MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 746 Ghost dance? Resurrection without misery

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"How is it? After seeing my original destiny, what do you think?"

Illumi looked at them with great interest.

Yi Wozuo looked sad and bowed his head in silence.

The brothers and sisters of the prostitute Taro cuddled together, and the corners of Luo Ji's eyes were filled with tears. The bond and relationship between the two brothers and sisters was obviously deepened.

"This subordinate... has a lot of emotions."

Hei Si Mou opened his mouth with a calm expression, repeatedly clenched and loosened the handle of the knife with his left hand.

"It turns out that what I have been pursuing is not to become the strongest samurai, but to become a person like Yuanyi."

When Hei Si Mou spoke, everyone focused on him, and among them, Yi Wo Zuo looked the most moved after hearing his words. He seemed to understand something, understood something.

Hei Si Mou noticed Yi Wo Zuo's gaze, turned his head to look at him, and their eyes collided.

Hei Si Mou and Yi Wo Zuo were people who pursued martial arts for a certain goal in life and after death. On this point, they had the same mood.

"Hmph, it seems that you have all figured it out."

Looking at the two people who were staring at each other, Yilumi snorted softly, raised his left hand with five fingers and spread the palm upwards, opened a mouth in the palm, and spit out two broken flutes with two "baji".

Yilumi held the two broken pieces of the flute in his hand, and gently threw it towards Heishimu.


Hei Si Mou reached out to catch it, and when he looked down, his pupils trembled and his mood fluctuated greatly.

"This is the flute I gave to Yuanyi..." Heishimou looked up at Yilumi with puzzled eyes.

"After devouring you back then, I didn't spit out these two pieces of flutes. I plan to keep them as souvenirs." Illumi smiled and said, "I returned them to you."

"Thank you, Lord Illumi."

Hei Si Mou bowed his head solemnly, and sincerely thanked him.

"Six ghosts, four of which are on the upper string, and two are between the upper and lower strings."

"Shangxian's strength is equivalent to that of a colonel at least in this world, and it can barely be regarded as a high-level combat strength."

Yilumi looked at the six ghosts and made a rough estimate of their strength.

"Four windings?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji looked around suspiciously, everyone had clearly engraved the word winding on their pupils, why did they say there were only four windings?

Naruto had a calm face, she knew very well that her combat ability was not strong, and indeed she did not have the strength that Shangxian should have.

"Then, next, let's revive Ghost Mai Tsuji." Illumi walked towards the sixth man who had already fainted from fright, with a smirk on his face again, "When he learns that he has become my subordinate , Life and death are under my control, I wonder what kind of expression he will show?"

With such thoughts in mind, Yilumi pierced his eyebrows with his fingertips, and began to send a large amount of blood, genes, and memories, whether it was the memory swallowed by Yilumi, or the memory that he was originally killed by the Ghost Killing Squad.


The blood vessels on Illumi's fingers had swelled to the extreme, and a large amount of blood seemed to be transported endlessly into the man's body, and there was even a swallowing sound, as if there was a mouth inside that was greedily sucking Illumi's blood.

Enwei looked at Yilumi and frowned slightly. This blood transfusion took a long time, more than five minutes.

The man who was **** with the rope was already completely unrecognizable, and his face was constantly wriggling, turning into a handsome man for a while, a beautiful woman for a while, and a ten-year-old child for a while.

In addition, he is still changing into other people's faces. In just five minutes, he has changed hundreds of faces.

After a long time, Yilumi finally opened his eyes and let go of his index finger.

At the same time, the face in front of him finally stopped changing, but was fixed as a handsome adult male face, which was Kimai Tsuji's own face.


Oni Wu Tsuji Wuyou suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of vertical pupils that were scarletr than Illumi stared straight at him.

Two pairs of scarlet vertical pupils stared at each other silently, the air in the warehouse suddenly dropped, and the atmosphere was heavy.

Hei Si Mou and the others' eyes sank, and they secretly prepared for battle, after all, they are now Yi Lumi's subordinates.

"Welcome to the resurrection, Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi."

Illumi grinned and looked teasingly.

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan stared at him quietly, after a while, his body shook slightly, the ropes all over his body broke, he took a step forward, crossed Illumi, and stopped behind him.

"I failed, whether you show up or not, I will fail. This is my fate."

"That's right, you failed, you failed completely." Illumi laughed.

"But you succeeded, that is to say, you broke my fate, although I was still defeated by you in the end."

"But looking at it from another angle, my wish has come true."

Oni Wu Tsuji Wuyou suddenly turned around, facing Illumi.

"Since this is the case, it is not unacceptable to be your subordinate."

Upon hearing this, Yilumi turned around slowly, with a ghostly look on her face, and a sneering smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, you are obviously afraid of death."

"As long as you refuse, I can crush you to death with a single thought."

Illumi mercilessly pierced the disguise of Oni Wu Tsuji, but Oni Wu Tsuji did not turn from embarrassment to anger in his heart, but was as calm as water, as if he looked down on the world,

"I'm really afraid of death, because I've died once, so I'm more afraid of death than before." Guiwu Tsuji looked at Illumi calmly, "It's because I'm afraid of death that I will work harder to live , and will not disobey your orders."

"A thousand years of hiding is too long, and now I can finally walk in the sun."

"This hard-won resurrection, I don't want to die again like this."

"So, in order to live better..."

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan took a step back with his right leg, knelt down on one knee like Heishimou before, and bowed his head to Yilumi.

"From now on, I am Lord Illumi's subordinate."

Oni Wu Tsuji is particularly afraid of death, especially since he has already experienced death. He never wanted to experience the despair and reluctance at the time of death again!


Yilumi looked at Guiwu Tsuji Wumi who was kneeling on one knee, and suddenly spread his arms, laughing wildly, the laughter wrapped in a **** momentum, pierced through the wall, and went straight into the sky.

In the castle of Axel Manor, many servants and trainee housekeepers heard Illumi's wild laughter, they couldn't help but stop their work, and looked in the direction of the laughter.

West End of the Castle, Archaeological Workshop.

Scholars are consulting ancient texts in the hope of having materials that can verify the content of historical texts. But the sudden wild laughter interrupted their work, and they all looked up towards the direction of the warehouse.

"His Excellency Illumi is back."

Dr. Harlock, who was holding a heavy document, pushed his black-rimmed glasses and said.

"Grandpa Clover, I want to find Lord Illumi."

At this time, a dark-skinned girl in a white dress ran to Dr. Harlock.

"Robin, what are you going to see His Excellency Illumi?"

Before Dr. Harlock could ask, a scholar next to him spoke first.

"This...because..." Nicole Robin pinched her skirt shyly, "Because we've all been here for a year, and none of the documents and historical texts he promised to help us retrieve..."

"I...I have read all the documents and materials here, and I just want to ask him face to face."

The scholars were silent when they heard the words. Yes, they have been here for a year, and Illumi has not fulfilled what he said at the beginning, and he has not even met them a few times. At least give me a letter.

"Alas~" Dr. Harlock sighed and patted Luo Bing's head. "There is still thirty minutes before dinner, and I will discuss it with him then."

"Don't worry, there must be a definite result this time."


Robin nodded obediently, UU reading put her head on Dr. Harlock's hand, enjoying it.

"Hehe, Robin can't wait to learn new knowledge."

Olvia came to Nico Robin and knelt down, pinched her daughter's lovely cheeks, and smiled softly.

"Mom, if Lord Illumi goes to sea, can I go with him?"

Nicole Robin, whose face was pinched by her mother, suddenly asked.

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