MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 756 evil king

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Yin Lumi solved these pirates, and the three-masted sailing ship slowly approached the shore around the pirate ship in front.

"Robin, Olvia. You stay on board with the soldiers."

Yin Lumi ordered to take Heishimu and his party to the pier, leaving the soldiers to guard the boat.

"It's so deserted, I don't know if this town can replenish supplies."

On the boat, a Blackwater soldier looked at the deserted street ahead and muttered in a low voice.

Yin Lumi and his team went to the street and found that the residents on both sides of the street had their doors and windows closed. Some people observed Yin Lumi and others on the street through the gaps in the shutters, while others observed through the gaps in the doors.

They heard the explosion of the hull and the screams of the pirates just now, but no one dared to come out, because they didn't know who was coming, what if it was pirates fighting pirates, black eating black?

Da da da…

There was a sound of crisp footsteps on the street ahead, and a group of crudely dressed pirates walked over haughtily.

"Oh, are you newcomers?"

"Welcome to the Pirate Kingdom Zagros!"

A tall and thin man in the crowd walked over with his arms outstretched and greeted him.

When this group of pirates appeared, all the residents on both sides of the street disappeared from sight, as if they were some kind of scourge, which was frightening.

In this town, ordinary people dare not go to the streets, only pirates can walk on the streets unscrupulously.

"We are newcomers who have just come to this island to replenish supplies." Walter glanced at Yin Lumi, seeing that he had no intention of speaking, he stepped forward to communicate with him, smiling, and said, "Excuse me, is there any place where we can trade?" ?”

"Purchasing supplies, this pirate brother..." The tall and thin pirate stepped forward and put his hand on Walter's shoulder, grinning: "This town is different from other places. Master Saro controls, and we are also pirates under the banner of Master Pizarro."

"Anyone who comes to this town must say hello to Master Pizarro, and then pay a pirate tax."

"Pirate tax?" Yin Lumi frowned when he heard this, it was interesting that the pirates actually collected taxes from the pirates.

"In addition, all the supplies in this town are in the hands of Lord Pizarro. If you want to purchase supplies, you must purchase them from Lord Pizarro."

"How about it, shall I take you to see Master Pizarro?"

"Besides, you are newcomers, so you have to meet Mr. Pizarro anyway, and prove your identities. What if you are pretending to be the navy?"

The tall and thin pirate put his arms around Walter's neck, but stared at Yin Lumi. He could tell that the leader of this group was Yin Lumi.


"Lead the way." Yin Lu said expressionlessly, the tall and thin pirate grinned, and turned around to show a sinister smile at his subordinates.

When the tall and thin pirate led the way, he looked back at Yin Lumi, Hei Si Mou, Walter and others from time to time. Seeing that they all looked calm and composed, a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

It is a bit abnormal to agree so easily. Are these guys really confident that their strength will not be killed?

But, forget it, as long as they can be brought to Master Pizarro, it will be resolved.

"It seems that this town is completely controlled by pirates. I will take care of the evil king later, and you will spread out and kill all the pirates here."

Yin Lumi gave instructions to Hei Si Mou, Walter and others through telepathy.

"Yes, my lord/sir!"

Hei Si Mou and others responded in their minds.

After Yin Lumi and his party left, another group of pirates came out from the streets and alleys, looking at the backs of Yin Lumi and the others from a distance, and then looking back at the large three-masted sailboat moored at the pier.

"Those guys look abnormal at first glance, how can any pirate stand guard?"

The pirates looked at the soldiers on the side of the ship looking around. Judging from their walking movements and temperament, they were simply a group of soldiers.

"Boss, aren't these people from the Navy?"

"Why don't we hurry up, the navy is here, and there must be a large force of the navy next."

"The explosion just now meant that the entire army of the "evil government" Pizarro was wiped out?"

"Let's slip now, Boss. They'll have nothing to do with us if they fight."


A group of pirates talked a lot, with worried expressions on their faces. They were originally an independent pirate group, but they accidentally broke into the island a month ago, and the "Evil King" Pizarro killed the captain and two cadres, leaving only them little guys.

The person called the boss is the oldest pirate among them. After the captain and the cadres died, he became the boss logically, and at the same time was forced to become the pirate group under the "Evil King" .

"Idiot, it doesn't have to be the navy!" The pirate known as the boss looked at the ships on the pier and gritted his teeth: "It is impossible for the navy not to hang the navy flag. These guys may be the army of some country."

"However, even so, they are the ones who can destroy five ships and hundreds of pirates without any damage."

"Let's prepare. When they fight, we will go to the palace to move supplies and treasures."

The pirate boss gave instructions to his younger brothers.

"Okay, boss."

The younger brothers responded one after another.

"Damn evil king, what kind of pirate tax do you have to pay every month to join his banner?"

"This time I finally kicked the iron board."

The boss of the pirate said in a gloomy manner, and quietly ran towards the palace with his younger brothers.

Twenty minutes later, Yin Lumi and the others were brought to a castle by Gao Shou. The iron gate of the manor had been destroyed long ago, and it fell to the side.

"This is the palace of Zagros, and Master Pizarro is inside."

The tall and thin pirate introduced to Yin Lumi and his group, UU reading www. led them through the park, into the castle, through the grand lobby and corridors, to the main hall of the palace.

"Hahaha, these wines are treasured by the royal family. I heard that they are going to be dedicated to the famous wines of the Tianlong people. Drink quickly meow~"

"Oh~! Thank you, Pizarro-sama~!"

"Enjoy here for another month, the navy will almost notice it, and then we have to withdraw meow~"

In the main hall, the evil king Pizarro and his subordinates are gathering together for a banquet and drinking.

Yin Lumi stood at the entrance of the main hall, staring at this burly, weird pirate who liked to add a "meow" at the end of his sentences.

"Evil government" Abaro Pizarro, there are not many pirates that can be wiped out by the world government, and each one has its own uniqueness.

Before each action, Pizarro will collect intelligence, step on the spot, find out the contact cycle between the target and the navy, divide the force, cut off the contact between the opponent and the navy, and finally attack, win, and secretly control the entire island to make money.