MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 512 reconnaissance

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In fact, if Ilu Mi thought about it, he could jump dozens of meters from the cliff and fall directly toward the dark entrance below.

However, there are unknown dangerous creatures here, so it is better to be careful.


In the forest, Yilu Mi and his party walked along the river towards the end.

While walking, I observed the surroundings. From time to time, I heard the chirping of birds and insects in the forest, and I could see some small fish swimming in the clear river.

The forest was not big, and it only took them fifteen minutes to reach the end, standing at the entrance of the second floor, on the edge of that dark vertical giant hole.

"How long has it been since the last updraft?"

Illumi stood on the edge, stared down at the dark giant hole, and asked.

"Forty minutes have passed, and it is estimated that there are still five to fifteen minutes before the next updraft."

Riley replied that the time when the updraft appears is not stable, it can only be determined within a range, and cannot be accurately predicted.

"Put a drone down for reconnaissance."

Illumi ordered, an Albert team member beside him raised his arm, entered the command, and a drone sprang out of the carry-on backpack and flew into the darkness below.


In Ilumi's field of vision, a translucent box appeared, and inside it was the situation of the drone descending in the vertical giant hole.

At first, the walls of the vertical holes were smooth, which was caused by the long-term updraft blowing.

But as the drone continued to descend, Illumi found that a one-meter-diameter hole began to appear on these smooth walls.

Under the operation of AI, the drone locks one of the wall holes, zooms in, scans, analyzes, and passes through the hair left at the entrance of the wall hole. It is speculated that this is the nest of the Silkes White Rainbow Bird.


Sure enough, a white rainbow bird flew out of the hole in the wall, its crimson sharp beak opened, making a strange sound, flapping its wings and attacking the drone in mid-air.


However, the movements of the sable drone were very light, and it easily avoided the attack of the white rainbow bird.


Avoiding a single blow, more white rainbow birds flew out of the hole in the wall and attacked the drone.

It was densely packed, at least hundreds of white rainbow birds flew out of the hole in the wall.

For some reason, these white rainbow birds nesting in vertical giant holes are much more aggressive than the white rainbow birds outside.

Although the drone moves lightly, as more and more white rainbow birds fly out, it will inevitably be hit.

"There are too many."

"Boss, can you shoot?"

The Albert team member next to Illumi asked that there were only three drones in their backpacks, so they couldn't be damaged in such a place.

"Shooting is allowed."

Illumi ordered that there is no need to damage his equipment because of some protected animals.


But as soon as Ilumi gave the order, those white rainbow birds that attacked the drone screamed and returned to their hole in the wall.

"Updraft is coming, take the drone back."


Seeing the strange behavior of those flying birds, Ilumi immediately realized that these white rainbow birds living in the vertical giant holes can sense the activity of the updraft.

They suddenly ignored the drone and returned to their cave, obviously the updraft was coming.


Under the operation of AI, the drone quickly flew out of the giant hole and returned to the head of Ilumi and his group to hover.


As soon as the drone came back, a visible updraft erupted from below the giant hole. The momentum is astonishing, straight into the sky, a posture that will smash the sky out of a hole.


"Help~! Help~!"


At this time, Yilu Mi heard a scream of panic and a cry for help, looked up at the top of his head, and could vaguely see a group of people crawling on the edge of the cliff at a height of thousands of meters away from them, trying not to let themselves be caught by the updraft. roll away.

"I didn't pay attention to the time interval of the updraft."

Yilu Mi frowned, his eyes shifted to the updraft, the AI ​​zoomed in on the screen, and there was indeed a figure involved in it, which shot straight into the sky with the updraft.

"It turned out to be a group of rookies."

Illumi thought to himself, this kind of situation can be avoided just by observing more.

Immediately, Ilumi dropped their information from the database of the explorer organization through AI, and found that it was a group of D-level explorers who had just registered, and all of them were just learning.

As for the captain, he was just an old rookie who had completed three E-rank missions and was a little more powerful than the others.

At this time, the captain was clinging to the cliff wall with his arms, his five fingers clasped deep into the wall, and staring at the rising air in front of him with cold sweat, he didn't dare to move rashly.

"If they stop now, there is still a chance to go back."

"If they insist on going down, they may not be able to cope with the attack of the white rainbow bird in the vertical giant hole later."

Ilumi thought to himself that he didn't intend to interfere with other people's decisions, it was their own choice.

Besides, maybe they can get away with it and become stronger.

"Boss, the updraft has stopped, do you still need to send a drone down for reconnaissance?"

A minute later, the updraft burst was over, and the Albert teammate beside him asked.

"Of course."

Yilu Mi replied, the drone above his head turned into a black shadow and rushed into the vertical giant hole to carry out the unfinished reconnaissance just now.


Yilu Mi looked at the pitch-black giant hole below. In the dark and deep vertical giant hole, fire was constantly blooming, and the drone accurately shot down the white rainbow birds that came.


The remaining white rainbow birds let out a terrified scream, UU reading flew back to their cave, they realized that the strange creature was not easy to mess with.

The white rainbow birds stopped attacking the drones, and the drones continued to scout down.

Yilu Mi watched the video transmitted by the drone. The drone flew all the way down in the dark, but it flew out of this dark vertical hole in a moment, and a sky blue sea came into his eyes.

At the same time, a data was displayed on the virtual screen. According to the reconnaissance of the drone, the depth of the vertical giant hole under their feet reached 321 meters.

"The second floor is below. Those white rainbow birds don't need to be concerned, they can't threaten us."

"Set off."

Illumi ordered and took a step forward.


Illumi's figure suddenly disappeared, and he had fallen from the edge of the cliff.

"Whistle! Whistle! Whistle!"

Riley and the Albert team jumped forward one after another and fell into the dark giant hole below.

When Ilu Mi and his party jumped off the cliff, the explorers who had just been taken away by the updraft finally arrived.


The group ran out of breath to the place where Ilumi and the others were standing just now, looking at the darkness below.

"It's still too late, they've already gone down."

The burly man frowned. He actually wanted to buy some information from Yilu Mi and his party.

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