MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 504 block x meteor street

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With a loud bang, the hundreds of tons of golden giants were placed directly on the ground inside the Night Raven aircraft, and twelve Albert team members also flew into the cabin.

After a while, the submersible returned to the cabin and the hatch closed.

The propeller spewed white flame waves, setting off waves on the lake surface, rising to a height of several hundred meters, and flying towards the direction of Meteor Street.




An hour ago, Meteor Street.

Today, as usual, the sun is high and the sun is shining.

The periphery of Meteor Street is full of stench-smelling garbage, and thick smoke billows from the garbage mountain.


From time to time, trucks drive to the garbage mountain on the periphery of Meteor Street, and when the carriage is lifted, several tons of garbage roll down to the ground with a "crashing".

In an instant, a dizzying stench erupted.

There are a large number of Meteor Street residents in the garbage mountain who make a living by picking up garbage. When someone nearby saw a truck coming to take out the garbage, they sneaked around it.

When the truck finished dumping the garbage and left, it rushed up in a swarm.

"Haha, I found an electric fan."

A man pulled out an old electric fan from the garbage heap. He reached in with his fingers and touched the fan, and found that it could still move, with a happy smile on his face.

"Don't rob, you go over there."

Two boys with dark bodies and messy hair were running against each other.

They are all low-level residents of Meteor Street. They pick up garbage all day long. They can take the garbage they pick up and sell it in the garbage recycling shop on the outer street.

You can also directly use the picked up garbage to exchange with people for the resources necessary for survival, water and food.

They don't have any protective measures, most of them are young people.

"Hey, you guys!"

Just as these young people were rummaging through the **** heap, a group of people in white protective suits came over. They had guns and professional tools in their hands.

"Go away!"

The man in the lead shouted angrily, and the young people shivered in fright, and immediately ran away with the **** they picked up in their hands.

Looking at the things these people were holding in their hands, the people in white protective suits didn't tell them to put it down, but went forward to sort out the garbage after they all left.

They are specialized garbage disposal personnel in Meteor Street. They sort, recycle, incinerate, and bury the garbage that comes in from outside.

Try to recycle these garbage resources as much as possible.

After all, the garbage from all over the world is thrown here, which is also a huge profit.


"Why can't we pick it up?"

After running into the distance, a teenager turned his head to look at the protective suits who were sorting garbage in the garbage heap, gritted his teeth and refused to accept it.

"They are from the House of Elders, we can only pick up what's left of them." A boy next to him squatted on the ground, carefully scrutinized the pile of junk he just found, and said happily, "Today's goal is accomplished."

The two were exactly the teenagers who had run against each other just now, one with short hair and the other with long hair.

"We don't pick up trash anymore!"

The short-haired boy suddenly said, with a firm expression on his face.

"Don't pick up trash? What else can I do?"

The long-haired boy who was squatting on the ground looked up at him and asked in confusion.

"We..." The short-haired boy lowered his head, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. After a while, he said solemnly, "Let's go to the inner street. I heard that the church recruits many children every year."

"Hey, I heard that most of the people who were recruited died, do you still want to go?" The long-haired boy raised his head, looked at him in surprise, and said, "You go, I don't go, I don't want to die. "

"How do you know they are dead?" The short-haired boy looked down at him, "I heard that many people have been introduced by the church to gangsters or some big families as bodyguards, and some are mercenaries."

"It will die. Maybe it will die before I have the chance."

the long-haired boy said.

"No matter what, it's better than picking up garbage for a lifetime in the garbage mountain."

The short-haired boy clenched his fists, threw the trash, turned and walked towards the residential area of ​​Meteor Street.

"We are still young, they will want it."

The long-haired boy looked at his back, and the young but firm words of the boy drifted into the long-haired boy's ears.


The long-haired boy immediately got up and chased after his trash and the short-haired boy's trash.

"Wait for me, don't you want trash?"

"That kind of thing, you can't use it when you enter the church."

"Then I'll hold it for you."

The two boys walked side by side, crossing mountains of garbage after another, to the outer street of Meteor Street, and walked towards the most prosperous and beautiful place, the church.

Meteor Street has a population of nearly 10 million, and the residential area has expanded to a large city, divided into inner and outer streets.

It stands to reason that Meteor Street has existed for hundreds of years, and there are garbage resources dumped by countries all over the world.

Most of the current Meteor Street residential areas still live in wooden houses, earth houses, and large sheds, and they don't even have basic building facilities.

Only the situation in the inner street is much better. The people living in the inner street are all members of the Meteor Street Elder Council, and most of them are the subordinates of the elders.

The farther the Meteor Street is, the worse the living environment.

On the contrary, the further inward, the better the living environment, the cleaner the streets, the more tidy and beautiful the houses, and the better the infrastructure.

The reason why Meteor Street cannot develop is because of the Council of Elders.

The management organization of Meteor Street is the Council of Elders. When it comes to city managers, I am afraid that people will think of the city government and think that the Council of Elders is such a management organization.

But in fact, the nature of the Council of Elders is that of a gangster.

Rather than saying that they are a management organization, it is better to say that they are an alliance of gangsters, similar to a gangster organization like the Ten Old Men.

The elders of the Council of Elders control all the resources of Meteor Street, and they allocate resources according to their respective strengths.

That is to say, the resources of Meteor Street are not used for the future development of Meteor Street, but are used by the elders to develop their own power to consolidate their dominance.

This can be seen by comparing the living environment and quality level of the elders with the living environment and quality level of the residents of Meteor Street.

Not to mention that Meteor Street is a lawless place full of crimes, murders and other bad events.

It can be seen that the council of elders in Meteor Street does not play any managerial role at all.

Therefore, Ilu Mi decided to rectify the Meteor Street and use the resources here for his own use.


After crossing the streets, the two teenagers finally came to the only church on the outer street.


The two teenagers looked at the magnificent and beautiful cathedral in front of them and swallowed nervously. They had never entered such a luxurious place since they were sensible.

"go in."

The two teenagers gathered up their courage and took a step.


As soon as he took a step, there was a strange humming sound above his head, and it was accompanied by a gust of wind.


The strong wind swept the streets, and all kinds of garbage and dust flew up. In order to prevent the sand and dust from flying into their eyes, most people raised their arms to protect their faces.

After a while, the wind gradually weakened until it disappeared.

People put down their arms and opened their eyes, only to find that the street was shady. Could it be that the dark clouds blocked the sun and it was going to rain?

Some residents are happy, because in this way they can save money for buying water.

"Then... what is that!?"

Suddenly, the garbage in the hand of a man on the street fell to the ground with a bang. He looked up at the top of his head, his mouth was open, and his expression was shocked.

Everyone looked up and saw a large black bird suspended in the sky above their heads that almost covered the entire street. It was falling vertically, and it was about to fall, smashing the street and people into pieces.


With a deafening loud noise, the propeller of the Night Crow's aircraft ejected a large number of white flames downward, and stopped at a height of twenty meters above the street.


The propeller spewed white flames, and the Night Crow hovered over the street.


The bottom hatch of the aircraft opened, and burly figures jumped out of the hatch and landed on the street with a bang.

"This is Meteor Street?"

A man in a black windbreaker appeared at the hatch, casually surveyed the street outside the aircraft, and jumped down, with a soft "da" sound, and stood on the ground.

This man in a black trench coat was exactly Grid, who had flown from the island country under Illumi's instructions.

"All listen to the order and block this area."

"Yes, sir!"

With an order from Grid, the hundreds of soldiers of the auxiliary defense force behind him spread out in two directions, and UU Kanshu ran towards the ends of the street.

In this operation, thousands of soldiers of the auxiliary defense force were called from the island country, the Aztecs, and the headquarters, respectively, to surround Meteor Street from three directions, and completely destroy it. blockade.

Don't let anyone out, and don't let anyone in.

"Boom bang bang..."

Hundreds of soldiers rushed through the streets, making heavy footsteps.

"This... Who are these people? What are they going to do?"

The residents of Meteor Street retreated to both sides of the street, with their backs to the houses, watching these mysterious soldiers run by on their streets with uneasy expressions.

The equipment on these people looks very heavy, especially the Gauss rifle, which looks almost as long as a person, but they move as fast as the wind.

Hundreds of troops flickered in front of them, and when they came back to their senses, they had already run away, which made them feel a little incredible.

"Sir, what shall we do next?"

Shang En took a step forward and asked Grid.

Grid did not send all of his subordinates out, but a troop was left at the scene.

"How to do it..." Grid wiped his hair, glanced at the residents of Meteor Street on both sides of the street, and grinned: "Go and tell those people, all gather in the square outside the church."

"Otherwise, I will sleep under the tiles tonight."

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