MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 125 118. Invitations and Challenges

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Sylvia felt she could start a new study: Why can't humans hibernate?

When winter comes, it will be even harder for her to force herself to study hard, and everyone's good potions professor has tried and tested it.

"Coco! Get me some coffee! It's urgent! Hurry!" Sylvia rushed into the kitchen, only to see Hermione standing by two uniquely dressed family members In front of the elf, "Hermione?"

"Ciel?" Hermione's eyes widened, "Merlin's beard, is this how you usually order house-elves?"

"No no no...let's talk about this slowly?" Sylvia pressed her temple.

"You can't take this for granted! Searle! You can understand this!" Hermione stared, her tone aggressive, "You've read Muggle history, you know This is slave labor, how can you treat them as servants?"


"Coco doesn't allow you to talk to Miss Sylvia like that!" Coco suddenly appeared with a bang, and he handed a cup of coffee to Sylvia, "Coco hasn't congratulated Sylvia yet. Miss Ya was chosen to be a warrior at Hogwarts." After saying that, she immediately turned around and blocked in front of her.

"Miss Sylvia the Warrior? Are you Miss Sylvia Tonks?" The elf with a teapot warmer on his head suddenly looked over, his tone full of Surprise, "Dobby has heard of you, Miss Tonks."

"Dobby." Sylvia nodded, but was quickly attracted by Hermione's voice again.

"You told me that you agreed with me, but you continued to come here, didn't you?" Hermione looked disappointed, "Searle, you always treat people kindly, why can't you give the house-elves some equality Treat it!"

"How dare you say that Miss Sylvia!" Coco shouted tremblingly, "Miss Sylvia is the kindest miss Coco has ever seen, no one, no one can compare Miss Sylvia is kinder to elves!"

"You said...what..." Hermione was stunned, and Sylvia, who was behind Coco, was also stunned.

"Coco worked at Hogwarts for so many years, only Miss Sylvia always squatted down and talked to Coco." Coco said excitedly, Sylvia couldn't help but nose A sour, "Miss Sylvia is always squatting down and talking to the elf! Or sit down! This makes Coco feel great love!"

"That's not love, Coco." Sylvia corrected, "That's respect."

"I don't know..." Hermione looked at Sylvia, her tone softened a lot, "You've been using a more comfortable way to get along with them, haven't you?"

"I don't think about it that much." Sylvia shook her head, "Hermione, maybe I've read a lot, but I'm still a normal person. I want to be friends with Coco. For friendship, it's like wanting to be friends with you, not for being a friendly ambassador for wizards and elves. This is a legacy of history, and I don't have the ability and energy to change."

"I know...every house-elf is born with servile training, and generations serve a family," Hermione whispered.

"But Winky can't serve Mr. Crouch any more." The elf in a neat little skirt and blouse cried, and on her head she was wearing A matching blue hat with two holes cut to reveal her large ears.

"Winky." Sylvia nodded again suddenly.

"It's pathetic, isn't it?" Hermione gestured to Winky behind her.

"Hermione, I am still willing to join your Elf Welfare Promotion Association. I agree with you, I am willing to support you." Sylvia said patiently, "I also respect you and admire you , because you are doing something that changes the times and changes society.”

"Other elves will be afraid of Miss Sylvia if they hear it." Coco said in a low voice.

"What about you?" Sylvia squatted down so that she could look at Coco's big eyes.

"Coco supports any decision made by Miss Sylvia." Coco laughed heartily, "Miss Sylvia is a warrior at Hogwarts, and the only warrior in Coco's heart."

Has it been decided to take it down? I believe there will be a response."

She pushed the door open and left the kitchen. Dobby stared at Sylvia's back, both eyes glowing: "Hey! Miss Tonks is really cool!"

Great challenge.

Some challenges are self-imposed, while others are smashed.

For example today in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.

"I have a few words for you all." As soon as she said this, Sylvia felt that something was wrong, "The Christmas ball is coming. This is the Triwizard Tournament. A traditional part of the game, and a great opportunity for us to socialize with foreign guests. Well, the dance is only open to fourth graders and up, but you can invite a junior if you like—"

With the low cheers and whispers of many girls, Sylvia felt that her mood fell directly to the bottom.

"Put on your gowns." Professor McGonagall continued. "The ball will be held in the auditorium at eight o'clock on Christmas night and end at twelve midnight."


Sylvia then remembered that she hadn't prepared this at all. I had to write a letter to go back and ask my mother to help me buy a random one.

"But please remember," Professor McGonagall continued, "I would be deeply saddened if a Gryffindor student in any way disgraced the school." At this point, the bell rang. "By the way, Miss Tonks." Professor McGonagall stopped Sylvia, who was about to leave, as if remembering something, "traditionally, the dance is performed by warriors and their partners. I listen to When you hear some rumors, a lot of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons want to invite you."

At this moment, many boys from other colleges looked back at Sylvia. And before everyone could react, she was the first to slip out of the Transfiguration Classroom.


But Sylvia didn't expect that she would meet Krum as soon as she went out, which made her almost scared to death when she saw the eye-catching red robe.

"Krum? Are you looking for me?" Sylvia was stunned and walked to him.

" come with me." Krum's face flushed slightly. At this time, Sylvia knew what was going on, so she followed without hesitation.

But not her other friends.

"My God... Krum?" The girls said almost in unison, while the boys all looked at Fred in tacit understanding.

Of course, Sylvia didn't know what happened behind her.

"What's the matter? You want to invite Hermione?" Sylvia said straight to the point.

"Um...but...well, she you think she'll go with Potter, what should I do?" Krum scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, and they put them together Slow pace.

"I don't think she will go with Harry." Sylvia said firmly, "How is your relationship with her now?"

"Well, that's right. But I always seem stupid. You know she's smart." Krum pursed his lips.

"You don't need a smart head to pursue a girl." Sylvia laughed, "As long as your sincerity and the sense of security you can give her."

"Don't talk nonsense." Krum pulled out a smile, "I've been trying to read more books, who likes a fool?"

"I like idiots." Sylvia wasn't joking, "It's true, especially in front of a girl as smart as Hermione, no matter what you do, you're a slacker. Don't hide your little one. Mind, she can see your enthusiasm."

"Should I invite her directly?" Krum saw Sylvia nodded and laughed as if determined. But the little lions in the distance jumped anxiously when they saw Sylvia nodded.

"And it's not me who said, the prom is a heaven-sent opportunity." Sylvia said, "I don't know how many couples this prom can match."

"Okay. Oh yes." Krum whispered, pulling Sylvia aside before leaving, "There's a guy at our school who's been looking at you for a long time, pay attention to yourself. You Knowing that the students in our school want you to promise something is not a curse thing?"

"Merlin's beard!" Sylvia gritted her teeth and widened her eyes, "Thank you for letting me know, I'll go back to the lounge soon, goodbye!" Running to the common room, her roommates hurried to follow, while the boys followed Krum to confirm the situation.

There are indeed many boys who want to invite Sylvia. Being able to dance with Miss Warrior is also very beautiful.

And this has become Sylvia's greatest disaster.

"Whoever dares to tell me about the ball, don't blame me for abusing private power." Sylvia warned all Gryffindor students. That's how she escaped until the last week before Christmas.

Fred didn't want to invite her, but as soon as he wanted to get close, the girl rushed like a frightened rabbit. In addition to the loss, he had to teach the schadenfreude George, so he had to let the girls explore.

"You are a warrior, you must have a dance partner." Angelina persuaded for many days, almost endlessly, "It broke the hearts of thousands of boys, you Who is the heart for?"

"Speaking of which, did Colin start spreading rumors to improve my status again?" Sylvia rolled her eyes, "Can you worry about yourself first? Where's your dance partner? Miss Johnson? Would you like to come with me? Hey! Didn't you say you couldn't have girls as dance partners?"

"I'm sorry baby." Angelina laughed, "To tell you the truth, I found a dance partner just now, and I took this opportunity to fall in love successfully."

"You! The first person to fall in love is the one with the letter A... The divination board is honest." Sylvia was a little surprised and quickly accepted, "Which one? "

"A Ravenclaw Quidditch batter one year older than me." Angelina said briskly.

"Ravenclaw—yes! Ravenclaw!" Sylvia snorted, "So... where's Patricia?"

"Here." Patricia raised her hand behind the sofa, "I'm with Kenneth. He didn't have a date with his goddess, and neither did I, we are now It's a heartbroken alliance."

"Emily and Robert must have an appointment." Sylvia looked for Arya in the lounge, "Will Arya go with Purse?"

"That coward dare not." Angelina spat, "So Arya and George are together."

"Okay, very good." Sylvia covered the potions textbook in her hand and stood up.

"Are you looking for a dance partner?"

"I'll find some supper to calm down."

But Sylvia didn't expect to meet someone just a few steps out of the door. Especially when this good-looking boy knelt directly in front of her on one knee, she almost fell down the stairs.

"Can I have the honor to invite you to the dance? Miss Tonks?" The Beauxbatons boy showed a good-looking smile, and for a time Sylvia almost thought she had seen an old friend.

"You, you, get up for me first." Sylvia noticed that the students passing by were covering their mouths and whispering. .

"Can you?" He suddenly changed a bunch of roses from his hand and handed it to Sylvia.

"I'm sorry, I... refuse." Sylvia is not very good at saying such heartless words.

"Eh—" The boy just shrugged regretfully and stood up, "I was rejected, I thought I prepared quite romantically."

"It's very romantic, I believe other girls will be moved, this classmate." Sylvia gave him an affirmative answer.

"But I still want to invite Miss Warrior—" The boy drooped his eyebrows, and he looked really pity, so Sylvia looked away.

"I'm already very careful that you can run into me." Sylvia muttered softly.

"Because I used the Tracking Charm." The boy's butterfly-like long eyelashes fluttered, his eyes sparkling.

"You used the Tracking Charm! When did it happen?" Sylvia couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's out of use now. I don't want to cause you trouble, but I always don't have a chance to do this." He just laughed, "I know Okay? I'm Norman Calvin."

"Hello." Sylvia smiled politely, "Aren't you the legendary Beauxbatons school grass?"

"Oh? What do you say?" He obviously seemed to understand, but he still asked with a smile.

"A lot of Hogwarts girls have been fascinated by you, since the first day you sat at the Ravenclaw table." Sylvia smiled, bypassing him and continuing Going forward, "Nice to meet you, Calvin."

"Just call me Norman, Miss Sylvia." Norman smiled and waved, "It's just that I don't know which lady to invite to the ball."

"Ravenclaw has a girl named Luna Lovegood." Sylvia said as she walked towards the kitchen, "No thanks."

But what Sylvia did not expect was that when she returned to the lounge, all her friends were in a low pressure.

"You...what's the matter with...?" Sylvia looked at each of her friends, and quickly noticed that a redhead was missing, "George, where's Fred?"

"Professor McGonagall's office." George clicked.

"What are you doing? Lock down or copy sentences? It's not easy for him to be caught." Sylvia asked and sat down beside George.

"Fred beat someone." Robert gave the answer succinctly.

"What do you mean?" Sylvia looked sharply at George, "Who did you fight? Why? Talk! George Weasley!"

"If I hadn't pulled George, both of them would have been at Professor McGonagall's place." Robert sighed, "Don't look at me, it would be nice if I could pull one of them. "

"Who the **** did you fight with?" Sylvia still looked at George, although he just pursed his lips in exasperation.

"The student who hit Durmstrang." Angelina came in from outside the lounge, "The guy in the medical wing is now clamoring for Hogwarts to fire Fred Woolen cloth."

"Joke!" George finally said, "Are we afraid of being fired?"

"Shut up!" Sylvia glared at George, "fire what fire? Is the other purpose of the Strong Tournament very straightforward to strengthen international friendship? Professor McGonagall values ​​these the most! You have embarrassed her, can she let you go?"

"Who told the damned guy to say those nonsense?" George shouted unconvinced, "I'll beat him to the teeth if I see him again!"

"You said it!" Sylvia frowned tightly.

"There's a Durmstrang guy who's always been interested in you." Li hurriedly explained, "Leonie said that guy wasn't a good thing, I just found her, I hope I can Explain it to Karkaroff."

"So what? Fred beat him?" Sylvia looked at George again.

"We ran into that guy and his sidekicks on the way back to the lounge." George tutted again, "We heard him say some nasty and lewd things...I don't Will tell you what he said! You think I'm so angry when I hear it, let alone Fred?"

"I heard it too." Robert whispered, "His friend asked him what's so good about you being so small? He said he liked you when you were looked like him when you were small. . . . he said that until the day of the dance, he will give it to you . . . "

"Shut up! Glasses! No one wants to listen to your nonsense!" George raised his fist violently, and finally just hit his thigh hard.

"I'm going to find Professor McGonagall." Sylvia got up and ran out of the common room. Just now, her brain went blank for a second, and after recovering, she ran to Professor McGonagall's office non-stop.

"Hey! Syr." Leonie came up to her, "I happened to be looking for you, you don't know how badly that idiot was beaten - eh! Slow down!" She didn't expect herself The girl in front of her grabbed her wrist and ran forward quickly.

"Leonie, help me, Fred, can't, drop out, can't drop out!" Sylvia panted, "I beg you, I beg you help me."

"I'm here to help you." Leoni quickly followed Sylvia's pace and came all the way to Professor McGonagall's office. She looked at the girl in front of her and knocked on the door anxiously, revealing a shallow smile.

"Miss Tonks?" Professor McGonagall didn't seem to expect her to come when she opened the door. Fred didn't even think that he looked back at his girl, and his mood became more complicated for a while.

"He hit people because of me." Sylvia said bluntly, "Professor, you can't punish him." She found that Fred's face hardly had any scars, look Come on he has the upper hand.

"Whether it can be punished and how it will be punished is not up to you, Miss Tonks." Professor McGonagall returned to her desk and sat down, with something written in her hand, " More than once, as prefect, you have shielded two Mr. Weasleys."

"Professor McGonagall." Leoni stepped forward and gave a smile, "I talked to Principal Karkaroff, he will not trouble your school." In her tone The meaning is full that that idiot is not worth Karkaroff's trouble.

"It's great that Principal Karkaroff is willing to forgive us for such rude behavior." Professor McGonagall smiled kindly as he faced the Durmstrang girl. But she couldn't hold the smile on her face when she heard Leonie tell the whole story in full.

"He really said that? Merlin's beard! How dare he?" Professor McGonagall covered her mouth in surprise, and looked at Sylvia who was indifferent Looking at Fred, who looked disgusted, "Mr. Weasley, why didn't you tell me the truth? Why did you keep saying that you did it because you didn't like him?"

"Because I'm just upset about him!" Fred shouted, but he noticed Sylvia was watching her, and his temper was a little restrained, "How can I say that? Maybe it's okay to say it again?"

"You..." Professor McGonagall was speechless for a moment, "you go back first. Mr. Weasley, I won't be writing to your mother anymore."

"You can write." Fred shrugged nonchalantly, "My mother wouldn't think I did anything wrong." But Sylvia gave him a look, and he obeyed walked out of the office.

"I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall, for the trouble." Sylvia bowed before leaving the office with Leoni.

Leonie patted Sylvia on the shoulder, said "go" and left in the opposite direction.

"Leonie! Thank you!" Sylvia still expressed her gratitude. Leoni didn't look back, just waved her hand slyly.

"Thank you too, Fred." Sylvia said and turned to face Fred who was leaning to the side waiting for her.

"I said, don't say I want to take advantage of you, I will beat him even if he thinks he shouldn't." Fred said, slowing down and Sylvie Ya walked forward together, "I didn't want you to hear that."

"You are so shrewd, don't you justify your mistakes again and again?" Fred snorted, "But you are all for your friends, so why not me? Not to mention this is for you? what is the relationship?"

Fred's eyes dodged, he didn't dare to look at Sylvia. How long has it been since he expressed his feelings for her so straightforwardly? He almost forgot this feeling.

I know I've said all the worst things at the time, I know it won't do anything but hurt both of us at the same time.

But I asked myself, if I did it again, would I still lose control of my emotions?


Sorry Bunny, Fred is not a good-natured guy.

But I heard from George that you were crying and your eyes were swollen. I regretted it then. It would be better if I could cry. Because if I cry, you will hug me. And you cry, but I don't even dare to see you.

I'm an asshole. I can't be calm, I can't be rational, I can't do many things, I'm not the one you say is omnipotent.

"Fred, would you like to be my dance partner?"

Merlin pressed the pause button again. Sylvia put her hands in her pockets and clenched her fists tightly. She was inexplicably nervous, and she knew that Fred would definitely not reject her.

"My pleasure."

It's the best answer he can give.

Those surprises, those lost and found, those excitements, were completely insignificant in the face of the demeanor that his girls should have maintained when inviting him in person.

He will respond formally, like an engagement vow.

"Maybe I should have said it sooner." Sylvia made the atmosphere lively again, "There will be no such things."

"You've been avoiding me these days, I thought you didn't want me to invite you." Fred said in a low voice, somewhat aggrieved, "but I heard that you took all the invitations to you. Everyone refused, I think you may not want to lose face to my old friend."

"Of course I reject everyone because..." Sylvia stopped talking, she let out a long sigh of relief as she prepared herself.

"Because of what?"

"Because I can't dance."

"...Pfft." Fred couldn't help laughing, "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you."

"I knew you would laugh at me." Sylvia glanced at him complainingly, "I don't understand, how can you all dance... This is not a compulsory course Class...are you finished laughing?"

"I'm sorry, I don't laugh anymore." Fred couldn't stop his smile, let alone the joy from his heart. Whether it's because the reasons are too unexpected and too cute, or because his girl isn't in love with anyone else, it's enough to keep him happy for a long time.

"You're still smiling! Fred Weasley!"

"Stop laughing, really don't laugh."

The author has something to say:

Look, don't worry at all, I will still go to the dance with Fred hahahaha

Searle likes idiots, I like idiots too, to be honest I like idiots too much (I know you can get what I'm talking about

Angelina's love, in fact, has a little foreshadowing in front of it. When Searle went to the Ravenclaw lounge to look for classmate Xiao Huo at the end of the last school year, a boy knew who she was at once hahahaha. I didn't spend more time on Angelina's love, because the space is really limited!

Unlock a new character, Norman Calvin! If it's hard to imagine a boy who is better-looking than Hoddle, then look at the skin, Burn Anderson! Find out about the world's most beautiful teenager!

This chapter is very long, I won't say much, I look forward to the comment area!

By the way, you can look forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival gift package I prepared! More than just add more! (I'll just say that, don't expect too much haha!

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Susu; 10 bottles of gloria; cheesecake with milkshake, 5 bottles of a fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!