MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 61

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"Walrid, a nanorobot made by Muffoff, needs a new host, so we turned our attention to the Giant Mountain Mental Hospital ... Oh, I see, that means that the black ghost we just met is not a ghost What a nano-robot made by the mummy company using black technology! "Qiao Minzhou read a missing document found in the corner of the game and read it for a long time, and concluded," I'm afraid of a fart! " The scared Lao Tzu thought he had hit a ghost! "The following sentence should be considered after reading.

Barrage 1: Mu is overcoming company is not a mummy company

Barrage II: Is the anchor a goldfish, is it fine, the front foot just said Mummy's back foot and said it was a mummy?

Barrage III: Forgive me about the hard work of the anchorman sitting in the middle of the night without sleeping, playing the horror game, it ’s me and I ’m scared to death

Barrage 4: What about Gu God? Why haven't I seen Gu Shen?

Barrage Five: The anchor student's reading level is really cute

Unlike those anchors who are pursuing fast-paced communication, Qiao Yizhou is more interested in the plot of the game, so he will always carefully collect the missing data in every corner of the game map. Then put together the words and phrases above to make up a complete story, so that you can understand the plot and settings of the entire game.

In fact, a large part of the reason for this is because Qiao Chengzhou himself also knows that the more thrilling the level design in the game is, the easier it is for him to get lost in the level. Sometimes, if he is unlucky, he may directly get a card for one night. If the viewers are impatient and come to scold, instead of focusing on the plot, this is also a style without style in their own live broadcast.

And fortunately, the plot of the "Escape" series is very good, intriguing and intriguing, which also makes Qiao Yizhou's live streaming style of the story gradually accepted by the audience.

"Then what it means now is that Billy is the host of the nano-robot Walried, and the ultimate goal of our game is to disconnect the machine that connects Billy and Walried." The task now should be to find an air pump. After turning off the air pump, find an important npc priest Martin in the game and get the key to the door.

Of course, Qiao Yizhou was happy to be lost again. The dark road around can only be seen clearly through the night vision function of the DV machine. The only thing that is fortunate is that the battery of the DV machine is still sufficient. If you add this, there are five sections, which is enough for him. Spent for a while.

"Where should I go now, in this room ..." Qiao Xunzhou said as he manipulated the protagonist to reach out to open an old door, and just half of it opened and suddenly someone came out of it!

That man's mouth was only half, his head was full of diseased sarcomas, and there was only one eye, and the other eye seemed to be rotten, how disgusting and how disgusting.

"Hey, I fuck!" Qiao Qiaozhou yelled out, and while he was crying, he tore the headset on his head with a thunderbolt and threw it straight out. The headset made a perfect stroke in the sky. The parabola almost fell into the ashtray.

Sometimes the sound effect of this game is more scary than the picture. For example, Qiao Yuzhou felt that his ears were going to be deaf.

Fortunately, the character who suddenly appeared in such a thrilling Bgm did not attack the protagonist, he just screamed and ran away as if he was scared.

Qiao Quzhou sat in a chair for a few seconds and calm down before putting on the headphones again, and then quietly turned down the volume of the computer a lot, eating for a while and gaining wisdom.

Qiao Yanzhou didn't need to look to know that the barrage must be joking himself again, but now he doesn't matter anymore. He laughs at the ridicule. Lao Tzu is timid and laughs at their big teeth.

"If I come back like this for a while and come across the corner and meet love, we will not play the game today," Qiao Minzhou rubbed his hands and smiled, "I now have this little heart with that little ceramic It looks like a bottle, it breaks when touched. "

Barrage 1: No! !! Clearance today! !! !!

Barrage 2: The anchor has entered the professional team. The live broadcast time is getting shorter and shorter! !! !!

Barrage 3: Private messages are not coming back, and the live broadcast is not good. Do you want to rebel? !! !!

Hey, I still reply to the private letter. After seeing this barrage, Qiao Xunzhou couldn't help saying a word, you can just give me a knife.

Qiao Yanzhou pouted, saying that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are strong. It is true that the private letter he received since he entered the eg club has doubled, and the familiar and unfamiliar ones boasted of themselves. All of them.

And Qiao Yanzhou is really not the kind of person who swells to ignore people when he enters the professional team. He will also reply to private messages, but he is not as diligent as before, at most it is to pick a few IDs that are familiar In the end, he couldn't take care of him.

However, Qiao Yanzhou does not intend to explain this to the audience. After all, he can always understand, and he cannot understand the change of the Fa. It is not a big thing to return to the private letter, and Qiao Yanzhou does not need to be too real.

"Where did I go? There are no ghosts ..." Qiao Yanzhou squinted and looked at the strange surroundings on the screen. "My God, have I gone to the map of another game!"

Qiao Xunzhou is really stingy. The map of the escape game is huge. The interior of the psychiatric hospital has three or four floors in the basement, plus the outdoor backyard flower bed power distribution room and other towers. My goodness ... ...

"I'm going to pour a glass of water." Qiao Xunzhou randomly found a place on the map that seemed relatively safe to hide the protagonist, then got up and poured water.

In fact, Qiao Yuanzhou didn't want to drink much water anymore, just wanted to find a chance to relax his spirit a little bit, but when he poured the water, he found that this didn't seem to be of any use, but felt more nervous.

It seems that the old fault has been committed again. Qiao Zhenzhou always feels that someone in this room is staring at himself in the corner, and his hair is extremely uncomfortable.

Because of this, he accidentally spilled the water. After returning to Qiao Quzhou, he quickly took a careful sip into the cup and prepared to return to the room holding the cup. In order to cover up his fear, he mouthed He also hummed Xiaoquer: "Who did you meet at the corner of love, is there the beauty of love ..."

Humming and humming, the door was opened without any warning as soon as it passed the gate.

"Ah!" Qiao Xunzhou jumped back scaredly, and the water in his hand strewn all over the ground. "Frighten your old father!"

Sure enough, God told him by actual action, who did he meet in the corner of love.


Gu Zixing was called away by coach Chen today to talk about Yao Le for a long time. He didn't listen carefully in the clouds and fog, but he understood the general content, that is, Yao Le has been in a very bad shape recently, but he and Qi Shen and those of them are not the same. They are too thin-skinned. Coach Chen is afraid that if he scolds him, it will have an adverse effect, so let Gu Zixing pay more attention.

Gu Zixing as the captain and commander is actually inescapable for this kind of thing, but if the party is Yao Le, he would be a little awkward even if he didn't say much.

But looking at Coach Chen's desperate look, Gu Zixing really couldn't bear to refuse, so he casually agreed and left a sentence, "If I pay more attention to Yao Le's state, the worse, then don't scold me." gone.

After returning home all the way, Gu Zixing found that Qiao Yuanzhou had not locked the door, and as soon as he pushed the door open, he saw Qiao Yuanzhou standing in the door with a glass of water in panic.

Gu Zixing didn't squeak, and glanced down at the water sprinkled all over the ground: "The welcome ceremony is also grand, and you are exorcised."

"Why didn't you open the door?" Qiao Xunzhou turned around and took the mop from the bathroom and wiped out the water on the ground. "Frightened me, I thought the robbers had entered the house!"

"Have you ever seen such a gentle robber opening the door?" Gu Zixing smiled. "It's also a good time to enter the robber. Who keeps you from locking the door at home?"

"Doesn't lock the door?" Qiao Yanzhou froze, "Ah ..."

"Ah ..." Gu Zixing learned from Qiao Yuzhou's tuning, "I bought two pieces of raw fried meat in the downstairs cafeteria, and called you and asked if you would like to eat nothing. After a while, it ’s going to rain heavily. Gotta deliver. "

"I live, I don't see my cell phone very much." Qiao Yanzhou smiled, went to the bathroom, put the mop, and washed his hands again. "Just frying, I heard that the frying pan in the club cafeteria is especially delicious. "

"Well, it was made by Master Li personally today." Gu Zixing sat down on the sofa, laying the meat on the sofa. "What were you doing just now, you can be startled by a sneaky door."

"Me?" Upon hearing this, Qiao Xunzhou suddenly stopped his hand in the air.

Yeah, what did I do just now? Nothing ... I just ...

"Ah! I'm broadcasting live!" Qiao Xunzhou patted his thigh and quickly took out a piece of paper to wipe his hands. "I forgot about this interruption!"


"You leave me a bit, I'll finish eating after a while!" Qiao Yuzhou disappeared into his room before he finished speaking.

Gu Zixing froze for a moment, then reluctantly closed the lid containing the frying box.


"I'm sorry, my friends ..." Qiao Yuzhou sat back in his seat in a panic. He didn't dare to say that he had forgotten that he was on the live broadcast, and after a few words he was ready to continue.

But the audience in the live room was neither stupid nor deaf. Just now the door of Qiao Yanzhou's room was not closed, so the conversation between him and Gu Zixing was clear to the audience.

Barrage one: The anchor you are too obvious that Gu Shen forgot the audience's intentions!

Barrage 2: Are the anchors sure that there is no adultery with Gu Shen?

Barrage III: 300,000-character small Huangwen has been automatically supplemented by brain

Barrage 4: Ask God to show a face Gu God to show a face! !! !!

Qiao Yanzhou sometimes really felt that he should set words such as "Gu Shen", "Gu Zixing" and "Siler" as banned words in the live broadcast room, otherwise Gu Zixing would always be so casual and rhythmic. accurate.

While he was struggling to set a forbidden word, he heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in." Qiao Yuanzhou turned around and found that Gu Zixing was standing at the door. "what happened?"

"Xiao Qiao, you forgot to take the water glass." Gu Zixing said, and placed the water glass on Qiao Yanzhou's table.

"Ah! I fisted the old iron!" Qiao Yanzhou smiled.

Gu Zixing glanced at the screen and found that the picture of the game seemed to be familiar.

Oh, I remember. Last time, because of this game, Qiao Yanzhou ran to his room and slept in the middle of the night.

"Are you still here?"

"Quick pass, early death and early birth." Qiao Yanzhou said calmly.

"You ..." Gu Zixing raised his hand and wanted to say something. Suddenly realized that Qiao Yanzhou was doing a live broadcast, he closed his mouth obediently, leaned down and kissed Qiao Yanzhou's face gently, then went out.

Fortunately, there is no camera on the live broadcast today! This was the first idea of ​​Qiao Yizhou, and the second idea that followed was a bit complicated.

Gu Zixing's lips are so soft. It's a bit comfortable to kiss him. The smell on his body is so good ...

Therefore, after being kissed by Gu Zixing, it directly caused Qiao Xiuzhou to be dizzy and shake his head with a pink bubble. He got stuck on this map for a whole five or six minutes, and finally, under the spoiler of the audience in the live broadcast room It was easy to check the cartoons before Qiao Yizhou turned off the live broadcast.

Recently, the live broadcast is indeed getting more and more water, Qiao Yuzhou self-reflection.

After leaving the room, Qiao Xunzhou now stretched his waist in the living room. Just when he wanted to say something, he found that Gu Zixing was asleep on the sofa hugging his pillow.

In fact, Qiao Zhenzhou understood Gu Zixing very well. Recently, Gu Zixing has not been idle. From the SpL semi-finals to the internal trials to the finals that will start soon, there is almost nothing in the team that can leave him.

Qiao Yanzhou opened the box and took a frying carefully into his mouth. He was a little afraid that the soup would be sprayed directly on Gu Zixing's face, and he was really suffocating.

Gu Zixing slept very well, sometimes he really felt that he just slept like this was pleasing.

Qiao Yanzhou looked at Gu Zixing while eating raw frying, not even playing with his mobile phone.

Looking at it, Gu Zixing suddenly woke up somehow, reached out, rubbed his eyes, and turned his head to find that Qiao Yanzhou was looking at himself.

"What are you looking at?"

"No ..." Qiao Minzhou regained his gaze, "I think you look good."

"Is it?"

"Yeah ... I felt that way from the first time you watched the game." Qiao Yanzhou's tone was very sincere, "otherwise there won't be so many little girls because you go to play this game ..."

"It's very sweet." Gu Zixing smiled, and pushed the box of frying in front of him, "This box also rewards you."

"Aren't you eating?"

Gu Zixing shook his head: "Stomach pain."

"Why is my stomach hurting?"

"I don't know," Gu Zixing said, "Maybe I just want to hurt."

"Are you teasing me?" Qiao Xunzhou stood up and found that Gu Zixing's face wasn't really right. "Are you having stomach problems?"

"have it."

"I'll go to the cafeteria and buy some millet porridge, and by the way take some stomach medicine." Qiao Xunzhou stood up, "What medicine do you usually take for stomach pain?"

"Do not eat."

Qiao Yanzhou didn't know whether Gu Zixing said whether to take medicine or not to eat, and frowned, "Eat."

"Do not eat."
