MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 509 Powerful Psychic Ability x Dangerous Demon Realm

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The next day, seven in the morning.

Yilu Mi and Riley went out and came to the port to take a sightseeing yacht that circumnavigates the inland sea.

"Too many people."

Ilu Mi and the two came to the port and found that there was already a long queue for the sightseeing yachts. He didn't want to queue with others.

"Boss, let's go there to rent a boat."

At this time, Riley went to the nearby canteen to buy two drinks, handed him one, and pointed in one direction.

Yilu Mi followed her gaze. There were many local people's boats parked in the port, and many people were talking to the locals in the port, looking at tourists who were planning to rent boats.

"it is good."

Illumi nodded, and the two walked to the nearest boat, where a local man with a white hat on his face was sitting on the deck and taking a nap.


The two figures jumped onto the deck and landed silently in front of him, blocking his sunlight.

"How much is the charter?"

Illumi asked.

"Seventy thousand Jeni a day."

Hearing Ilumi's voice, the local man slowly took off the hat covering his face, opened his eyes, and looked at Ilumi.

Although his face is thin, he has a strong body and slightly dark skin. He wears a white vest on the upper body and denim shorts on the lower body.

He has a stubble beard on his chin, and his age is estimated to be thirty-five or sixteen.

"Okay, take us to Center Island."

Ilumi immediately took out a handful of cash that was prepared and threw it in his arms.

"Hey, no problem, boss." The boatman grabbed the cash in his arms, weighed the weight, stood up immediately, bowed slightly to the two of them, and nodded, "Sit in there, boss, and I'll start the boat right away."

After saying that, he turned around and set off for the boat.

Illumi and Riley came to sit in the boat, and as soon as they sat down, the boat started to move, and the hull cut through the water, making a "crashing" sound.

"The two bosses, you don't look like you're here to travel."

"Are you also going on an adventure?"

The boatman who was sailing the boat in front of them looked back at the two of them. Seeing that they had no cameras or backpacks on them, he asked curiously.

"Why, don't many people come here for tourism during this time?"

Illumi asked rhetorically.

"There are a lot of people like you these days. I pulled 20 boats yesterday alone, and the business is very good." The boatman smiled smugly and replied, "Some of them are like the bosses, and they don't have anything. bring."

"But more people are carrying large and small bags on their backs. Those who don't know it think they are moving."

"Look at the ships that are going out to sea now." The boatman pointed to other ships in the strait, "Those people on board, don't they seem to be traveling."

Ilumi and Riley glanced left and right, and there were indeed many people on the ship who didn't look like ordinary people.

Take a closer look and notice that many of them are people with the ability to read.

"The number of telepathic people has gradually increased." Riley bit her straw, drinking a drink, looking at the telepathic people on board, and said, "I don't know if the governments of various countries have any countermeasures now."

"We don't need to worry about that kind of thing." Ilumi tore the packaging bag of the straw and inserted the drink cup, "If this problem can't be solved, then it's not a big country."

"However, the speed of attracting scientists from all over the world is going to speed up." Ilumi's eyes became solemn, "It doesn't matter what ordinary people do, it's the scientists that matter."

"Just like the cell biologist at our headquarters, Frederick Downing's mind power."

"Of course I know that." Riley pursed her lips. "The quality of [Material Decomposition] is related to the ability to think, no matter what it is, as long as you understand what that substance is made of and how it is composed, you can decompose it."

"Theoretically, as long as he has enough qi, he can even decompose a planet."

"That's right." Yilu Mi nodded and said solemnly: "The people we want to win now are all the great leaders in the scientific world. They stand at the peak of the pyramid of human knowledge, and we can't guess what kind of mind power they will develop. arrive."

"But it is conceivable that it is absolutely a powerful ability that ordinary people can't imagine."

"It's like Dr. Frederick Downing's research field is cell biology, so he developed the ability to [material decomposition]."

"If there is a scientist whose research field is the universe or black holes, then..." Illumi turned to stare at Riley, "Do you think it is possible for him to develop abilities similar to [black holes]?"

"And if someone studies time theory and space theory, is it possible for him to develop the ability to think about [time and space]?"

"These scientists who stand at the pinnacle of human civilization are the real powerhouses of the mind, the pioneers who can make significant contributions to the development and development of mankind." Yilu Mi turned to look at other cruise ships in the Inner Sea. Those with the ability to read, "And these ordinary people, compared to them, are nothing."

"The ability of mind developed according to one's own preferences and beliefs is really too weak compared to those abilities similar to [rules] developed based on the knowledge that one has."

"That's true." Riley nodded thoughtfully, "There is indeed a huge difference between an ignorant ordinary person and a knowledgeable scientist."

"I really want to develop abilities similar to [rules]."

"Heh, don't just talk about others." Yilumi laughed lightly after hearing this, turned to look at Riley, and said with a smile, "Aren't you the same?"

"Your Four Paths [Split Consciousness], if you usually leave them alone, they will autonomously roam, absorb, and learn in the endless online world."

"One day, they will grow into unimaginable autonomous consciousness."

"Isn't the Hawkeye plan just for that day to come?" Riley heard the words, and immediately said to Yilu: "The cloud data center base of the headquarters is constantly expanding, when the time comes..."

"Two bosses, here we are."

Before Riley could finish her words, she was interrupted by the boatman. She looked up and saw the first center island port in front of her.

The boat slowly docked, and the two got up and disembarked and set foot on land.

Looking up and looking forward, the center of the island is a high mountain, and the purpose of their trip is to be there—Silks Mountain.

"Boss Iceberg, should we wait for Red Dragon and the others?"

Suddenly, a word came from the side of Ilumi and the two, attracting Ilumi's attention.

More than a dozen men and women in field uniforms stepped off a cruise ship one after another. The one who spoke was a short-headed man, who was in his twenties and very young.

"What else do you need to say?" A long-haired woman wrapped in a colorful streamer slapped the inch-headed man on the back of the head with a slap, and taught: "Don't wait for Honglong and the others, you will lead us!?"

"Just asking."

The inch-headed man touched the back of his head where he had been photographed and muttered.

"The information published in the explorer system is not detailed, we'd better not act rashly."

"Red Dragon's team has an explorer who came back alive. This time he took the initiative to find us to cooperate. That's what he meant."

A burly man led the opening and said, his eyes were firm, and his temperament gave people a sense of calmness and reliability.


Suddenly, the burly man named Bingshan noticed a vague gaze, turned his head to look to the right, and saw the backs of Ilumi and Riley walking towards the island.

"Boss Iceberg, what are you looking at?"

The inch-headed man stepped forward again and asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Bingshan shook his head, walked to a snack bar in the port, and said with his back to everyone, "Let's wait here."

At this time, Ilumi and Riley quickly walked into the forest, found a corner that no one could notice, raised their arms, and the black bracelet on their wrist flashed, projecting a video.



"Hawk was attacked!"

"I can't see what attacked him!"

"Everyone is gathered together, don't be alone!"


"No, run away!"

In the video, a group of people are walking slowly in a place full of circular pools, and suddenly a person walking at the head of the team is pierced through his chest by something and lifted into the air.

The attacker could not be seen in the video, and listening to what the people in the video said, they could not see the attacker either.

Under the order of a man who seemed to be the captain, more than a dozen explorers gathered back to back in a to watch and help each other.

But even if you do this, it is still useless. From time to time, people in the team are attacked, and they are all fatal in one blow. With three or two blows, everyone's psychological defense line is defeated, and the players in the team are scattered and fled.

"This is the video of entering the secret realm in the center island." Riley looked at the video projected in front of Ilumi and said solemnly: "There is a special magnetic field in it, which blocks the connection between our signal tower and the bracelet. The emergency avoidance function does not work."

"This video was automatically transmitted to our central database after a survivor of that team escaped."

The explorer bracelets issued by the explorer organization to the members not only have the function of monitoring, but also the function of storing and transmitting everything they encounter to the central database.

"In this way, the central island is a magical realm." Ilumi looked at the scenes in the video where the explorers were brutally slaughtered by some unknown and dangerous creatures invisible to the naked eye, and frowned: "Only the two of us go in. It's not safe, let the Albert team follow us in."

"Also, let the people at headquarters bring my power armor."

"Understood." Riley nodded solemnly, and quickly communicated with the Ordnance Research Institute at the headquarters to have the third-generation power armor specially used by Illumi be sent over by the Night Crow aircraft.

"Before the equipment arrives, let's observe the situation here." Ilumi looked up at the mountain in the center of the island, and smiled, "I don't know how many explorers have come here."

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