MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 744 Black Death Mou Resurrection

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"Why is there an old man?"

Illumi looked at the eight people in front of him, seven of them were middle-aged men or young men, and only one was a gray-haired old man.

"Hey, the man next to him is the old man's son. When he was caught, he was found together." Enwei pouted at a thin man beside the old man.

"Eight people, three of whom were sent to Vegapunk for experimental materials."

Illumi walked up to the first person on the left, raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and pressed it between the man's eyebrows.

"woo woo woo woo…"

The man stared at Illumi's index finger between his brows, as if aware of his end, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his legs trembled crazily.


With a soft sound, Yilumi's right index finger easily inserted between the man's eyebrows like a piece of tofu, the man stopped trembling and his breathing stagnated.

"First of all, Black Death Mou!"

Illumi closed his eyes and searched for the genes of Hei Si Mou in his body. A large number of memories flickered in his mind like a slide show, and finally locked on a face with red stripes and six eyes.


Yilumi suddenly opened her eyes, a pair of scarlet pupils stared straight at the man, the blood vessel on the index finger swelled and squirmed, and blood was continuously poured into the man's brow, and at the same time, the gene belonging to Heishimu was also injected.

As long as it is a ghost that is eaten by him, there will be genes preserved in the body, just like the former Ghost Mai Tsuji.

All eyes in the warehouse were fixed on Illumi and the dead man, paying attention to what changes would happen to them.


Suddenly, an extremely loud heartbeat came from the body of the already dead man.

Plop plop puff...

The heart beat faster and faster, and with the recovery of the heart, the man's body suddenly swelled up, the muscles all over his body swelled, and the blood vessels swelled and thickened, wriggling crazily under the skin, like giant pythons hidden under the skin, Terrified.

At the same time, the man's short black hair quickly grew longer and turned red, and a red spot appeared on the left forehead, and then quickly spread to cover the left forehead, turning into a scarlet streak.

A lot of bloodshot eyes appeared in the man's eye sockets, gradually covering the entire white of the eyes. The black pupils in the center of the whites shrank and expanded, and directly turned into a pair of golden pupils.

In the end, four thin slits were torn on both cheeks of the man.


The four slits on the cheeks suddenly opened, and the two eyes turned into six eyes, staring straight at Illumi, and the two eyes collided.


After regaining his senses, Heishimu broke free from the thick ropes that bound his limbs in an instant, raised his right arm, and held it with the palm facing upwards, and he cried out from the flesh and blood in the palm, and swung it down suddenly.

Huh ~!

Heishimu's swing of the knife created a gust of wind, but when the blade was about to fall on the top of Illumi's head, it stopped.

" is this possible!?"

"Master Wu Mi was... eaten by you!"

Hei Si Mou's six eyes widened to the extreme, his eyes were unbelievable.

But whether it's the memory in his mind or the oppression from his bloodline, they are telling him that the guy in front of him who used to be his enemy is now the ancestor of his bloodline, his... master!

The God of Crying Xu went to stop on top of Yilumi's head, motionless.

"Long time no see, Black Death Mou."

A smile rose from the corner of Yilu Mi's mouth, and he raised his left hand to push away the ghost blade lying on top of his head, and slowly got up, staring at the unbelievable Hei Si Mou in his eyes jokingly.

At this time, Heishimu remained motionless as before, and his six eyes were all distracted, without focus.

Yilu Mi just looked at him like this, he knew that Hei Si Mou was sorting out his memory.

When transfusing blood just now, he stuffed the memory of the decisive battle in Infinite City and the information of Pirate World into him in one go.

Fortunately, Hei Si Mou is a ghost who has lived for more than 500 years, and his will is strong enough. If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would faint on the spot.

"Mr. Illumi, this... this is..."

The housekeeper, Walter, stared at Heishimu with a shocked expression. Everything happened too fast just now. Illumi sent blood to Heishimu's resurrection and broke free from the restraints. The continuous change took less than 30 seconds.

In just thirty seconds, an ordinary person turned into this inhuman appearance, as if he had eaten some kind of devil fruit.

But Walter was sure that he saw the scene just now clearly, there was no devil fruit at all, but it was just like this that he was shocked.

What kind of ability is Mr. Illumi?

Except for Walter, the seven people who were tied to the pillar also stared at Heishimou in shock, with fear in their eyes.

Illumi ignored Walter, just quietly staring at the unmoving Heishimu.

"So that's the case, the subordinate understands."

Finally, Hei Si Mou finished sorting out his memory, his pupils returned to focus, put away his crying, stepped back three steps, and knelt down on one knee to Yi Lumi.

"Master Yilumi, this subordinate was too rude just now, please punish me."

Hei Si Mou accepted everything in his memory, and also accepted the fact that Yi Lumi was his superior, and bowed his head.

"stand up."

"I'm not Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, and I won't anger my subordinates because of such a trivial matter."

There is a smile on the corner of Yilu Mi's mouth. He is very short of manpower now, and he has a good sense of Hei Si Mou. This man who has been pursuing swordsman life and death will definitely become better in this world of strong men. Strong, become a capable general under his command.

"Your status is still the same, and you are still one of the first strings of the twelve ghost moons."

Illumi said.

"Yes, Lord Illumi."

Hei Si Mou bowed his head in response, stood up slowly, used the blood ghost technique to condense a scabbard around his waist, and inserted Xu Crying God back into the scabbard.

Then, he looked down at his clothes, frowning slightly.

"I'll ask someone to change your clothes later." Knowing what he was thinking, Yilumi walked towards another man and said, "Now let's revive the four men I'm more optimistic about."


Black Death Mou responded, then glanced around, and then looked at Enwei and Walter standing behind Illumi.

Enwei already knew that he was Lord Yilumi's vampire clone, and that he was a vampire clone with independent personality.

As for Walter, there is not much information about him, only that he is an old butler who can manipulate wires.

"Next, Tong Mo."


Yilumi "repeated the old trick", inserting the index finger of his right hand between the eyebrows of the second man, sending blood and a large amount of memory.

The same change occurred on the second man. Twenty years later, UU read the book, and his face changed into that of a child.

"Ah, isn't this an adult from the Intervention Department?"

The first time Tong Mo saw Yilu Mi, he opened his mouth and said in a leisurely manner.

"Strange? Am I already dead?"

The smile on Tong Mo's face turned into confusion, and then froze, falling into the impact of huge memories and information.

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