not only for the development of Gu Zixing. , Also for the sake of smoothing his own way to fight the wild in the future, not to be bullied to death by the big devil King Gu Zixing.

And after all, the blue buff belonging to Gu Zixing was accidentally lost by himself, and he was really not qualified to discuss the conditions.

"The opposite side is playing wild." Qi Shen hesitating towards the middle, he saw Fu Xiaohai also shaking near the middle.

After Qi Shen didn't say much more quickly to bypass the tower from the enemy's wild area, wg's wild jungle was brushing F6 monsters near the middle of the road at this time, Qi Shen carefully walked and stuck a vision. Although I'm not sure if Midfield is doing vision in such an unexpected location, I can't see myself in the jungle.

By the middle of the game, the mantis hero used by Wolf had a significant increase in brushing speed. After finishing brushing, he could see that he wanted to grab Gu Zixing in the middle to alleviate Lier's embarrassment at this time.

So after a second, I saw wolf's praying mantis suddenly jumped out of the wild area and wanted to hit Gu Zixing's face to give him a set of skills, but before he landed, Gu Zixing had a r skill to petrify him Up in the air.

When the commentary and the audience at the scene just wanted to applaud Gu Zixing for this extreme operation, Fu Xiaohai, who wandered for a long time in the middle, burst out of the grass. The Q, w, e, and r skills were almost one second away. All of them stung out and fainted the poor mantis again.

The control of a few seconds seemed to be over a century in the wild jungle, and when the praying mantis with only silk blood left after fainting, just wandering away, Fu Xiaohai hurriedly took another note. Ping A, fainted again.

"Gu command, head ..."

"you take."

Gu Zixing had already passed in this direction. In fact, just now he took Fu Xiaohai so seriously over the middle of the road. He wanted him to take a personal account to make up for the blood that was lost in the early stage and the economy that was missed in the future, so that Fu Xiaohai would be more comfortable on the road.

When it comes to killing, he and Qi Shen are actually quite enough.

What a caring little angel ~



When Fu Xiaohai finished collecting his head, the front line of the road also gathered a large wave. In this way, Fu Xiaohai was able to make steady profits.

Although Wg's jungler was wondering just now that he was controlled three times by three strong players, why Lier in the middle did not come to support, but Gu Zixing and Qi Shen who were opposite were not so surprised.

Because Lier was caught by Qi Shen who had been hiding in the wild behind him.

By the time Gu Zixing arrived, Lier had only a trace of blood. Although Qi Shen was not optimistic, he still had two displacement skills. Even if he was no longer good, there was also a full state of Gu Zixing, who wanted to escape. If you can definitely escape, it depends on whether Gu Zixing is willing to save it.

However, because he lost Gu Zixing's dear blue buff, he stood quietly watching him being strangled to death by the enemy, and Gu Zixing could definitely do it.

It ’s not like never before.

Do not ask,

No story.

But this time it was okay. After Gu Zixing arrived, he quickly took over this Lier. The poisonous mist combined with a poisonous fangs made Lier, which had a hope of survival, completely cold.

Gu Zixing's long-anticipated blue buff has finally arrived.

This wave of small groups opened beautifully. The advantage of the head ratio of 3: 1 in the early stage directly led the eg team to a small economy of 3,000 yuan, and also broke the defensive tower in the middle of the wg by more than half.

Watching Gu Zixing happily holding the blue buff that had just been snatched from Lier in the road, Qi Shen thought innocently that he could finally escape from the torture of Gu Zixing, but later he found that he was still too young.

In the next 30 minutes of the game, every six minutes, Gu Zixing's state is like this:

"Assist the lower lane red buff to interject and see if we lose something in the jungle?"

"Xiao Hailu Blue buff interjected, see if we lost something in the jungle?"

"Wait a minute and see if my blue is still there ~"



"You're annoying you!"

Qi Shen swears, Qi Shen swears a poison, next time, even if he loses the dragon, the dragon, the defense tower and the head, he will definitely not lose the blue buff of Gu Zixing again! This **** balabala's thoughts are so tortured!

Fortunately, eg has always been in a downwind situation, otherwise Qi Shen can go directly to the mental hospital across the street to report.

The start has been close to half an hour, wg has completely fallen into a strange circle led by eg, especially Gu Zixing, holding his nose, and once this strange circle is trapped, it is difficult to come out.

Some people say that moba games are actually a turn-based game. If this is the case, it can be said that it has been Gu Zixing's round since the beginning of ten minutes.

If it is a turn-based game commentary, then it should be like this:

OK, now we see that Siler used poisonous fangs to make Lier poisoned!

Enter Siler's turn below.

Siler used Plague Blast to hit Lier's half-blood!

Enter Siler's turn below.

Siler used the poisonous fog to seal Lier's move! Lier's blood!

Here comes the Siler round again!

OK, Lier is dead.

Seeing pushed to the high ground, his wild area was ransacked by eg robber bandits with big dragon buffs.

Watching eg pushed to his own crystal, none of wg's five people really found a suitable entry point. Eg, these five people either came with a dragon buff, or they made up for the economic synthesis and were fully equipped.

Push it. Push it.

wg's crystal was destroyed in the destruction, and the cheers of victory rang through the scene of the SpL game. Although this is only the first game, it does not wipe out the enthusiasm of the fans.

On SpL's official Weibo, the support groups of each eg almost exploded the entire page. And this battle, at the same time also hit the face of the keyboard heroes who said that Gu Zixing had begun to go downhill when the previous eg game was lost.

However, it doesn't matter that Gu Zixing can't beat his face. In contrast, he cares more about whether a fan who has lost his mind before the game started saying on WeChat whether it is true to marry him.

If true, consider losing in the next game.

The second game was played approximately ten minutes later.

Although I don't know what new tactics and new routines will be summarized by wg, the tactics of eg are clear here-all are under the command of a person, Gu is a commander, and Gu is a commander.

In the tense part of the Bp hero in the second game, wg did release the clockwork demon again.

"Dare to let it go," Coach Chen said, watching.

Gu Zixing smiled and hovered over the head of the clockwork demon and chose OK.

It is also a typical Gu Zixing style selection hero. Last hand you can not play heroes, this hand I teach you to play.

The opposite Lier this time was obviously more than the previous one, and it was not known whether it was the coach's request or he himself wanted to counsel, and chose a dragging Gario.

Although the hero of Galio is hard to obtain any advantages in the early stage, if he is late, he is a hero who can resist damage and can also output support very quickly.

But how can Gu Zixing be here to keep you steady and drag the economy to the later stage?

"Give you 20 minutes to break the three-way highland."

This is the first order that Gu Zixing gave to five people after entering the game.