MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 510 mountain top x giant cave

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Five hours later, the Night Crow, which took off from the headquarters, landed in an inaccessible and remote location on Center Island.

The hatch opened, and the twelve members of Albert's team walked out one after another and gathered outside.

Illumi and Riley stepped into the cabin and walked to two four-meter-high metal boxes.


The two stood in front of the box, and with a "click" sound, a gap emitting a faint blue light cracked in the middle of the metal box. skeleton.

The two powered exoskeletons are fixed in a metal box by four mechanical arms, and at the foot is a square metal platform, 2.5 meters high, one body is silver-white, and the other is pure white.

Compared with the first two models of powered exoskeletons, the "stature" of these two powered exoskeletons is much slender, making them look more close-fitting, just like a piece of clothing, making it impossible to see that they are exoskeletons.

The silver-white power exoskeleton is naturally a mystery to Ilu, and the pure **** exoskeleton is Riley's special exoskeleton.

When Riley notified the headquarters, she had her exoskeleton and Illumi's exoskeleton sent.

The two stepped into the metal box one after another. The four mechanical arms in the metal box grabbed the joints of the exoskeleton and separated them one by one, allowing Ilumi and Riley to stand on the metal platform, stand at attention, and spread their arms up.


Accompanied by a "click" collision, pieces of armor perfectly covered the two of them until they were completely dressed.

"The system is booting, self-testing, starting to detect users..."

Next, it was a series of system self-tests and user identity tests. After the tests, Yilu Mi shook hands and took a big step forward with his right leg, stepping out of the metal box.


A dull stomping sound came from the side, Ilumi turned her head to look, it turned out that Riley jumped out of the metal box directly, her feet stomping heavily on the ground inside the cabin with the weight of the entire powered exoskeleton.

"Hey, it's the first time I wear a powered exoskeleton, I'm a little excited."

Riley's voice rang in the built-in communication, and she could hear that she was very happy wearing the powered exoskeleton.

"Let's go."

Illumi stepped out of the cabin door, and Riley followed suit. After walking out of the cabin door, the Night Crow closed the cabin door, took off slowly, and left the central island.

"Let's go to the magic realm of the central island of Silkes."


As soon as Illumi gave the order, Riley rushed out happily.

Ilumi immediately turned into a silver-white phantom and followed, followed by twelve Albert soldiers.

"Boom bang bang..."

Fourteen powered exoskeletons traveled through the forest at a speed far exceeding the limit of human beings. Whether it was a river several meters wide or a cliff ten meters high, they jumped directly, crossed the river, jumped over the cliff, and jumped in mid-air. Draw a beautiful arc, land heavily, get up quickly, and continue to run at high speed without any abnormality.

In just five minutes, Ilumi and his party went from the periphery of the central island to the top of Silkes Mountain.


Yilu Mi and his party stood in the forest, looking ahead.


On the top of Silkes Mountain, there is a huge circular hole with a width of several thousand meters. A gust of wind is blowing outward from the bottom of the giant hole, forming a wonder of the world - the Silkes Updraft.

It is precisely because of such wonders that many tourists who come to Silkes Island will check in and take pictures here.

But also because of the strong wind blowing under the giant cave, tourists dare not approach it easily and can only watch from a distance of 100 meters away from the giant cave.

Of course, the scenic spot also installed a two-meter-high protective fence at a distance of 100 meters to prevent people from crossing the protective fence into the restricted area and losing their lives.

The strong wind blew out from below the giant cave, and the strong wind almost formed a cylindrical wind wall that was visible to the naked eye, and even the mud, rocks and leaves around the giant cave were also attracted to the sky.


"It's spectacular."

"Being able to see such a spectacle, this trip is not in vain."

"Take a photo of us."

Tourists gathered in front of the protective fence, holding up their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures. Some people turned their backs to the protective fence. A group of people held hands and took a "group photo" with the updraft in the giant cave.

"Please stay in the safe area and don't read the guardrail."

"I repeat, please stay in the safe area and don't read the guardrails."

There are loudspeakers installed on the guardrail, and the warning broadcast of the scenic spot is played over and over again, reminding tourists not to read the guardrail without permission.

"According to the data records, the wind blowing under the giant hole is usually maintained between level 1 and level 12, lasting from one minute to three minutes, with an interval of forty-five minutes to one hour."

In the forest, Riley introduced Illumi about the strength, duration, and interval of the wind blowing from this giant hole.

At this time, there were a lot of explorers gathered in the crowd of tourists outside the protective fence, and they were all waiting for the strong wind to disappear, and then they would get better.

After two minutes, the strong wind disappeared.


There was a creaking sound on the guardrail, and a burly man with an oversized backpack pushed away the guardrail and stepped into the restricted area.

"Hey, it finally stopped."

"We can't wait."

"The legendary secret realm, treasures, secret treasures, and rare beasts."

Behind the man, a group of people with expectant expressions on their faces stepped into the restricted area one after another, came to the edge of the giant cave, took off the backpack on their backs, and took out a pile of climbing equipment from it.

"What are those people doing?"

"Could they be planning to go down?"

"Will you die if you go down?"

Tourists naturally don't know the identities of these people, they just watched their behaviors with curiosity. Some people took out their mobile phones and took pictures and videos one after another, preparing to upload this video to the Internet.

"You can't go in!"

At this moment, a young man with a camera hanging around his neck at the gate of the protective fence wanted to enter, but was stopped by a staff member of the scenic spot in blue overalls.


"They can go in, but I can't go in!?"

The young man immediately pointed at the group of explorers on the edge of the giant cave and questioned.

The surrounding tourists were attracted by the situation here, and they all looked sideways.

"They are explorers, and they are all approved by the government. Even if they die inside, we will not be responsible."

The staff of the scenic spot explained to the tourists that he had encountered this situation too many times in the past few days, and he was numb.

"What is an explorer?"

The young man asked with a frown, he had never heard of such a profession.

"It's the same profession as the professional hunters of the Hunter Association. It's almost the same anyway." The staff of the scenic spot waved to the tourists around, "In short, they are not ordinary people, they are different from you."

"It's gone, it's gone."

The staff of the scenic spot explained this, and the rest of the tourists understood that it turned out to be the same profession as a professional hunter, so it was none of their business.

However, you can still watch a play.

After all, they have always heard about the profession of professional hunter, and they have never seen it. Today, they can see explorers of the same nature as professional hunters.

At this time, the explorer team that went in first was fully armed and began to go down the hole.

With shovels hanging from their waists and ropes tied to their bodies, they descended down step by step.

If there is an emergency and the rope breaks, they can still pull out the shovel around their waists and hang it on the wall, no matter whether they continue to fall or go back.

The only problem is getting out of the giant hole before the updraft appears.

"We're almost there." Ilumi instructed, "Shoot flash bombs."

"Yes, boss."

One of the Albert team members took a step forward, raised the Gauss rifle in his arms, and "swishly" fired an energy bullet emitting a faint white light.


When the energy bomb flew into the mid-air 20 meters above the giant cave, a dazzling white light immediately erupted, like a small sun exploding in mid-air. The strong white light made the surrounding tourists have to close their eyes.

"Let's go, Riley."

Yilu Mi's legs were slightly bent, and she jumped up with a "swoosh", drawing a graceful arc in mid-air and falling into the giant cave.

Riley and the Albert team jumped up one after another, leaping over a distance of hundreds of meters in the air, and falling into the giant hole.


Inside the giant cave, the explorers who were slowly descending, heard a "whistle" in their ears, as if something had fallen.


The burly man looked to the side and asked his companion. The companion shook his head, UU reading said that he did not see anything. The burly man had to continue to descend.


Suddenly, a continuous and dense sound of breaking the air sounded.

"Boss, something really fell from above!"

This time, the explorers really noticed it, and some people even saw what those things fell.

"Did you see clearly?"

The burly man asked the loud companion.

"It's not very clear, but it seems to be a human, a group of people all white fell from above."

The person who spoke was a young man with short yellow hair. He had a lot of freckles on his face, and his stature was relatively short, only one meter six.

"A group of people all in white..." The burly man frowned and pondered. After a while, he glanced at the companions hanging on the wall around him, and shouted, "Everyone, hurry up and descend, it may be a team of explorers who went down just now."

"And descending in this way, maybe it's the B-level team in the rumor."

The burly man's expression was very solemn when he spoke, because if the B-level team came, it means that this secret realm might be very dangerous.

But, after all, they have come all the way, and it is impossible to go back without even looking at them.

"Yes, Captain!"

Although the rest of the companions have guesses, they don't want to go back directly at this time. Like the captain, they at least have to go down and take a look.

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