MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 74

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Vaguely remembered that before Qiao Yizhou had not entered the professional team, he once saw a video on Weibo, the main content of which was a big V in the e-sports circle, exposing the live voice and video of the players of the professional team during the game. . It has been reposted tens of thousands of times and can still be seen till now.

Before seeing that video, Qiao Yuzhou always thought that the players of the professional team must be handsome, nervous and serious, and all kinds of inexplicable professional terms that others can understand jumped out.

However, after watching that video, Qiao Xunzhou finally realized that the original state of professional players during competitions and high school students in the Internet cafes was almost the same. It should be scolded, shouted, or they would be directly in the depths. Fly the keyboard to the face of your pit B teammate.

But just today, Qiao Yanzhou once again made a new change to the professional league-it turned out that sometimes professional competitions might be better opened in cyber cafes.

After all, for Qiao Yuanzhou, who has been mixing all kinds of regular and irregular Internet cafes since junior high school, it is like a crude word like "twenty strong men to kill you first and then kill him". He can be said to have never been heard before. Come

Gu Zixing rarely scolds people, especially when playing games. But sometimes what he said makes people feel better than scolding.

However, Qi Shen seems to be used to it, and his conscience will no longer hurt. Even if there are really 20 strong men coming to gather downstairs in his house, he will still humiliately and calmly welcome the death, And ghosts will not let Gu Zixing leave.

This is probably the friendship between men.


Twenty minutes into the game, both sides have entered a strong period. Seeing that the Liushen costumes have been formed, everyone understands that this game can no longer be delayed.

On the way, Kai Nan, who paid Xiaohai, opened the group first. The four rewQ skills directly stunned ADc in place. Qi Shen's Rengar directly opened the r skill to cut off the back row assistance. Although ADc was assisted to fight to protect him, Gu Zixing's Verus has already tied him directly with r skills, and Qiao Chengzhou has broken his skills aside, putting the aura of redemption in an area where the teams of both sides are about to fight.

The blind monk of tr wants to save ADc, but he is afraid that Gu Zixing's r skills will be connected to himself, so he directly turns the spearhead Q on Gu Zixing, tr's middle single Xindela opens directly, and Qiao Yizhou sets the shield Gu Zixing decisively Off treatment.

Seeing that Gu Zixing was about to run away, Xindela and Mao Kai on the road just wanted to chase it, but was directly pulled back by Zhao Qin's clockwork demon with r.

The two sides fought together into a regiment. In the end, the team won the team battle with a beautiful o for 2 victory, and then tr broke the crystal of tr.

"Let's congratulate eg for reaching the match point one step ahead!"

With the shouting of the commentary, Qiao Xunzhou felt relieved immediately, and saw him gazing at the screen for a while and then stood up with the other players.

I got the match point, great.

And in addition, more importantly, in this game Qi Shen finally achieved his desired mVp this season.

When everyone walked backstage together, everyone felt that Qi Shen seemed to be fluttering. If there was no ceiling in the corridor, he felt that he would fly away with colorful clouds at any time.

Qi Shen's mouth continued to sing a lyrics: "Today is a good day. I can do everything I want. Tomorrow is a good day to open ... welcome the spring breeze!"

Singing a sentence without remembering the words and not remembering it is worse than scratching the wall with a cat's paw.

"What did you open?" Geng Zhi Fu Xiaohai was still listening. Qi Shen didn't sing a few words and asked carefully.

"I don't remember," Qi Shen said as he jumped. "Steel door or what door!"

"The next time I talk to Coach Chen to discuss the mVp bit to shield Qi Shen ..." Fu Xiaohai was completely speechless, and turned his head directly.

As far as the starting lineup of the eg team is concerned, as a junior, Fu Xiaohai sometimes really feels that Qi Shen is like the player who has just arrived in the team not long ago, and the village aunt sees everything fresh.

Qiao Xunzhou couldn't help but ask Gu Zixing: "How long has Qi Shen not got the mvp?"

"Who knows, it's time to open the **** to welcome the spring breeze," Gu Zixing smiled and grabbed Qiao Yanzhou's shoulders. "I'm afraid it's not far from twenty strong men to go downstairs in his house."

"Hey, I want to say that this mVp is really thanks to the head you sent in the previous period," Gu Zixing's voice has not yet fallen, Qi Shen suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Zixing, "A person's head rolled the snowball, this wave is not loss It's true. "

"No, who gave the head up front?" Gu Zixing raised an eyebrow.

"You sent it early, no, you gave me the head!" Qi Shen said as he patted his face, "Hey look at my mouth."

Gu Zixing smiled, but did not squeak.

He knows Qi Shen very well. As long as Qi Shen is developed steadily in the early stage, this lineup can reach 60% of Gu Zixing in the later stage. It should be said that everyone played really hard in these games, especially Qi Shen. No one can worry about playing a three-way wild game. Even if this is a game, Gu Zixing still wants to take care of Qi Shen's game experience. You can just let people out and win.

And according to coach Chen, after the expansion, Qi Shen's performance in the next game must be excellent, and it will continue or even surpass the operation of the previous game. However, the disadvantage is that the subsequent operations are really dare not be complimented. Basically, it is gradually getting farther and farther on the road leading to coach Chen's nose and scolding his mother.

But that doesn't matter, just win the finals.


"The relationship between Commander Gu and Xiaozhou is really good ..."

After returning to the backstage, Zhao Qin sat on the seat and took the bottle of water. He turned around and saw Gu Zixing walking his arm around Qiao Yizhou's shoulder and walking back, so he couldn't help saying something.

"How can it be!" Qiao Xunzhou didn't feel it at first, and was told by Qin Zhao that he quickly shook Gu Zixing's arm off his shoulder.

Gu Zixing smiled and did not speak, took out his mobile phone from his bag and looked at it, and found that there was a new message.

After opening it, Gu Zixing stared at it for a while, walked to Qiao Yanzhou and smiled and asked: "Want to go to the toilet?"

"No, eSports doesn't have a bladder." Qiao Yuzhou was sorting things out and said without looking back.

"..." Gu Zixing was silent for a moment, and patted directly on Qiao Xunzhou's ass, "Hurry up!"

"Ah," Qiao Yanzhou turned around, covering his buttocks, and although Gu Zixing didn't work hard, he scared him, "Go and hit me and hit you!"

"What are you doing with this butt?" Gu Zixing couldn't help but probe the probe.

"What to bring home to my mother ... I'll see if the pear cream is broken."

"It's not the same if you eat it in your stomach," Gu Zixing tugs at Qiao Yanzhou, and the two go out of the background together.

"Don't you say go to the toilet?"

After leaving the house, Qiao Yanzhou followed Gu Zixing in the other direction of the toilet. Although Qiao Yanzhou was not familiar with this place, at least he knew the location of the toilet.

Gu Zixing didn't speak, and the two walked all the way to a small door in the background of the venue. Yao Le was standing at the door with a schoolbag on his back.

Qiao Yanzhou froze for a moment.

Yao Le also hesitated for a moment, he did not expect that the news sent to Gu Zixing alone would bring out another person.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zixing asked Yao Le.

"Why is he here?" Yao Le didn't answer Gu Zixing's words, turned his head to look at Qiao Xunzhou, the expression in his eyes was not friendly.

"He's my boyfriend," Gu Zixing tilted her head and said with a smile, without hesitation. "He is where I am."

Qiao Yanzhou wanted to interrupt Gu Zixing, but after seeing Yao Le's expression, he couldn't say anything.

Yao Le laughed silently for a while: "Zi Xing, I'm leaving soon, I don't think you need to do this to me ..."

In fact, just after arriving here, Qiao Xunzhou saw that Yao Le was carrying a bag so large that he could guess that he was leaving. This was an intentional resignation from Gu Zixing. At the time, Gu Zixing was probably afraid of mentioning Yao Le's name and made everyone disgusted, so he just found a reason to go to the toilet.

Qiao Yanzhou sometimes does n’t understand, obviously Yao Le has played a lot in the game for eg, but why did he have to get into such a situation in the end, let alone rhetoric, even after meeting those people again Unlikely.

"Zi Xing, I know I'm sorry for you, and I know that there is too little time between us, sorry ..."

Yao Le bit her lip, and suddenly stepped forward two steps, reaching out her hand as if she wanted to hug Gu Zixing.

Qiao Xunzhou froze a moment, just a second before Yao Le was about to touch Gu Zixing, Qiao Xuzhou almost turned back and hugged Gu Zixing almost subconsciously. After he hugged, he moved back, as if he was afraid that Gu Zixing would be touched by Yao Le. To cents.

To be honest, Qiao Yanzhou himself was taken aback by his own move, and Gu Zixing was even scared to move. He never thought that Qiao Yuanzhou would suddenly hug him like a koala at this time.

Yao Le's arms hung in the air without embarrassment, he was also surprised.

"That ..." Qiao Yanzhou didn't let go, hugged Gu Zixing directly and looked at Yao Le. "He's ... he's mine ... you ... just don't touch it ..."

Obviously, such a domineering president dragged a cool sentence, and when he came to Qiao Yanzhou's mouth, the tone of his life was like talking to the other party, especially the "bar" word in the back played a finishing touch. It makes you feel like you are a little sorry for this bullying character.

Yao Le glanced at Qiao Yuanzhou, Qiao Yuanzhou didn't mean to let go. This time Yao Le understood it completely in his heart, he nodded, and suddenly smiled.

Yao Le laughed a lot, and tears came out while laughing. He laughed for a long time and saw that he reached out and wiped his tears and nodded at Gu Zixing, leaving a sentence: "OK, I know." , Turned and left.

What you do, what you know, nobody knows, probably nobody wants to know.

Looking at the back of Yao Le running out of the venue with a schoolbag, Qiao Xuzhou and Gu Zixing knew in their hearts that the next time they wanted to see him, they would probably only be on the field ...

"How long are you going to hug ..." Gu Zixing stood still and couldn't move. Qiao Xunzhou held his arms very hard. He couldn't stretch his hands. It looked the same as when Koala was holding the tree.

"Ah? Ah ..." After the reaction, Qiao Xiuzhou immediately let go and smiled at Gu Zixing, "forgot."

"You can tie your legs up next time," Gu Zixing said.

"I was just impulsive ..." Qiao Yizhou suddenly felt a little embarrassed. "You have to be hugged by others, but I'm impulsive."

Gu Zixing laughed directly, could not help but leaned down and kissed Qiao Yizhou's face.

"Go back to bed at night and do whatever you want."