MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 513 plant

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The loss of a comrade just now was a big blow to their morale.

If you can get information, even if it is a little bit, it can re-energize everyone's morale.

"Team... Captain..." The skinny man came to the burly man, looked at him fearfully, and asked out of breath, "Are we... going to continue?"

"Morris was taken away by the airflow, we're going to... save him?"

"Don't think about it, it's impossible to survive being swept away by that kind of updraft." The burly man shook his head and looked at the dark giant hole below, "Now, the most important thing is to keep up with the group of people in front."

"They walked without hesitation, obviously knowing something."

"I don't know what's under this giant hole. To be conservative, prepare a parachute."

The burly man put down his backpack and instructed the rest of his companions at the same time.

The other companions looked left and right, put down their backpacks one after another, and took out the prepared parachutes from inside.




Below the vertical giant hole.


With a loud bang, Illumi, dressed in silver armor, fell from the sky and plunged into the water, causing waves several meters high.

"Bang! Bang!"

Riley and Albert's teams fell one after another.


Illumi stood up from the water and glanced around. They were now standing in a circular pool.


Yilu Mi didn't think so much. He took a step forward. The pool was not deep, just below his calf, which affected his movement a little.

The pool is not big, about ten meters in diameter.

Yilu Mi walked to the edge of the pool and looked down.

Only then did they discover that they were originally on the leaves of a huge plant that was hundreds of meters high, and the circular pool under their feet was a piece of circular leaves growing on this huge plant.

The strange thing is that the stems of these plants are covered with holes that are several meters in size. Where there are no holes, they are covered with dense plant roots.

Although they are roots, these roots are also one or twenty centimeters thick, but they are not worth mentioning compared to the stems of these plants that are hundreds of meters in diameter.

Looking at the four directions, there are huge plants hundreds of meters high, with round thick leaves, and the leaves are full of clear water.

These gigantic plants grow very densely, jumping from leaf to leaf with just a slight leap.

"Does this water flow down from the upper layer, or is it groundwater?"

Yilu Mi thought to herself, looking up at the top of her head.

On the wall at the top of the second layer, there are thousands of holes. Hundreds of thousands of waterfalls flow out of those holes, turn into waterfalls and flow straight down, fall on these huge leaves, and then edge from the leaves. Make a waterfall that flows down to the leaves below.

Repeatedly, it finally fell into the sea and became part of the sky blue ocean.

"More than two thousand meters, it's really high."

Riley also looked up at the top of her head. The AI ​​measured that their current position was 2525.41 meters away from the top wall of the second floor.

The height of 2,525 meters plus the 321-meter vertical giant hole means that they fell 2,846 meters vertically. If the group of people above were not prepared, they would have fallen to their deaths.

Looking down, these huge plants are also 524 meters above the sea surface.

If you are unlucky and fall directly into the bottom water, that is, from a height of 3049 meters, ordinary people will fall directly into meat sauce.


"Help ~ life~!"

Just as Riley was thinking this way, a scream came from the sky above her head.

Yilu Mi looked up, and could vaguely see more than a dozen figures falling from the vertical giant hole at a very fast speed.

The AI ​​zoomed in and saw what they looked like.

"The group of people really came down, and the parachute was broken. It seems that they couldn't deal with the White Rainbow Bird."

These more than a dozen fast-falling figures are exactly the group of people following them. They are holding firearms in their arms, and the parachutes opened on their backs have been pecked out by a large number of white rainbow birds. At this time, they are screaming downwards Descending at high speed.


Finally, among the group of people, the first figure fell on a circular leaf not far away.

"Boom bang bang..."

The next moment, more than a dozen figures fell on the leaves one after another. With the speed and strength of the two thousand-meter fall, the leaves did not even vibrate slightly. They were as hard as those made of stone.

"Damn it! There is something like that in the cave."

At this moment, the burly man in the team knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Is it not enough?"

The burly man looked around and found that his companions were all lying on the ground and stopped moving. Only three of them were still up and down their chests. The others were either fainted or...maybe dead.

"It's those people." Suddenly, the burly man raised his head and looked at Ilumi and his party not far away, "They're all unscathed. Who are these guys?"


The burly man frowned, endured the severe pain in his body, slowly got up, looked at Ilumi and his party in the distance, and tried to speak, but it caused a series of painful coughs.

"team leader…"

Among the three, the emaciated man slowly got up and called out to the captain.

At the same time, the other two men who were still able to move also frowned, supporting their upper body with one hand.

"Cough... Can you still move?"

The burly man coughed and asked with a frown.

"Reluctantly... able to move. UU reading"

A man with short yellow hair replied, his bluish-purple cheeks twitched, and he slowly got up. When he fell, he started hard. Although his body was fine, the inside was a mess.

The burly man caressed his chest and checked the bodies of the rest of his companions one by one, each person's complexion becoming more gloomy.

The other three stepped forward and gathered beside the burly man, discussing something, and looked at Yilu Mi and others who were standing not far away from time to time.

This team, including the one who was swept away by the updraft at the beginning, had a total of fourteen people, and now there are four people alive, and the others are dead.

They didn't even survive to be attacked by unknown dangerous creatures, but were attacked by white rainbow birds and fell to their death.

"Don't worry about them, release the drone to scout the terrain."

Ilumi gave the order, and the twelve Albert team members entered instructions one after another. Twelve drones flew out of the carry-on backpack and scattered in twelve directions.


However, as soon as a drone flew out a distance of 100 meters, it stopped in mid-air for no reason.


The next moment, the drone shook with a "poof", black smoke came out, and the operation stopped.

"what happened!?"

The sudden change attracted the attention of the four burly men, who focused their attention on the "self-destructing" drone.

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