MTL - Humans Are Falling Apart, Just In the Moon, Science God-Chapter 224

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And this [Misawa Juku Gakuen City Branch] is not only a "remedial school for further studies", but also for ordinary high school students who have not yet become repeaters, that is, they are still in school.

Academy City can be said to be a huge educational institution with hundreds of schools, large and small. There are many research institutions because the content of the lectures includes supernormal content that sounds unscientific, but there are more tutoring institutions like [Misawa Juku Gakuen City Campus]. After all, as long as students cannot escape the exam, there will never be a shortage of candidates who fail the exam.

"...The education in Academy City is really good."

It is also from the scientific side. Although the scientific side of the Magic Forbidden World is not pure enough, this does not prevent Mei from lamenting the education of the students here.

After all, the junior high school students of the Magic Forbidden World Academy City are going to learn quantum physics, can you believe it?

However, having said that, looking at Misawa Juku not far away, Mei and Sajo Aika also returned to the previous topic for some reason.



Up to now, although the purpose of returning to the first world of the forbidden world has been achieved, Mei is not in a hurry to leave.

To put it simply, Mei doesn't know what kind of psychology Mei is on the side of Miracle Witch, but Mei's side, although she was forced at first, but soon Mei no longer resents the current communication with the Bible's divine version of Shatiao Aige.

After all, the other party's knowledge is indeed broad, and Mei has indeed learned a lot and inspired a lot from the conversation with the other party.

Just like what the two of them are talking about now.

"...Speaking of which, if it is a colleague, then San Zeshu is obviously a copy that must be played in the early stage."

Here, the first person to speak is still the God-version of the Bible's Shatiao Love Song.

However, what Shajo Aige said is also true. At the beginning, the fans of the magic ban were also hot, although later they became the tears of the times like Gensokyo.

But at that time, the early stage of the plot of Sansawa School did have a high appearance rate in the magic ban.

On the other hand, Mei is noncommittal about Sha Tiao Aige's words, because Mei herself is not sure whether there are those worlds of forbidden fans in countless magical universes.

[However, the traversers, most of the traversers among the fellows, I can create them myself. 】

But in her heart, Mei also has her own set of views.

Then, the plot continues, but it is said that the building exudes a hidden magic,

After passing through the glass automatic door, Mei and Sajo Aika walked into the lobby on the first floor of Misawa Juku.

The hall is very wide, about three stories high, perhaps to capture more daylight. The design outside the hall uses a lot of glass. There are four elevators in the depths of the hall, and there are stairs at a short distance next to the elevators. The layout of the entire hall is very luxurious. It has to be said that in terms of the goal of tutoring students, this place is too extravagant.

And as mentioned before, it's almost evening, and the conversations of the students coming and going in the hall are mostly about dinner.

For Mei and Sajo Love Song who walked in. The pedestrians who came and went didn't care, turning a blind eye, as if the two didn't exist at all.

May is not surprised by this.

Because, as early as the moment she entered the hall, Mei had already noticed the abnormality in the hall space.

However, seeing Sajo Aika who was gradually walking away, Mei also turned around and walked towards the stairs.

And in the corner between two of the elevators, a humanoid robot-like thing rests there. The shape is a full-body armor similar to the Western style. The lines are very streamlined and modern, and the material is metal that reflects silver light. It has a functional beauty that seems to be only after precise calculation. Obviously, this is not a simple work of art.

But unfortunately, the hands and feet of this "artwork" are severely twisted and deformed, as if they were being held by some strong force and twisted in the direction of a spiral. From the broken joints, thick black oil stains like coal tar flowed out... The word "Parsifa" was engraved on the robot's right wrist, and a giant bow with a total length of 80 cm fell on the ground nearby.

Mei, who has read the script, knows what it is. Speaking of which, the Knights were originally a trick that the English Puritans were good at, but the Roman Orthodox Church had to create a copy of the Thirteen Knights, but now it has been completely wiped out.



However, the word is coming back, not to mention the Thirteen Knights, even the Roman Orthodox Church led by the fire on the right side can be ignored in Mei's eyes.

After all, in a sense, the protagonist of the traverser who Mei said that he could create the forbidden fandom was actually still modest. In fact, if it was purely the Old Testament part, it would not be counted as some magic forbidden fandom universes in the New Testament and the innovation part. Mei can even rub it directly with her hands.

"...I don't know why, the topic is about the devil again."

Unconsciously, Mei and Sajo Aige once again talked about the demon gods in the forbidden world.

Speaking of which, I don't know when it started, and some of the fans of the magic ban began to belittle the devil.

Obviously there has been a linkage, but those demon bans still insist on the kind of power that is possessed by the special demon gods in the world.

"...Ah, I've heard a similar statement."

Here, Shajo Aige also nodded in agreement with Mei's opinion.

Having said that, Shatiao Aige even heard that some early demon-forbidden colleagues regarded the power of the demon **** and the golden evolution technique as one kind of thing.

Of course, it's not that the Golden Evolution Technique is not strong.

In fact, in the world view of the forbidden world, in the world of alchemy, the "Golden Evolution Technique" is undoubtedly the most popular. The most known alchemist, and it is believed that magic can never be performed by humans.

The Magical Forbidden Universe, "Golden Evolution", also known as "Golden Refinement", is a magic that "changes reality according to one's own thoughts".

Moreover, there are no hard indicators for the skills required to perform the Golden Evolution Technique. As long as the mantra can be recited, the magic can be successfully performed. Originally, such powerful magic should be prohibited from spreading on a large scale, but no one in the magic world has ever done so. Even if the incantation of the Golden Day Evolution is known to a magician, no one has ever cared about it.


The incantation of Nima's Golden Day Evolution is too long!

The Golden Evolving Technique is considered to be a magic that cannot be performed by humans. This is because its lengthy incantations will take one or two hundred years to complete even if one does not eat, drink, or sing sleeplessly.

What is even more speechless is that the incantation itself does not have any elements that can be shortened, and it is impossible to sing it from generation to generation in a divided manner, because just like a game of passing words, the incantation will be gradually distorted. Therefore, it is impossible for humans with limited lifespan to use that kind of magic. In fact, even if the lifespan is infinite, it is estimated that there will be no one who is free to recite the incantation for one or two hundred years.

However, the understanding that "human beings can't use the golden evolution technique" was broken by Aurenus in an alternative way in the original book. With the help of the particularity of the magic of "Pseudo-Goligo Hymn", he manipulated more than 2,000 Students recite mantras. He just increased the speed of chanting by more than 2,000 times, and then through the mutual effect of the incantations, the speed was increased by another 120 times. It only took half a day to complete the golden evolution technique. .

I have to admit that although this is a clever trick, it is indeed a genius approach, but some colleagues actually blow this kind of thing to be equal to the power of the devil, which is too much to look at the golden evolution technique.

"...It's not because of the phase that the devil is strong, but the devil created the phase, and some people have reversed the order inside."

As for Mei's summary, it even revealed the shallow nature of some of the forbidden fans.

However, this is the case with some Mojian fans. While some people write Mojian and use the worldview of Mojian, they frantically depreciate the original work. In essence, they seem to be putting down their chopsticks and scolding their mother. This seems to be no excuse.

Thinking about it carefully, the problem may be that the power of the old covenant is soaring too fast compared to the new covenant?

But in the same way, the magical girl Madoka's worldview later soared faster than the universe. Under a similar experience, there was not so much controversy, which was even more interesting.

——So, what is the reason that caused countless doujin cosmic demon gods to be cut?



last stand

If the leave application is not used up, I always feel that there is no motivation for the update, but after this time, the leave application is almost used, and the next is the last battle. I hope the full attendance can go smoothly this month. ……………… Water word count……………… Dividing line



Chapter 339 The End of Mei and Love Song 4k

As we all know, one generation of gods, one generation of gods, and one generation of gods.

As I said before, it seems that I don't know when it started, this has become the consensus of the magic ban.

"...Because the forbidden world is really not very friendly to outsiders."

Of course, Sajo Aige seems to see the essence of this through appearance.

"Yeah, that might be the case!"

In this regard, May is also noncommittal.

However, to be honest, it is true that the Magic Forbidden Tome is unfriendly to existences like transmigrators.

Even more than unfriendly, this place is simply a **** for novice traversers. Perhaps only a world like the Lord of Mysteries can surpass the unfriendliness of the forbidden world for traversers.

After all, in a ghostly place like the Lord of Mysteries, familiarity with the plot will not only not be your reliance, but will in turn become your reminder, believe it or not!

Of course, the magic forbidden universe is not much better if you think about it carefully. Not to mention the place where the plot takes place, it has been forced to the monitor by an old man who hangs upside down. Generally, as long as the traversers feel involved in the plot, the result of the trial is pass away.

In addition, at a higher level of the magic ban, there are also a group of bigwigs who are about to be maddened by the magic ban universe and can destroy the universe.

——So, it is normal for the Demon God to be cut, otherwise it would be difficult to write a basic fan.

However, the science **** Mei and the Bible **** Shatiao Aige are naturally not ordinary traversers, so they will not be afraid of the deep magic and forbidden world.

In fact, at this time, the two can be said to be discussing the plot of the original magic forbidden without any scruples.

"... Oreos, this person's life is basically a tragedy."

No, the two of them unknowingly talked about the life experience of the mastermind behind the copy, Misawa Juku.

To put it simply, Oreos Isard, a descendant of the great alchemist Paracelsus, can be regarded as a well-known aristocrat in the magical world. This genius, who has been exceptionally intelligent since childhood, became a genius in his youth. The secret recorder of the Roman Orthodox Church, the largest sect on the magic side, the Cross branch, is responsible for speculating and writing magic books and cracking witch magic.

The position of Secret Recorder and the Church of Necessary Evil are also a special case of the Holy See armed forces. They have great power in their respective sects. It is even more rare to be a powerful character who can call the wind and call the rain. It is the young and successful Aureos Isard did not lose his conscience in power and status, but that led to the reversal of his fortunes.

Three years ago, Oreos Isard, who was only fifteen years old, was dissatisfied with the Roman Orthodox Church's use of the Magic Book as a weight, so he forced those threatened by the witch to believe in the Roman Orthodox Church. The pure and rough dreams of the world have embarked on a life journey of their own beliefs.

It was also in the British ferry that year, the rich and handsome Aureos encountered an important turning point in his glorious life and met Index, who was about ten years old and was as kind as a pure lamb. The fate of master and apprentice was forged under the trend of coincidence of fate.

According to the plot, Index at that time had become the carrier of the Magic Library of the Anglican Church.

And the English Puritanism, which is also the three major branches of the Crusaders, could not be unaware of Oreos' identity as the secret secretary. Such an encounter and the so-called fate of master and apprentice are obviously the largest bishop who seems to be natural. Just plan and arrange things. "…,

As for the purpose of the English Puritanism, it was nothing more than to allow Index to draw the magic book from Aureos and further strengthen the collection of the magic book tube.

"...That big devil is indeed very accurate about human nature."

Here, it's naturally Mei who speaks. To be honest, although she also has the side of a demon scientist, and even experimented with some Honkai parallel universes, Mei really didn't like Laura Tuart's behavior.

In May's view, Laura Tuart may have grasped Aureios from the very beginning, the seemingly beautiful and actually partial temperament, and used Index's amnesia early on to comprehend the genius of this genius. The foreshadowing of obliteration was buried, in order to attack the Roman Orthodox Church, which is also a branch of the Cross.

As for the follow-up events in the original plot, Oreos was indeed unable to accept all the detailed methods when Index had to be wiped out of his memory, but he was unable to save the frustration of the innocent girl's nightmare, so the The resolute extremeness of the genius's character dragged Oreos, who had written countless magic books, into the abyss of hysteria, and in order to find a way to save Index, Oreos finally returned. Complete betrayal of the Roman Orthodox Church.

After that, after betraying the powerful force of the Roman Orthodox Church, Oreos completely disappeared from the sight of the magic side, and he lurked for a long period of three years, knowing that he was only eighteen years old. , paid a huge price of one-sixth of the years, one can imagine what this poor child has paid!

It is a pity that Aureos, who was transformed from a rich and handsome man to an assiduous study of alchemy and a technical houseman, did not end well.

Speaking of which, for some reason, after telling the life experience of the forbidden Oreos, Mei inexplicably thought of Kenneth in the fourth battle of the Moon World.

The same noble family.

The same teenage genius.

Well, also, the same is green.

To put it bluntly, the lives of these two are quite dramatic, and the highlight is the ups and downs...



At this moment, the camera turned.

The former principal's office of Misawa Juku Gakuen City Branch has a space that is so huge that it feels exaggerated. The decoration of the whole room feels extremely gorgeous, but it gives people a sense of tasteless depth, like a nouveau riche-like self-expansion, full of self-distorted desire.

The home furnishings in the room are extremely well-organized. The owner of the vaguely foreshadowed room is very understanding, but in the old and decaying craftsman's breath,

Except for the rigidity, there is no trace of spirituality, and it is purely for the purpose of conditioning. Almost at first, it exudes a feeling of depression, and then involuntarily feels disgusted in the heart.

Looking at Stiyl and Kamijou Touma who approached the room from the door, Oreos, who was the master, seemed very calm without any surprise. His expression was as if everything should have happened, causing him to stand beside him dressed in red. Jishen Qiusha in the white witch costume showed a surprised expression involuntarily.

As for Index, she was wearing a white nun's robe at the moment, lying flat between the goddess Qiusha and Oreos, on a heavy wooden table large enough to be used as a single bed. The silver-haired girl's sleeping face was full of calm and peacefulness. She was completely unaware of the arrival of Stiyl and Kamijou, and was still breathing evenly as she wandered in the dream.

Kamijou Touma, who saw that Index was sleeping soundly, finally let go of the last trace of worry in his heart. The atmosphere in the whole room is extremely empty, like an old photo with a yellowed posture after too many long hours of baptism, and the feeling is entirely due to Ole, who is standing with positive and negative hands. os.

"Look at your eyes! You should have sensed my purpose!" On the other side, Aureos quietly stared at Stier, and the alchemist's tone was full of aloof indifference. "That's the case! Why are you stopping me! Your rune magic! Didn't it exist to save Index!?"

The atmosphere full of nothingness in the surrounding space is the best portrayal of Oreos' mood at the moment. He is in the sanctuary wearing the golden evolution technique. He can create everything with his own thoughts, but it is too simple. As far as what he can get, it does not have any meaning for humans. At this moment, he has this kind of powerhouse idea.

Kamijou Touma didn't care about Aureos' words at all, and the girl staring at the silver-haired girl had a firm look, and she couldn't help but want to rush forward and bring Index back. Stiyl, who noticed Kamijou's movement, stretched out his hand to block his path ahead of time, and then a conversation that the alchemist could not perceive started between the minds of the magician and the boy.

At the same time, he didn't care about the conversation going on in the room at all. Standing not far from the door of the principal's room, two figures appeared.

Needless to say, these two were Mei and Sajo Aika, but neither the boy Kamijou and the others nor the alchemist Oreos seemed to notice them.



The plot continues. After defeating Kamijou Touma and Stiyl, Aureos first told Stiyl his plan to save Index in a tone full of the victorious vibe... and that was mixed with memories. In his narrative, resentment floats, and more of it is a complaint of his own powerlessness. In the end, Aureos' critical jaw stopped. What did he think of at that moment?

But nothing was worth anything. Although he fell to the ground, Stiyl, who was angry with Oreos, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out the jet-black venom.

Steele's performance at the moment is like a vicious fire snake, full of cruelty that tramples on the enemy's will.

As expected, Aureos, who learned the truth, collapsed almost instantly, and a frantic laughter came from the principal's room, spreading into the distance through the usual corridor. The alchemist's laughter was full of confusion, it was a frantic cry that was severely shaken.

"It's really sad."

And seeing this scene, even Mei didn't know what to say.