MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 505 Meteor Street x Countermeasures

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Shang En nodded.

Immediately, the hundreds of soldiers who were left behind to assist in defense were dispatched, one by one, to the various households on both sides of the street.

Shang En looked at the subordinates who kicked open the doors on both sides of the street, glanced around, and saw two teenagers standing at the door of the church, staring at them in a daze.

"You two, immediately go to the square and gather!"

Shang En walked over with a team and said solemnly when he passed the two teenagers.

Shang En is burly, wearing a triangular mechanical helmet, holding a huge rifle taller than them in his arms, and his voice is also an electronic voice through a voice changer. When he speaks, the red light in his eyes flashes, which is extremely oppressive.

The two teenagers didn't dare to answer, they ran to the square outside the church with their rags in their arms, but they just took two steps, and when they looked back, they found that the thirteen mysterious people were slowly stepping into the door of the church.

In the church hall, many residents of Meteor Street are praying with their eyes closed.

These people wear relatively clean clothes. They are all people who work in Meteor Street, so they come to worship and pray in their spare time.

A white-haired priest with glasses was standing in front of the podium. On the podium was a scripture book. The priest was looking down and reciting excerpts from the scripture book.


Suddenly, a beam of laser swept past the priest's head, burning a white wisp of fever on the top of his head.


The priest was immediately taken aback, screamed out, covered his head and looked at the gate, where thirteen burly defense soldiers were walking in from outside the gate.

The residents of Meteor Street who were praying heard the priest's exclamation and opened their eyes one after another.

"Everyone, gather at the square outside the door immediately!" Shang En stepped into the depths of the hall, threatening as he walked, "Those who are disobedient will leave their bodies here."

The residents of Meteor Street looked at them with bewildered eyes, not sure what the situation was now.


Another laser shot out, leaving charred holes in the thick walls of the church.

"Quick, quick, everyone, get out!"

The priest was the first to come back to his senses and figured out the current situation. He covered his head and ran off the podium, timidly bypassing the defending soldiers and running out of the gate.

When the believers saw that the priest had run away, they suddenly got up in a panic, and ran to the church door with their mouths shut.

When Grid and others gradually blocked the periphery of Meteor Street, the members of the Meteor Street Council of Elders also discovered the aircraft and a large number of soldiers that suddenly appeared on the periphery of the residential area of ​​Meteor Street.

At this time, the House of Elders.

In an empty office with a large number of angel portraits hanging on the walls, three men in black are reporting the surrounding situation to an old man in white robes.

"Elder Batu, the troops from outside are blocking us from Meteor Street."

"They also have three never-before-seen aircraft parked over Meteor Street."

A man in black in the middle reported to the white-robed old man who was sitting on an office chair.

This old man in white robe was the one who served Cain, the most powerful elder in Meteor Street, Batu.

"Is there an army blocking Meteor Street? And an aircraft that has never been seen before?"

When Elder Batu heard his subordinate's report, he frowned and stood up. He walked over to the window and pulled the curtains that blocked the sunlight with a bang.

Sure enough, I saw a large black aircraft hovering in the air above the residential area outside Meteor Street.

"Did anyone go to contact the other party? Or did the other party send someone to contact us?"

At the same time as he spoke, Batu turned his eyes and found that there was a plane hovering in the air on the other side.

"No, everyone is waiting for your instructions, Elder."

The man in black replied, they dare not act on this matter without authorization.

"Send someone to contact them." Batu turned to face them, and said, "Although I don't know who or what power they are, they must have a reason for doing this."

"First find out their purpose, and then see if they can negotiate."

"It really doesn't work, and Meteor Street isn't something anyone can handle."

"Yes, Elder Batu!"

The three men in black bowed slightly, turned around, walked out the door, and left the office.

"Jingle Bell……"

As soon as the three subordinates left the office, the phone on the desk rang.

Elder Batu returned to his desk, reached out and picked up the receiver, and connected the phone.

"Meteor Street, Council of Elders, Elder Batu."

Before Batu spoke, a man's voice came from the phone and read out his name and identity.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?"

Batu asked, he knew that the people who called and said this at this time were mostly those inside the unidentified aircraft outside.

"For special reasons, we intend to take over Meteor Street."

"Now, immediately order your people to lay down their weapons and surrender voluntarily."

The voice on the phone was thick and low, and it could be heard that it was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"If you don't even give a reason, you will occupy Meteor Street and tell us to surrender?" Elder Batu's wrinkled eyes narrowed, "Meteor Street is not a paper tiger, not everyone can handle it."

"Paper tiger?"

"You are not even a mouse."


The person on the phone was extremely disdainful of Meteor Street and hung up directly.

"Rats don't count..." Elder Batu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he made a phone call, "Immediately notify the Council of Elders and assemble at the Council of Elders."

"Also, gather all the people who can fight in Meteor Street now, take out all the heavy weapons bought from the ten old men, and prepare to fight!"

At this time, some of the elders of Meteor Street are still sleeping, some are holding a party in their villa with beautiful women, and some are still planning their next business.

Then, Elder Batu called, and dozens of elders all ran out of their villas and drove to the House of Elders.

They arrived one after another, and hurriedly ran to the chamber to inquire about the situation with Elder Batu, who was already sitting in the chamber.

"Elder Batu, what's the situation now?"

"Who are those people who suddenly broke into Meteor Street?"

"Are you all assembled? Will there be a fight?"

"Can you fight? Look at those people's flying machines, is that the army!?"

"It's better to send someone to contact you first, and talk about it if you can."

"What are you afraid of! Hit him directly! No matter who he is, the army or a mysterious organization, all Meteor Street will be killed!"

In the House of Elders, dozens of elders were discussing each other.

Some people calmly learn about the situation from the people around them, and then make decisions based on the situation.

After seeing the aircraft outside, some people were not confident enough, thinking that it was the army of a certain country, and they wanted to negotiate and resolve the matter through negotiation.

Some people are very radical, no matter who the other party is, if they dare to violate Meteor Street, they will kill them!


At the head of the House of Elders, Elder Batu roared, and dozens of elders shut up and focused their eyes on him.

"The current situation is that we know that the other party has three unknown aircraft with unknown functions and more than 2,000 heavily armed soldiers."

"In the case of Meteor Street, there are more than 30,000 people without formal training, 30 people with different strengths and weaknesses, as well as a large number of conventional weapons and equipment, and a small amount of heavy weapons and equipment sent by the ten old gangsters. ."

"The other party's purpose is to claim to take over Meteor Street, let us lay down our weapons and surrender."

Elder Batu informed the elders of the current situation and the strength of the two sides in the most concise words.

"What, isn't this a great chance of winning?"

"30,000 versus 2,000, do you still need to think about it? Not to mention that we still have heavy weapons and telekinesis."

When someone heard the comparison of the data between the two sides, their confidence was greatly increased.

"I think everyone should not be too optimistic. The other party dares to invade Meteor Street with great fanfare, which proves that they must have a sufficient understanding of the strength of Meteor Street."

"Although we have a lot of staff, most of them are gangsters and gangsters, at most the level of mercenaries, which is not comparable to the regular army."

"And the other party is an army, so there must be heavy weapons, and the number of people with psychic abilities is not clear."

"It's best to understand the situation first, and then decide whether to fight or not."

Someone made a brief analysis based on the intelligence provided by Elder Batu.

"Negotiate, send someone out to negotiate."

"The other party is the army. After one group has been fought, there will be another group. As long as they want to, the troops will continue to flow."

"That's right. They're a regular army and they have everything. We only have 30,000 thugs and thugs. How can we fight?"

"Let's just send someone to get in touch and see if we can arrange a meeting between the two sides, give some benefits, and negotiate."

There are also a group of elders who have a pessimistic attitude towards this, saying that they should contact and negotiate first, give some benefits, and see if they can not fight, they do not want to fight with the army.

"You farts! I say beating is beating!"

"It's not about not fighting, but understanding the situation first."

"Fight!? How to fight? It's an army, you think it's only 2,000 people? After you've beaten these 2,000 there will be 20,000 people behind, how can you fight!?"

There was another quarrel in the House of Elders. The three parties held their own opinions, and no one could agree.


Suddenly, Elder Batu, who was sitting at the top, clenched his fist and slammed down the table, making the council of elders quiet again.

Elder Batu looked around the house and saw that all the elders were focusing on him, so he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"First, I've called the foreign ministries of the United States of Edinburgh and the Aztec Republic. Both sides deny that it's not their troops, and they don't know where those people came from."

"Second, that is to say, we are facing a force that no one recognizes, and there will be no backup force."

"Thirdly, I have already called the ten old men to inform them that they will send gangsters from the nearest city to support us as quickly as possible."

"That is to say, we are only facing this unnamed army of 2,000 people, although the intelligence on them is seriously lacking."

"However, our manpower is ten times more than theirs. Plus the ten old men will send manpower to support us. It's not impossible to fight this battle."

"The most important thing is that we don't have to defeat them, but let them retreat."

"Although I don't know which country's army is, it is an army with standard weapons and equipment after all. It must be the handwriting of a big country. It can't be done too much, so as not to cause serious backlash."

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