MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 113 Trapped Scotland 1

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Flickering lights brightened the dark night sky.

A group of four or five patrol cars parked at the gate of the apartment building, which was originally very quiet. Dozens of police officers in police uniforms got out of the cars and surrounded the gate of the apartment building. Two or three office workers who had just returned from get off work were stopped at the door of the apartment just like that. At this time, they were arguing with the police officer guarding the door.

Next to the floor-to-ceiling window, Zhu Fu Jingguang shrank back slightly, covered the window edge with a gauze curtain, and quietly observed the situation downstairs through the gap of the glass window.

"Mr. Zhufu, these people downstairs look like police officers, are they here to help you?" The black-haired young man glanced sideways at the people downstairs and spoke in a pure tone.

Zhu Fu Jingguang shook his head. "At present, the people in the police department may not know that my identity has been exposed. Rather than support, I am more afraid that the people who come here will be the people who are really searching for me. It should be the undercover agent of the police department who found a random reason and wanted to Use the manpower of the Metropolitan Police Department to guard this apartment and force me to come out."

"But if this is the case, guarding the door should only be their first step, and they may go door-to-door to search next. What should we do then? We didn't turn on the lights, and we could only last for one night at most. , it can't go on like this forever."

Zhu Fu Jingguang's hand holding the gauze curtain paused slightly. He actually thought about this, but he really didn't come up with a solution. "so what should I do now?"

"Actually, if that group of people really come to the door, I have a way to deal with them."

The black-haired youth looked at him with a smile, a hint of slyness in his eyes.


"Mr. Fugu, we have followed your request, disguised as policemen from the Metropolitan Police Department, and blocked all the doors of this apartment building, ensuring that no one will be allowed to enter or leave this place."

In an unknown box in the Mosan Hotel, Jiang Gu Ling stooped and hid behind a huge vase.

He just tried to escape from the hotel, but in addition to the exit of the safe passage, the group of people also guarded the official entrance and exit of the hotel and the exit of the underground passage. He has no way to get out from here now. Moreover, those guys are still searching up the floors of the hotel, layer by layer. He took advantage of the gap between the other party's search and hid in a room that had already been searched, and barely got a chance to breathe.

Right now, Jing Guang should be hiding in a room in the opposite apartment building.

Since the people of the organization can so blatantly pretend to be the FBI, they can search the Mosan Hotel. Then maybe they will disguise themselves as police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department and search the apartment building opposite to them with great fanfare.

In order to prevent this from happening, he simply arranged for the public security personnel to pretend to be people from the Metropolitan Police Department and guard the apartment building in advance, so that the people in the organization would have nowhere to go. This kind of behavior is indeed a bit extreme. He actually thought about it before going undercover. People who can not use public security will not use public security, but now Jingguang's identity has been revealed, and his life will be in danger at any time. many.

"Are you going to see anyone suspicious come down from that apartment?"

"Well... When we came, we happened to see a young man with long black hair walking out of the apartment building. He was tall and had a long package on his back. ordinary people."


It's Ley.

Has he already gone?

Jiang Gu Ling's hand couldn't help clenching tightly, and his nails were hard embedded in the palm of his hand. The other party has already found it, does it mean that Jingguang has...

No, think for the better.

Since Ley came out alone and the gun was well carried on his back, it means that he might not have found Jingguang the first time. Perhaps Jingguang hid in time to escape Rae's manhunt.

Jingguang's phone has been unreachable since the very beginning, and the text messages sent in the past have not been answered. He actually couldn't understand why Jing Guang refused to answer him. It's just that the identity has been exposed. If you contact the Metropolitan Police Department in time, you can still escape. But now Jingguang can't get in touch at all, and he doesn't know what to do.

"Mr. Jianggu, do we need to keep guarding the door? Actually... If we want to arrest a fugitive, we can directly say that we will search every household's house on the grounds of searching for a fugitive." The police officer on the other side of the phone suggested in a low voice.

The reason given by Linggu Ling when he contacted the police was that a fugitive from the organization was hiding in this type of apartment building. Because he knew very well that if he directly told the public security why he wanted to mobilize the public security, the public security police might not be willing to come forward to solve this problem, which should have been solved by the Metropolitan Police Department. The distribution of responsibilities among the various departments has always been the same.

But... hunt down fugitives?

If you use the reason of fire inspection to search every household's house and really arrest Jingguang as a criminal, maybe it will be a good protection. The prison under the police is indeed a very safe place.

"The most important thing is to guard the entrance, and don't let anyone in." Jiang Gu Ling gritted his teeth and continued: "But if the situation allows, you can check the rooms of each household to see if there are any suspicious foreigners. If there is, please notify me as soon as possible."



"Bang, bang, bang!"

The iron security door was slapped and ping-pong. The violent vibration was placed infinitely loud in the dark environment.

The black-haired youth on the bed seemed to be woken up suddenly, and rubbed his eyes sleepily. He lifted the quilt and fumbled into the darkness to put on his shoes.

"Come, come! Please wait a little longer." The young man's voice was a little hoarse, as if he had slept for too long, and he had not drank water, and his throat became a little dry.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The people outside the door seemed to be unable to wait, and the shots were louder and faster.

The young man didn't care to turn on the light, stepped on his slippers, and hurried towards the door. He even accidentally stumbled on something on the way, and he stumbled and exclaimed.

"Hurry up and open the door, we are here to conduct a fire inspection." A rough male voice came from the door.

The black-haired youth finally arrived at his destination in the dark. He first checked the situation outside through the cat's eyes - outside stood two middle-aged men in police uniforms, tall and serious.

These two people are the police who came to search.

They were ordered by their superiors to investigate one by one in this apartment building to find the fugitives lurking in it. Although the exact identity of the fugitive is not known. But with imagination, it can probably be locked, and the fugitive should be a man with vulgar behavior and bad behavior.

The owner of the household in front of him, according to the manual given by the apartment security guard, should be a young man in his early twenties. So they had no hope before the door opened.

It's just... One thing is very strange - it's only seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the doors and windows of this family are closed, and the room looks dark, and judging from the sound in the room just now, the owner of the room should have just climbed out of bed stand up.

Are there still people who go to bed so early these days?

The two police officers looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong.

The old iron security door was finally slowly opened.

It was dark inside.

A young man with short black hair showed his head from behind the half-open security door. His face was pale, with two morbid flushes floating on his cheeks, and he looked a little weak. His whole body was supported on the security door, as if he was about to fall in the next second.

"Cough, cough," the young man just opened his mouth, and before he could even say a word, he first faced the wind and coughed twice. "I'm sorry, I have a cold, what's the matter with you?"

It looks like it's just a sick person. Did he go to bed early because he was not feeling well? Shouldn't be a big deal...

The slightly fatter policeman glanced at the young man in front of him and shook his head at the people around him, implying that the target they were looking for should not be him.

The thinner policeman pouted in distrust.

The young man in front of him is indeed not their target, but there is no way to guarantee whether this young man is hiding the real criminal.

He took the initiative to take a step forward and said, "We are police officers from the Police Department's Search Section 1, and just now, we received a report. The reporter claimed that someone in this apartment had hidden explosives. So now we need to one by one. Check each resident's room, please cooperate with our work."

"Explosives?" There was a hint of doubt in the youth's voice. He took a half step back, fully opened the security door, and turned on the light switch at the entrance. "Please come in, you can check as you like. But, is this true? Are there really explosives in this apartment? Then should we leave quickly?"

"Uh..." The two police officers avoided the young man's eyes with some guilt, and the reason was their nonsense.

They walked into the youth's house one after the other.

This is an apartment that looks a little deserted. The ceiling light in the living room is pure white, and the snow-white light makes the whole room shrouded in a cool and dark tone, and all the furniture looks a bit abrupt and blunt. The interior decoration is mainly black, white and gray, with a pure black leather sofa, a pure white coffee table, and no TV on the empty background wall.

The kitchen next to the living room is very different from the kitchen of a normal person. Not only does there not have the pots and utensils of normal people, but the closet that is supposed to hold the dishes is also empty, and there is a thick layer of dust on the cooking table. Never set foot in this place.

"You... living alone?" The thinner police officer instructed the people around him to search the kitchen, turned his head sideways, and looked up and down the dark-haired youth in front of him with suspicious eyes.

"Well, cough, cough, I've lived here by myself for many years. I've lived here since I was in high school." The black-haired young man glanced at the kitchen after a while, coughing and a little embarrassed "I don't know how to cook, so I usually eat outside."

The thinner police officer nodded thoughtfully.

A college student who lives alone and doesn't cook often. It is very common in modern cities.

The furniture in the living room looks extremely simple, and there seems to be no space for people to hide. In addition to the living room and kitchen, this apartment has three other doors that are not open, one is supposed to be the toilet, and the other two…

"Does your house have two bedrooms?"

"Huh? My house has only one bedroom, and the other is the study room, but there is a sofa bed in the study room, and occasionally a classmate will let him sleep there when he comes to play." Unscrew the bedroom door. "Do you want to search here?"

Are you so proactive?

The thinner policeman frowned in confusion. According to his experience in handling cases for so many years, he always felt that something was not right with this guy in front of him, but the other party opened the bedroom door so openly. Could it be that the place where people hide is not the bedroom?

He turned his head and motioned to his companions who came out of the kitchen to check the youth's bedroom, while he walked to the study with the door closed. "I'll just take a look at the study. You shouldn't mind, right?"

The black-haired youth's expression stiffened, and a trace of panic flashed in his amber eyes.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

He suddenly began to cough, and the violent cough seemed to be scrambling to drill out of his throat. There were two blushes on his face, and the whole person coughed and bent down. The thin back showed a curved arc through the close-fitting black pajamas.

"Hey, are you alright?" The thinner policeman couldn't help frowning, and while comforting softly, he cast his eyes on the closed study door. This young man has such a big reaction, shouldn't there really be someone inside? He stopped the colleague who was going to search the bedroom, "You take care of this child."

He silently put his hand on the gun at his waist, slammed open the door of the study, and immediately pulled out the gun and pointed it at the door.

But only saw a piece of air.

no one?

impossible. The young man's reaction was obviously so great.

The study area is very large, roughly equivalent to the area of ​​other people's master bedrooms. Inside, against the wall, were three bookshelves that reached the ceiling and were filled with books. The entire study was unobstructed, and there was nothing but books.

Along the edge of the wall, he carefully checked the gaps in each bookshelf, trying to find out whether there were any dark passages in the gaps between the books. But every bookshelf are spliced ​​together tightly, and there is no problem with the thickness of the walls. There should be no extra secret passages in this room. Where are people hiding? Could it be that he misunderstood this young man, is the other party really just simply not in good health?

"Mr. Police Officer, have you finished your investigation? I'm feeling a little unwell, and I want to go to bed first." The young man leaned against the door of the study, his face pale and scary, the blush on his cheeks was a little weird, and his amber eyes were a little tired. Closed slightly.

The skinny police officer was a little helpless, and it was impossible for him to stay at home alone all the time. But when the other party reacted so strongly when he was about to enter the study, there must be a problem. His eyes were fixed on the wall on the right side of the study. This wall is connected to the next door, so there is no way to judge the difference in thickness from the surface of the wall. Could it be that there is a secret passage behind it?

"Wait a minute, I'll be leaving right now."

He said this, but secretly pushed down the bookshelf closest to him with force and backhand. Countless books fell from it and piled on the ground.

The surface of the wall behind the bookshelf is very flat, and there is indeed no dark passage. He should have really misunderstood this young man.

"What are you doing!" The young man standing at the door couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but my hands slipped for a while." The police forcefully bent the corners of his mouth, crouching down and helping the young man put the bookshelf up again.

Countless books were piled up in a mess on the ground. He glanced at it at first glance, and all he saw were some scary covers, teeth, nails, fingers, hair... and many covers were pure black, with only a few big gilded characters on them, basically all from XX files Format.

This young man's hobby is a bit strange.

But after all, he was the one who misunderstood him first, and he was more or less guilty. His hands trembled, and he continued to put the books on the shelf as if nothing had happened.

"Have you finished the inspection?" The black-haired young man leaned against the bookshelf and asked with difficulty, "I'm really tired, I can't hold it anymore."

"Have you finished the investigation?" The thinner police officer raised his head and raised his eyebrows at his colleague. He has already checked the living room and study, and the bedroom has just arranged for a colleague to check. Should be fine, right?

The latter nodded hastily.

"That's the end of the investigation. I'm sorry to bother you for so long. If you are not well, do you need us to call an ambulance for you?"

"No, I just want to sleep for a while."

After sending the two police officers away with difficulty, the black-haired youth slowly walked back to the bedroom, let out a long sigh of relief, and said:

"Mr. Zhufu, it's safe now."

There was a creaking sound from the messy bed in the middle of the bedroom. Sweaty Zhu Fu Jingguang drilled out from under the bed board.

This bed in the Xinhaikong bedroom is a very common storage bed. The bed board can be moved away, and there is a lot of space hidden underneath.

Using his unusual expressions and actions, he shifted the focus of the police to the empty study, thus weakening their suspicions about the bedroom and successfully protecting the scene.

To be honest, trying to deceive this group of police is a simple matter.

Just pretend to be sick.